(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi ladies, a little scary to hear those MIL stories. For me, my mum will be doing confinement for me, but my MIL like a little unhappy. Ask if we are getting a CL. So far, we've been telling her No.

But actually, my mum also not very confident although she did my cousin's confinement last time. MIL also more traditional and have more requirements. Hope everything goes well.

Still do not know baby's gender. So far, MIL say baby is healthy ok already. She already has 2 grand daughters, so she may be happier with boy. Maybe she indirectly tell us thru SIL that she prefers boy. Hubby prefers girl though. Haha


I'm going home to do my confinement, as my mil is working. Counted lucky, cause i heard from my husband's sister that my mil did confinement for her that time & she got so frustrated with that they she quarreled with her. So i'm so happy that i'm actually going back to my own mom to do confinement as i don't wanna get irritated & yell at my mil. WOn't be nice :\

Bam, And what's the list for don't mind me asking? Curious seeing the list of MTB, their delivery hospital & doctors etc etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stephanie, icecream contains milk, and therefore contains calcium mah. ;P

Now is the time where we can eat without feeling guilt.. so,, eat and be merry! keke.

Re: Ailian spree

Ladies...for those who have participated in the Ailian spree..the items have arrived. I have sent out the invoice via email. Pls check and revert.

For those who have transferred the payment and responsed on the email, items are packed and ready to go out latest by next Monday. Will keep you posted again.

Lucky/ all,

Can't remember which thread I gotten the info.

You can buy maternity/ free size clothes from :

Blk 185 Toa Payoh central


The brand/ shop name is Carrana.

I just bought a few dresses from the shop, average ~$30 per dress. The designs are quite nice. The shop sells different range of clothes, but the free sizes/ "maternity" wear are at one corner.

Do check them out if you are keen.

Sorry to interrupt this thread.

*Brand new* items ranging from Avent milk bottles/teats to Neutrogena hydrating masks, to 12 inch mistral fan, all at attractive prices! Freebies for the purchase of items > $10

Visit cashin88.blogspot.com to browse the items. PM me if you are interested. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

o..forget to add tat as my hb is the youngest and his 2 elder brother are not married and neither hv gf, thus mayb tat y my mil will prefer boys then gal lor....heehee...understandable but hor this r nt up to me to decide lor...

Stephanie, don't u worry abt what other pple think. Those are ignorant pple. Just concentrate on being a gd parent. That's all that matters.

You were asking abt fortified OJ? Those can be obtained in supermarkets. They are OJ with added calcium and stuff.

Diana, ur MIL is kind of difficult to fathom. I'm a bit worried since my MIL may be helping me with confinement. Don't know much abt her confinement style. I think my hubby might be hearing a lot of complains from me then.

Hi all, sorry was busy whole of last week. Din even have time to go for expo fair last wk.

Which kind of milk powder did u mummies have now? How many times a day? My mum tolod me she took 3times a day. Do we really get fatter faster by drinking milk? My doc already prescribe me calcium & multivit which I took daily.

I only stopped multivit last week due to constipation which I am not sure due to the multivit or my increased stress level last wk.

Oh! So many mummies know their baby genders already! I cant wait for 3 weeks later. my next detailed ultrascan to check baby organs or gender.

Bing (iceeblue): Doc told me I look like 6mths too. So did both my aunt.... hmmm..... n it's my first baby, not twins! Anybody know why?

You can get fatter by drinking milk, it depends on the fat and sugar content of the formulation. Special antenal milk powder is not needed if you have proper nutrition. Calcium + multivit + healthy diet will be sufficient. You may want to check with ur gyne, not all will recommend milk powder.

Orangbb, constipation is a common problem in pregnancy, it may or may not be due to your multivit.

I'm also waiting for my detailed scan at the end of the month to find out the gender.

