(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Mrs lee,

Several pain? Is it Braxton hicks (false labour contraction) do time the interval between pain, if less than 15mins apart, better call your gynae to check now. When I was expecting with my 1st child, I'd 10 mins apart contraction at 34 weeks thou it felt very mild, gynae had to get me medication to stop the contraction as still too early to give birth as baby's lungs migt not be ready and gave be jabs to hasten the lung development. In the end I'd delivered my son at 35 weeks with strong healthy lungs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


strawberry >> I plan to go bugis to look for the pyjamas too. If nt, cn also go OG, as recommended by sm mummies here. But y u wan2 wear long sleeves?

Mrs lee.. Head down don really means baby is engaged ( in birth canal) the notty one might juz move up whenever they like haa..

Pains? Where? At abodminal? Tightening issit? I think it's common to hv pains nw, coz as bby wt grows. Hope it nothing serious, but do ask Dr Adrian.

I talked to him abt my vaginal discharge again, finally he gv me some pills to pop in. Haa . hope they can really clr it coz I scare wait "dirty" bby passing thru te birth canal will b affected or nt.

Btw the nurse tld me they hv helped me to book my delivery at TMC. Shd b reCeiving letters soon.

My next visit is 27sep.

Mrs lee take caredon worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PTB: ya understand, ai me too...becos of this diabetic condition...i have been trying hard to control myself from eating my fav ice-cream. i missed the koi bubble tea too..and now mooncake festival coming...cannot eat much mooncakes now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sian...

clover/Jovialz: tks for the input.

wow can last from 1mth to 6 weeks ah...sian ah...icic..so we need monitor on the flow n get to gynae when gg for post natal check up.

jovialz, dun tink its braxton accordingly to wat i read. but the pain last for a good 4hours last friday, w interval of 20-30mins everytime. thank god i pull it thru. will check w gynae next tue when i see him. cos am really not ready for bb to come out now, im only 29weeks. renovation nt complete, house nt ready, bb room not ready, delivery bag nt ready, brazilian wax nt done and funny think is i jus started my prenatel class!!

shan, so now u're still seein him every 3weeks. hmm.. the pain is between my tummy n vaginal. i guess i have a playful girl, cos she keep hangin out 'down there' Must remind her to come up everytime i feel her there.

Hi ladies,

I've been freaking out about the labour process recently. With my #1, my down there so pain until sit cannot, lie down cannot, pee and poo poo so pain, for more than 6mths I don't let my hb touch me.

So worried about the episiotomy that I asked my gynae about elective c-section. He was very frank and asked me if I want to nurse a 2cm wound or a 10cm one. At first his answer didn't have much effect on me, I was still terrified of the episiotomy. Until I search on youtube to see a real life c-section surgery. Then it struck me I think if I can give birth naturally, then episiotomy bo pian. But I am still very scared, until can cold sweat and weak in the knees lor. ARGH!!! Why can't we just lay eggs like birds??

Jovialz: do we really need to buy high waist underwear to wear after c-sect? cos the disposable panties i bought are of normal waist line only...

wow u are really lucky tat ur c-sect wound does not hurt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

naf: wow so far u have only put on 3.5kg! tat's very little weight gain...u must be someone very slim n not easily put on weight type.

Mrs lee,

Interval 20 to 30 mins still alright. Less than 15 mins better call gynae lor esoecially you don't want baby to come so soon. I'm also keeping watch as gynae says my chance of pre mature birth quite high too. Gynae tell me not to walk too much and don't stroke tummy too much as bit can induce uterus contraction


Suggest that you get both just in case the elastic band of the normal one is just right at the c sect wound.

mrs lee: hope u are feeling ok now...maybe u can call up ur gynae to check with him if still feeling pain...

briebaby: actually me also very scare of the labour process..somemore i FTMTB, really dun know wat to expect n how much i can take it...

haha...if can be like birds...like laying eggs...tat will be wonderful!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]

Ladies, hv u named yr bb yet? My #1 is Alexander and #2 is Alaricus. Hb and I have 'A' names too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we actually named our #1 A.

cos we intend to have 3.

