(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


haha.sometimes auntie can b quite irriating ya.if me,i wont stand up. its indeed dangerous to stand,esp on a super pack bus...


I think some times old aunties are bullies.. Las week I was in mrt and found a seat. When I was about to sit down, an auntie ask me to give up the seat for her. And i did stand up and now think back y am I so stupid to give up the seat for her.


if i were u, i will call out to my hubby. den purposely tell my hubby loud loud, "HUBBY! I JUST FELT THE BABY KICKING FORM INSIDE OF ME!! I think the auntie infront of me woke baby up."

dolliepollie, phil&ted isit good? Its a twin stroller? Nv seen this brand in the US..my gal ok with stroller, cannot carry too long, my hands whil break! Haha..she is 9kg already..my peg prego n quinny buzz still in the box lo! Nv expect to hav #2 so fast, now i gt like 4 single strollers at home! Occupy space! Dont know to use what i have or get a twin one..hmmm...

Vividip, how old does the auntie look like? U ask her if she is using a senior citizen pass lo! If not, then she is not considered an elderly...cant stand this kind of aunties!!

hi all

anyone not going any confinement lady to help out? im thinking if possible to do everything on my own?

hi bam

can add me to the list?

EDD: 6th nov

Dr: Dr L N Sim

Hos: Thomson Medical

this is my 1st baby

sex: unknown yet


She is an educated auntie becoz she speaks in English all e time... I guess she's in her fifties but how can she demand for a seat so aggressively ya?! I guess e more it makes it difficult for anyone to give up their seat after her grumblings.

Hey, do u gals feel a little pain in e belly sometimes? I dunno if it is due to e baby's position in me but sometimes I feel like some pressure in it and it's a little pain. Guess I gotta check w my gynae.

Cherrios: ur peg perego wad model?? If it's switch you wanna sell me? Hahaha. I was thinking worst to worst bring 2stroller lo. But for my case #1 hardly wants to seat. So I use the pupsik sling pouch lo. Phil & Ted you might wanna google it.. It's a twin stroller. Using iPhone to reply hard to load things la.. Very slow.. Btw, you in states huh... Hahahaha...


my #1 no CL. but that time Hubby took leave to look after bb lo. He look after night I look after day. But make no diff la. I need to wake up pump cause bb dun wan to latch. As for cooking.. He buy the meat 3 or 4days supply in 1 shot. But I only eat 1 type a day.. Not like those tinkat la.. Every meal diff.

I throw everything in the slow cooker before I sleep. The next day can eat Liao. Same for the soup. So I got a least 4slow cooker now. Even the red dates water I oso use slow cooker...but once a week my mum will help cook cause she working ma.

But for now.... We shift house Liao.. Hubby oso change job Liao.. Dun have so much leave lo. Think I will have go do all the washing and cleaning myself ba.

vividip, Yes. I felt a little pain in the belly sometimes. I think it's due to the baby's position, & sometimes is baby kicked very hard till i felt a little bit pain. & another point is sometimes is the dk what inside us scretch & enlarge so we'll feel a little pain. When i sleep, sometimes i lie this way also pain, lie that way also pain. Now my thighs & backside also start to have sharp pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lucky, Hi lucky! You've the same gynae as me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seriously, it annoys me that only pple seated on reserved seats are expected to give up their seats for those who need it more. Anyone considerate enough shld give up their seats wherever they are seated. Why must pple here always be told to do the least decent things before they can use their own common sense and compassion?

Vividip - I feel a little pain sometimes. If sit/lie wrongly and switch position, may have sharp pain too. Think it should be due to our ligaments stretching to accomodate our growing bellies.

Ya, i also suspected it could be due to the stretching of our belly... coz my intuition kindda feel that it is not any problem w my baby, just a process of it growing/positioning that leads to the pain.

But so far, i haven got to feel its movement, think might b too early for me coz i m only at week 16.

Hi, sorry to interrupt. I've a bottle of Similac Mum milk powder to let go.

Price: $10 (Retail sellng at $19.95)

weight: 700g

Expiry: 4-Sep-2012

Pickup at Central/East location.

Interested pls email [email protected]


vividip, i think it's normal to feel abit of pain in the stomach i think. As i read online, they mentioned that when our ligaments are growing or when baby is growing.. Something inside will scretch & sometimes we'll feel abit of pain? Hmm.

vividip, i also feel pain here and there, both for #1 and this pregnancy..its normal, just the ligaments stretching to accomodate our new found body...