Whitecookies: No wonder you are so unhappy. Be strong, MILs are forever a pain in the neck! There are exceptional cases though. I am one of those unfortunate ones also but managed to turn the situation around. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm a no "pushover"! I am always firm with what I want to do and I make sure I get the message through diplomatically- if she raises objections, I'll raise my eye-brows and widen my eyes to give her that "is there a problem" kind of look! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha ha... She is kind of scared of me but now the scariness becomes respect. Maybe I'm a bad DIL but I think we don't have to suffer in silence- we give and take and they too must do likewise. As long as my hubby and I agree on the way things should be done, we'll stick to it.

I'm not saying we should be rude to MILs and tell them to MYOB but they have to be taught how to let the couples lead their lives. Sometimes, they forgot their children are married and need to lead their own lives.

Don't be despair, be firm, as long as your hubby and you have an understanding of what's going on, then communicate properly to her. If she has to be black faced, too bad, let her sulk, she'll understand some day! Afterall, the kid is yours and you have full responsibilities over the kid. Just do some crisis management after that- buy her her favourite food, praise her for the good things she does.... I can understand your current situation, try to work it out but don't be too stressed over it ok? You can't afford to get depressed after delivery.

If she doesn't want you to have a CL, maybe she wants to cook? I did it without CL also, not that anyone says I can't have one, just personal preference. I survived! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My MIL now remembers how to give us space to learn to be parents already, give them time to learn. Cheer up! I'm sure things will be better for you soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene: Powdered milk is tailor-made for preggies whereas fresh milk for general. Both are just as good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] There's always Milo, Nutella, oats, nestum..., all rich in calcium to choose from! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stephanie: Yes, ice cream, yoghurt both are rich in calcium!

Bam: Me too! Eat many brands of ice-cream already! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Diana: maybe your MIL is insecure? Especially when your FIL is already gone, she clings on to her sons. It must be tough on you but you definitely have managed it well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bluesoda: Don't scare yourself, may not be that bad. Jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I had bad MS from 6week to 13week, and lost 6.5kg due to vomiting. Now it's much better, recovered 2.5kg these 2 weeks.

My MS symptom is quite like my 1st one—now 28month daughter.

Hopefully your MS is temporary, and will go away soon.


tat wat i feel too...hahaha....although i can understand her insecurity, but some of the things she do or say I was not happy and hb know lor...but hb cant say anything coz he know i hv right to be unhappy especially when his mum sort of say things tat kind of pick on my parents lor.

for me very clear cut, i am ur DIL, u can say wat u wan or be nasty to me....but no way for u to do anything to my parents coz they dun owe her anything lor.


dun worry lah...mayb ur MIL are ok le...nt every MIL will behave the same way de....there are nice MIL tat my frenz hv, and i will say in a way my own mother is a nice MIL who wont interfer into anythings my bro and my SIL does or decided lor...


Ya i heard multivit will also cause consipation due to the iron contents it have mah...mayb u wan to check wif ur gynae wat are the ways to counter it.

OranGeBB> I think powered milk maximum should be once a day? I have friend who drink everyday gain too much weight and think too much sugar, have to reduce on it. I drink few times a week, as I think it's abit heaty if drink too much.

tks jo. cos not sure if powder milk may add on to my constipation prob...been trying to regulate it by eating more fruits/yogurt drink..thus dun wanna make it worse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw just recently had tried the brand "Anlene" packet milk which state 4 times of calcium. can this be taken by preggy? cos see 4 times calcium and as we preggy need more calcium than usual, thus tot this maybe good?? but has not heard anyone mentioned they tried this brand packet milk...

babymiao: had transferred $$ and replied ur mail already. cun wait to get my hands on those stuffs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tks for the spree.

Chloe Goh (hapigal):

The medical cost is not very ex. The herbal face mask (6 packets) cost ard $30. I dun rem paying any consultation fee..

I din wait very long, in fact there is no q at all..

thanks Jo for sharing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am alright with her but sometimes she gives me the feeling that I am not part of the family. I guess she is jealous that her son treats me well.

Anyway I cannot be bothered with them la...if you dun like me, so be it...I just do my part of a DIL. Do you know she cook egg and luncheon meat for dinner everyday? I eat until I want to puke! Nothing nutritious at all...I only get to eat healthy food when I go home to my mum's over the weekend.

