(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

trismom> oic...think ur MIL is jealous and unhappy wif you because your parents moved in wif u.

im loosing my appetite recently..anyone experience this?


Jo (jogwyn):

Really thks a million for ur advises , else i will still be wondering n pondering over fear n stress...

I would definitely appreciate whenever u r free to share with me abt wat to do for C-sect so i won't be so nervous abt it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I didn't have epistomy for 1st child. I did

perineal massage n I tore naturally. The hospital will give u something to clean the wound below n a cream to apply.

ueno: thanks for replies! I heard of perineal massage but not sure how it works. u did the massage before giving birth? by urself or engage someone to do? 10x =)

Chris, i went kiddy palace on weekend and most of it are 6 months and above.

thanks whitecookie i will check out mothercare

Jo, if not wrong, irene also borderline for G.D and by right she shouldnt take yogyurt (unless sugarless and plain) and juice too often cos that will increase the sugar in blood

ya i agree MIL stories are universal...it happens to majority of the people. right from day 1 i was pregnant, my MIL told me that only rich people take birds' nest, poor people take hashima...until today she has not make any for me...hahahaha...wat nonsense...so I go bk to my parents' house for birds' nest lor...and my hubby bought me those concentrated ones to take in our room.

Nana: My friend said she replied you regarding the survey already?

Babywonder: Pleasure to provide info that are useful. Will definitely share all that I know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clover: Thanks. Ok, will not eat chic then for the first week. I did cook beef stew also, did you eat beef during confinement?

PTB: Thanks for info. Oh so, must really be so strict with the sugar intake? It must be hard on you guys, does it help if it's diluted?

Jo, well both irene and myself did not see a true blue dietician. for me just briefing by nurse at the clinic so i rather play safe than risk the last stage of our pregnancy esp when the BB is going to absorb as much within these 2 months. the problem with GD is our body is not producing enuff insulin to regulate the sugar in our body ..and most of the time it is Carbo turned sugar so given that carbo is a common source of food for Asian think best is reduce other sugar stuff

now my only worry is the Thought of GD is hunting me and i undereat and BB is not getting enuff nutritions..haiz...

PTB: why dun u try some to cook some tonic soup for urself? Ask ur mum or MIL if u duno how. Bought some herbs/tonic last week to "pu" bb... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now is the time bb can absorb.

I can pass u the receipe if u want.

As I m doing a last min checking on all the stuffs for BB's arrival, I still nd to buy thermometer.

Any recommendations? Buy the one for ear or forehead?

In the mids of my "spring cleaning", I realise tat I hv spent a lot of $ to prepare for breastfeeding, e.g. breast pumps, pyjamas, nursing wear, breasts pads, nipple cream and etc. I m wondering...wat if for watever reasons, I can't BF thn hw? My breasts seems to hv stop growing. I hv bn wearing the same size for at least 3 mths liao. Thy seems to vh stop growing or reduced in size. And one is smaller than the othr...quite obvious. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Am I worrying unnecessarily?

jewel >> I wan the recipe. Safe to "bu" BB nw? I m always having outside fd, sometimes I feel so sorry for my BB. Bt whn mus we start drinking coconut drink?

chris> i also have nt get the thermometer. heard frm my SIL and sis that shld get the one for ear.

as my hb and i are staying alone, we usually settle our meals outside. but i will go to my mum's place for dinner twice a week, so that she can cook those tonic soup for me. i cant cook at all..

we can only take coconut drink one mth b4 our delivery...so i tend to start ard 33wks

Jewel, can i have the recipe too..thanks in advance... my mom have been making black chicken soup and bird nest on alternate week, but given that bird nest required rock sugar to test better, guess i will ask her to stop on bird nest for the time being...i dun mind trying out other soup to bu bu :p

Ya Chris, safe to bu in 3rd trim.

ok, anyone who is interested:

1) Dong Chong Xia Cao (2 strings)

2) Tang Sheng (2-3 Strips)

3) Pao Sheng

4) Gou Qi Ji (~25 seeds)

5) Red dates 5 no.s (optional)

"duen" with lean meat for 2 hrs. This is to boast immunity of ur bb, & they have rosy cheeks when born... lol.

Thanks Jewel and Bluesoda...

Jewel, i heard from a friend, drink soya bean milk BB will have rosy cheek too cos her newborn has rosy cheek really cute

Bird's Nest Soup

(Possess nutrients that benefit the major organs of the body; Some Chinese traditionally eat this to give their baby a Fair & Smooth Complexion! Caution: Those who have history of allergies, especially asthma may need to avoid this soup as it can bring about rather severe allergic reactions such as swollen eyes, swollen mucous membranes, wheezing, etc. I have witnessed this with my own daughter and my husband.)

