(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Gd morning ladies,

Im considering banking with Cordlife too. I rem one fren paid $600/$800 for 1 time fee + $200/$250 for yearly maintenance... sounds affordable. Anyway, my ex-colleague is the marketing mgr for Cordlife, hopefully able to get some discount from her ba... heh.

Im donating the rest like placenta etc. to GUSTO, a local research organisation. Already signed the consent form!


Jollymummy / novembaby,

I think donation is to gif away and we dont need to pay any $$. but if in the times we need the cord, we will hv priority in the Q (if i remember correctly). But got to double check with the people from Singapore Cord Blood Bank.


huh, wat gal born in the year of tiger wont be marry off? wat bullshit is this! I got so many gf born in the year of tiger also marry le lor...and those who are nt are they choose not to marry one....

Jo : Physillium husk is used to reduce cholestrol levels as well. Not sure if that has any effect on MTB who have low Cholestrol level. My hubby took it for awhile as recommended by one of my clients and indeed his cholestrol level dropped. For those who wish to try, do take in the morning and don't go out after that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Novembaby : I'm not very sure on the actual price, cos hubby bought on his own. Should be less than SGD900. Think retailing here for about 1.1K.


Congratulations! Definitely a pc of good news to be shared!!

Re : Inlaws

Since my first pregnancy, my inlaws dun bother to cook or buy anything for me to eat. Well, it is just them. Knowing them, I don't expect anything, so I have no disappointment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re : Tiger BB

Well, myself and my twin sister are both tiger gals. Our characters are abit different. So the animal horoscope don't determine the character.


I am a tiger who is married to a dog....hehehe....no clashes at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PTB7476, hmm, if it feels like ur pulse, it's prob not, cos the aorta runs behind the stomach. Give yourself sometime, my movements became regular only at week 18.

Diana, u very wei da. I wonder if the recipents have to pay a fee for using the cells.

Re: Tiger bb gal

ya, most elderly say tiger bb gal not good etc.. my aunt who is also born in the year of tiger joke and said..who said tiger not good, we even got our own advertisement leh "Tiger Beer"..haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: bb kicking

yesterday went to kiddy palace and bought a instrumental music cd for bb. Once i played the cd i can feel bb moving and kicking..seem like he/she likes to listen wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cos since last week i can only feel bb kicking only during evening time for jus a while after that no more liao..but yesterday bb keep on moving and kicking even when i gg to sleep oso can feel the kick. This morning i try to play the cd again also can feel bb moving [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherrie77, me too! felt baby kick last nite.. got so excited that i wake up n text my close friend. giggle so much that i couldnt sleep. cos the feeling is amazing! during noon, my baby did the kickin again..more active den. I hope he/she will behave at nite when i sleep..

Cord Blood,

There's only two cord blood banks in SG? Stemcord and cordlife?


am thinkin of bringin mine home..ask my mama to wash (if she dares) n keep it. so it would be good for me. keekeee!!

piggydog: I thrown away the receipt liao, think is $12.90 if i'm not wrong..ya, is specially for bb..the cd is call Brainy Baby..it has a few series, i bought Sleepy Baby series as when bb is born i can play the cd when putting he/she to sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

koori: wow 50% discount, good buy le..

juv06: wow seems ur bb likes the CD a lot..so much movement..this my wk19+ but dun seems to feel much movement from my bb leh...dun know is it i insensitive..ya how much tat CD, wanna buy to "trigger" my bb too..heehee..

Irene: yup, bb seem likes to listen to the music. Think is $12.90, u can go kiddy palace and check it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: Bb's kicking

My baby had been kicking quite frequently now that i'm in my 19thweeks. & sometimes when i placed my hand on my tummy, can felt it's movement/kickings too! Haha, it kicks when i ate something & he/she loves it. Sometimes it kicks when i'm working, chatting with my colleagues. But most of the time, it kicks when my husband is home!& when i'm about to sleep it started kicking again, sometimes really giving me a problem to concentrate on sleeping! And recently in the morning he/she wakes me up with his/her kicking! Like a alarm clock! Lol

juv 06 - thanks! I'll go n chk out during the weekend.

