(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

sophia, white cookies, pls do take care. the story of admitin to the hospital is so scary. Am goin to see my gynae tonite, goin to tell him abt my 'contraction' weeks ago. hopefully i wouldn have to admit to check.


was on MC yest, my GP wrote me a referral letter to admit to KK for checkup. as he feels dr adrain is not helpin much on my bloodcount, only givin my iron pills not enuff. think i'll keep the letter till i realli cannot tahan den go KK for 2nd opinion.


can u PM me ur email or contact number for the confinement wine. its most or less ready for collection.


ive replied ya mail.. ;)


Whitecookies, Fashion Spree & Sophia: u ladies rest well ya... tell ur bbs to hang on.

OrgangeBB: Me too, feeling hot even though I on the aircon & fan. But I dun feel cold though.

Mrs Lee: thks, got ur mail.

Hi shan, she's been good so far n seem the honest type but she's a terrible cook. The pic in my FB is I asked her to pose for me. :p

My agency's contract stated can only change maid twice in a yr. Dun think they restrict a min period. Then again, diff agencies hv diff terms. Tot u going to yr relative's agency? Maybe they will waive off for u.

Hi Chris,

Can i know whr to buy the impression panties?

Hi Whim,

Im interested in the Braun Thermometer. Shall pm you shortly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just to check issit the same link as a/m?

I think feeling hot is quite common for pregnant ladies...I also feel warm even when i sleep in aircon 23 degrees..while my hb froze in his comforter.

I cant stand heat at all..i always stare at the clock so i can quickly hibernate into the aircon room as early as possible at night.

Its really a lot of mummies here having early contractions ...kinda worries me too. But i trying to keep calm and enjoy the pregnancy and not to freak out. Wonder what causes to have so many mummies having contractions so early nowadays....we are all only into our 8th month...

till now i still not sure how the contractions feel? Usually bb moves and it gets hardens...or unexplained hardens or breathlessness...my backaches i often excuses it as I tend to have them..so even if i have encountered contractions..i prob ignore it and slept thru it...hmmm...am i thick skinned or just blur?

Orangebb/jewel, me too. Woke up at 6am this morn. During last trimester, we will easily feel hot n bothered. I think my nesting syndrome is kicking in too, really dun need to sleep...

Havent been posting lately... been getting tired very easily and weekend is always busy cleaning the baby room and so since weekeday is always packed with work. Hope everyone is good and well. 2 more months and Im getting so excited and of cos also scared if I can handle it. Just went to check up last weekend too, baby is ard 1.3kg and my gynae is not nagging too much already. haha.

Contraction: Can someone describe, how does it feels like?

Jolyn: you can get from robinson. selling $4.5 for the maternity kind... but the size is too big for me so I got the normal cotton disposable which is $4 only.

weather: these few days is really hot. Think it is the weather not us right?

jen: agree its the weather too...cant stand it once it hits 31, 32 and 33 degrees...sweating so much at work..cos my office no aircon...only fan...arghhhhhh.....


Does it feel like menses cramp?

Last nite after dinner, i felt like my tummy going to "burst". The stretching feeling was terrible. Cant sit and cant stand. in fact, i din really eat alot. just a small meal..think my baby is growing and need more space.

Yes the weather really was terribly hot. cant sleep without aircon.

Whitecookies & Jovialz> Do take care & don't walk too much, try to rest on bed as much as possible..

Bing> Long time never see u posting. As some mummies say talking to baby helps, maybe your other bb will turn around soon, don't worry too much k..else it affect the other bb.

Hi Vallous, me too.. I feel tummy abit hardening when bb moves.. Really cant differentiate btw contractions leh..

Thanks Jen, shall go Robinsons soon and stock it up. Havent buy anything for my hosp bag yet wor..

Re: Feeling Hot

Yes totally cant stand being hot.. Office aircon was spoilt yday, kept calling the maintenance guy to come and fix it up.. And gets pek chek more easily upon the hot weather ;p

whim, i have pm-ed u as well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

do let me know how u want to arrange the payment n ETA.. TIA!


Me too been on hospitalization leave till next week. It's been a mth since I was order to bedrest at home. I can't go out too kind of bored at home sometimes. My gynae actually wanna bedrest me till I deliver , I told him 1 mth first see how my condition next week. If my placenta still low I think he will wanna bedrest me till I deliver.

