(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Starrymommy, Apple

of cos have and i have to correct them. Just last month when my colleague already commented am i into my 6mths when i was only 3mths!

Even the last 2mths i have no problem with seat in MRT..can u imagine kekeke


Apple.....my 1st is a girl too. & she is very sweet & loving. She is now 4+years old. I get lots of hugs & kisses from her. She talks to & kisses baby (my tummy) every night & tells baby that she will love baby & share her toys with baby.......isn't that sweet?? I do think it is a joy having a girl. So please don't be locked in the traditional thinking that you must have a boy. My gynae says having a girl is for life....having a boy is until the boy gets married!! hehehe

Irish Coffee, I think my tummy was just 1/2 your size when I was due with baby #1!! Let me see if I can dig out my old photo.

Oh yar, Irish Coffee, despite a big tum tum, u got not much obvious stretch marks at all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Great Job Gal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your bellybutton still hanging inside nice nice leh....mine already popping out untill no extra skin to pop soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, N I forgot to add....Yes yes, irish Coffee, u v v v v v v v skinny. I think even more skinny than Momotan, so is a 7 stars very skinny can describe.


Thanks for the compliment..Yes am lucky for that but dont know whether can maintain for the 2nd time round...guess have to be even more hardworking and more money spent to apply oil day and night lo! This is what us women made sacrifices as a mommy!

Okay....think my old pregnant photos are in my external hard disk drive....will go & dig it up tomorrow.....too lazy to go find it now......anyway....gotta go.....my girl is rushing me to go upstairs.....catch you ladies tomorrow!! ciao!!

Snoopy, I like wat u say on this: My gynae says having a girl is for life....having a boy is until the boy gets married!! hehehe

I think hor....Boy get married liao, belong more to wife. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And I dun really wish to be lock in the stupid old tradition. BUt I dunno why my stupid brain auto tune to that channal.

Good Nite Snoopy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sweet Sweet Dreams.

Irish Coffee, wow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good and bad also. Till now, I still can hide with some clothes, or show with some clothes.

Yesterday I wore obvious spag, the french bread like nv give way or show extra care also de......dun like. Anyway been borrowing hubby clothes also, cos more comfy.

I look thru my whole wardrobe of clothes yesterday, cant find anything I feel comfortable and nice and pretty.........until I spotted my old time favourite. Jia lat, really no clothes to wear liao. Sianz.


Pls sway away from stupid old tradition...infact nowadays more prefer girl than boy cos girls got parent's heart than boy and boy only have wife [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]U see even my husband prefer a girl but we got a boy instead of cos we still love as long our baby is healthy. Am now lucky expecting a girl at least can fulfill his dream [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U are still young can try for no2 and no3 so on...so start enjoying shopping happily for your little princess!

And the winner of the biggest Tum tum goes to...........,,,,,,


Omg!!!!! Looks like u are carrying twins babe! But that was a nice bump! Pretty bump! And I csn see your belly button are sticking out too!

Sigh ... Mine too is sticking out until like it's going to burst.... Lol


Nice bump! Skin looking great too! Have you found out your gender yet?

Momotan n Cynthia!

Great pics... The bumps are looking pretty n nice too! Well done girls!I love seeing all these bumps... U girls are really skinny eh!

Irish, I dare not even take any pic on my last trimester simply because I'm huge!

HahAhaha... Unbelievable .....!!!!!

Thanks for sharing your pics ladies !

I'm lazy to go through the thread now as I'm a lil upset that my nicely painted wall been destroyed by a rascal just now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can clean it off cos is a black ink!

Dinner was great! Everything is gone on the table m childrens loves my soup!

Durian wasn't great cos I'm thinking of my wall n staring at the rascal ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sigh sigh sigh ! Has got a couple of good books from the lil bazaar at home n as I guessed most came to attack my stuffs most ... Lol at least they r helping me to make way for new ones!

Good night..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


What snoopy said is exactly what my PIL told me! Really! Having boys is till they got married! Girls is for life! Girls csn multitask boys can't ! Lol ..

My MIL the super traditional one wants a girl more than boy.. And my FIL now gets heartache every now n then cos we've moved out n he misses my dd !! He can forget about his busn n go shopping alone to shop for my dd! AN OLD man ! Typical china man... Buy clothes for my dd! Lol

I know how much stress you ve got from such comments! Well, proof them wrong!you will be surprised how lovely they can be n be spoilt by the grandparents at the end!!!!!