So the best solution is to ignore and just hide in my room cos seeing them upset me.

Re Milk Powdered

I have a fren who drink milk every day and need to C-section coz her baby weigh ard 4kg.

I drink milk once a week...I also take cheese, supplement and ice-cream..so shld be sufficient.

Re: Milk

The instructions on the anmum milk states 4 spoons of powder is to be added to 200ml of warm water. And to be drunk twice a day. So daily = 8 spoons of powder!

But I am only drinking 2 spoons of powder daily.

i am drinking anmum too since my first trimester. I didn't follow the instructions cos its too big a cup for me...i reduce the portion to 2-3 spoonful of powder per serving. Only drink once a day cos i heard its quite fattening.

But its a very good supplement when you feel hungry cos it kinda fill u up.

Good morning Mummies!

novembaby, Thanks! Hehe, i'm also waiting for my detailed scan on the 21st to know the gender of my baby! When is yours? Hope to hear about your baby's gender soon!

whitecookies, Same! But in the end drink & drink till i kept rejecting whenever i drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I should try again soon i think. I don't wanna lose my tooth ><

Hi Bam,

I'm also Nov'10 mummy...

pls add me into the list.

my EDD is 21 Nov (Gal)

Got 1 elder gal

Gynae : Dr Lawrence Ang

Hosp : Thomson Medical


Hi babes.. Long time no come here liao.. I seldom come forum.. Easier to FB with phone than visit forum.

I just gt discharged frm kkh for bleeding the 2nd time. Sianz.. On bedrest forever I think. I'm expecting a little girl!!


ur MIL is also beri thrifty huh? tat y she cook egg and luncheon meat every nite? btw, u dun eat too much canned food like luncheon meat ok, it is not healthy and i recall tat pregnant women are nt suppose to eat too much canned food coz canned food is high is sodium.


Hi Bam,

Can i be added to the Nov10 MTB list too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My EDD is 1st Nov.

Gender, TBA

Gynae: Dr LN Sim

Hosp: Thomson Medical Center

Thanks Bam!

Tulips_hope (tulips_hope)- glad you manage to get some new clothings from that shop. Yes, there are a wide range of maternity wear. In fact initially, i have trouble searching from the rack. Luckily, there is this salesgirl to help me introduce several tops and dresses.

If anyone who keen to get clothings from this shop, do approach the salesgirl. She is quite friendly and can introduce you some nice clothings that fits you.

Jo (jogwyn)- ya, maybe im scaring myself. Sometimes i get quite upset over my MIL's oversupersition. Last year, she had already "warn" me not to have baby in the Year of Tiger. But i feel that this kind of thing is beyond our control. So I ask my hubby whether he believe such thing. Luckily, my hubby is on my side. When we told her about my pregnancy, she is expresionless. At times, i may oversensitive and always have this feeling that she is unhappy. Furthermore, mine is a baby girl. We knew that she is hoping for a grandson.

Whitecookies - aiyo~ How can ur MIL cook eggs & luncheon meat for every dinner? Faint leh, super not enough nutrients loh. And luncheon meat got lots of sodium woh. Possible to get ur hb to geth er to cook something better?

phyl - I can understand how sian u feel man. I bedrest for this week and I buay dahan liao. Congrates on knowing your bb's gender! :D

Diana: Ya, can understand that. I'm also like that, I just do what a DIL should do. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Tough huh?

Whitecookies: Oh, you poor thing, it must be hard on you. I think it's unlikely she doesn't like you. You must be very capable, and she feels threatened that's all- like you are snatching away her son. And plus all the miscommunications, things just went wrong.

