(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Chloe: u lucky gal.. Im OWO, (one woman operation)after confinement.

My feeding routine quite similiar to some of u.. Day Time - BM, Nite Time - FM, except I pump out, cos find bottle feeding faster & I know how much bb drinking.

Going to have my first massage today... although have gone back to pre-preggie wt & can wear my normal the clothes... but hope this session can make the bad blood all come out & help stop my lochia... so sianz... its like never ending [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 1 mth already!!!


Faye: me too! Bb can take more than hr to feed. But i limiT to an hr. Now i limit to ard 20 min each side, then he FM. He will fall asleep easily too

jewel, i will be OWO too after confinement...

as for massage i can only start 2 weeks later haiz... and so evny you are back to pre pregnant ...i still have 3.5kg to go haiz.. was hoping can cut more back to pre marriage weight wahahhaha

Jen, Im staying opp pioneer mall. K, so now i understand y u wana consult private pd then. Its real tiring to repeat story, I understand..

Faye, I suspect tat time when i was having engorgement, I applied cold cabbage to ease the pain, then subsequently, cooling pad.. As of theory, coldness will numb or cease pain while hotness will stimulate flow especially after a hot bath.. And i did not try to pump out for a day and the next day when i pump, practically no milk!

PTB, im almost back to my preggy weight after the massage, just that my tum is still very pudding feel! For CDA, i was told it takes 3 weeks to process. I did it at TMC during my stay there. This is the 3rd week and i Have yet to receive anything yet.

Any suggestion on where to get the abdomen binder? the traditional cloth bought from the ML is very long and tying is very troublesome!

Btw, my bb is having some kind of rashes at the buttocks, back thigh area, neck and back. Im suspecting it to be cause by the cloth diapers at the buttocks area. any mummies using cloth diaper experience this? As for the rash at neck, i think is heat rash cos i swaddle him to sleep and whenever i carry him, he is wet from head to back! So does bb scare of cold or heat?

Cda account- I recd the nets card frm ocbc 4 days back. But the cash gift of 1000, yet to credit into guardian account(mother a/c).

Had my 1st massage today too. Shiok! All the tightness in the body "unlocked".

Jewel, I can't do it man for the owo. Haha I handle my boy for 3 to 4 hours, I already gv up. Esp when he does not wan to nap after his feeding. Like today my boy is awake frm 11am to 3pm b4 he fall aslp. I tap him till I fall aslp myself.. Haha!

Ptb- haha I m oso greedy, I wan my pre marriage weight. But like sooo difficult. And I still gt 4kg to b back to pre preggy weight. Hopefully massage can help! Lol

Ptb: we same same lo..

Just finished massage, not bad but binders v hot. She wrap me with her malay binder n my csect binder which I tot can put one side already. Wonder how many hrs I can tahan the wrap haha...

Chloe: ya, putting bb to sleep is most diff when they dun wana sleep. Goto pat, carry, walk ard, entertain, tired them out .. By then we ourselves tired out already.

haha chloe...let's work toward pre marriage weight hehehe....

jun...i haben start my massage and my turn also pudding feel...

as for CDA just did it last week at ICA haha guess i have to wait long haha

I still have 10 kg to lose .... Feel so stressed when mummies here say only a few more kg left to pre preggy period.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

How to lose? Weight loss like slow.

anyone heard of a breasts shield tat hlp to regulate milk flow while latchin? My bb kp chokin while latch on. Freak me out. Nw i m so afraid to latch him. Anyone experience the same problem?

Bam, Re: Passport

now bb will have a passport on their own, but only make it when u need to travel, cos my hubby say since bb's face change very fast, if the bb grow and doesn't look like whats in the pic then cannot be used already, the expiry for passport is 5 years but i'm quite sure we cant use it for so long cos bb sure looks very diff in maybe just a year time..

Pumping vs direct Latch on,

I prefer to latch on, cos i find pumping quite painful also leh.. my aurora got sore after pumping, but i checked the medela website that the size I using is correct.. haiz..

Chris, Re: birth registration

my hubby say the timing for both hospital and ICA is about the same, as the process is the same, but maybe ICA will take longer cos its cheaper thus more pple will do at ICA, hospital charge additional $20 as handling fee, but we did it at the hospital while waiting for PD appointment..

Diana, my gal also sleepy now taking 90ml can finish my cl says wana increase to 120ml aiyoh like tat ss can never catch up already... How's Daryl coping with his little sis? My older gal so far ok dun really bother abt my little gal but she'll sayang and kiss her.