Dolliepollie, ya still in the states lo...

Gynae: Dr SF Loh

Hosp: KK Hospital

EDD: 15 Nov

Gender: Girl

Hi all MTBs, i am new here, this is my first and it's a girl, very normal and we are contented with it!

My EDD has changed from 18Nov to 15Nov, though dun really know why?? I guess i will deliver earlier than that date, coz my mum & sis deliver b4 week 36...

Was thinking of changing gynae coz mine is always super busy and every appt has to wait 2 to 3 hrs before seeing him, I am constantly wondering will he be around when i'm in labour. anyone can recommend/advise me?

hmmm.. i just bought a can of Similac Mum but not yet open... hopefully it's dun taste yucky...

Anybody know which brand of milk pwdr taste better??

i feel more stomach pain today but so relieved to know tat it is normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Started to get rashes this afternoon. Started on my right forearm, then upper arm. Now neck also leh. Dunno how. Gynae is on leave until my appt on tues. Sigh

hi nov mummies,

i have not logged in since million years ago, think i was only in my 7th week when joined, nw going on to 19 weeks already!

read with interest the varying topics, really is so interesting!

i was admitted tmc for drip when i was in my 12th week, due to severe vomiting,my 1st tri was realli challenging..

even till nw, i still experience occasional vomiting, however, have been able to identify certain foods that trigger the condition so am able to cope with it better..

have any mummies started baby shopping yet?

me and hubby had bought quite alot at the recent motherhood fair, thought it would be fun to start buying, also the prices were really reasonable..

have been staying home since pregnancy, due to the vomiting and nausea, my job allows me to work from home and thus, really hope to make some friends from here as life as a stay-at-home FTM can be really lonely..i do get emotional many times and start crying to hubby that i dunno how life has changed..

wishing all mummies a very smooth, comfy and pleasant sunday night..have a good rest and sleep tight tight... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dory_Nemo, hello & welcome! I'm currently with Dr LN Sim, she's previously from KKH too. My niece was delivered by her, & saw quite alot of good comments about her online so i decided to go to her when i was pregnant. Her CLinic is located inside TMC, clinic LN Sim. I thnk she's an experience & nice doctor which answer to all my enquires. Maybe you can consider my gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pibymummy, Hello! I'm going to be in my 20th week tmrl! So excited, hehe. I've started abit of baby shopping alr. Currently had been looking out for Strollers alrd. Hehe. I get emotional many times too, even though i'm working. But i too get emotional easily especially when my hubby doesn't pays much attention to me, i'll cry to sleep at night and everything. Guess this is part of the pregnancy bah? And your T1 sounds really tough, i had ms too but yours sounds worser! But anyw, it's kinda over isn't it?! Haha!

Lucky: I did without for #1 and it's going to be the same for #2. Can be done, just need to get things organised. More hands on thus learn to cope faster. Hubby took leave and he is also half the CL![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Did grocery once a week, told the hawkers to individually pack the meat, poultry and fish. Cook confinement dishes on my own. Survived! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pibymymmy: Sorry to hear of your challenging T1. Hope you are feeling much better now. I'm a SAHM. I lpok after my #1 myself. Haven't started any shopping. What did you buy from the fair?

Dory Nemo:


Abt your gynae availability, you should check directly with him. See what he says, then you decide. Most important you are comfortable with him and don't mind the extremely long waiting time. Or find out from his assistants if he's super busy type. HTHs.

Dory_Nemo: Welcome and Hi!

When you mentioned change of gynae, are you looking at change of hospital too? Male gynae? Female gyane?

Re: ailian spree

Hi ladies, i have sent out all normal and registered parcels today. For those who has opted for registered mail, i have sent the article # to your email.

have a good week ahead!

hi Stephanie!

yeah, im also looking forward to my 20++ weeks ahead!sounds like another milestone for us rite!

mi n hubby also looking at strollers, its like buying a car to him! he says its baby's "vehicle" so muz buy the safe and good kind! really cute to see him involved [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i cry whenever my hubby dun pay attention to me also!he has been really sweet, we bonded alot during the past few mths that he stayed home be with me when i was gg thru the terrible T1..i find that my hubby and baby is the most important to me now..marriage is wonderful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

T1 is over, but the vomiting still haunts me! i pray to God each meal to take away the vomiting! now juz avoid the foods, usually will be ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Jo!