As my job require me to move ard n he against my too much walking n moving ard.

I think we just have to guai guai at home not to walk or move too much then won't have early contraction as bb may be pressing hard on our placenta.

clover: think I have enough bb clothes already. Haha. Thanks! Oh, remember to calculate how much is the calendula cream ok. I've tried on my itchy tummy few times. feel good.

vallous: that sound serious that you have ur eyes on the clock. haha!

contractions: actually i am not sure whether bb moves or I am having contractions. If its bb moves, he sure do moves a lot.... but my tummy harden quite a number of times. I thoughts it normal???

I have few angry red lines on my tummy, n also my breast. Haiz. And at times when it's itchy, I will go n wipe by wetting the tissues and reapply the stretch mark cream or my countless-type-of-reduce-itch-cream. The skin at those marks feel so thin n sensitive.

Aiyo! SUPER heartache! =<

Any mummies already found their magic method to reduce stretch mark after birth, do share pls.

hi mummies! i have a medela PISA full set for sale. include many extras stuff that i bought during my breastfeeding journey. bought this year and still have warranty. interested do pm me!

whim: i may want to tompang the braun ear thermometer from amazon if you are accepting orders?....do you have an estimate of how much it will cost with international shipping? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jolyn: impression disposable cotton panties can get at places like giant, bhg, metro. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

coconut drink

yum yum never drink so long...just opened my first coconut from ntuc...so shiok...hahaha...tmr i will be 33 weeks so shud be ok ba? intend to drink once a week...hope baby comes out cleaner like what they say...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feeling hot

i still feel hot when i sleep on my back at 24 degrees...and yet poor hubby is freezing esp in the early morning when the room temp drops to only 22 degrees...hahaha...to think that it was me shivering before i got pregnant..so funnie..my gp say we will continue to feel hot even till confinement...hope the weather at the end of the year is good...these few days so humid leh...

yah i cant stand the heat till i literally count the minutes of the clock ticking by...

stretch marks: I am quite lucky so far, i dun see much stretch marks on my tummy..only tat purple line in the centre of my tummy...so usually i only use normal johnson and johnson bb cream to put on the itchy parts..tats it.

orangebb: me too need method for reducing stretch marks after birth...hahaha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sigh...got so many liao...but my gynae console me by saying these are battle scars lor...i comfort myself by telling myself as long as baby is healthy and fine that's my greatest reward...kekeke...my cousin put on stretchmark oil so religiously since the beginning oso found herself with many stretchmarks in her 7-8th month...can't be helped sometimes...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone got the baby strollers? My hb and i intend to get Quinny or Joolz. Anyone bot these 2 brand or is there any recommendation for baby stroller?

vallous: woah! u r lucky. only need to use J&J!

Maybe I shld try to drink avocado juice few times a week and drink berry essence. Suppose to help in collagen right? Means may help my skin to be stretchier... hehehe

Still have 2 1/2 mths to go. Not sure the map on my tummy will go how far? I hope not till Alaska... >_<"

enmummy: if u found the magic formulae, do tell me. I slather on lots cream even on earlier stage too, but still...

jo: oh there's the cranberry juice organic type..normally go ntuc but did not seems to see that they carry the organic type...tks for tat..will go check it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow cool...seems c-sect to u is perfectly no "kick" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u are able to operate as per normal/usual. tat's really great! ur words really give great encouragement to ppl like me gg for c-sect...i am so scare...cos still its a major surgey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jovialz: tks! will chk out if passing by ntuc today too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ai yo...seems for ur #1 u have went thru both contraction for such long hrs n later c-sect..it must have been tough...

Contractions - Feels like super painful menstral cramps. When I had #1, din know that is contractions till I told a colleague that I experiencing cramps :p

haiz, one of my colleague seated near me is down with chicken pox. I feel very worried even though I had chicken pox before.

I've requested to change my seating place for 1-2 weeks after her mc. Am I over-reacting huh?

piggydog, nope.. i dun tnk u're over-reacting. change ur seat if possible. cos its dangerous for us.

brazilian wax,

HPC, Shan, Ermm, Dolliepollie, Jen

are u still keen with BW? cos am goin to make appt for myself. say first week of oct. Ive check pricing, @pink parlour they charge $49, @ Strip they charge $55. PM me if your interested.