40g Bird's Nest

1 whole chicken

1 slice old ginger

Clean & Gut Chicken. Scald the chicken in hot boiling water.

Soak bird's nest in 3 bowls of warm water for 2hrs. Remove impurities & drain.

Put all ingredients in a crockpot & fill 1/2 to 3/4 full (~4cups) with HOT water.

If you wish, season with 1 teaspoon of salt before serving.

If you wish to eat this Bird's Nest in the Sweet style, combine the bird's nest with 80g Rock Sugar instead & Boil the same way. You may then serve it warm or chilled.

i dunno...bird nest can be cook together with chicken =)) really mountain tortorise :p

PTB: ya, my beautician told me she tried birdnest but 1st bb complexion not v gd, then she tried bean curd (fu zhou) with milk + barley gives gd complexion to her 2nd bb.

Not too sure if soya bean gives rosy cheeks leh, cos rosy cheeks have more to do with blood circulation ba. Guess different soup to pu different thing.

i love to drink fuzhou + bailey but they are very sweet..and i lazy to make them (alot of patience required to make it good) ...haiz...so have to avoid

mummywong: oh actually gynae said i can still choose to go natural delivery if i wan to..then of cos need jab antibotics before labour...but then just tat there's risk tat bb get infected with the strep B bacteria.

for c-sect(when its elective, not yet water bag brust/labour start), bb ganna infected is low...

initially i was still thinking if wanna go for c-sect cos pretty scare of all the long labour..thus now since detected with this strep B thingy...think i will decide on c-sect lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

have also already fixed the c-sect date on 16oct! scary..as doing a quick calculation, in ~4 more weeks i can delivery liao!!

jo: tks! ya like PTB mentioned, ai..i got mild diabetic thus drinking of cranberry juice is actually out for me...but then sometimes like say 1-2 a week, i try to dilute 1/4 cup of cranberry juice with water to drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hoping it helps a bit...anyway im still on oral antibotics...

can ask u a personal question?: after ur c-sect, are u able to squat down to wash ur bottom? as we will be bleeding there, cos wonder how to wash n clean ourselve with the wound so near [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jewel/bluesoda: tks for all the "bu" receipe.


i did it myself. u can google it n follow the instructions. must do it everyday. i use olive oil to massage

PTB: oh i'll be w37 then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as gynae suggest since wanna elective c-sect, better to do it earlier in case i go into early labour...but of cos need to monitor on bb growth/weight before really decide if this date is still doable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

FTMTB...so gan cheong now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vt: my gynae is dr douglas ong and i haven't chosen any pd yet...do we need to choose one from the hospital itself? any recommendations? cos' i intend to let baby take future vaccinations from my family gp whom i feel very comfortable with...and ya i still have a good appetite tis trimester...my oni problem is i can't sleep every nite...always toss and turn till 3 am...and i got "restless legs" that make it worse...huhuhuhuh...

coconut drink

when can we start drinking them? hubby just bought two coconuts from ntuc (those opened at the top ones)...are they the correct type?

bu recipes

my mum very "on" go library to borrow some books on soup/tonic/dessert recipes for preggies and recipes for confinement...will share with you mummies after i tried them...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies

I'm helping my friend who is selling a VERY comfy and good to use baby sling imported from South Korea. She is based in Malaysia so to lighten the load for the shipping fees in order for mummies in Singapore to pay lesser, all slings will be shipped to my place and self-collect at various MRT stations and other locations to be advised again.

The Best Baby Sling From South Korea

- 100% Breatheable cotton

- up tp 5 or more different positions to sling baby

- newborn to 2 yrs old

- comes with Pillow & matching Hat

- How-To-Use instruction guide and CD Rom

- Liability Insurance on Sling

- Best Kids Goods award in Korea!

More details @ http://bestbabysling.webs.com/index.htm Kindly note to contact me instead of the email adressee on the website.

The purchases will only be confirmed once we hit 15 orders of the slings. The price is as follows:

Baby Sling: SGD = S$96 (inclusive of shipping fees with min. 15 orders)

For ordering and for more details, please contact me at: [email protected]

chris> for the soup,we can take till we deliver.

