(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

OMG, ladies i just had a big damage from modern maternity, $400 on 7 dresses, but need to stock up cos clothes running out. Vain la need to make myself look more presentable now, keke.


thanks to all mummies...Jo is so positive! I am trying to take things in my stride too...lucheon meat and egg are fine once in a while but everyday just sucks. I mentioned once that I wanted to eat something else, but my MIL said her daughter preferred to eat another dish..so in the end, her daughter got her wish.

I just don't like to go back to a noisy home...my SIL and her family dine at our house every night...then for the leftover dishes, we will reheat and eat over the next few days until we finished them. It makes me sick.

I voiced out to my hb before. I mentioned about getting a confinement caterer but he is afraid of hurting his mum's feelings again. But how can she cope with the 2 kids + my kid + cook dinner for the family + cook for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I am just trying to think ahead in the event she really can't cope. I guess only you girls understand me. My hb thinks that I am thinking too much. haha.

Luckily my aunt stays nearby, she said she will drop by often to take care of me if my MIL doesn't mind.

I think just have to take it more positively and take care of myself...my hb kinda knows that I feel mistreated but there's nthg much he can do. He doesn't want his parents to think that he is fussing over me...and create unneccessary misunderstanding. So he tries to bring me out for dinner once a week.

On a happy note, my bro is taking me out for dinner tonight! haha! I am so looking forward to not dining at home.

How I wish there's a manual on building r/s with in-laws. How I wish I don't have to stay with them. I feel sad whenever my friends talk about decorating the rooms for their babies...my baby will have none of this cos my hse is packed...and my in-laws refused to upgrade or let us move out.

Things can only get better ya? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nana: I have signed up for cord life. we can pay up to 21 yrs only and on the 22nd yr. Cordlife ill work out other plan for our kids to take over the acct, cos the are adult liao and should decide whether to carry on with the maintanace or not.

Re Cord Banking

Im not sure. Maybe I should start considering. Heard that it is quite expensive to maintain one.

Bam - How much did you pay for this cord life?

whitecookies: why don u cook ur own? simple chinese soup like ABC soup is nutritious and easy. Just pop everything in n cook for an hour.

Bam: wat is it abt cord life? Care to explain more? Thanks! =D

Bluesoda: Depending on how many years you wana keep the cord life. We kept 21yrs and we used CDA to pay. Which is the baby bonus. and the actual amount is 2k plus. but we only have to pay 1k plus and govt will top up the other 1k plus lor.

OrangeBB: It's very theoritical to explain.

U can check out cordlife here:


re: anlene X4 packet milk

tks for all the inputs! glad to hear so many mummies also drinking it. yes its indeed convenient and taste nice too! btw im taking the choco flavour ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jo: wow, thumbs up to u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u are good in handling ur MIL and has managed to improve the relationship btw u n her. yes no point going against her and make urself/hubby in difficult position.

whitecookies: just a suggestion if its possible u try to eat out on ur own or with ur hubby like at least 2-3 times a week..just give some excuse of "craving" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif] where at least u can order some vege or meats for dinner, rather than just lucheon meats (althou i like them too...but not for every meal for dinner lah due not much nutrients esp for preggy).

Koori_Kaylen: $400 for 7 maternity dresses where avg each one cost ~$57. quite good buy, dun think its not exp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] had went to a few maternity shops and on avg of 1 maternity dress already cost <80.

u bought them at discount? how many %?

somemore preggy also need to look nice/presentable mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]

Bam: thanks for replying. How much u pay per year to maintain it? If got the FBI card u mentioned last time, will there be any discount? It's really expensive, the upfront and yearly maintainance. But I understand that the benefits.

I think I read from some research tat the cord will not be 'effective' if stored up to certain years. So the usefulness is still a question mark.

Bam may I know how did u sign up the cord life? At tmc hospital?

Hi mommies,

Can i just ask, if i were to take my multi-vits with my bao sheng drink instead of plain water issit ok? Becos till now i still cant take in plain water.. Too plain..

Nana: I signed up the cordlife at motherhood fair.

At the fair, the offer was better. I think $600 savings. Where FBI only give me $450 off.

Sometimes, i think if we think too much.. it's very hard to make decisions.

we did check with some friends. Some signed up and some never. So.. I think it's up to individual.

whitecookies - Think if ur MIL/maid is unable to provide the nutritious food tat u and ur bb needs, they should not fault you for wanting to get better food.

It'll be good to get ur hb to ask ur MIL to cook better food for u. Say it's for bb's sake loh. Can't be that to prevent hurting ur MIL's feeling, he'll forsake the bb's requirements bah rite? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leftover dishes are no use except to fill up ur stomach. All the nutrients would have gone already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I likely to donate the cord instead. Coz actually i wanted to donate for my no. 1....but before i can sign and mit up wif them i pop le....so this time gng to do it earlier le.