No. 2 will start with C

and No. 3 will start with E.

Adds up to A.C.E

But that is provided i can produce 3 lah..


I just got back from the Clinic, they want me to purchase the Glucometer to measure my glucose 2 consecutive day per week 7 times each day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and i have to continue chart the reading until give birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and a long list of food to avoid ...sianz my pleasure aka food is gone

Irene do you need to do that since you are borderline like me ??

the clinic seem to make a mountain out of a mule hole ...esp with all the pricking of finger to test etc

PTB: no leh...my gynae did not mentioned anything abt purchasing glucometer to monitor my glucose level. u seems even milder case than me...why need to go to such extend?

he just told me to control on diet. and if possible avoid all sweet stuffs.

bam: tat's interesting...so u n hubby wanna ur kids 1st char name add up to A.C.E [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

why ACE? any particular story behind? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene, they worry it might get worst as the pregnancy progress so want me to get the device to monitor on regular basis until i give birth... no choice so i got the set at $233

in the past they rent the device to the MTB but some inconsiderate MTB after pricking themselve put back/recycle the needle and did not tell the clinic when they return the set so moving forward no more rental set , in case transmission of disease


i'm not sure wat a suture reaction is. when I went for check up the doc said everything was fine. in fact everyone gimme the feeling like i'm juz being drama, no one really take me seriously even the nurses at my ward lor. but the pain still v vivid in my mind now. sigh no way around it leh.

Bam, yah. Haha. Hv u decided on the 'A' name? We had a hard time deciding on one!

Brie, it's allergic reaction to the thread used. U might want to google in this n feedback to yr gynae. Episiotomy shldnt heard so long.

Dear all!

Sorry to interupt, Cottony Photography is celebrating our opening by inviting dear MTB for a group Maternity photoshoot at a flat rate of S$50 per MTB.

We will be conducting the photoshoot at a Studio, so less hassle for you to change and rest. All photos taken will be touched up and return in low-res. High res can be arranged.

Interested MTBs, please feel free to mail us at [email protected] for more information!

Thanks and congrats on your pregnancy!

Irene: no particular reason.

Basically he and his sibling names add up and form B.E.E

We basically jus wana form a word. lol

Clover: yup. Alycia is her name.

Question for those deliver at

MT A & Thomson Medical Center is the waiting area for delivery like those c class ward where there are alot of bed with screaming mtb ? but The actual delivery ward is individually for both Hospital right ?



Normal price at Baby Hypermart:

1)$18.90 for 60 pieces/ box.

2) $11.90 for 30 pieces/ box.

The above 90 pieces selling at S$30.80 (Baby Hypermart).

I am selling the above at S$20 nett.

Please text me at 9820 4176 if you are keen.


PTB: wow urs so mild aso need to self monitor?? Anyway I bought my monitoring kit for 149.80 cos got promotion. Not worth to get a loan set, the diff is $5 only. Pricking of fingers, u soon get use to it... I loss count of the holes on my fingers. It's the diet tats tougher. Eat not enuff, I hungry n bb angry. Eat too much, the readings r v depressing... Haiz.

yah jewel, they want to play safe so i got my own set too. it is not the pain of pricking the finger but the need to do it that put me off... as for dieting more sianz... btw did your gynae give you a diet plan ? i see the plan abit confusing...it say we can only have 6-8 serving of rice/ alternative per day and one chinese bowl the small one is = 3-4 serving so meaning that we can only eat 2 bowl of rice/alternative every day ?? and it is recommended to eat 3 meals and 3 snack every day how come so much ?? even now i dun eat that much lah cannot imagine when eat as per plan how will the sugar level go

Whim: haven't release frm house arrest yet. Going for de bi-weekly dr check. Then manage to coax hubby to bring me out for lunch - I told him I missed putting on make-up. Hahaha

Hubby choose name whn I'm in 2 mths!! Both boy & girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] talk abt super kan cheong. Chinese name will check with geomancer.

PTB: Mine was explained like tat:

1/3 bowl of rice/noddles, 1 fruit, 1 pc of bread = 1 exchange. The target for me is 3 exchange for bf, 1 exchange for lunch & 3 for dinner.