Re Coconut drink

We can only take coconut drink 1 mth b4 our delivery. cant take too early, coz is very "cold" not good for baby.

coconut drink> i think i read somewhere it's those small green thai coconut? drink one mth before delivery, but i'm not sure on the frequency to drink though.

Jewel/bluesoda, Tks for the recipe n link! Had my first tonic soup yesterday brewed by my mom. She used black chicken. It was so yummy!

Irene, the c sect date sounds so near. Yr bb is big that's why c sect this early?

Hi all mummies, I just got admitted to GlenE for contractionss but I am only 31 weeks! The bb cannot come out now cos she is less than 2kg. Let's hope that she will be ok and I can go home tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh gosh! White cookie, dats shocking news! Talk to your bb. Will keep you and bb in prayer.

enmummy: oh u r seeing Douglas Ong! He has the 3/4D machine during every check up rite? Wah so happy for you, u can see ur bb during every check up. I have been with this gynae for my 1st 2. Think he always recommend the same pd. I selected mine when I had my no.2. normally for pd, I will see them for the 1st year. After that, unless my child is seriously ill and need immediate attention if not I will go kkh and normal gp.

I also dunno, it happened in the office...every 30mins since after lunch more intense so decided to come in n do CTG test. Nw just need to monitor the contractions and try to stop it. Bt my last contraction was at 9pm. Hopefully no more for e nite. thx PTB and VT.

I also dunno, it happened in the office...every 30mins since after lunch more intense so decided to come in n do CTG test. Nw just need to monitor the contractions and try to stop it. Bt my last contraction was at 9pm. Hopefully no more for e nite. thx PTB and VT.

Hi mummies,

Went to see baby today as I was having some contraction (not very frequently but better go see her be safe since it was stronger than what I'd experienced with my son). She'd gave me ventolin (1 pill 3x a day) to ease the contraction.

The good news is that baby is 2.05kg @ exactly 31 weeks. ( crossed the magical 2kg) Growth scan (similar to detailed scan where they measure the head circumference, femur length etc) shows she is on the tall side. Now just hope to keep her in for at least 4 weeks. Scheduled c-sect at 38 weeks.

whitecookie, hope everything is ok for u and bb. But if have contractions so early, safest place is to be at hospital.


Try to relax (I know it's not easy) and hope baby be good and try to stay in longer. Talk to baby.


I was also advised to choose between 38 - 39 weeks. Must be excited to be able to see baby soon.

Btw, try not to squat after c-sect. If possible, make sure your shower hose Is long enough (if you are using it) and get a short plastic stool to lift and support one of you leg (one leg on floor, one on stool) to help you access the private area to clean without squatting (hope you understand what I meant)


You worry too much, breastfeed have nothing to do with breast size. It's more on the simulation. 1st few days, you'll hardly see the milk, it's only colostrum which is sufficient for baby. There are cases where baby unable to latch thou, then you'll might have to feed expressed BM instead.

As for bu, all I have (both last pregnancy and this time round) is those concentrated eu yan sang bird nest (ready to drink / bottled type) and cordycep (about 5-6 pieces) brewed plainly with lean meat with 1 small bowl of water. Was once a week since 2nd trimester. Now upgrade to twice a week.

Nana - I'm going to see my KK gynae this week. U have the link of the healing pericare wash so I can see more info? I can ask her abt it and whether it is really recommended by KKH gynaes. Find this sort of sales speech v dubious from salespersons sometimes.

trismom, at least u dun stay w/ ur MIL. I do.... and looks like no end in sight (unless I make enuff $ to get a HDB flat). I 110% agree w/ u on there are better MILs out there and I also know of (at least) 1 worse MIL, so better dun compare. To me, it's not important that my own parents think well of my MIL or not. It's up to them to draw their own conclusions abt her and my FIL, for good or bad.

bluesoda - yah, I also have the occasional poor appetite. I have heartburn and will feel like vomitting the half-digested food sometimes. But then I'm also hungry. I don't know what this baby wants!?!

chris - I bought the Braun ear thermometer coz my SIL (who has 2 kids) recommended that one. This is the one



I'm using the same thermometer too. So far the most accurate. Only thing is that there is no backlight for reading. Thus at night need to have a small night light nearby yet nit near enough to be too bright for my son.

Sorry how do contraction feel like ? I remember someone mentioned before but I forget already. I still cant relate that based on words



take care n rest as much as u can. Need to keep baby inside as long as u can.


u too. Rest n relax.

Chris ,

I'm using the same thermometer. I feel it's more accurate measuring the ear.

