(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

clover: my mum will also avoid cooking chicken for me the first week or so i think if there are stitches..cos' she had bad experience herself last time when she ate chicken in the beginning for confinement..not sure what's the reason though...

vt: your inlaws are really one of a kind...i hope mine don't chu any pattern if not at that time plus sleep deprivation & raging hormones...i tink i won't care about showing them a black face...hahaha...its our first baby so i dunno what will happen but i actually hope they don't show up too much or make any unnecessary comments...hohoho...

btw, i just had my 32 weeks check up and baby is 1.8 kg but i gained 1.4 kg in 2 weeks...yikes!! doctor say i must watch my diet liao...haha...but i still eating mooncake...:p and i did the strep b swab test...ewwww...a bit pain for me leh...hope i don't test positive *pray hard*


enmummy, isn't the strep B test results instant? I tot it was.... was going to ask my gynae to do it for me this week when I go for my doc's appt.

waterproof bb mattress protector

Can I check with u ladies where I can buy these? Am thinking of buying them from a physical shop (not online, for once!) so I can see and touch... Apparently Ikea has, but I didn't see it in Ikea tampiness when I went just this weekend. Thanks in advance!

ai i was informed of a bad news...i had sterp b vaginal swap too..and it was tested positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

had taken antibotics but gynae said wun go away cos this bacteria is in intestines...

need to jab antibotics if gg into labour...n bb still has small risk to get infected.

but if gg for elective c-sect that no need jab antibotics and wun infect bb too.

thus think likely im planning to go for c-sect.

really hope i can be like jo where the c-sect wound is not painful and can recover fast....

jia lar...my pain threshold v low too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw just had my 32w visit to gynae yday and bb weight 2.112kg liao..gynae commented weight is ok...i did not put on much weight thou...as have been controlling on diet due to my diabetic condition..

Bam, thanks.. i will contact them to check on pricing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whim, mattress protector. the one my fren show me is from kiddypalace, e material is thinner n softer than pigeon. so am gettin that. i tink it cost less than $30. there's two diff sizes, that u can u cut the desire size for diff needs.

whim: tink have to wait a few days' for lab results i tink...they tell me no news = good news...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope i don't receive their call...haha...

irene: your baby over 2 kg liao i envy leh...i eat so much but my baby still S size...haha...but when i commented aiya so light my gynae ask me back "why you want so heavy?" hehe...tink because my size petite he tink its just nice for me...otherwise got problem pushing later...haha...and ya c sect does not 100% protect bb from strep b too...i read in sept thread i tink...some mummy had c sect but baby had a late onset of strep b after he is out...quite unexpected...

Hi mummies,

Im curious about the strep B. Will do some read up later. Cos it seems quite worrysome if bb kena....

Enmummy: it has been 9 yrs and my inlaws have not change abit. I really take my hat off them! Its very demoralise these few days... Haiz... Wah u have been indulging yourself with food.. Envy sia! I dun have appetite to eat cos my taste bud is bland. Even I drink chrysanthemum tea from Fu Hua, it taste bland... I dunno what food to eat.everyday...

May i know who is your gynae? Did u choose your pd aka baby doc?

Has any mummies started their bi-weekly check up? After my last check up at week 30, following check up will be at 32 weeks.... So gan cheong... Hee...

Waterproof bedsheet can get it at kiddy palace for $21.90 if not wrong and white in color. Another is babysafe brand but sizes are not and more expensive

Jo (jogwyn) :

Ya I feel so funny abt myself too... not only i will walk like a fat penguin from left right left right i feel like a humpty Dumpty too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaha... Just feel so worried cos i dunno if i can ever go back to my 43kg.. sigh...

U showered n wash hair everyday??? wow!! No one stop u?? hahaha... Btw, how abt the stitches? Do we have to go back to the hospital to take it off?? Or?? I really hope i can hv no pain n recover fast like u...

Im nw 32 weeks n i hardly have a good sleep...

Gd morn! last sat went for my checkup. did a blood test and found out that i have anemia..i have low blood..so gynae prescribed me another iron tablets...now gt to take more red meat..my next appt will be 3 weeks later..now at 29.5 weeks..

mornin all

Strep B test:

last wed when visit gynae, asked her and tat she wont do for me upcomin nearin 36 or 37 as I was tested negative in 1st trimseter. She explained tat also even if she did the test and it showed negative, no one can guarantee tat I wont hav the bacterial when nearin labour. So will put me on the antibotic drip when labour like 1st pregnancy unless I end up c-section again. Oh, also asked she said will use bk same scar for c-section if kena cut again.


is da feng cao smelly? Jus realised fr mum that previously she bought another herbal bath fr her cousin and now he recommend da feng cao as cheaper. If it is smelly, I will ask mum to help me get the previous herbal bath as I like tat. Can shower n wash hair everyday. Hehe

VT, my ggynae started me on bi-weekly visit. Aft 36 wks will be every wk.

