(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

princess diamond,

yah!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

anyone knows if it is ok to drink essence of chicken everyday? i am thinking of buying more of the Eu Yan Sang ones that are without caramel colouring.


Thé gynae clinic is 20 mins drive, thou not in Bordeaux. Bordeaux is abt 45 mins to 1 hr drive. I was suppose to be in Bordeaux now to do thé Amnio test.

Hère the bus Côme every 1 hr. So Will go for thé appt with My hubby.

Hi mummies

my appt today is postponed to Sat. So can't see my baby today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wow so Taipei is the place to holiday for those who are ttc! I must tell my frens who are ttc! Haha…


No no no Taiwan ! Made in singapore ler.... Heeee.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

snoopy my fairygodsista!

My wish to have a boy!!! lol

wooohooooo we all love Snoopy!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

Snoopy! I wish for a boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


you are so efficient!! Hubby wishes for a boy. For me, doesn't matter, as long as baby's healthy! By the way, I'll be delivering at MAH also. Thanks for updating!

My hubby prefers girls and he doesn't mind if I'm expecting twin girls. But I said I don't think I'll feel complete if I didn't have at least a son. He thinks boys are very naughty and difficult to handle.

i haf a dilemma cos i dont know which one i prefer... hahaha..

i used to prefer girls cos can dress up and they tend to be more manja... and i feel filial.. cos i myself feel i'm more filial or rather more sensitive to my parents rather than my bro. =p

but i'm thinking of having one child right now.. hee hee.. scared of the costs and having to go through the whole pregnancy MS. so if its one.. i wld think boy. cos i think my hubby oso prefer boy..

however, ultimately since its my first child, gender shld not matter to me.. as long he or she is healthy.. datz the most impt. =)

here are my scans from last night! the first one looks like baby is lounging comfortably with sunglasses, second one is baby stretching out its back and propping up the leg against the wall. actually it was kicking around when gynae took the pic, like very excited and shouting, "look at me! look at me!" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Actually my story really not like a story....just a paragraph. Hope it don't bored you.

I email a Prof in SG recommended, he said the risk of mc in doing Amnio test is higher than risk of a DS.

Stupid Gynae here hard to discuss options. Monday he called to tell me appt fix on Wed, I super vex, din sleep well. Finally decided not to do Amnio test aft discussing, thinking and looking at Prof email too. Hubby and I went to him suppose to get the letter for the appt on Wed which is today, and hb tell him we decided not to do. He give a disgruntled look, like why dun wan to do, as I expected. I think almost or all his patient did. We ask if can do scan or do blood test again, he say no pt, and ask us to keep the letter and think through on Tues. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

His response affected me a little and make me ponder for a while on Monday on the decision lor.......

The risk of MC in amnio is definitely higher. If u compare it, the risk of MC in amnio is approximately 1 in 100. While for DS, it can be from 1 in 300 or 1 in 5000. So comparatively MC in amnio looks riskier.

However, I do feel it's totally 2 different issues. Firstly, if u decide to go ahead with amnio to confirm if baby's condition, it will give you mental preparation (touch wood) if things don't turn out well. If results are positive, then it's good news. For amnio if I'm not wrong they will order bedrest for your body to recover well enough to continue to carry the baby.

if u decided not go ahead with amnio, I am quite sure u will spend the rest of your pregnancy worrying on whether baby is okay or not, what happens if baby is not okay, etc etc. This is a lot of emotional stress and this can also cause a lot of distress to baby. Then, what if u worry so much and turns out baby is alright? You would have caused a lot of unncecessary stress to baby.

Personally I will go ahead with amnio and I think my gynae would also recommend me for peace of mind. By knowing if baby is okay or not, it also helps your gynae to be prepared for the arrival of your baby. I think the results will also help your gynae to discuss possible options with you in a better light.

I know I don't understand fully your frustration, just sharing my opinions.


yes gender doesn't matter as it's ur first child. You have chance for 2nd and 3rd and really health of the bb is most important...you and hb only wants one child???


thanks thanks you're such a darling for updating the table. No easy task.


I wish for a girl!!! But like Melissa i embrace whatever blessing the Lord has given me and having the gender i wish and prayed for is bonus!!!

Thanks Pinky, if I am in Singapore, I would have a better state to decide...

Initially Hb also feel that I shld go, so that 1mth of stress better than thruout the pregnancy.

