(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


hmmm... I know there are some folk who believe in that... But well....Wait till you find out the gender then decide n it will still not be too late!

I won't do up my nursery till like 2 weeks before birth simply because I don't wanna collect dust! Wahaha...

I remember last time the cot came in around 4 weeks b4 I deliver .. We were overjoyed n started doing up the cot with bumpers n mobile then ....... Clean n clean everyday CID of dust! Haha ... Clothings too! Will wash it maybe 1 week before! This time I'm kinda slack ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehe i think i will feel the joy of shopping if my baby is a boy! but if it's yet another girl.. booo no shopping.. we basically have everything for a girl.. just get diapers enough.. and retail therapy for myself to soothe my frustration hahaa...

princess d,

haha, not slack I think, more experienced perhaps!

btw, did your #1 sleep well in a babycot? i had friends' babies who can't sleep in cots and in the end, they have to let them just sleep on the mattresses instead.

i'm pondering shld i buy cot or not...

pearlyn, same... just quarrel and throw tantrum with hubby over small matter last nite..got so grumpy that i even throw temper in my dreams.. sigh.. had a bad nite's rest last nite.. zzzzzzz

Dear mummies,

finally able to post my scan pictures. Nearly want to give up liao.


Bb at 12 weeks


Bb at 15 weeks


Thanks princessdiamond/ momotan/ starrymummy..

I'm 15w liao. Still cant feel anything from bb..

My next appt will be the detailed scan.

Still got to wait 4 weeks before can see bb again.

Hopefully by then can confirm gender liao. Actually I also dont want to take what the gynae say as yet. Only 60% leh. Later go detailed scan tell me it's a girl then i 'peng'..


Like to hear your opinion/advice becos I do not know how to advise my fren...

My fren's hb was caught having 'a string of affairs' over their 10++ years of togetherness [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She's very angry that he lied big time! Wanted a divorce but then she has 3 young kids, is a SAHM not much savings to count on if she were to just leave like that. And the problem is she doesn't have much family support so she said if she leaves she's afraid the children will suffer with her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She no longer has faith in her man despite his repeated pleas saying he will change and it was just a moment of folly, she just can't stand being near ard him. Currently, she's in a dilemma of wat is going to be her next step?

I've been thinking of how to advise her but nothing came up, any contributions? I mean would you forgive yr hb is he's having an affair outside?


nice bump! another skinny one. is your baby sucking thumb in the first pic? hee hee! so cute!! thanks for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, i think i am growing hairier everyday. my hubby a bit turned off when i told him there are fine black hairs growing on my tummy and boobs. and my linea nigra is getting darker too!

no.... remember the vow we took when we got married?

I, (name), take you, (name), to be my [opt: lawfully wedded] (husband/wife), my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.


yup. bb was in sitting position in the first pic.. ya. so cute.

The 2nd pic dunno wat bb lying on though. seems like got a cushion. HAHA..

My bump still small lor. More like bloated and fat. Cant tell if i wear loose clothes.

momotan - u bought XS from old navy and you still find it too big? WOw, you must be super duper slim.....

Starrymommy - you are slim ok!!!! I can't even wear S now, must wear M/L for top and definitely L for bottomes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm so FAT!!!!

Nowadays, i dun really like to weight myself cos it is so depressing to see the weight scale tip moving more to the right...


feel so sorry for your friend. you mean she knew about all his past affairs and the latest one is the last straw or just found out one shot that the hubby has been cheating on her for such a long time? she is a SAHM, so that's tricky le. if wanna fight for custody, she may not get it. so she may be at the losing end unless her husband willingly give up the kids. some more you mention that she doesn't have much family support and no savings. any possibility that she can hang in there first and try to find a job? maybe kids can put with her mum for the time-being? think right now just be her listening ear and let her pour out her frustrations. issues in marriage can't be solved by "outsiders" so there isn't much you can help right now. perhaps get her to speak with a counsellor first and see what advice can these counsellors give.

i already told my hubby. if i have solid proof (photos or with my own eyes) that he is having an affair, i will divorce straight away, no further discussion. and i will take his child/children with me and ban him from seeing them. for the house, we have 50-50 share in it so i will sell the house, take my share and move in with my parents. if he doesn't want to sell, then pay me back in cash every month or something like that.

lilbluey: i think it is very difficult to advise your fren on her predicament.

