(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

starrymommy: sometimes when I get real pissed off, I stand at the door n say 'wait a while will die is it?' or 'cannot let ppl get out 1st is it?' b4 i step out of the train. :p nasty but really BTH la!

sometimes i think maybe there's too many foreigners in spore so singaporeans become v kiasu and kiasi and indirectly become selfish cos if singaporeans dun fight and stand up for ourselves, we will kena override by these foreigners... tts y we end up becoming not gracious to others around us.


My hubby also ask me why I so fierce when I told him abt the incident. I told him if I don't make the guy clean up his mess then later he alight people cannot sit coz the seat still wet!

Yeah tomorrow I am going to see my baby again. Hopefully can know the gender tomorrow. Congrats starry on ur Oscar! Yes pls post ur scans!

Pinky: Yeah i read about it in StoMP! The guy reacted that way cos there are way too many selfish people. But he also shldnt hv shouted la.

Pinky i read about it in stomp too! Too paiseh to apologize I guess!

Hey thanks for the info on blue cheese! I didn't know! I will avoid it then!


really! so far haven't banned from shopping but i know it's gonna b very soon....lol

school fees n diapers n food! All are expensive ! My weekly marketing that last for 4meals already 300+

n can be more! There s lil bit hidden cost that we don't see that much are those that is killing lor.. Petrol, pub bills, maid ,dog, grooming, groceries n etc... It's all about there! During my bfg days I helped to sAved up 600+ monthly ! It can be more now ... Milk prices oso went up abit! Aha... Doctors visits , immunity jabs..n bla bla... Dare not count lor! I was just discussing with HB about daughters nursery school fees was like sky rocket high! 760/mth!!!!! Can die rite .? Lol

gracious society!

Impossible! All are getting selfish ! What can we do? And about that jerk who wrote about preggers should b carryin army rack n so on... He will be "blessed" with wifes n daughters that go through all we are going thru right now!

Starry, in the train nvr had a chance le. But in the mall always! Many times when I see people barge in n I'm struggling to go out, first thing is Xcuse me ( loud enough to b heard)! I will never squeezed through ! Y should I? These people who comes in w/ o allowing me to go out should feel ashamed!

I was in paragon, this stupid aunty with a big hairdo barged in! I wanted to go out but my helper stuck with the stroller! Stupid lady nvr apologized so the doors closed with me still in it!! I asked her... Upper level giving away free gold? She laughed .. So I said ... Does that mean yes? If it's so ... U should take the escalator! Lifts are not meant for you! Next time must open your eyes n wait for people to come out then u go in!!!! That's all... Every parts of her are branded but behaves like a total barbarian!!! Yucks!

My helper damn afraid of me n I demand n insist proper manners to b carry out yo anyone n anywhere ! Simple things like thanking the one that bother to hold the lift for you, waiter that served you food! Apologised when you are wrong! Not difficult rite?

Princess Diamond & Babydes really very daring.

I think I will be like Empress.

Now after just eating v little I will feel bloated. I thot it shld happen in 1st tri?

Anyway I told hubby baby like kicking me, as him if he saw....and he say he did saw and feel some movement. :p Thou I din see much but can feel something, not sure is I hungry or wat la...........

Is it very silly of me to go and do X Ray 2 and a half weeks after I sprain my ankle? since it is 2 and a half week, and y not wait till I deliver?

I mean is it a little pointless now?

starry, u requested for scan when u went down to dr lim again? good for u, so happy can see bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinky, that's a lot of supplements you take. Did your gynae say it's ok to take those supplements?

princess, your hubby making 17K per mth to meet your expenses? :p It's truly not cheap to raise a kid in SG.

re : forgetfulness

tend to be more forgetful these days...especially when I get distracted. In the mornings it gets worst cos too many things to do...rush rush rush... :p

re : graciousness

lots of train experience to share when I was pregnant with my boy 5 years ago. I rem 2 distinct incidents when I was heavily pregnant. The first one, I was standing in front of this guy sitting on the priority seat. He just kept staring at my tummy lor. Wonder how dense can he be. A person cannot be so fat that only have a tummy right? Then finally someone told him to let me have the seat. The second incident lagi better. I was standing in front of this gal studying in ITE. She knew I was pregnant cos when she alighted to get off (several stops after I boarded), she told me to take the seat. I was alittle speechless. Graciousness at her own convenience.