Bb thermometer, I can see a few emails while checking email on hp. Let me get back and send u ladies the details tonite, ok?

Orangebb - did ur SO kena GST at Singapore when he was coming back into Changi? Coz I've heard that technically these items are supposed to be declared (the red zone that most of us siam) and will end up paying GST.

So did ur creams work for ur itchness? Someone was recommending some special Ego cream (i remember the name coz it's so special).

Shan, no prob. Was just thinking that maybe my email to u ended up in the spam folder coz that has happened to me & my frens before.

Hi all mummies, I got discharged today after the contractions subsided...thanks for all your concern. They are not full blown so I cannot imagine the pain when we are about to give birth when the contractions peak. I will surely opt for epidural.

The cause of the contractions was food poisoning...caused stomach upset and the uterus to contract. ouch! so mummies, be very careful with what we eat from now onwards....its gonna cost at least $80K if we give birth at private hospitals before the bb hits 34 weeks. Also watch your blood pressure....the lady next to me last nite was awarded cos of her high blood pressure at 38 weeks...i think will cos complications.

Feels good to be home finally, it was a rather rough nite for me and my hubby...now have to bedrest for the rest of the week.

Hi whitecookies,

Dats really good news! Contraction due to food poisoning? Dats bad! Please take care and bed rest. It must be a long nite of worrying.... Think ur hubby will love u even more to see u suffer so much.. Hee... Have a good rest at home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Whim, I bought the spray from mom essential at United Square which Nana mentioned. Its ex but hope it is useful. After birth, my gynae will give me a bot of antiseptic wash, i think i used about 5 or 6 bots cos I washed the wound everytime I go toilet. Some mummies mentioned using salt water but I lazy to prepare. Hope this organic spray 'mama bottom spray' will speed up the recovery. Im using the nipple butt since my T1, abit goes a long way. Its very effective so i just bought the spray to try. U can go to its webby: www.momessentials.com.sg

oh, i bought their Aromababy Non rinse pure baby wash too. Hope it good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whitecookies: gd to hear tat u r ok. The actual contraction is said to be 10 times more painful than menses cramp. I'm opting for epidural too.. I dun wana be a hero. ;)

Those with high blood high chance needs c-sect. lucky me ONI hav GD *fingers crossed* ;p

Hi mummies,

stretchmarks: Urgh.... Dats the marks for woman entering motherhood. Envy those mummies without it! Share a joke with all of you - stretchmarks on the breasts will make our lulu & lucy look like two blooming 'Sunflower'.... Haa... Enjoy ur T3 and the little one's kicks and movement cos you are going to miss it when u popped! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yah i cannot imagine the actual contraction pain...after yesterday i realised i have developed more stretchmarks at my lower abdominal. not pretty all...envy those mummies without.

those who r having contractions-- pls do rest well

tis few days super hot. worse is today stil go zoo wif my #1. he enjoy it so much...


after much weighing the pros n cons, i kinda decided for elec csec again for my #2 cos there is still a risk of old wound rupture n endanger bb's life. so we decided to just go for csec lor...

im looking at 4th nov exactly 39wk

Whim: can let me know how much is the thermometer?

Whitecookies: glad that u have discharged.. Continue to take good care..

Mrs Lee: can add me for BW??

Gathering: no outcome?? We really should meet before due..

OrangeBB: when I attended the post natal class. Mdm Wong mentioned that. Stretch mark depends on individual body. So some apply alot of stretch mark cream also will not help. Hence I gave up applying my clarins. I still have 2 btls not open yet...

Hi mummies,

dun give up on the stretchmarks oil or cream. Eventhough it will not prevent stretchmarks, it acts as a moisturiser for the skin so that it wont itch so bad as the skin stretches. The lines will be even longer and wider if ur skin is not supple and moist.

Irene: I believe the NTUC Finest will have the organic range. I didn't deliberately check it out there cos the supermarket near me is Cold Storage.

C-sect is not that scary, being prepared is half the battle won; so any cons you hear, just take them as useful info. Nautural delivery is also the same- has it's pros and cons. If given our situation is a c-sect case, we just have to deal with it positively! I'm sure you will manage well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Lee: I'm going to Strips too but probably 2nd week of Oct.