for me, i most probably wld not be able to accept infidelity on his part (never say never first!) so that is why i believe a woman shld be financially independent if she can choose to.

it is an ultra precarious situation to be in. but as a mother-to-be, i can sort of understand her confusion.. ultimately i believe most mothers will place her children as priority so if it means that the children will have any possibility of suffering she will not go ahead with that decision.

i think right now, ur fren shld consider being independent again.. since her hb is eating humble pie at the moment, she can get what she wants? she has to think of having her own life.. perhaps getting a job for start?

once she has regained confidence in herself be it emotionally or financially, then i think it'll be better to walk out on the hb. and i think it'll be better for the young kids too.

as for gg near the hb, i think she most definitely reserves the right to maintain a distance..as long as she can still bear it.. get the hb to move to living room or something? i think to be cheated on repeatedly, she has oredi gone numb in a way.. and will not expect any loyalty from the hb.

take a day at a time.. before deciding on the next step as it can have serious consequences for herself and kids.

erm! just my 2 cents worth.

so many sexy . pretty bumps....

i have been having slight cramp here and there. Should be the uterus expanding and all. It's not painful but uncomfortable..anyone feeling the same?

I have been drinking bubble tea quite often and decide to stop it due to the high sugar content...but on a lighter note is it a cause for worry drinking too much bubble tea???


i have slight cramps here and there also, and by the sides of the uterus as well. they last only a few seconds and not painful also. bubble tea drink too much not good because there is caffeine in the tea. and of course, all those sugar!

Talking about infidelity... I dunno why but in a span of a week, I had dreams twice that my hubby had a mistress outside! Haiyo! What a stupid thing to dream of.


you "senior pregger" lei, how can you complain about cramps. you know it's normal right? hahaha..


can't advise what your friend should do. but if the hubby has fooled around with more than one woman, pls abstain from any physical relationship first. he might get infected with STD.. God knows. next step is to be strong for the sake of the children. often children will blame themselves if their parents go astray. really pity them. seek professional counseling. with counseling, your problems are best addressed by professionals. hopefully this will knock some senses to the husband and make him a responsible man. however i understand that trust, once broken, would take time to ever heal at all! haizz.. really sorry for women who are suffering this fate. hope your friend will find strength to live her days for the sake of herself and her children.

lilac white,

i had a nightmare like that once! i actually went berserk and hysterical! i caught hubby red-handed on our matrimonial bed!! i slapped, cursed and punched the b*tch silly but my hubby was just sitting there dumbstruck! i remember the feeling of being betrayed and my esteem went down the drain. even though it's only a few hours of nightmare, i could put myself in the shoes of those who actually went through it for real. it's really scary. my MIL went through it. therefore she's always advising my hubby to not be like his father and always make the marriage work! poor woman, i can only imagine what it's like to feel battered like that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i'm so bored of eating and eating. =(

super no joy le.. cos i always haf to crack my brains over wat to eat for each meal and now on top of that, for snack too!

Melissa: The feeling is soooo yucky! I got jolted out of the nightmare and woke up feeling lousy! For now, I know my hubby wont betray me la. In future I dunno. haha

prevention is better than cure. every marriage needs a good work out. don't take things for granted. if you don't give your man the physical love he wanted, he'll get it from outside. it's just natural for men. and if you become a mother, don't forget that you're still a wife. as long as you remember these stance, you'll do ok.

but wat if u dont haf the mood or energy? =p

i'm abit like dat le... sometimes just can't muster up the kind of emotions needed. hahaha!

Hihi mummies

Pearlyn I just had a Mac apple pie.

Starrymommy, keep some sweets with you. When you feel like blacking out, suck on one.

Every morning before u go out of the house have a sweet drink first.


thanks for the tips. i hate sweets though. even mentos. sometimes brush teeth will wanna gag 'cos toothpaste so sweet. can only eat sour candy now. before i had the fainting feeling, i already had breakfast. so don't think it was due to low sugar. i think more like circulation not good enough as i was standing in the same spot for 10 minutes without moving..

OIC. Might be also due to the place is stuffy not enough oxygen. Happened to me once on the public bus. I was standing and feeling like blacking out luckily hubby was with me so he ask the girl sitting in front of me to let me sit. Took me a while to recover.

Lilac white, you're not the only one who had such nightmare. I had nightmare like that too and i get upset with my hubby easily.