Irene> my sil has some bacteria also, something like ecola or something cant remember the spelling. bb born was ok, as long as waterbag do not burst i think. is there a need to do c-sec? maybe you can seek your gynae opinion.

@babywonder, same here...in my 31 weeks and can hardly get to sleep at night...either she is too active or I need to pee all the time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

according to gyane it is our body's way of training us for night feeding ... *yawn* so tired esp when we have to work the next day

whitecookies / PTB7476 :

ya bb is active n refuse to let me sleep even if i keep turning left or right... since last nite till nw i barely sleep for 2 hrs and im so groggy now.. faintzzzzzzzz............ so tired too..... and yes, i keep visiting my toilet...phew!

hello kitties. Ok, the latest update on the Marks & Spencer hello kitty bodysuits & baby sleepwear is that it's still OOS. I don't see any HK baby items on the Marks & Spencer website at all. Maybe they really discon.

ashgray, if u're reading this thread, can u go check ur email? I sent u a pm...

same here...i am feeling soooo sleepy now with watery eyes...just have to keep myself busy at work to prevent dozing off...the cycle will repeat itself again tonight.


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do not leave postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them.

calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Wat is Strep B test? My gynae didnt put mi on any such test leh. I also don't hv growth scan leh. Whn is it normally done?

The long wkend was gd. Did alot of "spring cleaning" w the hlp of hubby. Poor hubby, normally he doesn't do such things, but bcos I m so vry tired n inconvenient, he has to do most of the stuff n I jus giv instructions n do sm finger "exercise" (pointing). We hv more or less get ready the rm for BB's arrival. Jus hv to get sm containers/plastic organisers to get the small items more organised. N of cos hv to wash a few items, e.g. bedsheets, milk bottles. Feel vry satisfied. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Safety bath mat:

In the mids of my packing, realise tat I hv miss this out. Is it better to get the mat to put in the bath tub or the netting type? Any experience mum cn advise?

Chris> that's fast! i haven start any packing yet. Just did alot of shopping last wkend. Have started to sort all the baby clothings (hand me down by my SIL and sis). Plan to wash next mth..

Realised i have not get the mattress protector.

Is it necessary?

My MIL will be sewing the bedsheet and handmade the beansprouts pillow for my bb.

tris: I am also wondering on the PD.. cos i have no reference...

Argh: I managed to sleep thru last nite.. but i dunno why still so tired ... can bearly open my eyes.


wow.. ur mil so good arh... still sew bedsheet n pillow for ur bb... 1st grandchild?

my mil like forgotten im pregnant wif her 2nd grandchild like tat lor... im so pissed leh.. cos last wk i bought mooncakes for her n ask my hb send it to her since he was on the way. till now not even a phone call of thank you. wat is tis no courtesty at all... as i mentioned, during my #1 preggy, she cooks fish, buy bird nest etc. #2 bb ger din even get an apple frm her, im so angry wenever i talk abt tis thing man... dun say buy things or cook things lor, dun even hv phone call to ask if everything is fine... i really so pissed, might s well dun tell her wen im gg deliver!!

hi all

I'm a July mummy.

Hv the below for sale.

Prefer meetup at convenient time and plc or self collection as I do not have time to head to post office apologies.

Email me if keen. ([email protected])

tks vm

1) BN Palmers Cocoa Butter NURSING BUTTER

Bought extra and find that I do not need anymore - selling for $10

2) BN Pigeon bath thermometer

Comes as a GWP. Do not need this - selling for $5

3) Mint condition: Mom Ease Diaper Bag Converter from Mumsfairy.com - Large size

Used only once.

Comes with diaper pad and PVC zipblock packaging. DOES NOT INCLUDE THE WATER RESISTANT POUCH HOWEVER, DO NOTE.

Selling for $20

yah me also did quite a fair bit of shopping over the weekend... everything also grab hahha..but yet to wash them and spring clean wardrobe.. btw any idea where to buy nite/day romper for infant / newborn ? i notice kiddy palace , baby kingdom , baby hypermart hardly any...even if they have it is for 6months and above...

Chris, i bought bath mat instead of net..cos i find that mat more practical cos when he can sit he still can sit and play in the tub..whilst net .. i feel that the baby will out grown it after 3 months

i dun ustd y she like tis lor... im tinkin hard on my side is there anyhting i did tat offended her make her TL wif me but no leh.. aiy... dun bother la... i was to hv least interference wif her the best. but just tat my parents n family will wonder y my mil like tis lor... wonder is it becos it bb ger not boi...