u r very sweet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah, T1 was challenging, i also dunno how i manage to survive it..i could still remember, i told hubby that if the vomiting did not stop by a certain day, we will admit TMC drip.so, it was on a sat morning, at 4+am, i woke him up, he made a call to TMC, talked to my gynae and we hastily pack bag go TMC.it sounds like im gg into labour!to cut the story short, i was put on the drip, felt better and was discharged the next day. it was my 1st time on a drip and i really feared needles, poking but for the sake of my baby, i told myself to be brave and made the decision to go hospital as i was literally rolling on the floor the whole night, unable to sleep and no urine could be passed.

how old is your no. 1 now?

wow, i bought a playpen, avent steriliser, avent milk bottles, signed up TMC FBI, signed up TMC pre-natal classes, buy huggies diapers, sign up motherhood magazines etc..mi n hubby really had fun, it was so cute, he was playing with the milk bottles, imagining himself feeding baby and we juz kept smiling, thinking of all the scenarios when baby joins us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mtbs,

sorry to interrupt. I have bought a bottle of Palmer's Massage Lotion for Stretch Mark at the recent Motherhood Fair. Used only a few pumps yet hubby is sensitive to the shea butter smell. I'm willing to give it away. Anyone who is interested do feel free to PM me for self-collection at Simei. Thx.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4103378.jpg]

Hi pibymummy!

That was really scary, hope you didn't contracted any UTI then for not being able to pass urine? But you sounded so cool! Can have contingency plan some more! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks. My #1 is 23 months already will turn 2 by July. she's a sweet girl, so far so good, everything is under control, keeping my fingers crossed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Never regret leaving the corporate world to be a SAHM. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, involve hubby, they will feel very happy that their opinions are being valued! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]looks like you have bought quite a lot. FYI, Huggies diapers are pretty small in size, so you may want to buy minimum first. Avent bottles and sterilizer are good buys, very good to use.

Aw... so sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nice feeling right? Buying for a girl is even more exciting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pibymummy, So what choices of stroller do you have in mind now ? I've a Capella S226 in mind now, it's quite light. I'm quite looking into a light stroller as it'll be easier if i were to travel alone. & easier for my mom too as she will be the one taking care of my baby when i start going back to work after labour. Hehe

hi jo,yea,tinkin bac it was really scary..painful in the bladder also..i also thot i wld hv UTI but god bless,i passed e urine test..nw i joke 2 hubby we had done a most intensive hospital tour @ TMC!e nurses r realli attentive n helpful,we stayed @ e 5th floor premier single suite,nice also!

thinking back,i thought i was really brave,taking charge n understanding my symptoms.i always thought i wld b very scared,useless,when facing needles n poking but i guess with age n the upcoming new responsibility as a mummy,i decided that certain decisions have gt to be made [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dory nemo : welcome!

i was with s.f. loh before I changed. reasons for changing cuz I always wait very long like you and time with him is always limited..

another reason was cuz of dollars and cents la.. cuz I read from other mtbs here that their package is like between 500-800 for the all the visits, excl. special scans or test i.e. FA scan, DS scan.. but my visit at kkh was like 100-200+ each time.. which makes up alot of diff.. moreover I spend too much time waiting aimlessly at the clinic each time..

jus my story to share..

nitey mummies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummies....

Thank u bbmiao for your effort again.

ytd i had a bad dream! i dreamt a nurse telling me my bb heartbeat no good.

now that i'm already at my 20th week but i still dun seems to feel any movement.. have been a bit worried till now...

My detailed scan is 23rd june. really can't wait.

wonder if i can bring forward

ladies - i gg into 20th week on coming tues, so fast its 5mths! Can really feel bb movement, esp when she hears music, keke.

Bam - my fren felt bb movement at 20th week. Maybe u wan try seeing gynae this coming week if u are concerned. I tik bring fwd 1week doesnt really matter much rite, I supposed see her this coming week but she on leave so must wait till next week, sian.

pibymummy: Yes, the nurses at TMC are really nice, I attended the antenatal class, they are very helpful even though I wasn't giving birth at TMC. Breastfeeding support also very good.

I know what you mean, that's why people celebrate Mothers' day, Women's day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mummies make lots of sacrifices and are very resillient![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bam: Remain calm ok? Tomorrow go see gynae and confirm. Talk to baby, some babies are more reactive, music will help too. Remembering you in my thoughts.

Koori: So happy for you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me still counting down to 20 weeks! BTW, I saw your gynae that day when I went to see my gynae- his clinic is a few doors away. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Shared the same lift with her, she was instructing her nurses on some stuffs before she left!