It does'nt help any better when i met some of his female colleagues last week and saw how some of them are real bitchy and touching him all over (i went clubbing with my hubby together with the colleagues) and keep asking my hubby to drink with them (half-half).

I think i am developing depression man, had very low self esteem these days....i get upset when i hear remarks made about me which i won't even bother the last time, it does'nt help that my boss commented to someone and say that my temper is very bad these days and i have no patient ( i dunno why she commented that but i swear i did'nt throw any temper in the office)

Momotan, thanks. Going to shop for pink soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so exciting. But was advice not to buy so much. See if got see cheap pink pink stuff or not.

Hello Lilbluey, act nothing much for us to shop now.... Unless we are in SG. I feel that we had not buy anything yet is it v jia lat huh? Btw, wat is ur wish gender? Girl girl?


good thing your hubby was with you and he asked someone to give you a seat. i am worried i will just faint on the train then someone step on me or something. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] usually no seats then have to stand for at least 20 to 25 minutes. hope belly gets bigger and more obvious so ppl will notice and give me a seat!


i get dreams like that also. and it always affects me for that whole day. how come his female colleagues are so touchy.. don't they know that the man's taken? did your hubby do anything to like push them away or anything? if i were you, i'd get extremely upset too! these women really atrocious. they themselves promiscuous nevermind, still go and touch other ppl's hubby up and down when the wife is there. feel mad just to hear this kinda thing!! for baby's sake, you must not get into depression. some days i feel very low and "fat" and "ugly" also... but we have to look into the mirror and confess that we are beautiful! wear something you like, or go out and have some retail therapy with your girl friends. anything! just chin up and be happy. happy mummy = happy baby!


you can get your family to help you buy some of those cute carter rompers and send them over to you! they are quite cheap to buy online in SG. i think shipping won't get too ex bah. since it's baby clothes, quite light.


So sorry for your friend!YOur friend must be feeling terrible and helpless now....It is always easy to say "leave once i knew it and found proofs!"but as a mother of 3..hey!Its gonna be difficult moreover she is so dependent on her HB esp financially!

She will stil get the custody if she can find proofs from her HB's flings...the question is...

Se is angry and lost!DOES SHE WANT A DIVORCE?

She can be saying it out of anger and as an outsider,we are no one to teach her whether to saty or not to stay!Using the kids as an excuse of staying is definitely not right.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

In fact she has no courage to leave cos she is very dependent on her HB and that makes her HB take her weakness for granted!

If she really want a brighter future for her kids and HERSELF!

It is good to get professional help!Whether it works or not nobody can tell!But At least she try..and to find herself a job and get an income and organized her own time and her child's care can be tedious..She willing to do it?

My Gf not willing!these are the questions i throw to her!She kept saying she know nuts and refused to upgrade herself and kept saying her her child will suffer!So i told her to stay and close both eyes!What can we do?

She need alot of care an help now,some we as friends can't help..only way out is she have to stand on both feet and take the lead!No more nonsense!

I hope she will get what she want but tell her it is not and overnight thing where she can see a result ASAP!Nope!it takes energy,Courage and patience!

the rest leave it to GOD![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

it is always easy to say than done,so lets hope God give her a light and path for her to continue her life as a greatest mother!I wish her luck..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starrymommmy, they all know i am his wife but apparently they can't be bothered whether he's taken or not.

I just pretended i did'nt see anything and smile lor...what else can i do right? I also dun want to embarrass my hubby. Seriously, i think they are a bad influence to my hubby, throughout the years i know my hubby, he never tell me he want to go clubbing but after he join this company, his colleagues always ask him out to drink or club. I got upset and quarreled with him over this a few times already. But for last week , it was a concession i made because i know he wanted to go badly and his colleagues wanted to celebrate his and another colleague's birthday.

My hubby got drunk that night and as we left the club , there was this one female colleague which i secretly name her 'bitch' calling out my hubby's name very loudly and ask him why he's leaving so early. She even insisted he had a last drink with her before he left [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I know i should be a happy mummy but its just so difficult. Everything just seems to go downhill for me ever since i became preggie. I got depressed to the point i even feel like aborting the baby

lilbluey, princess d,

another 2cents from me... no one will know whether the man is really, REALLY repentant. only time will tell and the wife has to put her trust to the gambling table again. worst case scenario is it happens again and she closes 2 eyes to what he does outside as long as he continues providing for the family, and in the meantime, she starts standing on her own feet and find her own independence (which i think is the best option right now instead of just packing up and leave). best case scenario is of course, happily ever after lah.

actually there are always two sides to the story. there must be something wrong in the marriage for a while already that's why the guy "eats" outside. lilbluey, did you ask your friend if she noticed anything is wrong but went unsolved for prolonged periods? speaking to marriage counsellor may help. some couples don't even know what went wrong and need intervention to solve their marital problems.

