(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

starrymommy: I wore underwire bras all the way, even while I was nursing. No problems with blocked ducts and milk supply was well-established. At night I do switch to those leisure bras - no wire, no padding. They look like normal sports bras or those beginner bras. My nursing bras actually quite affordable. I buy them either online from those blogshops, or from Moms in Mind.

If cup size is still the same, but the band size is too tight, can just "tahan" with bra extensions first. cause if u buy now and later on u grow somemore it's very waste of money.

I have most of my BB stuff as my elder girl turning 1 YO so handing down most of her stuff. But I do think I need to buy more BB clothes since I have 2 newborns! We bought 1 cot as we intend to have the twins sleep together for the first few months. Hopefully by the time I separate them I can shift my elder girl to a "big girl bed" den I don't have to buy another cot. otherwise i'll have THREE cots. I also bought some NB diapers already from the previous baby fair @ Expo. very kiasu, but I worry I'll be too heavy and tired to go shopping towards the end of my 2nd trimester. I also heard from twin mummies that their gynae will usually order bed rest in case of premature labor.

Oh btw, I turn 23 in October and I am seeing Dr Adelina Wong from TMC. staying in Tampines. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you're only 23 this year and you're gonna to be mother of 3. Wah! I am 33 this year and i am going to be mother of 3...i am 10 years older than you....ooops....very young mummy!!! so blessed.

Etelle: Yes really God's blessings for us. Actually my #1 was an unplanned pregnancy. & we figured since we've already started on having kids, might as well have all the kids we want before I turn 30. My husband is 32 this year so I think he can't wait for long too! But we are sooooo glad we made the decision to keep our elder girl as she is truly God's blessing to us.

It was only recently that I realized that when my twins are born, I won't even be 23 yet! My EDD is 29 Oct based on 40 weeks, but twins are usually expected to deliver around 37 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wonder if anyone planning to have their baby on 10/10/10?

starry, did u call up dr lim's clinic? when i took the oscar test on wed afternoon, the next day after 4.30pm i called them the results were there with dr lim already..... so i find them quite efficient


those i bought are padded just like normal tshirt bras ler....Not those that u need to stuff pads in it!It is meant for preggers and nursing mums![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah!Did i missed Yanling post here?congrats!Having a girl...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]no.1 boy or girl eh?

wah many of you can starts shopping liao lor...so happy!I m having mtbs and mothers(among friends) get together at my place next week!All bringing 2nd clothes,books,remedies and recipies to share and buy n sell!Can't wait to see..i've got 3 cartons of used bb clothes from my girl..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you are so young!^^


congrats n welcome!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u're so young pinky! 3 kids by 23.. lucky u! I'm also thinking, i want to get pregnant again after this one and then quickly close shop by 30. I only have 3 more years to do so!

my hubby wants to have 5 before 30. that means i must pop 1 every year. haha!

princess diamond,

i shall go see-look maybe this weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


end up the clinic called me. they were informed by TMC that i called up to check. actually TMC already faxed the results over on Monday afternoon! but dr lim's fax machine got some problem so didn't receive. anyway, i will go down tonight to get the results. pray for everything to be good!


me and my younger sis are 14 months apart.. it means, my mom got pregnant again roughly 6 months after delivering me. if mom can do it, i can also.. hah!

actually my mom is retiring soon and shes willing to take care of kids. and since she's still physically able and strong, I think better quickly get pregnant and over with :p

OMG it sounds like im abusing my mother ah..

so busy at work but must see what's posted. didn't have time to scroll up just wanna say YAY i'm 17 weeks today!! and feeling more kicks than ever.


those blessed with bigger assets, i would recommend nursing bra too, then can use for longer period of time. i have a few from eternity. cheapo, auntie kind but who's gonna see.. lol. my boobs felt funny sometimes they are painful, other times i thought they're dead. i'm forever stuck in a B cup. so sian. but i have history of good BM supply. so that doesn't matter to me. at least it's functional.


i feel sorry for your friend. when i had my first miscarriage, my aunts bought me Brand's Chicken Essence too. i thought that was a nice gesture so go ahead and buy those for your friend. show her that you care and that her envy towards you is natural and she can't help it. but don't be angry with her, with time, she'll get better.

first time mommies with first grandchild,

i can only share my happiness with you. i'm not that lucky to be the first this time haha. the only "first" record that i have is the first one to ever experience a miscarriage! but i'm also the first to breastfeed my children the longest. so at least i'm still not the loser hahaa.

