(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Hi princessdiamond, yes thats the one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually this is not the picture that shows bb is a boy, but I have been looking at it over and over again, suddenly realise that.

Princess Diamond,

Unfortunately, to date there's still some pple who favour boys over girls and that's a very irritating fact!

However, I like your gynae's response hee...some pple probably just dun realise how lucky they are to conceive whereby some others are trying so hard but to no avail, take for granted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yeah there's a serious imbalance of men to women ratio in china due to one-child policy and favoring boys over girls.. some things are better left naturally. we shouldn't play God.

Lilbuey, I am not staying in Gujian but near. I Think she is fr thé Same community... I m quite low key here. Her Hb fr ST? I m fr thé other side Not much wives hère knows. Only 2. Not intending to let them know cos of My previous mc. Hope ur sis Can keep to herself. Maybe i might noe her or her Hb.

But I m horrified to hear tt hère they ask to terminate if they got bad result. Did it happen to any singaporean?

Elle, Princess Diamond, Emmie, Xin thanks. Discuss with Hb that no point seek 2 nd opinion here cos we won be going for thé test. Abt going back Sg.... Still thinking...options available. Money is thé prob.

Xin, thanks for sharing. Yar I need more of such positive stories.

Thanks chip chip.

Melissa, yar cant stand them sometimes. I miss SG v much actually. Thé food, thé convenience. I feel so helpless hère also because of thé language.


Yup, her hb is in ST [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No worries my sister oso very very low key over there, she's very bz with her sticky bb boy haha ;p~

I doubt they will ask a foreigner to terminate the pregnancy lar becos no matter wat the baby is not going to be a French national but I find it absurb to hear of such practices..

Hv u been there for long?? U can always talk to my sister over there, I suppose you should know her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Diamond, ur friend story is aso horrible. I heard of few such cases before. My 2 nd Mc happen hère n My spotting Bégin 7-9hrs or so before thé 1st gynae visit. All hé say was i Will start to bleed. Thé pain emotionally n physically is both unbearable.

Babypeach, thanks for sharing. Can I Know ur risk ratio n blood test result? Mine was thé blood test that pûll me down.

Anyway we make thé décision already so i Will havé 1000% faith in My baby.

Your result Will be good. When u try to Think ur result is good, it will.

Elle, ur scan really v nice.

I just had a dream abt being able to see baby v obvious outline n 3D in thé tummy like something even more obvious than princess diamond dd at week 28? N i even saw that My baby is obviously a boy boy....


Dun let the past experience affect you, am sure you and bb will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you!!

My ankle felt a little pain when sleeping. Woke up n saw a vein a bit more obvious n green. Told Hb Will try to go to thé hospital emergency later or otherwise tomolo. Dunno how thé emer hère works. Was given thé letter to go emergence so bo pian....

Hope i Dun expérience bad services.

I Heard that a SG couple who bought their baby maybe 8 mth old kena qns y in french dunno how to speak french. I get that i Think fr thé ikea deliver guy. I say i get it cos hé say in french with a smile n i infer hé trying to say that. How annoying. They v proud of their Lang.

My mum is one of them who favor boy over gals thou she doesn't admit. I Dun blâme her cos of her past expérience. She got 3 dds incl me. I m thé eldest. Anyway she keep thinking thé in laws Dun like her cos she got 3 dds.

Yest i called, she ask so know gender already.... Keep askin n asking. I ask back, so wat if boy n wat if gal. She say she just curious then say boys aso okie gals erm aso okie. But her tone sound so diff when she mention boy she v happy when she mention gal diff....

I Dun wan to tell her that gynae say probably a gal nor did i tell her abt thé blood test result cos i Noé her pattern.

salut mademmoiselle babytiger!

must be frustrating. i took two modules of French language course but i can only understand the basics. but hey at least i could read (not necessarily understand though) and babytiger, oh mon dieu.. your sentences is looking french now.. lol.. no worries kay i'm sure your baby will be fine.. its' just too bad that you're in it the first time and in a foreign land. i can only sympathize your situation. but feel free to rant whenever you feel frustrated or worried, we're all ears!

yup I dun get it with these french pple. I can understand that you are proud of your lang, but to the extend of being rude?? I was travelling on their train years ago and a staff wanted me to complete their survey form. She went on and on in French and when I told her I don't understand, she just snatch the form away from me!! Like I wasted her time. Bloody hell, I was like I'll give you feedback you rude lady your service sucks!

Lilbuey, i Been hère for a yr finally n countin down to SG. Paisei ST quite alot of pple i Dun Think i know her. Will pm u My facebook maybe u Can suggest her so i Can add her.


Sure no problem, my sis oso there about the same time as you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anything you can talk to her lar, she's a very easy-going person.