Fyi, I have 2 previous mc, and tried v hard to conceive for 2 yrs, so this darling is v special to us.

But the risk of Amnio Test is too much for us to bear, further more there is the language barrier here, better not do such invasive test.

Like I mention before reastically financially we cannot, and emotionally I certain cannot, but I really dun wish to do the test.

After thinking and discussing, hb also feel that shld not put the baby at risk.

And I have to have faith for My baby. Thou sometimes I might worry, But definitely I am more uplift and positive compared to Monday.

I tell myself I am Fortunate.


are we able to have column to put our older kids gender? i am sure some of us would like to know the gender of the older kids hence the wish gender for the current pregnancy. LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its okie if cannot...


can you change my EDD to 11 october, cuz gynae changed it and fixed at 11 oct. And also i wish for a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple, my rationale for not doing amnio during 1st pregnancy. Don't want to risk a miscarriage as I was already 35 when I had baby #1. I was prepared to keep the baby whether with DS or not. I had the detailed scan (5th month) to fall back on, to help me to be mentally prepared as to whether baby would have DS or not. Hence, that's why I did not do the amnio.

I happened to speak with my lawyer regarding this as she is also a mother of 1. She mentioned that she had a frd that had baby #1 when she was 38 & she did an amnio due to bad test results too. Unfortunately for her case, she subsequently miscarried & the baby turned out to be fine. Of course I am not saying that all amnio situations are like that, but there really is a risk involved.

Hence, I feel that if you are clear as to why you are not doing the amnio, then there is no need to be affected by your gynae. My gynae was 100% fine with me not wanting to do the amnio. And if your gynae is not going to schedule a detailed scan for you, you can always seek the opinion of another gynae.

Apple: Oh I forgot you're not in Singapore. I can understand the anxieties you have, and how much the baby really means to you. Since you & hb have come to a decision, I believe right now most important is for both of you to take the pregnancy as it is and enjoy every moment of it. When baby is out, you will miss the times baby is inside! And when baby is inside, you will wish baby will be out soon! Hahahaha...

Thanks Snoopy & Pinky.

For us, we dun wan to risk a mc too base on past experience. Thou for me, deep down I know I really cannot if DS.

As mention by Pinky and the Prof, the risk of MC in fact is higher than risk of getting a DS. Thou I really scare of being so unlucky and strike "toto". But with the girls encouragements, I tell myself too I must have faith for my baby.

I wish to seek 2nd opinion too, but is hard here. Otherwise I would. Hb asked me if I don't trust the gynae, well...He is not the gynae I chose, wat can I say. I am just so sian that when we asked if I can re do the blood test, and do a scan again, to see the NT scan, he say no point. I think is the way here works.

I dun even know if there would be a detail scan done or not.

But well, I am trying my best to keep positive. I think over think maybe also not good. I saw in a thread, a mum with twins got a ratio of 1:4 and 1:6 , she also did not do Amnio test and the babies came out healthy.

I want things to go smoothly for now.

Your know, is countdown another 5 months!!!!


since you hVe make a desicion n then just rest your mind n cont think positive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and let's not have doubts with the decision!

Having to make such decision it's not easy esp when we are talking about the life of our precious .. Jia you!

Let's not ponder over anything ! If that gynae of yours are truly sincere in helping,I'm sure he will provide more infos to make sure his patient can have a slight pc of mind n docs have to respect your decision n give alternative route for you!

Have you had any chance to get a 2nd opinion or change of doc? From what you said, he dun h

sounds helpful at all despite knowing your prev condition .. N I certainly hope is not in a discriminatory behAviour towardsn Asian in their country which they are well known for that!


I think we mummies here have our own set of worries! We are all worrying non-stop. Something turns out good we find something else to worry about. hahaha.

For me, I keep worrying about hospital bill and praying that I can have natural delivery (with epidural of course!) and that my twins will avoid NICU.

Then I think about how I'm going to handle all my kids and whether I can handle looking after twins.

But I have to keep reminding myself to take things one at a time!


when i read your post.. I wad like ( fingers counting ) may jun jul aug sept n oct......aarrrggghhhhhhh! That's so close! 5 mths to go? Huhuhu.... I'm planning for a hoilday w my gfs n family before the arrival of no.2!!! Heeee.....,

Princess Diamond, hmmm...I will ask hb again abt 2nd opinion ba.....