Nowadays I tend to be more outspoken about such rudeness. Guess it's the 'training' I get from staying in China. :p

Morning ladies,

haha... new topic is on graciousness har?

Sigh, Singapore cannot make it lah.

I am also like some of the ladies here, will speak out loud one lor...

I have countless time of asking ABLED, YOUNG, ACT SLEEPY ppl to give up seats for preggies, kids and old ppl before... but never asked for a seat for myself even if I am preggie... haha...

There was once, at LRT station at the lift area, everyone ABLED are waiting for the lift to go DOWN ONE LEVEL, and there is also an old lady pushing a stroller with a baby AND with a toddler on hand. Obviously she cannot managed very well liao coz the toddler was struggling to run off somewhere to play and THESE ABLED PPL just rushed into the lift like running for their life! In the end, ONLY the old lady, her toddler and baby stroller are standing outside while the rest are squeezed inside the lift.

I was walking towards the stairs with my boy and saw that, cannot take it, shouted at the ppl in the lift to get out to let the ppl who need the lift much more than them use it... crazy lor... 1 level nia leh... I know the old lady can just wait for a while for the next round but just cannot take it lor...

And I hate it when ppl just stand right in front of the lifts and MRT doors KNOWING that ppl will be coming out... sometimes, while waiting for lift with my son, I will speak VERY LOUDLY to my son and "educate" him that we have to stand one side for ppl to come out first, so that ppl can hear me lor... &^$^&*#!@!#

Sigh, these just show how ungracious our singaporean are... I also totally agreed on Taiwan's culture... when I was there, even when the train is packed, the priority seats are empty. Ppl rather stand. Whenever we went up the train, a lot of ppl will immediately give up seats for my boy! not just one lor... even when the train is super packed (we went on new year's day)... I am totally impressed... and totally disgusted by Sg... eee...

Wah.. You mummies chat till so late last night. I was super tired after that last post! We preggers cannot be silently bullied by ungracious ppl in the lift and trains anymore. Must learn to be more assertive, like princess diamond and babydes!


Dr lim just told me to get up on the examination table and said he will do a scan for us. Only one more patient outside so he spent more time on the scanning. He even allowed hubby and I to each choose 1 pic to bring home! And he was really funny lah.. Asked me to give hubby a kiss when he told us of the good Oscar results.


I also didn't look like pregnant now.. Simply becoz right now I always wear a huge T-Shirt since I feel better wearing something not tight..

Feel sad becoz last time before I'm pregnant, when I wear some type of tight clothes, people will think I'm pregnant. :$

Anyway, one way to make people give their seat to you is by rubbing your tummy. It works for me once..

Tomorrow I'm going to Medan to visit my hubby's parents. Hopefully I don't get too much morning sickness there.. And I can tahan during my flight at 7 AM!


rubbing my tummy didn't work so far. Even my colleague was standing next to me and saying loudly, "wah, your tummy looks more obvious le!" no one cared.. The two girls in their 20s pretend to sleep. I wonder if next time I really feel unwell and really need a seat, will I actually ask for it.

Groovy, Rubbing my tummy don't work for me as well. Yesterday in the bus i am rubbing my tummy as i feel a little unconfortable standing so long and the bus drive was driving so fast.

starry, thats good. he didnt get us to scan when we took our results but he just say it was good. the kiss also.. same die die must ask me kiss hubby and not the other way round.. lol

you start taking mum2be already? anyway im glad he's quite flexible.. as in like can go back to visit him anytime.