Tris Mom > ur #1 is a boy? will u b staying wif her?

mine is not the 1st grandchild, but 1st "nei sun" coz my hb is the only youngest son. To her, boy or gal is the same. but i noe she will hope for a grandson in future (mine is bb gal). she is quite nice la. but abit traditional only lor. she ask me to remind my mum to cook pig's stomach soup for me during my confinement, coz she believe that by hving this soup, my next preg will be a bb boy...(in chinese saying- "huan du")

Hehee, I think i m the kancheong type, nt to mention my house was in a mess, so really nd to do the spring clean fast so tat we knw wat we hv missed out. But I really belive tat no matter hw prepared we r for BB's arrival, we cn nvr b too prepared. Ther r jus too many details/things required. :p

Bluesoda >> Wah, ur MIL vry nice leh. Initially I also hope to sew these for my BB, but in the end everyone discourage mi cos of pang dang reasons. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] In the end gotta get off the shelves lor. No MIL n Mother nt so hardworking to do tat.

Trismom >> My MIL also lik urs, nt to mentioned tat my BB is the 1st grandchild to bear their family's surname. But at least she did call occassionally lor. Guess mayb she also nt sure hw she cn b more concern.

PTB >> Hmm.. I thot Kiddypalace sells rompers for NB? I always hv impression tat many places sell tat. Otherwise, u cn buy fr sprees. Many sprees available.

@PTB, you can try Mother Care...they sell the full suit rompers for nite in a pack of 3. Very nice material. Cost about $30+ per pack for the plain ones. For those with designs, about $50+ per pack.

argg...being affected by flu and cough bug over the weekend..seems like most mummies get sick around wk30 time, i remember previously also reading some mummies down with flu. the feeling's terrible..especially will when the urine always come out when you sneeze/cough..so sick..

mummywong10> do take care. yes i started to feeling slightly breathless these days, and abit giddy...to prevent i leak when i sneeze, i usually will wear the maternity pad.

chris> im also quite gancheong. my parents and my sis feel that im over paroniod and asked me to relax and enjoy my last trimester. yes, you r rite, we can never be prepared.

My MIL is a very hands-on person and loves doing housework. She even told me that she has already sewed a new patchwork type blanket for my bb. Saying that is their family culture...so i let her be.

till now, i have yet to buy any new clothings for my bb. feel that at least i shld get one new romper for her bb shower.

bluesoda> i usually wear panty liner even before i got pregnant. but i got to change a few times a day with this flu/cough virus. maternity pad is those bigger ones for after delivery?

MIL: usually when boi, mils tend to be more xi xin. Now since I am having my #1 which is a boi, so almost every week she boiled herbal soup and make bird nest for me. In the beginning when dunno boi or ger yet, i hardly get anything from her. She will say 1st 3 months better not "pu" anything first, knt eat. But once we told her most prob a boi, whoa 360 degrees change lor. But anyway, i am well aware cos my hb is her eldest son, so this little grandchild will be her "zhang xun". Although she kept on saying boi or ger also dun matter..."yeah right".

active bb: mine kicks my ribs and sides of the abdomen a lot recently and I had so much difficulty sitting or lying in peace. I often felt so bruised up after all the movements and kicks.

I had a terrible abdomen pain last night that last for 6 hrs from 8pm to 2am. I cant even sit or lie comfortably. Standing, the pain is more tolerable. I had to lie on one side without moving at all so it wouldnt hurt as much. The pain is situated on my high abdomen centre between my stomach and belly button. I dunno whats wrong. Its definately not bb movement tat is causing it as he didnt move much. Not constipation or diarrhoea as its a different kind of pain. I dunno what happen, luckily it went off by morning. Wonder if you gals have experience it before?

mummywong10: I dunno leh. but i dun tink its braxton hicks cos its upper abdomen..then plus no back ache. And i woke up this morning with no pain left and bb still moving normally. But i did wanted to so much to go to the doc last night after 1 hr...cos was worried.

I tot most prob was gas.....

now no symptom...how to tell doc also? Now like all normal...

vallous> now no symptoms ah. i think for now most importantly's monitor the pain will come back or not and also monitor your bb still has regular movement throughout the day.

i slipped abit that day but landed on my knee, my tummy was not hit. then i feel still regular movement so i know is ok. then these few days keep coughing and flu, i also feel my tummy bb still moving regularly, worry bb affected by my constant coughing/sneezing.

vallous> not to scare you, but if it's constant pain like contractions, you better go gynae check. preg ladies who experience early contractions (constant) think need to be given jab to reduce the contractions pain, so that you'll not give birth earlier. read recently got a lady give birth earlier at void deck, she had early contractions and was given medicine by gynae but still give birth earlier. thus do monitor the frequency of your pain. or is it maybe just due to increasing strain on spinal as bb grow..