Yar they look down on pple who speak English........

But I guess for my Gynae, is communication barrier and maybe their culture as such. I think he is v appalled when my Hb say we dun wan to do. Anyway hb say if do the Amnio Test anything he also not responsible. So dun care him. Just that I feel a bit at a lost on how to face him for my next appt. And just fix next appt next week, because initially wanted next mth Sat, but whole of next mth, 3 sat are Public Holiday....and the one that are not we cannot make it.

So next appt also dun noe wat he will say, but I will just request to see baby and see Gender again.

Btw, Princess Diamond, the Mac still haven recover from hospital? U still typing fr phone? Pei fu u...I find typing from phone v leh chek.

Pinky, yar sometimes think too much also no pt. I am a worrier by nature since young but I let go yesterday liao, cos really no point thinking things unknown.

Princess Diamond, I hope the month pass fast. I cant wait to see my Baby.

April pass v fast for me, cos too drama liao. May b z going out, hope and think will pass v fast also....I want to turn the calendar fast and past the half way marker v soon. Countdown Countdown countdown.....


Yea, even if they know how to speak English they refused to use it ! One thing about French ! Haiz.... Country is beautiful n rich of culture but ppl there abit cannot make it unless u learn to speak French lor!

Never mind la, if your decision is settled then be it n just enjoy your 5 mths! Wahahaha.... Times flies rite ?

Mac discharged from hospital lo... But I dare not touch ler...went in 2nd time because of me! Lol

HB said he bought Mac cis is user friendly n for "smart" ppl like me! Heeeeee.. Who know thus smart girl became a genius n can even make the computer hanged n jammed!!!! Wahahaha........ Now b humble lor... Use my iPhone! Difficult la.... See till my eyes become smaller like the words liao!lol

Starry ...

Yea nice scan! Thanks for sharing![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really looks like bb is relaxin w a shades [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some updates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my shoulders n back are having some small itchy pimples! It's is getting more! N nipples are very very very sore n sensitive now! Felt damn uncomfortable ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Eh....Wat else did u do beside surfing, typing?

I prefer to type with a computer key pad, v fast, think wat type wat in 1minute....iphone....by the time I finish typing, I forgot wat I wan to type liao.


jia you! we are counting down the months together with you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] feel worried or what, just share here. i find all the mummies here very supportive and encouraging, so hope you will also feel much much better sharing here no matter what your choice is next!

i have some questions for experienced mummies here... these couple of days, i've been feeling little aches in the uterus. much like the first trimester cramps. is it normal because uterus is still expanding? and my boobs don't feel sore for 3 weeks already! i read that boobs should be more sore in 2nd trimester leh.. should i be concerned?

Wahaha..... Surf type n chat w friends n play games on the bed ! Wahaha...Laptop must sit up n type ... ;( my laptop is a dinosaur .. MaC PowerBook G4 ! Dun like yo use cos only 12 inch .. Small n no camera! I used HB mac to Skype w friends in overseas... Now can only chat lor using whatsapp!

That's y if u r online, u hary c me online lately ....

Sigh.... Think my wish to have iPad vanished lar!grrrr.....

starrymommy: cramps on and off may just be your uterus expanding. this is ur first pregnancy so expect it to grow really really big. ur skin may also feel itchy as it needs to stretch to make way for the growing womb also. U may also feel some joint aches at ur pubic area and ur hips. They are expanding. eventually u may notice that ur hips look a bit wider. hee hee.

as for sore boobs I never had sore boobs. Only sore and extra sensitive nipples. Do remember that pregnancy symptoms for 1 person may be very very different from another's.

if the cramps are very pain and u have spotting/bleeding, then it will be good to drop by the gynae's office. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


errmm u shouldnt be feeling cramps now... Tightness maybe.

Did u add this problem at your gynae?

My nipples for first pregnancy sore till 3rd trimester ... But this round worse than prev lor... Now can't go braless cos it hurts whenrub against t shirt!

Think should b ok gua? I rem few weeks bk. Dun feel anything at all then now suddenly itch n sore


thanks! I thought every pregnant woman will have sore boobs. Yes, gynae said to see him immediately if have spotting.

Princess diamond,

if have the spare cash, I think it's good to get iPad! Screen so big and looks light too! Despite the name and controversy it created when it was launched, it's still very hot selling. But yet to see ppl using on the trains/buses though.