So my usual bf is 2 pcs of wholemeal bread with cheese or ham + 1 cupa milk (2 scoop of Anmum) = 3 exchange, lunch is 1 banana/apple = 1 exchange, dinner is 1 bowl of rice + veg + meat = 3 exchange. Lunch is the toughest... 1 fruit!!!! I almost faintz on the first day so I change to a bowl of soup with lots of vege + egg/fishcake. Hope this helps.

yours are so easy to understand, but i am surprised they still allow you to drink anmum. i was told to drop that totally and switch to HL skimmed milk instead and yours only 3 meals how come mine 3 meal and 3 snack... haiz

PTB:I dun quite understand urs also. Mine is dietician language... heh.

She told me to eat the meals together for monitoring purpose.. dun separate them into smaller meals. On one day, after I had 1 banana for lunch I was so hungry, I took some biscuits at abt 4pm. My readings shoot up b4 dinner... :p. Now I dun dare to snack on biscuits liao.

jewel, maybe because urs is dietician so their instruction is more clear..mine are done by the nurse by going through notes from KKH so explaination wise not that good. anyway i think i will just cut down on the poisonous food and quantity and avoid all sugar and let's see how the reading goes. if reading got worst will ask gynae to refer to dietician :p

PTB: urs is so mild.. maybe by just eating less carbo or sugar will do the trick. Dun need to cut till like mine. U can trial & error.. see what give u nice readings. *Jiayou*.

sian.... was all set to order from Amazon when a few of my items OOS today! Arrgghhh! Looks like I still cannot retire from online shopping.

Now I have quite a bit of space since haven't hit USD$180 yet, if any of u ladies want to 'tompang', let me know...

PTB: read about the suffering you are going thru... I find that mummies down with GD are Great Mummies. Endure and Endure! Everything will go thru smoothly de...

Mrs Lee: u are still having contraction? Wah u can really tahan eventhough u time it, did u call up the gynae and ask? oh regarding the sitting down while drinking water is to prevent the womb fm 'dropping'. i dunno how true but i just follow cos for my previous 2 birth, I did not engage massage lady who will push up the womb for us as I always thot ML is for malay and my frend told me the herbs they use are quite strong. I have sensitive skin too.... But heard fm some mummies that ML nowaday use essential oil, i may consider to engage those.

Any mummies experience urine incontinenance? i must sneeze and cough very gently. If the sneeze comes very strong, I have to hold up my V area. Bo bian i have to put pad when I go out.

VT, I oso can't control my bladder well. So if I sneeze or cough, I cross my legs 1st. :p a few times I choke and wet myself, lucky at home. outside I dunno where to hide.

Hi Enmummy,

you are so xin fu.... Your mum doing confinement for you. Yes! Definitely our own mama will know us better and easier to negotiate... Hee...

Hee.... I was very happy when my gynae told me the weight of my gal. Feel a sense of relieve too. Regarding confinement food, maybe u can ask ur mum to deep-fried the shredded ginger in sesame oil and put as garnish in your food rather than frying raw ginger everytime she cook. And the crispy ginger shred taste very nice like those deep fried shallot. I oso find pig trotter vinegar very er xin.... But after been forced to drink, I find that it has the effect of dispelling blood clots from our uterus.

My 2nd boy was down with breastmilk jaundice but my pd told me I dun have to stop bf just reduce the amount of wine and ginger. But must feed very regularly even bb sleep, must wake him up every 3 hrly to drink milk. At first, im so happy cos I thot bb so guai keep sleeping... In the end then I know sleeping too much and din drink enough will cause his jaundisc to increase. Good lesson learnt... Hee....

Briebaby: ya lor... When my boys saw me sneeze and cross my legs tight, they always tease me 'mummy wants to go shh shh liaoz'... So notty.. I told my gynae if I have c-sec, can he shift up my bladder for me cos its my 3rd, I think if can, do it once and for all and not wait till it gets too serious then do in future. He agreed gladly... But have to depends I c-sec or natural when the time due. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I got almost the same result as you. mine was a score of 80, and then 142.