PTB, jus received e cda card and bb bonus jus credited. Did mine on 16 nov during birth reg at mt A


Daryl is getting better. From intially day 1 when Sheryl is home he cry and scream when he saw me carrying her and say dun want mei mei and beat mei mei till now he will say want to carry mei mei when Sheryl cry and even want to feed Sheryl milk lor. And these day in the morning, Daryl will wake up when he heard his mei mei cry lor.....and will follow me out to see Sheryl lor


Diana, wow good glad tat he accepts meimei now. When did u giv birth? Sorry never read e archives ;p is ur Daryl going to cc since ur Sheryl is going to e same nanny?

chris my hb took only +/- 30 mins to get it done at ICA cos he went there early at 8am on weekday :p

thanks annabelle.. so they take around 3 wks to get things done..ok then i will wait since i only did it last week haha

and diana gave birth on 17th a day after me

diana... daryl so sweet... so now he is a big boy

Jun: oh no no wonder no milk. LC told me to stop Milk flow is to apply cabbage n change every 4 hour n stop pumpin n latching.

OMG so many mummies reaching pre-preggy weight! Fr last wk till now i still stuck at 10kg.... Like never change....

Hammiebao: i also prefer to latch n find my aerola sore when using medela.I can only increased by one level higher on the suction. I half hand express too. My poor breast.

Jun, annabelle : Wah good we are staying so near to each other... when bb more stable liao we can meet somewhere ard too. I went to Kidzlink at Jurong East today but the doc is on a week leave so went to Choa Chu Kang branch in the end. Hope bb recover fast. Annabelle, I have seen a mix of good and bad reviews on Anne baby clinic in the internet so quite hesistate to try it earlier.

PTB: I received my CDA card abt 2.5 weeks later. The bb bonus was credited earlier.

I still have 4 kg to my pre-pregnant wt.. But I forced to eat alot during confinement.. My aunt keep asking me to eat.. 3 meals with rice then about 2-3 times of Milo and some soup sessions in between! And my aunt ask me to eat 2 bowls of

Rice each meal which I told her that I can never do it.. Haha

10th days after giving birth, went to see PD and my gynae.. I really like Dr Terence Tan, but he's way too busy.. He's very nice and he actually praised me saying thy I did very well as it's really tought to tbf, and I'm really touched by what he said, bb gained 500g in 10 days.. Previously I felt quite down cos my aunt n mil commented that bb veryslinny must be my milk supply not enough.. As a FTM, I really doubt on my supply and very concerned about bb not gaining fats.. But Dr told me bb will only gain fats around 3rd month.. Now is just weight.. Bb has very mild jaundice, 10.2.. Dr said will go away in abt 2 weeks time..


Ya I give birth on 17th Nov a day after PTB7476. Daryl will be gng to CC in Jan while Sheryl go to nanny lor. So the nx task is to ensure that daryl can adapt to the CC lor.


There is still time when Daryl will try to 'beat or bully" mei mei lor. but we do see improvement in him lor. Like he is learning to be more gentle towards mei mei and he is getting less jealous with me carrying Sheryl too lor.


Ya I heard from my frenz before that to stop the milk then apply cabbage lor...mayb u wan to go see LC again to see if there is anyway to rebuild the milk supply again.

increasing milk supply

Ladies, my frenz who TBF her 2 sons and total express out for her #2 told me that to increase milk supply is to keep pumping regular. That is if lets say u choose to pump at 3 hourly interval then juz be hardworking and pump every 3 hourly, which slowly you will find your milk supply increase.

for me, as currently i am still using my hand to express, I will also pump every 3 hourly. initally, it will take me 30 min or more to get 80ml then after few days, I will be able to get 80ml within 15 or 20 min so I know my milk supply have increase. Then I will push my breast to work harder, that either I will pump every 2 and half hour for 80 ml or i will pump for 30 min or more to get 90 ml at 3 hour interval. This is how I tried to slowly increase my supply lor.

so lets all jia you on BF, pumping and increasing our supply.

pre-preggy weight

so far, I nv weight myself yet so I not sure but with the good confinement, I not sure how much weight I can lose lor...mayb I will weight myself this wed when I go for my gynae check up ba.

Jun – I dt think d rashes is due to cloth diapers because mine is not using cloth de also having d rashes wonder which mommy k hv solution for this, I hv tried d pink col rashes cream still d same.

Bam – they are right bb no longer able to tag to our passport and get yourself prepare to change their pic within d 5 yrs (our passport now is 5 yrs) my #1 kan na custom officer ask her to change pic.

Diana: Wah hand express...so power, me use dual pump already very shack.

I wanna ask, if I wanna latch, then can still pump on regular basis? I am afraid by the time I pump finish, BB will be hungry or when i latch then later pump = super tired. I cant seem to have a gd routine

I think I am a lazy mom...=(

Faye, I prefer latching on, sl I only pump when needed, like my breast gets very hard or I need ebm in case I can't attend to my bb when he's hungry..

Hammiebao: Really envy you, my breast never really feels hard before (sign of low milk supply i think).