Did you girls see the scans I just posted up? Didn't 'hear' any feedback thought you girls may have missed it!

Princess diamond,

dunno leh. Not really crampy feeling, just a mild, short ache. A bit like cramps but don't really know how to describe. Hopefully it was just the ligaments stretching and maybe too close to uterus so got confused? I will monitor myself and see how. A bit worried. Then some more just now whole afternoon super tired, headache and giddy. Not a very great day.

K... I go lalaland now. Goodnight mummies!! Sweet dreams to all little babies too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starrymommy: yes we left our comments already! hahahaha. u noe I went for my NT scan and brought the report to my gynae's office. But not all the pictures stated which twin is which twin. They were both facing the same direction, so my gynae & I had a hard time telling who is who! Only 3 pictures it labelled upper or lower twin. but at my gynae's office she will label A and B for me, so that I know who is who. but without the labels I don't know which is which!

princess diamond: if it is really disturbing u I think u can call ur gynae office and check with the nurses. Some issues we not sure if big or small, so can just call the gynae office and check with the nurses. If need they will ask u to drop by, if not they will ask u go GP or what. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yar Starrymommy, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have a little cramp on and off, yesterday while on bed, after that it was gone...I think more like expanding....

No sore boobs for a few days, recently slightly sore.

Hi girls, I am 14w6d now but I cannot feel bb's movement as some of you have mentioned. I am always reading the forum when all of you are sleeping[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Apple, seriously, why don't you consider flying back to Singapore, within half a day you will be in Sg. Get all your check up done in Singapore and at the same time you could take the time to take tonics in Singapore. My husband and I always fly back Singapore separately from the US due to our work schedule. Occasionally we will fly back together but return separately again.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

9 days to my appointment

Elle, I will be singapore abt 1 day, 13hrs flight. Now hard to fly out also. Because of the Vocanic Ash.

Try not to worry, the movement I feel I also dunno if it is baby.

I think If I were to go back, I rather go back for delivery and confinement but, I have constrain, need to fulfil my attendance here. Cannot be away for too long. Air Ticket is ex...hard...sigh...Just ask my hubby again for the dunno how many times...We got to pay back alot of $$$$ if go back.....sian. Really not feasible, unless We strike toto.

Hi apple, not saying to go back singapore permanently, just for the time being. At least to put your mind at ease. It will take me 24hrs on the journey to be back in Singapore, 13 hrs is half my journey:p air ticket is not that expensive, look out for their promotion, SQ always has promotion, usually at the beginning of every month.

Good morning ladies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last night slept after my last post to starry! Very tired!


my friends are carrying the iPad around! Had a chance to feel it! The inky trouble is, when going out that thing is rather heavy to hold on one hand.. Not like a phone n have to put in a bag big enough for that lor... My guy friend who suddenly carry a sling bag out tat simply because if the iPAd!

It's Damn cool! The functions.. Fwahhh impressive! Even my daughter loves it!

You must rest well k cos somes first time mommy might have more cramps than us ( those that given birth before) ! U girls are brand new womb n when it's stretch, it can get really uncomfortable but having said that when it gets painful ,go consult your gynae k...


I won't see my gynae for my nipples sore[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]lol

mine is sensitive even during bfg days so now it's just 50% more sensitive than usual! Will ask someone to soothe it...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the sky is clearing up n maybe it is really a good choice to make a travel plan back home! SQ always have promotions... Y dun u go check it out ?

Otw when u stay there alone when HB not around can be frustrating oso ler.. Airlines are making huge lost due to the recent volcanic ash... Maybe promotion to help bring back passengers are going on, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm looking out for it too. heerrrr


morning ladies

apple, *hugz*

princess, seriously 17K is alot of money leh. Your hubby must be a high-flyer.

talking about sore boobs, I was going to ask about that too. Forgot what it was like during my first pregnancy. So am still surprised that my boobs still hurts, especially last night after shower where i accidentally aimed the showerhead at my nipple :p

think my sleeping position is not right...my inner thigh muscles are alitte tight now.

ohh, talking about graciousness, education level certainly doesn't mean much. It's the EQ training they received. Over here, I will always get offered a seat on the train if I travel with my boy. But I don't do it often cos it can be super packed. While in SG, seated passengers can see how my boy lose his balance in the train and continue to stare.