I know how tough it is to be in a foreign land especially the pple there dun speak english and they can be quite an arrogant bunch! Confiding here in this thread or a few friends will make one feel better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Lilbluey.

Mélissa, Dun understand wat is oh mon dieu. Compre pas. My stupid iPhone i dunno how to configure keep suggest n auto correct into french cos this phone is importés into french... I so ma fan to keep correcting back all thé word so like thé is thé Same, ur underst CAN liao... Even this stupid CAN word keep auto correct to caps maddening sia.....

Oh, thé french pple hère, when they Dun underst u, they Will give u a face.... N they Noé sinple english but they alway say they compre pas meaning they Dun underst when i ask parle anglasis which means speak english. Stupid stupid stupid.

Lilbluey, yar feel so lonely here. If i m in london or english speaking place, i won feel so bad.

yeah was about to suggest to you just say "je ne comprends pas, je parle anglais!" but their pronounciation is really different from spelling. very hao lian these french burgers!! at least i'm proud to think that Singaporeans are friendly to foreigners.

Mélissa before i say compre pas to them, they say conpre pas to me first n walk away.

Ur start drinking chix essences n birdnest liao? How to drink?

I just got 2 box each, need to ratio... Ask My sis to buy more... She din argh. N i ask for eys brand bird n'est she buy new moon Fann wong endorse one.... Okie la better Yvan nothing. I need to ratio n i Dun like drinking chix essence but Will try to drink.

Then i received thé annum milk which i asked for but all expire in july... So i must drink 3 pack a week.


i haven't start drinking birds nest yet le..essence of chicken need to drink meh?? i think every week one bottle of bird nest shd be fine bah....


i get hungry easily le...is everyone feeling the same? haha but yet scared put on too much weight. LOL


haiz ... That's so French la! Somehow when I was there It didn't give me any good impressions to visit that place again!! Turn off with their behaviour... But I must say Not All are like that but unfortunately almost all..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

never mind them , u can't do much unless u blend in with them n get yourself comfortable otw it can be really dreadful, my dear!

Get your ankle treated soon! Dun drag since you intend to seek treatment..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stay positive n be strong! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Okiez [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will check and reply you...

Do u have a slow cooker at home, if so, go buy a chicken and steam it to extract the essence out of it! Full of goodness and very nice!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Agreed with Princess Diamond, better get your ankle treatment fast!

Yes yes, not going to delay liao. Do x Ray n see wat they say. If i got any bad experience fr them later or tomolo i sûre share hère n shame them.

Lilbluey, No slow cooker but got pressure cooker use once only. Thé chix hère Dun Think is free range... I Think i drink thé fats hère if i cook. So i rather not touch thé chix here.

Can I check with u ladies when u all start to feel better from all the vomiting? I'm 14w going 15 but still feeling nausea n don't feel energized at all.. Tot 2nd trimester wld be better n can enjoy the pregnancy. But here I am still feeling terrible. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

really wan to enjoy being pregnant but just can't due to the MS. how??

Complain to hb also no use. He just say can't do much.. Everyday feel so depressed.. Scared won't get better..


my hb bot the lo hang ka concentrated for me. he said it's more worth than buying the EYS or new moon one which mostly are sugar water

cos tat $40 odd for 6 bottles. but lo hang ka is 100+ for a big bottle of solid birdnest. which i think make sense? hahaha. maybe u all consider.. just one spoon every nite before going to sleep.

Boy or girl?

I really dunno y the Chinese are like dat?i ve seen my gf's in law waiting patiently n anxiously while waiting for her to bring back a good news after gynae visit !!sad to said till today she has not have any right to utter a word n same goes to her girl!

Even when she wanted to hold her girl 1 mth old party at home but her FIL said no n then said.... If next time you give me a grandson, u may use the house for anything!!is still happening here n my gf had the most tragic story if all!her FIL didn't even see her since birth till a month later when her HB hint to the dad that he must c the own grandchild! Reluctantly he went up!My gf spend 40days in her room with her daughter n not allowed to step out at all! HB was refrained from staying in cos she is dirty!! Arrgghhhhh! She went on depression n slmost threw her bb then down from 3rd floor to the dining table ... Said her maid ! Poor thing ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Etelle, i feel hungry occassionally. I feel bad sometimes cos i hungry yet Dun wan to move My butt.

I feel easily full than in thé past. I Think wat said abt small but freq meals is true n maybe helps?

Yanling maybe i Can consider in My to buy list. I m seriously considering maybe coming back over thé weekend or wat to get all thé things i need. Maybe settle on how My confinement Will b first. So many things to Think but i m super procrastinating....