But i do have block milk ducts here n there (so have milk??). Confusing and Sian...

Anyway, today BB sleep alot...latch a while then sleep again...dun have the energy to wake him up anymore


I think if u pump straight after u latch should be ok ba....coz I thot tat is wat the LC alway say to increase supply. But as I was not successful on latching and was now on total pumping I am not too sure abt it.

Hand express is beri tired initally but after you get used to it then it is ok de....but I plan to use my pump later when my supply is more stable lor.

Me very headache Wif my no 1. She is getting more n more stubborn n keep crying for no reason. Spanked her but my mil said I can't during confinement period coz will make her more stubborn in future. But I really can't control myself after seeing she is behaving so unreasonable. She even asked me go away only want her my mil. So sad.

Blocking Nose

My bb now 3 wks but she suffer blocking nose. Checked her nose, clean as I clean her nose daily. Anyone can help how to resolve tis prob? Heartache see she can't sleep well.


I have another 15 kg on me. Dunno how to. It maintain at 60 since first wk after labour!

Hi Chris

If yr bb chokes while latching it could mean yr milk flow is too fast for him. I read somewhere u should try and fees

Him lying down or lean back to help slow down the flow of the milk.

Hi mummies

My medela fs makes a funny sound im really afraid it will give way .... I just bought it last year when I had no1 only used it around 3 months.....

strawberry> ya, read abt it too. Bt if i wan2 latch him outside, i cant lie dwn leh. Heard tat thers such shield tat hlp. Wonder if its available any wher in sg.


Just to check with just totally pumping enable to increase/improve in bm supply? As I find my bb got nipple confusion, he can't deep latching. Only manage to do shallow latching. Then milk flow is so much slower than bottle feed.

I tried to express out every 3 hr(w/o latching) it can vary from 50-80ml. But my bb is currently drinking 90-100ml. Seems like so hard to catch up with his intake.

To me BM seems like a dessert for him, cos I need to supplement most of his intake with formula.

I am also taking fenugreek but the improvement is so little. Any suggestion to improve it? OR I shall just give up on BF. hai...

Leehong: I also got another 15kg to go... ^5... But I believe just need longer time to lost those fats.

As for block nose I am using Pigeon nose dirty sucker and I think is quite useful, to suck out deep dirt from bb nostril.

It cost around 6.90 and available in kiddy place and big departmental store. (Bigger NTUC also will be selling)


Oneegg, I think pumping will help too.. Drink more soup? I always drink green papaya with fish soup.. To boost milk supply..

Ladies, normally how long u all pump? I quite dislike pumping so I only pump like 15 mins then I totally sick of it.. Sometimes will drag till 20mins..

Bb drinking time,

I think my bb quite funny.. From 7-10am.. He drink once every hour.. Then afternoon will be about once every 2 hours then at night he drink once every 3-4 hours.. This trend I observe 2 days already..

Changing of environment,

Does changing of environment makes bb feeding time different? My bb kept waking up for milk yeterday night (1st night at my MIL place) he eat n poo at 1am.. Then 2am the same thing happen again.. Then 4am n 6am fry for milk.. But the last night at my place he only woke up twice between 11pm to 7am..

Nose clearing pump, i think the pigeon brand is a bit too big to be inserted into infant nostril, im using that on my 3yo. For kid under 2yo its best to use those rubber type with a narrower insert into the nostril and a round 'ball' for us to press and release in order to suck out the dirt inside. its blue in colour.

I also dislike pumping...but latching on also take a long time cos I will never know if my BB have enough (He will keep sleeping and after 1 hr, he will still show abit of rooting signs). So pumping become more time efficient for me. Haiz!

Still thinking if I should go on exclusive pumping.

My baby is 14 days old and she sometimes falls asleep while suckling or takes long pauses between suckles. Then after about 20mins of feeding, I put her down and her eyes are wide open and she wants to feed again. Keep having to repeat this process is tiring and I may need to 'feed' for an hour or so. Wonder if its because my milk flow is too slow? (see link below). She finishes her feed alot faster on the bottle.


yay! confinement over! but it also means, 1 mth of maternity leave over liaoz.....

I had my gal's 1st mth celebration on Sat. Sun was my mum's bday celebration and yesterday was my #1's bday celebration in school. So, it was a tiring weekend for me...

#2's 1st mth celebration wasn't that tiring, probably coz I had grandparents and aunties who wanted to carry baby....and baby slept right though the whole noise etc! We held the celebration at The Namly Lounge and food had to be catered by Kriston. Venue was good (plus free parking)...spacious, nice deco, quiet surroundings...Food...I dunno. I didn't get to eat! (so my mum's concerns abt me eating the non-confinement food at the party were unfounded. too busy to eat!) But colleagues who were there said the food was good...esp the laksa. Some older relatives felt the laksa could be warmer though.

