(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Jas, I felt my first movement when i'm in my 16th weeks. Hehe, didn't know it's baby kicking until i checked with my gynae. Not very sure it's baby kicking as it's not very detailed & frequent. But felt it more detailed when i reached my 17th weeks.


I think I started feeling it like yesterday? Not too sure if it is anot, but it's a different feeling from the usual gas. I felt something like little pokes from inside. haha~

Tris Mom (pauline0020903: erm..think i should start taking Anmum now...

I have no problem with fresh milk and yogurt..but have to admit that Anmum is a healthier choice...

whitecookies (whitecookies): Yes I do experience slight depression in my 1st trim. Sometimes, it just hit me and i would cry over nothing. You noe, just feeling very down for no reason. But Im feeling better after my 1st trim. Im quite worried that i may experience such depression again after birth.

Diana: I agree leh.. my hubby also like that.. I hope if mine is a daughter (doc says 80% girl), her future hb will be like mine.. hahaha... (so far away)..

and my mum got 3 daughters and she always say she got 3 sons in turn.. every other night got supper eat.. weekend go out.. sure got ppl send and pick..

Irene, Jolyn: Gums get very sensitive when we are pregnant. Just go for your regular dental check-up to make sure there's no infections. Also pump up your vit c for healthy gums and drink lots of water after vit c. Calcium is for strong bones and teeth and keep in mind that the dosage for calcium must be more than usual cos you need to buffer fro breastfeeding after delivery.

Stephanie: Congrats and Welcome! Already done so don't worry about what others think! you didn't run away from the problem and that's good. Now just enjoy the process of becoming a mum! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angcs: Ha ha ha... Ok, will add you to my list of "got preg accidentally"! I thought you are so pro-govt, give birth to 3![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whitecookies: Is there something bothering you? Hormonal changes does cause emotional fluctuations but still there will be something that triggers the unhappiness. Go for walks in the parks, I find it relaxing.

Stephanie: Ice-cream can eat? It has good source of calcium too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bluesoda: Add Milo to it, taste a lot better. Milo is rich in calcium too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lucky, Tubao: Welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whitecookies: The trigger point may be the gender- you are worried they won't be happy? Not your fault, take it easy! Girls are just as good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Go get some retail therapy! ;)

stephanie, try putting less powder initailly n increase gradually.

I hate the milk taste too but hv to force myself. So I will usually take it in the morning whn my taste buds is the weakest. Thn I rinse my mouth several times after drinking. :p

Hope it helps.

ya Jo, the trigger point could be the gender and the fact that I am not going to have a confinement lady....my MIL kinda dun like the idea of having a confinement lady staying with us and my hubby is afraid of hurting her feelings if we engage one. oh well...why issit always abt other ppl who are not preggy? who cares about the feelings of us MTBs?

woahh!! with these readings... plus our kids are likely under the english horoscope of Scoprion (myself) I bet our kids are goin to be a tough nut to deal with the next time. hahahaa!!

My personal analyse, babygirl are goin to be super chillipadi... babyboy are going to be really charming.. with the characteristic of the golden tiger + scorpion...

wooo!! am gettin excited.. hahaha!! jus call my gynae to push the appt to an earlier date to find out the gender asap. n also to get some calcium pills incase all my teeth fall off..

diana, why yr mil is not happy with yr #2 is a girl n when u already bore a grandson for #1??

My mil wants a girl terribly coz she has 3 sons herself, so much so tt she immediately asked us for try for #3 when she knew #2 is boy. I really rolled my eye.

hi all

i was quite upset as i still experience acne problem. So i went to consult this TCM recommended by Bing(Iceblue).

Wong Shuk Yan TCM physician

Tel: 6254 3629

Add: Blk 69 Toa Payoh Lor 4 #01-359

I was given daily face mask to apply. I can see the result after applying the mask for 2 days. My face was not as oily as before and the acne started to dry up. I was also given some herbal cream to apply on my acne.