Emmie, hmmm I find pple fr there v rude and crude....some of them, maybe the older generation. HIgher educated one still okie...


haha! He's funny lah. Yes, today start on the mum2be pills. But i wonder if i'm getting enough calcium. Maybe need to drink more milk. By the way, we asked him about package yesterday. He told me he doesn't work that way, tie patients down. Hubby feels that without package, consultation and medical fees will be expensive in future months to come. Do you think so?

Rachoho and Starrymommy, ur gynae very cute lor...I been hanging around JW area since young, granny and such and us stay around JW....but nv notice this clinic...Next time maybe if go eat hawker there must see see look look.

Is it near 7 eleven or near the cc beside bustop or?

starry, yea! without package is more ex leh.. everytime go back only is almost $100.. for me i very paranoid de i almost go back every 2 - 3wks.. :p so imagine.. hehehe btw i have not started those free milk samples also.. dun really like milk taste.. hehe but will u be thinking of changing gynae?

Emmie: yes gynae gave the green light for my supplements, as long as they don't contain things I'm not supposed to eat.

starrymommy: I believe package is more of to commit the patient to the clinic. Cause for my 1st one I signed package and when I calculated the cost, it works out to be almost the same. My gynae's package don't include pre-natal vits, CTG. Only consist of consultation, urine & scan. 1 visit I pay $100. I paid about $700 for my package back in 2008 and I think I used about 7-8 visits. So it works out about the same to me. Unless (touch wood) you have some problems and need to come back more frequently, then is worth your money. If you end up delivering earlier, they also won't refund you any money.

For my current pregnancy they don't offer package because twins will be delivered earlier, latest @ 37 weeks. From next month onwards I only need to go once a month, until in my 8th month I will go once a week, then almost every day. But I think depends on whether I can deliver them naturally or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babytiger! missed talking to u! how's life liao?

will u be coming back to SG? hmm its the hongkah cc that side.. JW is very nice place to stay loh.. missed my life when i grew up staying in blk 443

Rachoho, emotionally drain when My blood test last week not gd was ask to do amnio test. U still stay in jw now? Is near thé pétrol station or sec sch? Or near blk 456? I Noé where 456 is. Any other landmark? I cant Rem which is hk cc.

I Will b back early NeXT yr soon aft delivery within half a yr. Come hère 2 person, go back 3 person, with My baby so happy n excited.

Aiyo dun say rub tummy! I read pregnancy book right infront of the passengers, all pretend sleeping! also no help! Grrr...


babytiger, yea can meet up with our bbs next yr liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmmm its opp the mobil petrol station.. there's a coffeeshop just next to the clinic one..

when u gonna do your amnio test? but just be more careful and more bedrest if u were to go for amnio, all will be fine take care yea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HB wanna kill me liao! Haha.. What to do? The bloody bills at home piling up n for watever reasons, the pub bills was skyvrocket high too! Incld all the instslments... Around there la!trying to c what can be reduced lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Best! That's the way!u educate ur son as well as those people. Really wonder y they are like dat?everywhere!!! Even on the road, never give way!

Apple mentioned higher education people less likely behaves like that ? No no no! Unfortunately not!very sad eh but we must try our best to behave well in front of our kids and the educate them with better manners n be polite so that they will not be brand as one !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I had to stay awake whole night again to nursed my lil darling !now still in bed, luckily HB now at home can take care!I can't even move my back! Whole body aching !


no la, just go Ahead... What about sone decided to do x Ray years lAter ? Never too late.. Hope your ankle doesn't give u much. Pain anymore!

Princess Diamond, is feng shi kind of pain, will go this fri i think. Hope the nurse hère not shock y i Côme aft 2 weeks plus.

Oh, thé educated pple i m talking abt is thé pple fr thé cty which Emmie received trainning fr... I Dun wan to b so obvious. Thé pple here, some thé more educated, thé more ungracious.