I bought Ang Ku Kueh (to distribute and also to eat at the party) from Poh Cheu (the coffeeshop at Blk 127 Bukit Merah Lane 1). The AKK is GOOOOOD! Everyone raved about it and the AKKs were wiped off the tray very quickly. So for those who are thinking of getting ur own AKK to distribute to relatives, can consider Poh Cheu, but must self-collect. 60 cents each and freshly handmade. Fat AKK and choc-FULL of filling. It was A LOT of filling in each AKK. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The people at Poh Cheu are also very nice and friendly. There's another shop at Bukit Merah (Blk 125). Air-con shop called Kuehs and Snacks. I didn't order from them coz when I called to place orders, I kinda felt that the lady was a bit 'tao'. Hb bought 1 AKK from Kuehs and Snacks when he went Poh Cheu to collect, and the fillings didn't seem as much/thick as that from Poh Cheu.

Jewel: do you mean you don't latch on at all? I feel that its much easier to express milk and then feed on bottle. Cos she's alot more focused in her feeding and I know how much she is getting. But worried that if I don't latch her on, then she may not want to latch on in future.

How's everyone? Been so busy with my baby that I totally couldnt come in for abt 3 weeks.

Wow Jewel, envy lei!!! How u did it? My gal is approaching 6 weeks old n im still weighing the same, still 10kg in excess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Im like most of u, latch on during daytime n full fm at nite. Hardly pump cos really tired. Baby takes almost an hr to feed.

oneegg that nose clean tube look abit too big for bb nostril right ?

hammiebiao..for me i pump at least 20mins sometime 22mins of course there are times when BB suddenly wake up and want milk i will cut short to 15mins so that he can have what i have already pump out

Faye i prefer pumping my bb always fall asleep after latching on for 10mins and i have to wait another 5 mins to wake him up for another 10mins on the other side and all in all i dunno how much he is having and i have to guessimate and in the end he get hungry even fast...so by pumping can control the amt he is taking of course i will still latch at least once a day so that he wont confuse bottle and nipple

janO my bb also fall asleep when i put him down on bed he will wakeup ...aso i will usually spend time burp and wake him up so that he can have at least 20 mins of BM

Hammiebao , so u cook the green papaya soup urself ? Or?

Actually my mum is doing confinement for me for the first wek she need cook... First day soup is quite similar to tmc layer on I realise I m drinking ripe papaya soup as days past the papaya ripe... Then taste a bit funny like I m eating papaya in salty soup base so I suggest my mum don't cook that.

I got friends told me k go tmc cafe n tabao b freeze it n heat up to drink when necessary. But that one need a day advance order. I also don't knoe when will go tmc again.

I pump around 15-30 mins , if bb sleeping I got time and will pump till 30 min. tried my best to squeeze dry it.

Actually sometime I pump only 15 min off 4 hr or kor interval get yield more - 80ml but sometime I pump 30 min for 3 hr interval only 50ml from both breast. Wonder how milk is produce .

Rxsti: oh quite big? I don't know lei vow I find it easy to use. I jus place outside the nose and ask hubby to suck n I hold bb head a still position. During my number 1 I still bring to gp to suck n cost me 30 buck and he prescrip illadin for bb.

Clover : of course if possible I prefer to latch. But latching him only 3-5 min he fall asleep and I put him back yo bed he wake up for milk. And I find it tiring to being him up and down the bed. Then when latch him sometime he k latch well sometime will get sore nipple.

I prefer to latch cos no need to clean pump n bottles.

Just wonder shall I see lactation consultant for assistance or not and bb is going to b a month by Tmr.

Sometime I feel hubby does not really support me on bf. When ever bb hungry he will rush to make fm and feed him.

Then he always comment my bm is insuffuencient for bb.

Hai so really trying hard to boost supply.

Especially when we go out he does not like bb to latch . He prefer to make fm. Maybe with lots of fm supplement bb my bf journey seems like not working on the right track.

Ptb : the tube is like a mouthpiece for us adult to suck . The one on the bottle then is for the bb. I think quite alright lei or my bb nostril bigger ?

Oneegg, I have the same nose cleaner, recommended by my friend but I haven't use it


I only pump when needed cos I really like force myself to pump, so far I only pumped for less than 5 times.. The most milk I got was 150ml in total from both sides in abt 15mins..

My 7 weeks old bb is refusing bottle feed. I'm going bk to work in 2 weeks time. HELP!! what shud I do? I'm so lost & upset when bb cry & cry & cry for 30min when I use btl to feed him. He eventually falls asleep wif only drinking a few sip/drops. I'm kinda scared now...


Jen, annabelle > Which formula u all give for yor baby? Im seeking for mummies who wana share enfalac a+ which cost $38 per tin, collection at blk 732 jurong west. Waiting for reply from the bulk purchaser on the min. qty required