Hehe, I come in and see so many nice tummies. Luckily I am not chee ko pek, else sure drool like mad. My tum tum looks more fat than anything else leh. -.o"


I also tot my no. 1 will be a boy cos I tot God asked us to name him Samuel and I wanted a boy for the same reasons as you wor. Hb prefers girl. So, I was actually disappointment when I we were told that she is a girl and I felt guilty for feeling that way. ;p But all turn out well and she's such a darling now. Now second one, if can, still hope for a boy lah. But if God's will, then also bo bian. Come to think of it, girls really closer to parents and if 2 girls than maybe they can have close bond wor.

Iris coffee, woo you've got big tum tum. But hw big is bb? I think I'm juz half of yours.

You said you did not had epidural for your first child? Bravo! I can't imagine the pain u went thr leh.

Girls, yesterday I was pondering whether my EDD was calculated wrong? I remembered I've told my gynaey last menses START date. Wonder EDD is calculated since last menses end date? If so I shd be just 15 wks! :x damn kuku me. Shd I call the gynae to check? Will this affect my detailed Scan scheduled?

Gender talk: Now that I am overseas, I totally appreciate the fact that I have an older brother. He is there for my parents in every way. When I was preparing for my wedding, he was the one driving to every relative's place to distribute cakes for me and when my parents got into arguments, I only know how to cry, but my brother could solve the whole episode almost immediately. Even though I really love girls more than boys but I can totally appreciate the helpfulness of boys in the house.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] girl or boy, all will be our precious kids.

Thanks Girls. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Paisei, dun feel like typing more now. Brain Juice lacking. Will try again feel hours later. Ya can see the difference when I post and post and when my Batt is a little flat. :p

irish coffee

your tum is big at 16 weeks!!!! but you look slim still only tum growing...good for you!!!


i believe that whether you get a good dotter or son is really somehow fated and also up to u to instill the right values to your kids. I have seen many cases of unfilial dotters too. So there is no guarantee that dotters be closer to parents, it somehow also link to the man they marry. Well boy or girl are both our precious and we hope they be healthy and strong and beautiful. Let's just take gender preference with a pinch of salt and embrace whatever God has blessed us with. To be able to conceive is already the greatest blessing of all =)

my tum is hideous, dun dare post. LOL

Good morning ladies,


show us your tum tum!

I want to see yours...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


What you said its definitely true...To be able to conceive is already the greatest blessing of all;

girl or boy doesn't matter!

Sometimes it is rater difficult to make it known to the older generations..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I don't care either,Boy or girl doesnt makes any difference...

Those have girls longed for boys and those who have boys longed for girls...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiya,me still bad mood looking at my wall!cant even digest it the whole night!

My dd woke up and said..ooohhh her friend drew on the wall last night and the worsen my mood!ery fed up!

Worst thing is the mother blamed my child for teaching her dd to drwa simply because she has nvr do it at home!

WAH!!!!!!i told her my dd was refrain from using pen esp near there and as you can see ther arent any pens around my house and those markers on the table are translucent...color only appears on the special paper i bought for my dd(im so well prepared whn i moved into my new place)...arrghhhhhh!Bad Bad Bad!

MTB's do take responsibility of your childs actions wherever they are!

My friend simply cant leave a sight of her child..one moment w/o her child means trouble!

grrr..feels like asking my contractor to repaint the wall!The sight of it makes me wanna cry!Huhuhuh!So damn obvious!HB told me i over reacted and it's ok!I DON'T THINK SO!The problem with her is she always think highly of her child and nothing beats her on that!And i can't stand it when she said its my child who started first!

Her child move the table and chairs away and took a pen from my study and started drawing on the wall!Of course my girl stare !When i saw it...its too late!i wanna cry !!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning ladies

apple, I can totally understand how u feel about the first-born's gender. Though back then my inlaws claim they like girls and how girls are so sweet etc, when we told them we were having a boy, my mil's first comment was "Good lor, no need to stress for a second one" I was flabbergasted. But really relieved as well that I had a boy. Can't change the older generations thinking. Since this will be your firstborn, you can always have more kids.

Girls as firstborn are indeed more sweet and caring. I have seen so many around me who dotes on their younger siblings. My hubby is alittle disappointed that we are having another boy cos I convinced him that girls will be the one who will side with their own parents when they grow up.

Anyhow, regardless of gender, we love them all and only wish for them to grow up healthy and strong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi princessdiamond, many moms feel that way about their perfect clever children. But what to do, don't be angry over this. stay away from such friend.