Irene - same as you, my bb doesn't seem very active. Maybe she's like me.. a couch potato! haha.

juv06: tks! ya i will go chk out tomorrow too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha..ya piggydog, maybe our bb really lazy to move much..maybe most of them sleeping lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif] so we play music to wake them up to "exercise" a bit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

stephanie: wow ur bb really active le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene, yes! In the beginning when i'm in my 16th weeks, it's not very active. Then in the midst of week 18th, suddenly it became very active! Got that genes from me i guess x: My mom said i used to be very active when i'm in her tummy too! And i loves to place my hand on top of my head, the few scans i went my baby place its hand on her head several times too! Then i got reminded of what my mom said about me! Hahaha.

bb movement> when i place my hand on tummy sometimes i can feel like heartbeat (but read it's not possible to feel heartbeat!) kind of movement, sometimes i can feel like bubbles blowing inside. i have not feel the obvious movement which some of you mentioned yet. i just started wk17. looking forward to it.


Yeah there're indeed many tiger babies this year. I have many friends who are expecting tiger babies soon. I think people our age are not superstitious. Usually the old folks are. If you let them choose, probably they rather not have tiger babies. To me, the future is moulded by ourselves. It doesn't really matter which year you are born.


You are quite fortunate to have no MS and vomiting. I'm still having MS now, but it seems to be improving slightly over the past few days. Don't be too bothered by your weight gain. My gynae said that he has patients who vomited so badly during the pregnancy and lost weight but still managed to give birth to babies weighing more than 3 kg.

Also, it's fine not to gain too much weight in tri 1 cos the baby will get the nutrients from our body reserve. But from tri 2 onwards, probably it will be good to gain weight gradually cos baby will start to absorb what we eat.

I've been gaining about 1kg every 2 weeks. Have gained about 6kg so far. My body is so much rounder than before and the fat also go to undesirable places like the thighs and arms ;(

Re: bb movement

So many MTB can feel bb movement now! But I don't think I can feel anything yet?! What I can feel now is occasional twitching in the lower abdomen or heartbeat like movement, just like what Mummywong experienced. There's no obvious kicking like what some of you are experiencing.

I'm in week 17 now and wondering when will I start to feel movement.

Bing (iceeblue): Ya I am pretty lucky w no MS, only super sleepy whole day. There was a period of time I was sleepy when clock strike 11am n it last whole day. Couldnt work well. N by 8pm I am a zombie. That lasted few weeks.

Re: baby movement: cant feel baby movement too. maybe there is.. but I couldnt recognize it...

Re: seats: nobody give up seats to me too! maybe they just think I am fat...

Re: baby gender; many mummies know their baby gender already! my doc din say anything, plus the scan at clinic seems bit blur, how to see??? I can only see the shape.... or is the machine used at diff doc diff??? then I ask him, so the 30jun is to see baby gender? he says it is to see baby organs, eyes, ears, etc and posible baby gender also....

huh? why posible? doc din even dare to commit for gender... *scratch head

Re cord blood

my DS' cord blood is with Stemcord. I wonder if I should go back to them (get a bit of discount) or go to cordlife. Thought the later means 'not putting all the eggs in the same basket'.


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hey ladies..

its been a long time since i last logged in.

my dr nv ask me for wad amino test lei...

#1 oso dun have. what is it for ar?

he only ask me whether i wan the oscar test nia..

will be going for the detail scan at TMC on the 21st. then i will know its a boy or girl.....

dolliepollie, you're going for the detail scan @ TMC on the 21st?! What time is your appt ? I'm going for the detailed scan on 21st too! My appointment is @ 2pm! Hehehe, i was hoping to know baby's gender by the time too! As the last scan baby don't wanna let us know it's gender! hehe.

Stephanie. Yeah its the 21st June. but mine ar 4.30pm lei. dunno can go early or not.. my dr say girl la.. den i was like HUH!!! girl ar. den he say oh maybe boy. go for detail scan next month lo. the nurse will tell you.. (-.-")

maybe i over react den dr oso dun wan to disappoint me so let the nurse tell me lo..

i HUH!! cause i was never prepared la. hubby keep saying boy boy boy until i blur blur liao.. cause if girl hubby will need to spent a bomb again. LOL

dolliepollie, hehe! Which doctor you go to? Mine is located inside TMC also, LN Sim Clinic. That time went to scan, baby kiap it's leg tight tight don't want open! Even when i change my lying down position baby also don't want open! Hahaha, then my gynae said that there SEEMS to be something in between the legs, but cannot be confirmed too as cannot be see clearly. Then she said next scan then know bah. So gotta wait till 21st to confirm. For me i'm ok with both, but my husband wanted a son. So i keep having a thinking that i wanted a son too-.- Tsk. Hehe