I'm also likely to donate the cord blood #2.

My previous gynae didn't even tell me that I need to inform the hospital in advance should I want to donate baby's cord blood.

I only knew abt it from hospital staff when I was in hospital for delivery - too late! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Can you share who you need to meet up to donate the cord blood? Thanks!


Been hunting for you last week. R u still keen on the pre-natal pilates? We have a group of 7 now. Tried to PM you to give you info but your a/c doesn't accept PM...

nana: interesting..nvr know bb so small inside our womb also can crossed legs..heehee..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_happy.gif]

Chloe Goh,

Like what Bluesoda said, I think the price at this TCM clinic is quite reasonable. Most importantly, the herb is able to cure my outbreak which had been making me quite sad for the past few months. I don't mind spending $ as long as can see results. It's better to make appointment if you intend to go on Sat/ Sun morning. I used to go to the clinic for acupuncture before getting preggie. There can be alot of patients sometimes.


My MIL is also very superstitious. She told me that it's not good to have tiger babies especially baby girl cos next time she won't be able to marry off. She had been giving us alot of pressure to have babies and yet she's telling me such thing. I was quite upset with her comments. Who will be happy if someone were to tell you that nobody wants to marry your daughter? The worst thing is that this statement came from the grandmother! We were so stressed that we went for all the fertility tests and after doing all the tests, we found out that there's nothing wrong with both my dh and I. In order to have a baby soon, we decided to go for ivf when the doctor told us that we could strike naturally.


Take care and rest well. I hope you are much better now. Did your doc give you any progesterone jab or pill to take to stop the spotting?

Gosh! This thread is moving so fast that I don't even have time to read the posts!


Maybe your tummy is still not too big yet that's why is not pointed? You are expecting a boy right? People said that tummy will be pointed if it's a boy. Not sure how accurate it is. Oh but my friend who had a pair of twin boys really had very pointed tummy!


Maybe your size is petite that's why tummy looks big? Don't worry lah. It's better to have big tummy than a small one. At least you know that your baby is growing right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats on your gd test result! Must be happy to have a princess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wish to have a baby girl too!

ahko80 - congrates!!!! Very happy for u and that u know the gender of ur bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bing - haha, duno leh. My tummy suddenly bloated out liao. But still rather rounded. Got a fren said tat it may b cuz I didn't put on much weight, so still not obvious. Till now, I only put on 0.8kg when I weigh myself at gynae's ofc last Fri.


I replied to you, so you should see it in your email you used to register for this SMH forum.

If you don't see it, let me know.

Dear Mummies

I've an exciting news to share with you. If you missed on getting coverage for your pregenacy. Now you can do it even during your 18-32 weeks of pregenacy.

You can now protect your pregenacy delivery and baby even before your baby is due for delivery.

now you would not need to worry if your child is insurable anot. with it you can have a peace of mind. And able to start saving and planning for your child before they are even out into the world.

If you are interested to find out more , please PM me for appt for discussion.

" No one plan to fail, but many fail to plan"

Hey Mums & Mums to be,

I m new here, expecting my hubby & my very first baby!

EDD: 30 Nov 2010

Gynae: Dr Tham KF (Gleneagles)

Gender: Boy (Doc says it is 95% accurate)

Now at my week 15, just passed the MS (or rather evening sickness) phase and starting to enjoy seeing the belly grows! Today is my first time having someone giving up his seat for me... haha! It indeed felt good! =)

I just felt baby's kicking for the first time! So amazing. First time was v light. Then when I placed my hand there there was h harder kick. But when I got my hubby to feel, it stopped. Baby likes Michael Jackson - radio was playing it while I was lying down. Never felt any movement when we played classical music. Haha.

I dunno how to describe. It's like twitching. It's like there's a small butterfly in the stomach. Was not in the centre but more towards left side. I read somewhere that we tend to feel it more easily at nite. Dunno how true la.

I hv to go for jabs every wk n I'm on loads of pills. My second time so hope won't hv a third time..

I got to know my son's gender only at wk 20 coz he crossed his legs, but this time round, the bb nt shy, leg open super big n cannot find the bird n ball.. Not once.. I saw 3 times le. Once last wed, once at 24hr clinic when I admintted on Sunday 3am and once on Monday when they did a scan to measure my cervical length.. All 3 times she show her backside with legs open.

Tip is drink loads of water b4 the scan so the scan is clearer. Most times also the dr lazy to find la.. Takes time..