Trismom: OIC. Your c-sect date is near mine and I'll be 38 weeks too. Mine is the 1 Nov week and likely we'll choose 1 Nov. Oh ya, FYI try to get the first slot in the morning when gynae has no other distractions and will be the freshest.


I'm keen on the Braun thermometer too! Been wanting to get a reliable one for some time.

1. Any idea if thermometer usually comes with warranty?

2. How much is it plus shipping?

Thanks!! =)

VT, the sunflower is funny la.. i dun have marks there,but veins tho.. so i have leaves around the bossom liao. ;p

Bam, ok..

Jo, so u goin to book BW urself?

Whitecookies, wah..didnt know food poisonin can led to that. sooo serious. the estimated hospital fees make me faint..


jus saw dr adrain, as usual.. a quick one. ask him abt my 4hours contractions. he ask if i feel pain after peein. i said yes. so he suspect to be urine infection. no med given cos pain is gone. jus tat he increase my dosage of iron pills to daily instead of one. Baby now weigh 1956gm @ 30weeks. my girl is a fei mui..

Gleneagles Maternity Package:

Just to share with those who have chosen to deliver at Gleneagles Hospital, although not many on this thread.

Went for hospital tour last wk. Will be taking a 2-bedded room, hopefully on 6th floor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maternity wards on 5th and 6th floor. 5th floor room furnishings are lighter brown whereas 6th floor room furnishings are darker brown.

On the day of admission, if there are no 2-bedded room, will be upgraded to 1-bedded room free.

But if choose 1-bedded room first and no 1-bedded rooms available during admission, will be downgraded to 2-bedded room but will pay only 2-bedded room package.

Maternity package price will not change for this year, phew!

Raspberry Leaf Tea:

Mummies, I read that raspberry leaf tea aids in labour and we can sip this tea even in labour to get labour going.

Does any mummies here know where to get these raspberry tea leaves?

Similac & Anmum Maternal Milk Samples:

I have 3 packets of Similac and 1 packet of Anmum to give away because they came as freebies and I don't take them as my gynae advised me not to take due to high sugar content, bec my baby cannot be too big this time. But good for mummies who want to plump up their babies.

Any mummies taking these maternal milk?

If you want, PM me and we'll see how to arrange.


did u find any feng shui master to decide on the date 1st nov? wat x is ur scheduled csec? i also wanted 1st nov but the master tat my hb look for say cannot... ai yo u knw deciding on the c sec date also headache. cos u knw tat super gynea of mine is super bz one lor. wanna deliver in mt a can oni do csec at 730am. my master oni gave me 9am. if 9am can oni do in tmc. lots of details to accommodate.. end up hor become their preferred date n time not ours anymore...

btw wen is ur edd supposingly jo?

actuali to all those mommies who hv no choice but csec, dun be so worried like jo says, its not s bad s u tink. im another one who speedy recovery tat do not hinder any things tat normal delivery mommy can do like breastfeed. cos some says due to csec cannot bf but for sure not true...

Fashion spree,

I did pap smear one year ago and found that I have Group B strep. I think Dr Loh won't do the test for me again now and will just give me anti-biotic drip if I'm going for vaginal delivery. Have you done any pap smear before? Otherwise you can check with Dr Loh next week to see whether he wants to do the test for you. How often are you seeing Dr Loh now? How's the position of your baby? Dr Loh is pro natural delivery so if your baby is in favorable position, he'll ask you to go for natural delivery.


I'm glad that you much better now and can finally go home. I didn't know that food poisoning can induce contraction. I had alot of sashimi a few days ago cos I had been craving for it for months and am feeling quite guilty now. I guess we must be careful of what we eat in the next few weeks for our bbs' sake. Take care!


I had been busy for the past few weeks trying to finish all my projects on hand so that I can handover to my colleagues and start to rest at home anytime from now onwards. My Dr said that I should start to rest any time from now onwards cos I'm contributing alot to the nation and boosting the fertility rate by producing 2 babies at a time..haha..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I have the cloth binder from Mdm Ida which I did not use at all. I bought it at $20 and would like to sell it off at $15, self collect. It's brand new as I decided not to use Mdm Ida for the massage afterall. Pls PM me if you are interested to get it.