Vallous: If the contraction/pain still persist, pls do infrm ur gynae for a check. You never know whether it's bb's strong movement or it's real contraction. For me, I thot it was bb's strong movement but it turns out to be contraction and best thing is I didnt even feel it as pain. I was put on drip for 24hrs when i was admitted. Now on jab every week to prevent early contraction. I'm only 32 weeks today.

ya my #1 is a boi so my mission kinda completed cos he is the 1st grandchild n internal grandson. so of cos big shot lor. now my poor mei mei hv to suffer in 2nd placing. but not wif me n my hb cos we both yearn v much for a ger... luckily im not staying wif my MIL, can nvr imagine. even i v v poor cannot afford my own hs i will nvr stay wif her. i rather go rent a plc than stay wif her man. tink i will go mad. recently cos we shifted to my new hs n my parents moved in wif me, mayb she green wif jealousy so TL me.

sorry for being grumpy abt my MIL over here cos i knw there r other MIL out there who r nice... but not mine for sure.

one incident which made me even more pissed. wen i was pregnant wif #1 she claimed she dunno how to cook bird nest but she buy those uncooked ones n me ask my mom cook for me to eat. den after tat her daughter cough badly den she cooked birdnest for her. wat is tis? double std rite? luckily my mom take good care of me... so i always gv my mom much more $$ than my MIL :p cos i feel she deserve it lor. For my MIL let her precious daughter to gv her $$ lor.. since she so sayang her daughter


i tot terence tan oni practice in mt A? cos my #1 PD also him. he is v nice. i like him n wld love him to be my #2 PD

but ur #2 also boi rite? den its not the gender issue. its 2nd one liao less kan cheong...

Clover: Thanks for info, I just asked the aunties in church why no chic, they said "poisonous"... I scratched my head. My mum also said the same thing. What about those free range chic(kampong) chic? Any idea? Ok, since no chic, only pork or beef left.

Irene: Sorry to hear about your strep B test results. Continue to eat lots of yoghurt and drink up your cranberry juice, they sure will help in a way or 2 to control the bacteria. Especially cranbeery juice, I learnt that it's very useful to combat such bacteria, lots of antioxidants too.

Babywonder: Usually the stitches will be self-dissolved type but I'm not sure about your gynae though; staples are used also but I'm not also sure if it's used for c-sect wounds. During your stay in the hospital, gynae will check on you till he discharges you. Then 2 weeks later you will have to see him for assessing of wound and removing of stitches if any. During this time, you will also be prescribed pain-killers and antibiotics for the wound, the former is optional to take but the latter have to finish- safe for breast-feeding ones.

Ha ha ha... no one stopped me cos I "chased" everyone away! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My mum can't help much cos her knees are weak; she will nag but I ignored. My MIL? Super bo chap! Can't count on her- I know more than her! :p

vallous> i experienced the pain too. mine on and off. not frequent tho. i checked with a midwife during the anenatal class last sat, she said the pain is due to enlarged uterus. last fri i almost want to go to hospital coz worried but the pain go off aft few hours. however, like wat mummywong & sophia said, do monitor closely if the pain come back again.

experience mummies> do you use Healing Herbal Pericare Wash or healing spray (those sell in pharmacy) for the wound under there aft giving birth? is it effective and it's better to get one? i forgot the brand but the salesgirl said this brand was recommended by KKH gynae.

thanks gals...i will definately tell my gynae the next time i sees him, keep him in the loop. Meanwhile will monitor the situation when it comes back. Cos this is the first time i had such long pain for hours and no prior experience at all.

I am only in week 31...hope bb be good boi, stay inside kuai kuai longer.

Tris Mom: MIL and DIL versus MIL and daughter often double standard. For me, my mil also treat her daughter very well, everything she do can, even if she doesnt listen or care abt anything , she is excused. For me, the other way ard. For MIL stories, too much to tell for everyone hahaha..guess its universal. Luckily i stay on our own too, unfortunately near by in laws...sigh....

Trismom, sorry I'm not sure whether dr tan practice in tmc or other than MT A. We like him too! As for my mil, she has her double or even triple standards. Haha. She is v disappointed tt my no 2 is a boy, coz she prefer girls n my no 1 fulfilled the responsibility of a first born grandson. I dun wan to complain abt her lah, but her antics "amazed" me.

Jo, I had kampung chicken too. Prolly farmed chicken has antibiotic o hormones injection? My first wk of confinement was pork n pork only.


episiotomy > is it very painful? found out there are 2 types of episiotomy, medio-lateral episiotomy and midline episiotomy. Both look very scary ah! can i choose not to cut?