I would like to thank Bing(Iceblue) for posting the contact here in forum.

jo: ya i did read that during preggy gums are sensitive. ya after heard of all the news that teeth may drop, then later BF also need more calcium, i will try to remind myself to drink more milk..currently if taking milk, only those fresh type..not powder type..think powder type one better rite?

ai yo kinda scared of gg dental leh, cos wait discover more probs..also have not been visiting a dentist for quite a while liao thus have a feeling sure will discover a lot of probs..im really hoping beside the bleeding, nothing serious will come next..so far no pain.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


My MIL also hv no daughter, but somehow, she gif me a feeling tat she prefer boy lor...mayb bcoz of wat happen over my boy ba....u see during my 1st pregnancy, before we know the gender, out of respect since she is not working, we ask if she like to take care. she replied see how coz she dun wan to commit le then later cannot. then when know the gender, she say she dun mind to help take care if we really cant find any one to do the job.

but she keep changing her mind lor. like wen we say we get a maid to stay wif her to help out on taking care of our boy, she say ok no problem then nx wk she say it will nt be convinent lor...then wen we say we get the maid to stay wif us but ask if she can come over to look out for the maid and my boy she say ok but keep delaying me in getting a maid first and keep saying she wan to see how is my boy temper when she do confinement for me first lor. so since she keep delaying, wif consent from hb, i was on the look out for nanny le....then after i deliver, she still saying she wan to see my son temper first, but who know days after my delivery i found a nanny lor...

then when i break the news to her, guess wat she say,"actually I dun mind to take care as long as can save $$" then she start questioning me wat is the nanny dialect group and told me story of how one of her niece was brought up by nanny of her same dialect group lor.

then during my confinement, one day out of the blue, she suddenly mentioned tat if my FIL is still alive he will hv scold my hb for nt discussing wif them wen he apply for a flat in AMK and not near their place in geylang bahru lor...wen before customary she have already say this before and i have already explain y le.

anyway, i also think another reason she nt really happy tat it might be a gal coz I told her before knowing the gender tat i am stopping at 2 le....

Mrs Lee - omg, girls are gg to be super chillipadi! I already got 1 super hyperactive ger at home and now gg to have another chillipadi, zzzzzzzzzzz, good luck to me!

Jas - tik normally can feel bb movement ard 16-17weeks' period, i have a fren felt only at 20th week. I felt no.1 at 17weeks, this one at 18weeks but no.2 i do feel some movements at 12th week then after tat stop till 18th week start again.

Bam , somehw this preg i also LOVE icecreams and sweet stuff! no. 1 i prefer more salty or sour and did not take so much cold stuff.

irene, jus go visit dentist if the bleeding gets really bad. dun be afraid to know whats goin on, rather than to worry urself so much. smetimes visitin a dentist can be quite shiok too, specially after the good polishin of the teeth. ofcos, if the dentist is some cute n young man, its a bonus.. hahahhaha!!

koori, hahahha...its jus me n my silly prediction, dun take it seriously. haha!! i have a gf born in tiger year, shes very gentle, mild n weak.. often need protection. so not always the same la.. hahahhahah!!!

diana, i feel ur MIL is having some "xin ping" from the start. resulting her to behave liddat? afterall, MIL and DIL always have a barrier of wall isnt it. Altho im in good terms with my MIL (so far) but we still haven really discuss how and who is goin to do confinement n takin care of my baby when he/she is born. Cos both my mother n MIL are working. They both love freedom and travelling. Ofcos, if i can.. i would wanna be a SAHM to take care of my kid on my own, rather than to push the responsiblities to others. Dun worry abt how ya MIL is goin to behave, jus concentrate on yourself n health of ya baby now. Cheer up!!

Novembaby : bugaboo bee 2009 model is having sale in SG now. Saw that it was selling for 800+ at mothercare over the weekend. I got the 2010 model though. The seat is slight bigger

Mrs Lee,

I am ok lah...nt affect by her le....but after all the conflicts and things tat happen during my last confinement, my hb also agree nt to let her do this time so we getting confinement lady le...

actually hor, i consider to be on good terms wif her until my boy is born la....tat y i got a nasty shock on how she treat me and say untrue things abt me to hb when all along i treat her beri nice de....like i was alway fair, if i buy my parent lunch, i will try to buy her too. also when my hb was working on a contract job and hv no bonus for tat yr, i split my bonus and gif her a some (same amt as i gif my parent) since i feel tat she will need the $$ for the coming CNY preparation lor.

anyway, after those incident, now i only do my part as a DIL and will nt go extra mile lor...