Here is a pic of me at 16wks.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3919892.jpg]

princess d,

the wall is really badly destroyed? so terrible of that mother, still blame your daughter! it just shows how much teaching goes into a child who can understand already yet still jump on other people's sofas/chairs/beds and does funny things like draw on walls! OMG. i have a friend whose son (7yo) is like that. 7 already!! that time still jumped on our leather sofa, then jumped on the exercise machine and even coffee table. the mum also can't do anything about it. want to scold, but not my son. how? just "gek" inside lor. haha!


it's from the last menses start date. but mine not accurate as my periods last around 35 days. if i were to count as normal, i'd be 17 weeks today instead of 14wk5d!


your tummy very nice and cute! are you wearing 2-layered top?

princess d,

i really detest those mummies who thinks the WORLD of their kids and deny all the wrong they have done. poor kids grow up thinking that rule the world when they are worse off than the average well-taught kids.

Hi starrymommy, I worried that my tummy a bit small.:p yap, this is a 2-layered top. the first layer can see through kind.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but when they combined together, they look very nice. I been wearing a lot of these tops nowadays. My friends said from the back, still can't tell I am preg.

Hi oct mummies

glad tat I found tis thread.

I am also an oct mtb- my Edd 30oct. I am now 13wk 3d, think I am most 'junior' in gestation age


your picture looks a little weird. Is it the photo or what? How come ur hand is blue ??? or is it the lighting...looks like a mannequin to me...

princess diamond

yeah i be frustrated if i am you too. imagine the wall being drawn by another kid. able to wipe off with JIF?


Nice tummy..growing well eh..So envy with you guys that dont look preggy at al!LOL


Yes,her child drew quite a fair bit on my wall and she quickly asked my maid to wash it off with dishwashing detergent!!Now not only it has ink,it has water stains too!You tell me!How can i leave with this.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how terrible rite?My new WALL!!!!Gonez!My HB said i am a lil paranoid over the matter!i m very particular with stains and dirts at home until my maid also afraid of me...What more when the wall is drawn with such patterns!!Huhuhuhuhuhu!!I know its just a kid but i ve already tries my best to make my home child proof and yet her child can find her way and do this kind of things!

She did apologized but i m still not quite keen on that as it as good as leaving a scar on my face!That piece of wall is painted in a very nice color and have been specially mixed!So it is quite impossible that i DIY unless i call my contractor to re do the WHOLE BLOODY WALL!IT IS ALmost 14M long!

When re patch it will look patchy !i dunno?Im so moody today..sorry girls,i just need to vent my anger here a lil and wait for a reply from contractor!fed up man!


I knew her for very long n her HB is my HB's close friend!Well,we did bring them together!When i knew her she was a lil quiet and self centered but never do i expect that she became so rude at time![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She always interrupt my conversations with someone and now known for Miss-know-it-all!But she always get s the facts wrong and never apologized!

My girl finished her own dinner but she will comment to her child and said..see..what a mess..lets not make a mess and mommy will feed you!

Last night i couldnt tolerate i just told her!Then you will forever feeding your child!!Who don't make a mess?She insist i turn on my telly to cartoon channel everytime her they come over for meal!But i don't like idea!Every house has it own rules!Then she will tell her hyper child that climb u n dwn at the dinner table..why dont you beg aunty to turn on the telly then all can watch!

her child came to me..but i still say No cos noone to watch telly while eating!

yerrr!!!so angry!LOL

so sorry!This is one kind of example that how ugly can a parent be when comes to teaching of child!

Yesterday,was an eye opening to some other friends too!And there were disagreement but i sat an listen n spoke up only when needed!terrible!LOL

Woof woof!

Welcome and congrats!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


unfortunately the ink cant be removed..i dare not use JIF as it is a colored wall!If its white,i will use JIF!Sigh....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

princess d,

that mummy too much lah! say sorry only, nv offer to pay a bit to get the wall repainted. some more make so many comments! aiyo... wonder how the hubby stand her. possible next time don't invite her to your house in future? she sounds like those typical "leechers". take and take from others but nothing useful to contribute herself.


welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how are you coping with pregnancy so far? is this your #1 too?


for that initial 2 seconds looking at your pic, i thought it was a mannequin also due to the blue light. hee hee! now too small to seem like pregnant from the back. but later stage, i think our spine will sort of arch even more to support the huge belly and the weight. then will seem more obvious from the back. some more if belly expands sideways instead of outwards, even more obvious!

hopefully mine will pop outwards instead of sideways. cuter right? sideways will look FAT! haha!

oh yah, last night i had wet dream again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/embarrassed.gif] think i caught the HS bug once more!

baby: 14wk5d

me: tired, tired, tired... looking forward to dinner at Big O tonight!


i got disgusted with her behaviour sometimes too!Her HB oso the same la,Always take my HB's kindness for granted.I told HB b4 but HB is the most neutral human being on earth!He never gets angry with anything..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

her hb always leave her n child alone and always go on trip to venture his own hobby!She cant say anything cos she gives in to her HB and make no noise!Her children is separated..one with her IL which she is staying with them and another withe her Mother!She don't wanna handle them cos she wants to go out and work.She kept saying that she don't like to be at home and become useless!Sigh...

arent she being blunt or stupid talking to a SAHM?