I got the same treatment in my first 2 years of marriage, my ILs moved in with us, but she wanted to be the house mistress! She ignored me and when my hubby said no to her, her respond="MY SON never did that to me before"! When we bumped into her and on the streets with her friends, she only introduced her son and turned her back at me! Whether I was being sensitive or reading in-betweens or not, I saw the insecurity in her. I can confidently say I never benefitted from her in any way- she never cooked, cleaned the house, buy groceries or anything to eat with us; even then when I suffered from my first miscarriage, she didn't even ask or buy any tonics for me(ya, not joking, not even the most idiot-proof tonic-Brand's essence of chicken), I did everything all by myself. No complaints though cos I enjoyed the process.What I did was to be firm and diplomatic in my ways to her. I also felt like a stranger at my so called new home. I remained focus and continued to smile whenever I can. I just make sure I'm not rude and she can't fault me. Finally, we made plans to move out and let them stay in our place. Really very much better now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Things will get better, don't give up. And don't stay in the room too much, not good for you- too suffocating. Try to show your face a bit in other parts of the house- ha ha ha... like claiming territory and announcing your existence![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Stock up food in the fridge, and before you leave the house, smilingly "instruct" her to cook at least one soup or a nutritious dish for you. Use the excuse of "craving"! Soon she will understand that you need nutritious food. Don't assume that they know everything and will understand what to do. They are like kids, need to be told and taught what to do. Your life will be better if you understand where they are coming from and manage them well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have you menu ready, just one dish a day on top of her luncheon meat and egg is good enough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't be too disappointed about it ok? Everything we do, we have to learn how to manage our expectations so we don't get too upset when things turn out otherwise. Just like a diamond before it shines, it has to go through lots of frictions and polishing; similarly, it is through all these "bad experiences" we become matured and resilient. So by the time we become a mother, we are in the right frame of mind to teach our kids and to bring them up! You can do it! Don't let her affect your pregnancy. Happy pregnancy=happy baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha, I agree with Jo, about "claiming territory and announcing your existence"!

I used to stay with my ILs at their house, but my hb wana change to a larger place. So we decided to buy our own place. However, as my ILs are unable to afford their place w/out the help of my hb, they have to shift in with us.

When we were doing renos, my MIL wana occupy the living room and MBR, stating reasons that she's used to having an attached toilet, and does not wish to be hole up in their room. She said until like she's not welcome downstairs (I stay in an EM). My hb was wondering how to solve this, but I firmly told him that no. It's my house too, and I wana have the MBR and use the living rm. I don't wana "hide" in room to watch tv while they laze at my living room. Was pretty angry at her feng liang hua.

I think the main thing is to show ur ILs where you stand on such matters. Be firm, but of course not rude. If they realise that you can't be bullied, then they will stop trying.

Hi Bam, can you add me to the list?

My EDD is 27th Nov.

Gynae: Dr Woo Bit Hwa

Hosp: Mt A.

This is my first kid.


Whitecookies: Don't give up. I agree with Jo, that u also don't coop yourself up in the room. Stock up some good food in fridge and if u are free, prepare them yourself, like soup or easy to make veg etc and soon she will get the idea.

I thank God my MIL is very nice. At the start of this year at CNY, she wished me good health and all and that God will bless all my plans including starting a new family. I guess that's her very sensitive way of saying..when do u want to have a kid? I so touched my eyes were teary.

Then when I couldn't eat due to MS, she offered to cook soup for me. Even though I had no appetite, after a few offers, I said yes and my husband went over to bring it home for me. I just didn't want to say NO to everything. She would call me to ask me how am I. We are Chistians so once she even prayed for me over the phone. My FIL would also call me to ask how am I but very awkward sometimes like err....nothing much to say leh. Hahaha

My own mother is the opposite. She has never asked me how am I doing or coping. But she would boil soup for me. Just doesn't show affection verbally lor.

I guess everyone is different. Most importantly, take it in your stride and work around and keep yourself happy cos you want to have happy endorphins passed to your baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So jiayou!

piGgiCia: hope u are feeling better now. take care and rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bluesoda,thanks for the info.Gona give the TCM a visit.haha..my face gona rot veri soon frm this pregency acne.