- 17 weeks

mood: so tired and bloated, just puked my lunch out. bleargh!

starrymommy: wah! all the wait for nothing! I'm waiting for the lab to send the clinic my blood test too but my next appt with my gynae is 4 weeks. I'm sure everything will be fine!

Marrissa: It is physically possible to have kids one after another but not good for the body. For normal delivery, doctors advise AT LEAST 9 months of rest before starting. That's why I only tried when my girl around 9 months+ I was still trying to BF her at that time, but sadly I have to stop due to my pregnancy. Reason being that if I BF my girl, all my 3 children - my girl and unborn twins, will be leeching all the nutrients from my body, which is not very good for myself also. Need a healthy body to carry my twins to full term!

I think your mom will probably be able to handle maximum 2 kids at 1 go when they r still young. Currently my mom is working and she gives me "off day" once a week when she's off from work. I'm a SAHM right now, so looking after my girl on my own. Tiring, especially with another 2 buns baking in the oven.

Hi all,

i have a Pigeon Multifunction Steriliser which comes together with bottle warmer and food warmer.

It is brand new, not used before.

Freebie include bottle liquid detergent.

Giving it up because i have hand-me-down from relatives.

Bought at $149, now letting go at $120.

Let me know @ [email protected] if you are interested.

re: iron pills

mine are actually the prenatal vits which has iron in them. If eating at night is not an isuse, then that's better. At least at night I don't drink milk or have other intake of calcium [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But it's the remembering of taking them that can be a issue. I can't rem if I took my vits this morning. :p

Emmie: If they're just supplements it's okay if you accidentally "overdose". I have some extra supplements which my MIL is selling (but I get them free of course) from E. Excel. I have 3 different types of them, and I have to take like 3 capsules every morning on an empty stomach. So I take my gynae's multi-vits at night in case they "clash" with those. I always forget, to the point that my hubby has threatened to stick post-it notes all over the house so that I will remember to take them! LOL.


5????Gulp!wow wow wow!One for me already quite challenging..

your hb n mine can shake hands...LOL

cuz my hb want more aske him 3 enuf..he said nope,4?nope!5?nope..that fella trying to be funny!but he loves children.....

aiyo taking care of them 24hrs no joke le...and also my history of MS can be quite bad..sigh..hope can close shop after this pregnancy![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i like what u said "remembering taking those pills can be an issue!"


reminds me that last week when i went out..all ready in the car and as usual hb will asked..everything in order.i will like yes..just about the car moves out from the compound..i will..oops..i forget to take my vits!heee..it happened all the tie...

so now he got extra things to remind..took your pills????(sounds like crude)heee...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i recently discovered that calcium pills came in yummy gummy strawberry flavor! =)

one gyane gave me huge calcium tablets which i had trouble swallowing and gave me indigestion (self-imagination?) so i was most reluctant to take it.. but my hubby's cousin whose wife is oso expecting passed me some calcium gummy to try! and its damn effective for me.. cos it tastes like a sweet and yet i'm still getting calcium. hahaha! ya.. i'm still a big kid..

they got it from their gynae.. wonder if its for sale outside..

princess diamond.

haha thanks! but gynae said only 70% lah.. me waiting for detailed scan to confirm leh.

if it's really a GIRL! yeah.. closed shop!!! and i think i need to chop my hands off first!!! haven't started buying cos i got some handmedown from my niece. and some relatives oredi bot me girl's clothes. haizz. but i think it will be hard to control. LOL


if u can find out the brand of the calcium gummy, can share share?

now i started on calcium i forgot to tell the nurse to give the smaller pills one. the one i got is super big. i had a hard time swallowing every morning.. make me wanna puke..

Hi All,

I am in a bus now, there is not seat for me n nobody offer their seat to me too. I think still dun look like I am preg. In fact I look like a fat woman that's y no one offer me their seat.

Does this happen to anyone of u? Or when u take train or bus, ppl already offer their seat to u?


i think it's quite common leh

got once, in the morning peak hour on MRT, my husband was carrying my boy, and i carried the bags. then nobody gave us seat too. got one person sitting at the priority seat opened her eyes and gave us a peep cos my boy was making noise.

then she continued to fake sleeping cos mabye she saw my hb carrying him so she assumed ok. the perosn sitting next to her though was staring at us all the time but with no intention to give the seat to us. and all these two are LADIES. i can't believe it... they should have empathize with us.. but still ignore.

although i do meet some good pple who give up seats

I think for my case is I look FAT rather than preg. Wahahaha . . . Few days ago, I took train, a guy sit at the revser seat reading news paper. He look at me for a few time then carry on to read his news paper.