Your hubby wants a boy too?


yeah, reusable cloth diaper like bumwear and many other brands. i bought a few but till now oso nv use before on my #1.... thinking of the washing.. sian half lo!


my Dr. is Lawrence Ang. at sunplaze Thomson Woman's Clinic... My #1 was a boy and hubby wan 3boys la. so keep thinking of boys lo. but hoh.. my #1 time i was hoping for a girl but end up boy. now i want boy maybe girl lei. hahahahaha..

Dolliepollie, hahaha! I went to Dr Lawrence Ang in my T1, after that switched to LN Sim as my niece is delivered by her. Hehe, My hubby wanted a boy. In my T1 i wanted a girl after that slowly i think both also can as long healthy. Then my hubby wanted a boy then i keep thinking of boy also-.- But i kept dreaming of babygirl. Lmao, so cute one. Will know on the 21st then, hahaha

Oooo... Dream always a dream la.. Hahahahahahahaha.

But boy or girl now doesn't matter much to me Liao. So long they healthy can already.

Hey I'm gg to sleep Liao. Nitexz nitexz.

argh, just woke up from a long and scary nightmare. And then I woke up to find bb kicking very hard, for the 1st time. The other times were just heartbeat movements and fluttering movements; this round, there is no doubt that bb was kicking. I think bb was scared too?

Cherrios: yeah!! Me from aug09.. You've join this thread too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when is ur EDD?

Ermmm: Thanks for info on Physillium husk, I only know it's commonly used for constipation. Those who are interested in should clarify before buying.

Piggydog: Our feelings definitely will have an effect on the the baby. When such situation happens, calm yourself down and baby will be assured too. It's also probably indirectly teaching them how to calm themselves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Lee: Also, Stemcord is local private, headquarters in Science Park, storage will be there too. Cordlife is a US base private. Stemcord told me the difference between them is the red tapes and procedures in handling when there is any case whereby you need to use your baxked cord blood. Stemcord will be more accessible.

whitecookies: Cheer up! I'm sure things will change for good one day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's not impossible, good MILs do exist- HPC and Piggydog have nice MILs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Keep trying ok? Don't give up telling her what to cook for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your SIL, ought to be spanked in the butt! :p The more you shoud occupy the common spaces, so they will get the hint and leave early! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Go eat at your mum's or aunt's place as and when you want, I'm sure it'll make you feel better! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Pack your dinner for lunch next day so you won't get leftover foods! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not asking you to eat but can give away to your office coffee ladies, cleaning ladies... whoever doesn't mind eating them! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not that you have to do all these, just hope these will make you laugh a bit when you imagaine the situations! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At your discretion! Kambate-ne! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolliepollie, ya, 22nov..guess yours is earlier? Will u consider getting a twin stroller since our #1 will still be quite young too? But i wonder if its usable in sg..? cos sg not very stroller friendly in the 1st plc...


i was thinking of the phil&ted stroller but i find it too expensive.. am selling away my peg perego pliko p3 now... still selling la.. den get the $$ buy a peg perego switch. so baby can face me den i carry #1 lo. cause till now #1 dun wan to be in the stroller la.. machiam got nails and needles poking him... hahahahahahaha

my edd 12nov.

Bluesoda (dwjphoo),

I am not that lucky actually, before i board the train where a guy gave up his seat for me, i was actually in the bus seated on a priority seat. Then an Auntie carrying plastic bags came on board and stood in front of me and purposely say loudly "this seat should be for the elderly"... when no one bother about her, she went on to read the notice on top of the seat aloud saying "let me see who is the seat for...this seat is for the elderly, pregnant women..." then i could not stand it and look at her and said "i m pregnant"... then she stopped continuing and check out my stomach. After that she still continues saying "oh, you are pregnant, then those r not pregnant should give up their seat". Actually i dun mind giving up my seat to her but because it is the rush hour, i dun wanna risk standing coz the bus kept jerking due to the heavy traffic. Thinking of it now, it seems kindda funny.

What will you gals do if you were me?