Hi Mommies,

as i've mentioned, i can't take milk. One suggested me to take ca-c 1000 sandoz, but i went to the pharmacy just now . & the pharmacy assistant just now recommended me another one. Doesn't dissolves in water, it's taken two teaspoon daily. & the calcium in it is higher than ca-c 1000 sandoz. She mentioned that ca-c 1000 sandoz contained higher vit c instead. So i bought the one taken two teaspoon daily .. The instructions behind stated that it's suitable for pregnancy & breastfeeding. & suitable for those who can't take tablets, & they also said in the instructions that that can replace 100% full fat milk x:

So i think should be ok taking that, right? & my calcium should goes higher after taking this since i'm not taking milk ya. hahahaha.

Jolyn- me too, experienced difficulty swallowing supplement wif plain water. I did check wif my gynae. He is ok wif me taking it wif isotonic drink, fruit juice as long as not wif coffee n tea. As for bao sheng drink, I'm not too sure. U may want to check wif ur gynae.

Bing (iceblue),

ya, old people dun like tiger baby. I'm suprised that there r many tiger babies this year. Perhaps nowadays, we new generation are not superstitious.

My MIL said that tiger baby will clash with me ( born in the year of dog). I dun believe. Only after looking at the ba zi, we then can determine.

Diana, haven't have much problem with my MIL during normal circumstances, but confinement may just bring out the worst. Ha ha, hopefully not.

Step & OrangeBB, my scan is on 25th June, after I come back from holiday. I think my PIL are more eager than me to find out the gender.

Pigicia, take care. Maybe use this time to watch dvds, and books abt pregnancy and parenting?

Horror stories of MIL invading into our space. That's why I absolutely refuse to stay with them. Absence makes the heart fonder.

Cord banking - if $$$ not a problem, do go for it. Better safe than sorry. Donate the cord blood? How does this works?

PTB7476, u use a finger to poke ur arm. My baby's kicks feel like that, except it's from inside the stomach.

I'm 18 weeks also, the movements are very obvious.

whitecookies: looks like ur position seems to be stuck. take necessary vitamins to balance up.

Bing(iceeblue): i think i am neither petite nor too fat. but u r right, as long as baby is growing n healthy =D and my weight gain seems ok. Now i am 15 1/2 week n only gain abt 3kg plus. is it a lot? when i was 6week, i gain 2.5kg after a trip to malacca. Doc have a shock! Haha! Perhaps it was due to my sudden hunger pang and full breakfast. Moreover, I don really have MS or vomit. I am only hungry n sleepy. Subsequent weight gain was slow & stable.

What is other mummies experience on weight gain at diff week?

Irene - there are few pcs i got them at 50% sale, a few more is on 20% cos i bought more so she gave me more discount.

RE : cordblood

I banked my no.1 with stemcord, somehow i feel its like insurance, i don dare to take risks when it comes to bb's health, never know wats gg to happen in future but just hope i have left something that will be useful to bb if really need to use. Just signed up with stemcord for no. 2, now no. 2 can use CDA. The unfront fees is slightly more but annually is still affordable so i see why not. However its indl decision hw u gauge it, suggest to read more into this area and decide if u all wan donate to public banking or store it.

Re : tiger bb

I not very superstitous in this area, every horoscope got its good and bad. Both my parents are tigers and i don see my mom as a tigeress. They are all myths, lets not tik too much and give ourselves too much stress.

Re: tiger baby

most elderly dont like Gal tiger but boy tiger is ok ...

novembaby... poke my arm... din feel that but sometime i do feel like i can feel the pulse at various part of my tummy...not sure whether that is my pulse or the bb exercising hahaha

Re: In laws

There are kind and unkind MILs, just as there are kind and unkind DILs. I guess the hbs also have an important role in mediating potential conflicts.

For me, I have a very nice and understanding MIL who makes birdnest for me every week. She also offers to do my confinement, which I do not mind as well. But hb insisted on getting a CL, as he does not want to tire his mum out, and to minimise potential conflicts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess I am considered lucky that my inlaws are very friendly and hospitable people. In fact, when I first met up with them during the dating days, they were the ones who kept chatting with me to make me comfortable, while I tried to keep quiet and hide in a corner.

Vividip (vividip)-

U are lucky that someone give up their seat for you. No one even bother to give up their seat for me, always act sleeping or busy with their IPhone. My hubby says that I should wear maternity wear. For me, I still can fit in in my normal clothings (but with a bulging tummy).

allo ladies.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im still waiting to see my lil one in 2 weeks times..so long!! so anxious..

COngrast to those successfully past the amino test.. yeah!!! finally a peaceful mind eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow... still like quite a lot of boys eh ...

Yup.. don be supersitious la.. hehehhee a healthy baby is a good baby, no matter wat animal is it.. LOL ...