Pearlyn and Grace, was feeling so grumpy yesterday. N My Hb got most of it since it was his off day. I keep telling him My mood not gd.... Then hé was slightly agitated because thé only person i vent My angry on is him.... But My mood turn much much better after a good ice cream, then shopping really help, saw a bag i heart v much.

Go in to thé shop, wanting to see another design, thé french bread like Think we no $$$$ to buy, never serve us. Anyway i left shortly 5 mins n pass by their display then saw something i like. Went in again, saw another similar design. Hb aso say nice. So i bought it n feel happy, thou thé bag is white easily dirty.

Then followed by a v Nice dinner. Thé kind of pasta i been thinking of. Luckily i insisted to havé dinner at that area rather than go back to My place there dunno wat to eat. I even ta bao another pasta back for lunch later... Was contemplating of having 2nd plate for dinner yest or share with hb but hé say hé full.... I little full also.

Anyway, all in all to turn gouchy mood to a happy one, i Think ur CAn try shopping n eatting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


was that why we didn't see you online for a few weeks? thought something happened to you, then this week you are back so i didn't ask.. does your hubby still spend quality time with you and meet your emotional needs? it sounds like he is experiencing peer pressure. and how long has he joined the co? i would see it as since he is never in clubs etc before, he now feels that he has been missing out all these while. you know your hubby best and what sort of person he is. right now it sounds like his female colleagues are just getting a bit too close for comfort and nothing else. don't get depressed over it as it doesn't change anything. i know easier said than done. but you have to try!

why not plan a short weekend getaway or a staycation at a nice local hotel and have a good time with hubby? you can share with him how you feel about him getting drunk and watching him touched by other women in front of you. maybe he doesn't even know you minded so much or doesn't even remember as he was drunk.

anyway, whenever you feel down, share with us. we are always around to help and cheer you up. who knows next time you will be the one encouraging me in return. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] whatever it is, don't even think about aborting the baby. you know and we know that you love it no matter what and it can only bring you more joy when it finally comes!


Thxs for yr voices [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Actually france got alot of lovely gals' frock ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the other time when I was there, was lamenting all the time why all the baby gals' stuff look so nice!! so many choices to choose from.

Of coz, we hope for a gal but gender is secondary..most importantly bb is healthy!

Had a dream last night that hb and I were looking at a hologram scan picture, then hb suddenly commented how come it's a boy lolx ;p~

Pearlyn, sometimes it is thé lack of sleep or rest thats y Dun feel quite rite?

I dunno y now k m preg, i feel more stupid, feel My brainstorming Can Think less clearly become more n more careless n clumsy. Is it thé hormones?

Princess D,

Thxs for yr advice..she wants a divorce but she's at crossroad *haiz*

Probably if she agree to stay for the sake of the kids, they would probably live like 2 strangers in the house. She told me it's oni the household got a father for the kids, that's all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Guess wat the idiot said to my fren, he said it's all becos she changed after she became preggie with no 1!! wat kind of excuse is that? U can't expect yr wife to stay the way she is when you first know her isnt' it? !@#$%^&*


Dun harbour such negative thots, it's not healthy for both yrself and your baby.

If there's things you need to let steam, just come here and chat with us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun bottled up your frustrations!

Mélissa, did u say u puke thé most this time round or which preg did u puke most? Is ur puke most = strongest MS?


Shiok leh! Retail + Food therapy!! how nice!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehe ... At first I can't figure out where's the bb... Then I see him sitting ! Cute !your bump oso showing wat.... Nice cute bump[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha senior pregger also can forget de mah...i know it should be normal..but feeling alittle discomfort liaoz le...when is it abnormal ah? when accompanied with pain?? cuz it persisted a while le...

Mélissa, do u Think u Will be bias subconsciously if this preg is a boy?


Rachoho, me too yest keep wanting to quarrel with Hb like tt. So maybe Can try My shopping, eating method? Kekeke