Tat day went to check up and need to draw blood. Doc tried twice but can't get out my blood, mayb i was too nervous. I asked him to try 3rd time then he said next time and said how am I going to give birth?he sounds v angry. I was so sad and cried coz I feel I'm so useless, draw blood also scared. But since young I was like tat alr, i was hospitalized at 5yr old and a nurse brought a v huge needle to scare me in order to take medicine. everyone has their own fear right? I scare during birth process he will treat me rudely.. =(

nana, take ur time to adjust..ya, everyone has their own fear. so dun worry. if ya still very uncomfortable with ya gynae, maybe u wanna change? dun get discourage..i bet u're not the only one.

Diana, wah...from the way u describe, she sound like a evil MIL. ;p i bet u try ur very best in doin all not to let ya hubby in diff position. (oh woman.. always the greatest!~) sharin ya bonus, WOW! im happy that ur hubby is supportin ur decision too.. :D

i guess we can never run away from in-laws issues...hate it! out of respect we are already staying with them as they want us to live together. the thought of having to do my confinement alone is enuff to make me sad. She has another 2 grandchildren whom she babysits when they are not in sch. It will be yr end sch hols during my confinement....which means they will be in the hse 24/7...i think i will go mad.

She said she will TRY to do my confinement but no promises cos she has to take care of the other 2 kids...i guess if the baby is a girl, she will not even bother...haha

whitecookies - *hugz* Think u should convey your wishes to your hb. Although he's trying to be a good son and listen to his mom, he should also try to listen to your preferences, since u r the preggy and mom of ur kid.

If you don't engage a CL, it may be very hard on you to do all the work. You need to rest lots to regain your strength after birth woh. I always feel that no matter how good a r/s u have with your MIL, it's best to engage an external party for such matters. You'll never know if there may be difference in opinions which can cause friction between both parties. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How about telling ur hb to engage one to relieve the workload of ur MIL? After all, she'll need to take care of 2 other grandkids, where got time to take care of u and the newborn?

My MIL offered to stop working and do my confinement & take care of the child. We refused, as she smokes & don't have experience taking care of kids at all. Then she showed us black face for a couple of days. I told my hb, this small thing also show black face. If we let her take care, don't like some of her ways & ask her to stop doing that, how many days black face will she show us?

Bam - Thanks for the update! Don't mind, the next time u update, can update my bb's gender as boy please? Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Diana - good to hear that you'll be getting a CL to prevent the same things from happening as your previous one. Hmm, I feel that if a MIL wana take care of her grandchild, she shd do it no matter what kind of temper the child has. How can if good temper then choose to take care one? =X

Nana - don't worry about not being able to draw your blood out. There was once the nurses was not able to draw out my blood, and had to change places to try and draw out. Only successful the 3rd time, and could only draw out a tiny bit. They had to use baby needles to do so too woh. One possible reason could be due to a lower blood pressure at that point in time.

Lots of pple are afraid of needles. Don't feel useless cuz of this. You're braving your fear of needles for ur bb in order to draw blood woh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nana> the doc very insensitive leh! IF u have to draw blood again next time, drink more warm water about 10-15mins before the drawing of blood, it will help circulation of blood so it'll be faster and smoother and try to distract yourself, don't be too tensed else the needle might break, look elsewhere do you don't when it goes in.

Mrs Lee,

I wont say she is those evil MIL lah...she is still ok lah...or mayb coz we dun stay together and also i maintain lesser contact so lesser conflict also....she is juz beri traditional lor. Mayb coz she is not working, and nv really work before, so she tend to think too much lor.