Irene,i drink the anlene X4 calcium since T2.So far so good. Super convenient lor.But price wise base on per packet is abit exp.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I drink that everyday. certain days,i will take 2 packet,mayb 1 in the morning and another in the evening.

OrangeBB: Yep, multivits can cause constipation so must drink lots of water after consuming. I take my multivits on alternate days- I gather that if I eat well, I don't need so much multivits. Can try and see if this works for you.

Irene: Powdered milk is more nutritious(Bu) so it can be more heaty. I like to drink it cold, some how, sure makes me release! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yes, that anlene 4xs milk is good, I'm taking the choc one too. Powdered milk, I take as and when I remember. Don't stop your yoghurt drink and other calcium stuffs.

Re constipation:

There is this Physillium husk(not sure if I get the spelling right) available in pharmacy and drug stores-GNC, Natures farm... that is good for relieving constipation. It's not a herb or drug, just fibres safe for us preggies. You can add it to your whatever juices or drinks you are taking. There is instuctions to what proportion to add to how many mls of liquid. Try it, I took that before when I had bad constipation. The produt is pronounced as "c-lium" husk.

Bluesoda: Don't care about her expression! You already "informed" her, no choice if she wants to be unhappy, what can you do? Already pregnant what! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My MIL came to visit me at hospital when I had #1, after taking a look, she looked up and said she was hungry and want to eat! I just laughed it off- I'm happier that she left me alone cos after giving birth, I found myself easily irritated by comments and very teary. I could have snapped at her if she stayed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So just remind yourself your MIL is extra help, don't foget to ad "pls" and "TQ" when you ask her to do things. They are very happy to be involved in the whole process- like that you won't get in her way and you'll still be in control! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Those asking abt milk my gynae ask me to drink annum once a day cos sugar content high though box said 2times per day. Gynae aso said if dun wan annum take anlene this one ok to take 2 times a day as recommended on tin

Angel: Ha ha ha... that sounds familiar! My MIL called up the contractor to change the colour code of my house! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HPC: So nice right? to have an understanding and caring MIL? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I think it's up to us to take the lead to improve the relationship lah, no point going against them also- no peace at home plus husband will be in a difficult position right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

novembaby: when is ur scan? mine is 30jun. I can't wait!!

milk: I guess I shld drink once a day since I am taking calcium pill by doc.

ice cream: lots mummy taking ice cream! I thought we suppose to avoid cold stuff?? I heard it may cause phlegm, n baby will get flu n cough easily.

Diana(september): Doc gave me this laxative drink to drink. Doesnt seems to really work. But I only had it last week as I am back to normal this week. =D

Irene (siyeo): I am taking the packet anlene milk too coz its yummy n convenient. I can put it beside my bed at nite as sometimes I woke up in the middle of the nite hungry. But am thinking of switching to anmum soon. I hope it taste good....

whitecookies (whitecookies: don take too many lunchoen meat. I read canned foods are not good for baby. Pls google. But yet they r ppl who eat it often bcoz they crave for it n nothing happen to baby. Maybe u check w doc? N are u having ur confinement done by ur MIL? Y don u give her some money to buy better food? Or she doesnt know how to cook other food? Then order delivery nutritious food. even if its just for dinner. I know they r some company who does confinement food for post pregnancy. Please take care. N take some extra vitamins since ur eggs n luncheon meat seems quite insufficient. Discuss with doc, pls!

whitecookies> though i'm a fan of luncheon meat but i cant imagine i have to eat it everyday! yes like what others say, don't think is very healthy. can you packet your own food instead?


Jo - aiyo faint! It's ur house leh, no respect for others sia. My MIL wanted to copy the laminates that we use for our wardrobe, even the paint also wana copy, just sae a lighter shade then ours can liao. I told my hb no, how can she copy ours? Cannot have MBR then wana at least have the same colour theme ah? In the end I told her that the contractor dun have enough laminate for her room, and asked her to choose others. MILs... *shake head*

Re: luncheon meat

*faint* all the talk about luncheon meat makes me feel like eating it. With porridge... hahahhaha