Last time i used to give in but not now anymore!I told her,there's good and bad!As a SAHM!FTWM can do their share too but time management have to be proper.But one still gotta think of their own hobby and entertaiment and throw their kids to the grandparents then..24/7.that is irresponsible!

I ve known many FTWM,their child are prim n proper and well mannered!Simply because the parents are strict and set a rules on their kids!But One failed to do it..the child will go haywire just like hers!How can she not let the other siblings to be together because she thinks the elder kid is not happy with the younger one?I dont know..?Her younger one at 6mths are hooked on telly!Gosh!

princess d,

6mths and already hooked on tv? really very "kua zang". at 6mths babies are supposed to be hands-on playing learning with toys and baby books, not watching telly! next time she sure regret putting her other child with her parents. the poor kid may grow up thinking the mummy and daddy doesn't want him/her because they love didi/meimei more. where got this kind of parents purposely separate the siblings lor.. her family sounds very separated and messy kind.

princess d,

tummy so big, still can ar? *wink wink* i got hard time in the missionary position already. cannot breath! lol!

i also dunno how come have wet dream. last night i went to bed as usual. hubby came back late so i didn't stay up to wait for him. then very early this morning the dream came lor. haha! i was still sleeping and enjoying, but can feel a bit of cramps with uterus contracted. i told hubby when he woke up and he just laughed at me.

Good morning ladies!

Princess diamond

see...told u my tummy sure get champion hehehe...

Actually got quite a few people asking am i carrying twin when when i say NO and that im only into 4th mths...they like staring real hard at my tummy...hahaha *must be thinking is that alien inside the tum tum hahahaha


I dont know the weight of baby think its too small to find out but the length is about 10cm now...and i only put on like 2.5kg.

Yup i did not had epidural till cervix fully dilated but end up epidural still needed for emergency ceasarean..very disappointed infact...cos had been through the long hrs pain and i still need it in the end if i know i should have used it already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My dear, your EDD should based on last menses START date. Since we are on the same EDD if im not wrong your last menses start date should be between 1st week of Jan.

Etelle, show us your tum tum la...we want to see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woofwoof, welcome and congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


y cannot?better ler...hahah...Last i went to the balcony and my girl pointed out to me ..mommy mommy!Moon Moon!So big so big!

Then she said...papa..its a circle!hahhaha...

So friend all went out to see!Then Hb make funny face like a wolf!....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]eeww!so notty![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Kowtowx3!hahahha..really huge man!but i should say!The clarins oil works wonders rite..you have beautiful tummy!....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Nice le....

Afternoon mummies.. wow, jus 2 days nvr logon and so many msgs and tum tum pics. give me more time to digest the threads..

These 2 days i can feel bb movement le but my sleep is getting worst.. always getting up in the night to wee wee, no more beauty sleep thru the night.

bb : going wk18 tmr

me : still feeling sucks with queasy now & then.

irish coffee

yeah your tummy really big for a 4 months but i agree with what your gynae said cuz hor i think ur tummy hasnt' shrink back completely yet and then you're pregnant that's why its bigger than the norm...elasticity there mah...doesn't matter la...like that take public transport sure got place to sit...LOL


welcome welcome...


you are one HS mummy le...but i do think that intimacy during pregnancy period is essential also....haha cuz the guys still need it whether you are pregnant or not...hor..

by the way i have not been able to sleep these few days...it's torturing....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i must take my hat off you leh! tummy so big still can. you must join our HS club. lol! i was telling hubby the other day, tummy getting bigger next time how ar? need to try different "pattern". :p


when you feel baby move, do you notice any particular timing when it is more active?


you think i want meh? cannot control the HS monster. hee hee! but better for hubby, 'cos whether or not the wife is pregnant, men will still need.


rest in the day ?me too..cant sleep much at night lately![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


you are working or sahm?


Hi all,

haven't posted since yesterday. Wow the thread has been progressing very fast.

When I had #1 I was super on, almost everyday want to ML with hubby until I was about 7 months pregnant when it got uncomfortable. This pregnancy feels so different, just no mood to get it going. Last night I actually asked my hubby will he be tempted to find someone else to satisfy his needs and he told me that he has no time cause he's busy earning money to pay for my eventual hospital bill & to support the whole family. Hahaha, feel so silly about myself.

Until now I still can't really feel baby movement. sometimes I get some "fluttering" or "twitching" movement in my tummy during the evenings but I'm not sure if it's just my digestive system hard at work.

By the way,

any mummies here taking extra iron supplements on top of multi-vits due to anemia?