I guess she is juz feeling insecure la....coz she and my 2 BIL dun play mj or watch soccer match. but my hb is the only odd one who love to play mj and watch soccer matches lor and my family member all can play mj and also watch soccer lah...so i guess she super worried her son will be more closer to my family ba....and now she worry tat her grandchildren will be closer to my family too coz my parent make it a point to visit us almost every sunday and wednesday if my mum not working lor.

then my hb also funny de, he dun like to join his mum wif their relatives if got gathering coz he say boring as they dun gamble and he hate to sit there do nothing but answer question lor...which i believe add on to her insecurity ba.

thus, she is abit petty and jealous i will say lah.

Diana (september):

after reading your post, i started to worry. I will be moving back to my MIL's place after my confinement. My hubby is the only son, hence definitely, she is the one taking care. Our rship so far quite ok coz we are not staying together. Worry about the MIL & DIL rship once we move back...My MIL extremely traditional and never work in the society before..I believe our thinking and method of taking care of the bb will be very different.


can u used the 2 children as excuse and go back to ur parent hse to do ur confinement? if nt see if can engaged those day time confinement lady?


I feel the same way too...so since we hv given her the priority and she nv treasure then too bad lor..

haha...coz hb saw wat happen, and know i was super upset over it lor...+ he also feel his mum dun really know how to cook nice confinement food mah...can u imagine, she was so thrifty tat she want to gif me overnite rice? wat happen is tat my MIL hv to go church on every sunday. so the 1st sunday after i am home, my mother come over to helpe me out. and before my MIL goes to church (my hb drove her there) she told me tat she hv move the meat down from the freezer and told me tat there are rice left over from last nite and my mum can steam it up for me to eat or cook fresh one and add on to say, it is ok to eat overnite one coz she also alway eat overnite one.

when my mother come and when i told her abt the rice, she told me straight tat i cant eat overnite stuff during confinement so in order nt to offend my MIL she say she cook mee suan for me and tell me to kuai kuai eat the mee suan. I told hb abt it, who say he will tell his mother, but i was so upset, tat i told him dun need to tell i juz eat watever she gif me. but still hb told her and lie to her tat he read from those books. then later my MIL tell me this "aiya, sorry, i forget tat confinement cannot eat overnite stuff. I am old le...so alot of things from my young time i forget. if u all nv say i also forget le...btw, xx (my hb) say he read from those books huh...those books got say huh" i say reply ya and walk away, coz i know she know it is me or my mum say de...coz i ever told him tat my hb did nt read any of those books lor.

anyway, my hb also kena something from her lor..my son full mth celebration is on a sat which is also his lunar full month. but according to english calendar will be monday lah. so out of good intention, i get him to ask my mil she is gng back on sat after the celebration together wif my BIL or monday coz if monday she hv to wait for my hb to be back from work so he can send her back mah. guess how she answer my hb "Why u all chasing me back huh" my hb was actually laughing when he told me wat she say lor....mayb tat y he also nt in favour for her to do my confinement this time ba.

mrs lee: haha..ya if dentist a young handsome guy, maybe will give me motivation to take the "risk"..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]

nana: dun be discouraged. there's always some fears that everyone has and need time to get thru it. just keep jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

diana: think u already do ur best as a DIL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] somemore share bonus with her..tat's nice of u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thus dun get affected by her behaviour as this is something u cun help if she keep thinking/feeling this way...


Pls dun get frighten my wat happen to me lah...coz ur MIL might nt be the same as mine mah. I feel urs will nt feel so insecure afterall u all moving back to stay wif her mah. but mayb u hv to discuss wif ur hb on wen to put ur child to playgroup or child care so he/she can learn more things than at home lor.


haha...i nt affect le la...it was 2 yrs ago when it happen mah. Only during confinement tat period tat i was so badly affected coz we woman will hv slight post natal blues after delivery de mah...but i cry it out and call my frenz and confide in them so tat i feel better lor. and the good things of all those shit she gif me is tat, it bring me closer to my family lor.

hi all.. anyone know how much does it cost to deliver in thomson medical hospital? im thinking of getting the single room so that my hubby can stay over.