But my gynae did not insist that I see a dietitian and gave me a choice to see or not.

Also, I did not have to purchase a glucosmeter. Gynae said I wasn't even mildly diabetic, just 2 points above 140.

He said just need to control my sugar level will be fine.

I spoke to the recommended dietitian over the phone and found out the following.

Just to share here for my result of 142:

1. Control sugar and Carbo intake.

2. Portion size is crucial.

3. Even consuming too much sweet fruits are no good.

4. Juice we buy from supermarket that contains no added sugar, e.g. Berri Juice, is unhealthy if I drink a lot. 1 glass a day is ok.

5. Don't eat like half a kg of longan in one shot! A handful will do. Eat half a mango instead of the whole mango.

6. Eat more brown rice, less white rice.

Dietitian said those who are classified as mildly diabetic will have a score of 150-160+, so she also told me to just monitor by using the glucosmeter. But I don't know if my gynae clinic has such a device. Will have to check with my gynae at my next visit end of month when I'm 32 weeks.


I think you missed one of my earlier posts abt a week back. I was asking if you could share with me what your dietitian told you regarding meal menu or something.

Do you think it's ok for you to email it to me so I can have some reference? Thanks in advance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Do you mean taking chicken essence is of no help during labour because it will make me too alert to rest properly?

So drink chicken essence as soon as got contraction or show?? A bit confused here, keke...


Are you still using the same gynae you had for #1?

If yes, is your gynae open to not performing an episiotomy on you and instead, let you tear naturally?

You can massage your perineum with KY so that you can increase its elasticity and won't have bad tear. If I remember correctly, you can do that from 36weeks onwards.

I know some gynaes will not even tell you they are gonna snip you, which I feel is illegal, because it is still a procedure, however small or quick it is.

You can state in your birth plan or best to discuss with gynae that he INFORM you on whatever procedure he is going to do on you and get your permission first.

BTW, which hospital did you give birth at for your #1?

Disposable Cotton Panties for Post-Delivery:

I bought 2 packs of such undies from BHG at $4.50 per packet of 5 during recent sale.

Brand: Impressions. Free size.

I used the same ones after I had delivered my #1. Very comfy and although I've pear-shaped figure, they fit well.

irene, I not very slim leh. 1st pregnancy, my weight gain was ok & my elder boy born 39wks weigh 3.05kg, avg. My total weight gain was ard 11+kg. 2nd pregnancy, younger boy growth toward last trimster was slow, suspecti he not absorbin well fr me & c-section at 37wks becuz water level low & cord ard neck, he weigh 2.1kg nia & my total weight gain abt 8kg. So now worried tat mei mei also small small but gynae said tat head, tummy & thigh measuremt r on same curve for small size, so she not so worried. Probably doin another growth check in 2 wks.

So now rest more & as could be due to takin care of 2 boys then tired. Probably tiss time rd will try eat more durian, avocado, drink more maternal milk & c if it helps.


yeah i'm seeing the same gynae as #1. I didn't consider change cos I feel comfortable wif him as compared to the earlier ones I saw. He didn't tell me he was gg to snip but even if he did it wouldn't hv made any difference at that time. I guess will talk to him again next visit see how. letting it tear naturally doesn't sound any better oso leh.

jollymummy, abt US$80...Am thinking whether I shd just get the stuff that I was going to order during confinement like bb sunscreen etc.

Originally didn't want to order them now coz no use for the bb so soon, plus I already hit US$180 w/ my original orders.

morning mommies,

Anyone interested in taking phootshoots? Found this company that is offering a package that is cheaper than the market rates. So am quite gian to take it up. If more mommies sign up, they will give some discounts for all of us. PM me for more details okie... really hope to find at least 1 more mommy to take, to get further discount.

Maternity Package - S$128 (usual price of S$168!)

-1 Hour session (your choice of location)

-25 x selected images for touch-up (High Resolution)

-2 adults (Hubby and MTB)

Studio Fancy - S$188 (usual price of S$228)

-1.5 Hour session (studio)

-35 x selected images for touch-up (High Resolution)

-2 adults (Hubby and MTB)

All photos taken are available for download at low resolution.