Rachoho, decided not to do thé Amnio test, stupid gynae give me a face... Cant n din even discuss with him....

I got alot of prob here... Feel so lonely n sian of thé médical here. Will share if pple keen to Noé abt My gynae take on My declination of thé amino test.


pls share with us what happened. We are keen to know. you mean your gynae has averse reaction? pls pm me if nt convenient to share openly...

babytiger, be more positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant u change other gynae or something?


please share with us !you must be feeling Down !talk it out maybe it may help![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah pls share... maybe we can be of encouragement to you. do remember that there are different school of thoughts among gynaes. my gynae also one of a kind, but i won't go into that. so what your gynae say may not necessarily be 100% correct.


you staying near dr lim's clinic? actually hubby thought of changing gynae, but i don't feel like. after all become like used to him le. see how lah. i also in dilemma..

mummies here can you share how much is your package like with your gynae and what it includes? i am very confused over this package and no-package thing.. don't even know what's the diff lor!

hi starrymommy: i intend to sign up with Dr HK Ho from MAH.. his package is quite basic, includes scheduled consultations, simple blood tests, urine tests..datz abt all i think. the rest more complicated tests usually are payable outside package.. doesn't include vits and supplements either. his package starts at 18th week and is $800. =_= so i gotta wait another mth plus.

before confirming dat i wanna take him, i oredi spent $900 on 4 separate consultations with 4 gyanes including Dr Ho. 1 to confirm preg, 1 to check bb (cos i came back from japan), 1 cos i was unwell and 1 is the first consultation with Dr Ho. Woooohooo! and the oscar ytd cost $320.. and my next followup appt with Dr Ho will cost ard $400 cos got some blood test.. and thennnn after dat can i sign his package. so i'll haf spent abt $1620 even before i start my package. squeezing me dry.. hahaha! but wat to do?

i've heard my cousin-in-law goes to this super ex gynae whose consultations are ard $500-$800 but no need to queue at all! shiok..

btw, i will check on the name of the gummy calcium when i get home!


some gynae practice packaged is mainly to secure the patient ! Whereas some gynae don't simply because some package does not incld complications n vitamins/etc! So here u r paying for only the consultations n ultrasound! When you add all these misc... Having package n not sometimes does not make much diff unless medication given are jn different grades![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynae never practice package. Pay n go! And he don't see me often just to ketok me! Yes, every consultations can go up to $100-200 but it varies! Very transparence ! Like Oscar test , detail scan , blood test n tripple test.. Are all consider misc..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] some package incld all these test some don't at all! Do must see what does the package offers you !

But mainly are to secure the patients ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you ve paid for your package?

princess diamond,

my gynae doesn't have package. he prefers not to tie down patients too, or at least that's his own words. hubby thinks he is trying to ketok us because no package! but i think otherwise.. now only see him every 4 weeks and each visit probably ard $150 (includes urine test, consultation, scans, prenatal vits and supplements). if i work out for whole of 6 months down the road, i guess it's roughly the same (maybe even cheaper) than pacakge? correct me if i am wrong, k?

Wow, all the mummies here are so active.

I've been lying low for quite some time now, haven been good health and nearly miscarriage.

Today just login KPO and see what is the latest topic...

I think we should have a way of shaming all those people who refuse to give up their seats to preggers and the elderly folks, there was this once after i give up my seat to a elderly man, another frail looking elderly man came into the train, he can't even stand properly and all these young, abled chaps pretend to sleep or read newspaper or their mobile phones, i was so disgusted at their behavior and i open my mouth and ask one of them to give up their seat to the old man!

starry, but what i like abt dr lim, if anything or what just go back see him loh. not really much restrictions on what next appt in 1 mth's time. just that i dun like him to charge for extra vits when we go back early to see him...

i staying at bukit batok, so quite near mah.. another advantage is no need take leave or what to see him.. quite convenient.. but to me, its worth spending every cent all for the sake of our bb. my hb also say, see doc see loh the money dun need to save one hehe

but actually seeing him is kinda comfy, so if u ask me to switch gynae i wouldnt know who to go to also..


u also using Dr Ho? I am also his patient all the while [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Love him to bits...when is ur edd? and # what is this pregnancy??