And are you all showing the bump on your tummy liao? I cant wear any of my skirts and pants anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i am not keen to buy too many maternity wear but seems like everyday going to work is a headache as been wearing same stuff


Haiz, guess MILs will be MILs. Mine also same same, will think too much into simple gestures and think the worst. Good thing is that our hubbies are on our side bah. I have a cousin who's husband side his family more than her; very poor ting de.

Don't bother about her and look forward to the nice confinement food you'll get from your CL bah. hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My bump suddenly pop out about a week plus ago! Used to look like I ate abit too much, but now it's an obvious bb bump liao. Wonder how am I going to keep it a secret at office when I go back next week. Most of my colleagues still don't know as I only wish to announce if I get a favourable amnio test result. =X

Lucky, I hv the same prob as u. Every morning sure hv headache choosing wat to wear to work. Always the same clothing. Tot of shopping for few more pcs since is GSS now.

Nana, if u still dun feel comfortable with yr gynae, is best dat u chg a new one. Cos on the delivery time, their patient and support is veri important.

hi angel.. mine is quite obvious for some time liao, tat time me 1st 3 month also not allowed to tell anyone, but was so sick and nauseous so got 3 weeks MC, then everyone keep asking me what happened to me, but cant tell them...

think u just try to weat loose clothing for the time being?

Lucky - Yah loh. Now always wear babydoll tops to cover. Feel very auntie if wear big & loose tops. But sooner or later, I'll have nothing to wear that can conceal. Just hope that the results will come out fast. hehehe

Welcome all the new MTBs! Seems like the list is getting longer and will hit 100 soon!


I'm glad that the TCM mask and cream work for you as well. I tried it myself and found that it's effective so just thought of sharing the contacts with those MTBs who are having acne outbreak.

I'm using the mask every 2days now. I think it helps to control the oil secretion and my face is not as oily as before, which helps in preventing new acne from forming. Those existing outbreak are also clearing up which makes me very happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess MIL & DIL issues are always hard to handle. If our own mother can do confinement for us and help us to take care of the baby will be the best. For me, I decided to get a CL and maid to prevent any conflict with my MIL cos she is the very superstitious type and I can't see eye to eye with her on alot of things.

Angel, Lucky,

My bump is also getting quite big now. When I went to the motherhood fair last weekend, the promoter thought that I'm 6months preggie and due in Sept..*faint*


I'm also expecting twins. Are you having any MS now? My MS seems to be getting worst in Tri 2. Having bad nausea and vomited for the past few days. I had 2 friends who are seeing your gynae and they said he's good.

angel: when ur amnio results will be out? hoping everything is good so u can loudly announce to everyone u are going to be mother soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my bump already came out during T1..then also suddenly during last 2 weeks ago, bump became even more obvious...

as ur bb gender is boy, does ur bump looks pointed? cos they said pointed is boy, round is girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bing - haha! It must be cuz u're having twins, that's why ur tummy looks much bigger and the promoter will thought that u're due earlier.

Irene - Thanks thanks. They didn't give a confirm date, just told us that it's 10 - 14 days. Think I sure wun get the result before I go back to work next Mon. Haiz~

No leh, mine still rather rounded. I also heard of such a saying, but I see left see right, still round de woh. Maybe it'll become abit more pointed in the later stage? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am from May mother. i have extra breastpump and willing to let go this USED MINI ELECTRIC PUMP @$60. Pls PM me if interested. Tks



★ Lightweight, compact and portable

★ Fully automatic breastpump with dual power source options (AC/DC)

★ Can use AC Power with the included adaptor

★ Can also run on 2 AA batteries, which is great for travelling/outside

★ Easy on/off switch

★ Adjustable one-handed suction control for maximum comfort

★ Safe for the collection, storage & feeding of breastmilk (BPA-free material)

diana, i went thru similar things with my mil. yr mil is fickle-minded.

it's not ez to know a person's mind unless u know the person real well. for us, we know that mil favour girl, sekali she wants boy for first born. this time round, #2 is a boy again, and she was clearly disappointed. my mom is also disappointed, but not till my mil's extent.

my relationship with mil was better b4 we had #1, simply bcoz less interaction and we then discovered that our characters are vastly different and child bringing up method is also different. clashes are inevitable.