Tris Mum, my scan will be done in US cos I'm currently based there. Hopefully, I'll know the gender by then, bb hasn't been cooperative, legs were crossed in the last scan. I must be the last person to find out the gender. After the scan, need to see a dr to assess if I fall into high risk pregnancy category, cos my uterus is not normal shape.

Bam, don't be too worried, the movements will come soon.

Koori, time flies hor. I'm right behind you, will be in week 20 very soon. Before we know it, it'll be 36 already.

I missed e motherhood fair coz I din know there's one... Hee! Does anyone know if there r any more of such fairs coming up? That day my hubby and I were shopping at Vivo and we went into a shop to look at e prams. But at tat time, my belly was not showing so I quickly pulled my hubby out of e shop coz v paiseh, e preggies inside are all showing and mine is not, yet we r looking for a pram so soon... Hee! I saw a Brio pram which I quite like at mothercare but it is $1149 so m still considering if it is wise to spend so much on it. Do u gals think we can buy breast pumps now or later after e baby is borned? My sis-in-law told me she din hav a lot of milk tat time and it will b a waste of money if it happens for me too.

morning ladies..

my detailed scan at TMC is on 30th, anyone? heee...

so excited....

Btw, so CLOVER!!... hee sorry for the CAPS, the Prenatal Yoga is ON hor?

the intructor will send us confirmation via emails?

BabyMiAO!! ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when the delivery be made by this week or so? Coz all my normal working pants gotta "graduate" liao.. i cant put them on anymore.. thinking this is the last week for them :p

Ooops.. BabyMiao juz read your earlier msg.. heee THANK YOU again!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bam, everytin will be good don worrie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

old folks say dreams are opp of reality de, your baby's heartbeat must be super strong in reality [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] relax & 23rd is juz next week *wink*

Good morning to all mummies!

Hope you had a good weekend. My belly started growing last few days and like all of a sudden it became bigger and more pronounced. I am 16 weeks this week. But on yesterday morning when I woke up allt eh way till now, it seemed to have gone down, the bulge is not as big already. Feels weird. My gf says sometimes its baby's position and it happens or maybe I ate too much the last few days.

Anyone experienced the same too?

viidip, my pregnant belly is also nowhere in sight, but I'm also shopping ard for a stroller, but haven't shortlisted any yet. I think I'll buy the breast pump only after baby is born, need to assess my milk supply first.

hpc, mine oso suddenly showed up, i mean my tummy..hee during week16, n startg to feel the movements ... so happy... i am week18.. for mine is ok.. the bulge is ard the same, never say suddenly smaller, when i lie on bed, then flatten become smaller..heee .. but yes, bby position will affect the shape of tummy, but tot ours is still consider small now, shdnt be mcuh of effects? hmm..

ya regardg breastpump.. oso headaches dunno which one to buy.. i havnt start my GSS shopping, everytime wanna go, tot of somany pple, i back off.... coz easily tired & headache now, esp gg w my boy, nid to chase n look aft him, v xiong!

i ustd from my gynea tat detailed scan if do b4 20th wk no pt cos all results all will not b accurate. will hv to do again after 20th wk.

bb movement-- my sis did not feel any bb movement thr out the 9 mths (believe it anot) but gave birth to a healthy bb, so dun woory too much abt bb movement. cld be u dun know tat is bb movements or u r bz wif other things so din notice. the reason y we tends to feel more bb movement at nte is bcos we r lying quietly on bed n we r not bz wif other things so we can feel more.

breastpump- being mother 2nd x i will strongly advise to buy breast pump after accessing milk supply or borrow frm others to try out 1st. no pt buying now jus to save in GSS end up waste $$

prams-- personally i feel dun spend so much on prams cos not always the 1st one works out for u due to many reasons like ur bb might not like to sit on prams. for me, i bought 4 prams to get the suitable one for my son. but persoanlly feel maclaren is good n sturdy


dory: congrats and welcome.

re: bb movement

just started to feel some slight bb movements over last weekend, esp after meals..or taken something sweet, like ice-cream or cakes...as some mummies also mentioned before think bb more active if we taking sweet stuffs. hubby also felt the movements..get us so excited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bam: dun worry..i also just started to feel some slight bb movement just over last weekend when im also close to 20wk. think ur bb very guai..or he really did move but maybe we are still not very sensitive towards it.

re: 20wk this week or coming 20wk

congrats on reaching ur 20wk! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we are half way thru our pregnancy liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_happy.gif]