Package or non package

think package definitely comes down cheaper than non package cuz consultation, scan + normal test is all included. This could easily be 130 per visit. So the package is from 18 weeks till deliver so very worth it.


ever thot of getting a second opinion? or chk if possible to re-do just the blood test?

Princess diamond,

I sign up for package at 12 wk which is like $700. Coz previously the bi-weekly visit cost me $200 each time. However, from 12 wk onwards will be only 1 visit per month, each visit consultation, ultrasound and urine test add up about $100. do you know at which month onwards we will need to visit more often? Think back unless i've another 7 visit if not then will not worth paying package.


i heard that on the month of due date, have to see gynae once a week. but i guess this is very much up to individual gynae. maybe will revert back to every 2 weeks for the last 2 months? which reminds me i need to check with my gynae on my next visit.

i told hubby... if wanna change gynae just to save that bit of money, he has to make sure that he comes with me for each and every single visit. previous visits i had to go alone 'cos he had to work and couldn't take half day leave with me. i also forewarned him that it may not be as fast and quick as at dr lim's clinic since some gynaes have super long waiting time esp during saturdays. some more may need to travel all the way to city area.


your calculations maybe right! if it's include all the pre natAl vits n scans.... It should be more or less the same!

However as mentioned it really depend on your gynae whether he wants to see you more or not? Some make appointment so close that u might need to fork out more.u must know your gynae practices [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I remember towards my last trimester, my appt was scheduled every once every 2 weeks then once every 2 weeks n once a week! Mainly oso because when I was at week 35 my tummy was huge n doc is monitoring my sugar level n so on...then towards the last few weeks is once every week for sure! I carry my girl till week 39 when he saw a 2cm dilations n asked to induced if not I think gotta go bk for another week! But my gynae dudn charged me much on the last few visits cos he only uses his hands to feel n no more ultrasound !


forgot to ask you.. how come your fortnightly visit last time cost $200? mine was only like $130-$150 per time. what did yours include? mine was for consultation (chop-chop one), v-scan/normal ultrasound scan, folic acid, urine test for sugar and protein. that's all.

princess diamond,

my gynae always schedules 2 weeks apart so far (when i was spotting, 10 days apart) till last night told me 4 weeks apart from now on. to date, he has kept to his schedules and nv asked me to go back once a week before.. believe i can trust him. last few weeks touch only, no more scan? actually i think also cannot see much since baby all curled up and cramped into that tight space unless do 3d/4d scan bah..


i just saw your post when i scrolled up! welcome back to the thread. how come you nearly m/c?? everything fine for you and baby now?


yah lor.. i also don't want to waste my leave. every month half day here half day there can add up to a lot! taking half day is also super 'bo hua'. still need to take transport to and from work, time wasted even more there.

speaking of waste time... this morning the NEL train really super super horrible. stalled for almost an hour! wanna faint. lucky i have a seat inside. otherwise need to stand for 50 minutes. and thank God my co quite flexi with working hours. boss didn't even ask why i was late for more than an hour. hee hee!

thx starrymom and princess for the info.

Out of the $200, half of it goes to ultrasound and consultation, the other half is hormone pill and injection. The injection is due to spotting and i was given hormone pill till 10 wks. Then even urine tester is $8 eh.. But moving forward i think won't need to pay anything liao since got package. Coz i'm getting own fish oil, multivit and calcium. mm.. looks like that's about it..


wow, looking the charges you ladies are indicating...i think quite exp...

i paid $550 for the prenatal package with Dr. Woody and for the OSCAR and detailed scan at 20weeks - $208 only...