Princess Diamond, ur gf really poor thing. Thou My mum might show subconsciously, she said n i Noé she underst cos she herself said she got 3 gals. She is putting her hopes n wishes on me act....


hmmm... As mentioned before , there's nothing much u can do to stop your MS! Every body reacts differently .. Some MS last longer n some even last till birth ... Let's not hope for that k! But if your vomiting is severe you must let gynae know n get some anti vomiting n must drink more fluid!

Poor gal ... I know I'd difficult .. Your energy will only b back when your MS stop! Let's give yourself a few more weeks n see how?

Mean while stay hydrated( you have to try all kind of comfort food just to ease your MS). Never mind that ppl said no cold drinks or this or that ! Most importantly get it ease up asap! I ve been thru that I I know how bad it is...

Mine stop exactly at 5 mth. It's only the rough gauge thatvtgr book said 2nd trimester is the best time! But one thing for sure , bb is doing well in there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my mom vomited for all her 4 pregnancies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

she was so proud of that cos she said all 4 of us are born with healthy weight ... All exceeded 8 pound+!!!! wakaka ... When she had my bro... Her Vomiting last the longest .... 7mths!(let's hope we all wong have to go through that k but no matter what we must be prepare n find a solution ..... Comfort food)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care .... Hugs![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good! Good! Come here and vent yr frustrations, dun bottom them up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Remove the skin before you process it then u dun get so much fats or try to find those free-range ones.

Princess Diamond,

Feel sorry for your friend, must be very tough on her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i oso hungry easily.. i realise need to take something every 3 hrs.. breakfast then small snack then normal lunch then teabreak then dinner.. sometimes supper.

i oredi put on abt 4kg since i suspected 2 mths ago.. =_= a mth or so ago, my appetite was even better! now decreasing but the hunger remains except i take smaller portions. =p

help help ah.. i dont wanna grow into a ball. sigh! i think i look fat more than preg now..


yes even till today, she is still getting shit frm her inlaw n get scolded n asked her to moved out! Twice it happened! Very sad.. It is all because the child is a girl ! N that stupid HB of her had n affair n my gf was blamed for he getting astray! Funny rite? How absurb n ridiculous are they? I pitied her n asked her to moved on.. At first her MIL forced her to drink all kinds of tonics n medicine n counted her O day n forced them to ML.. This type only drama series I ve seen la.. But my gf got it! I remembered she drank those tonic .. So much till she nose bled all the time! But het in laws had never question themself on why they having 5 girls n just 1 pathetic boy! So educated yet behave like dat![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] boooooooo

All kind of pple in this world. Read a lot of horror stories abt in laws in one of thé thread a few weeks ago when i was bored. Those bless with gd in laws must treasure.

princess diamond: OMG.. ur gf is really really poor thing.. how can such ILs exist in such times! i really thot only in tv dramas have le...and her dat useless thing called HB is really ^%$%$. even as a stranger i oredi feel so indignant of her predicament.. how can!!! i cannot comprehend! there will be retribution for such evil pple..

Princess Diamond,

Yr gf's ILs and hb are just a bunch of pathetic souls!!! *angry*


Dun let your mum's words affect you too much, health is of no 1 priority, gender always come secondary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Diamond....why does your girlfriend put up with all these?? If I were her, I would have walked out with my girl long time ago.

Hahah yes lilbluey i not affectée by her. I am okie with boy or gal healthy and happy most impt. My dad who is a v Nice person, yest i told him abt thé blood test on DS not good then hé ask me if how.... Haiz i say i dunno... Hé sound like y i Dun Wang to take thé test. Anyway ask him not to told mum cos i expect mum Will say alot of things that might affect me.


She love her HB still[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

she did walked out for a year n remember her being better back in her moms home but things changed that bastard came bk n asked for forgiveness! She gave in but wuth condition that he musy promised to buy her a housr n move out asap! So now they are looking for a place ...i told her since she decuded to go bk pls dun expect him to changed! A leopard really will nvr ever changed it's spots! Make full use of what he is gvg her presently! N beautify herself!I can't teach her what to do cos I'm sure she knows what she want !she always used het girl n excuse so as friends we knew she couldn't let go. Since she chose thus path she have to accept there are more to come! Only things she can do now is to brush up herself with more stuffs like taking up a course or something.. N keep herself busy !

Since a appearance after a year if MIA i see a changed in her.. Haggard n old. Even my HB got a shocked!very sad!

Friends around started to come clean to her telling her her weaknesses n lousy wAy of living her life n of course whatever her HB done outside .. We all saw n knew from the beginning!It all happened even during Uni days !he is dirty! I hate him!

Wonderful. Before I read the post...I want to say thankfully I saved the Oct 10 thread link...cos forum got problem again.