Re: 5 kids

I told my hubby to have this one first then see if he can tahan the crying, changing nappies and endless sleepless nights. Hee hee! And he must earn at least $10K a mth to support all of us at home!

Re: Seats in MRT

my colleague was with me taking train and she purposely stood in front of 2 ladies in their 20s in the reserved seats and commented loudly that my tummy is more obvious already and can I feel baby moving in there yet? Somemore I was wearing a maternity top. We're sure the girls heard it but both suddenly fell asleep! Suddenly one lor. Before that they were talking and looking ard. Super lousy attitudes.

Oh, when I found another seat opposite them, they became awake, suddenly also. Maybe they think they wearing 4-inch heels need the seats more than me since I am wearing Birkies. :p

Me too, jus got home. No seats from town to tampines in mrt, n then i saw an empty priority seat, this auntie dashed ahead of me n stepped on my toes! Im now laying flat sprawling on my bed, still panting away.. Sigh

I wonder why all these aunties so kiasu. Like never sat down in their lives before. Some of them look very healthy lor. Not overweight or limping but still.. Hai..

Take their pictures ladies and post in Stomp! How annoying to have crossed path with those people! As for the dashing auntie, I hope that the same thing will happen to her daughter or DIL!

Ladies ....

It is sad to read all your posts with regards of the graciousness of people taking public transport![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I always wonder common food does those sporran had that makes then so selfish n Kiasu??

One incident that I encountered at a mall lift! While waiting at the side for the lift to land, nobody was beside the 4 of us( HB , helper, daughter n I) then when the lift doors open... This auntie came from the back rush to the lift, knocking the back of my shoulder left shoulder as well as she push my helper aside just to bloody go into that empty lift! N

!!! HB was in shocked n I wanted to shout at her but I hold my anger back n waited another gentleman to come in then .... Doors close ! I told the aunty off in a loud n firmed voice that she has knock the both of us n w/o apologizing n o told her she was rude ! She rolled her eyes n pretend not to hear! As the lift gets crowded n she was still in the lift, I went infront of her in purposed hoping that she pushed her way out which she did! I press the door lift to closed n she cursed ! Everyone was staring at her but she simply not to give a damn! Then when the lift came to the level which my turn to go ... She followed n cont to cursed! I took my hp out n shot right infront of her face then sgr suddenly apologized n asked not to post it on public! ( oh she speaks fluent English despite on cursing in hokkien)I I walked away w/o bothering ! Disgusting behaviour... Absolutely disgusting n annoying!

Starry ,

at least 10k? Hmmmm ....As they grew older it went up too! Mine already hit 17k monthly! Anymore told HB to sell backside!lol.... It us true that bringing up children in spore is not cheap! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] what to do?


Talking about graciousness... It's so frustrating ! I dun like to be rude to anybody ESP the elderly but these people sometimes just simply irritiates us with such behaviour!rude rude rude! Very rude!

Another incident... Lol, many eh....

Was in a food court looking for seats! So finally we saw this table for 6 but table was left messy n untidy... Never mind, we sat down n girl seated on the bb chair! N old lady came to clear the table but thus stupid lady came shouting (yes! She shouted ) ooi! Can't you see my tissue paper on the table! I stared at her then HB asked her to shut up!

She Tsk so loud n cont to said oii I asked u blind or wAt? My tissue paper is on the table! Grrrrrrrr.. I stood up asked her, u know me? She said No! Then I told her... Great neither do I ! N btw how the he'll I know the tissue was yours? How many ppl are u expecting? She proudly answered.... One la! One pkt tissue wat? Then I raised my voice! Ooi are you blind or wat? This table is for six not for u n your 20cents tussue paper! She walked away to bring her food back to the table leaving her umbrella on one seat, tissue on one seat n her bag on one seat! Like dat also happy?so stupid!

I remember during my 1st pregnancy I had to take train from Bedok to Bugis every morning during peak hours. I actually blacked out while exiting the train and I am quite sure I look very sick but everyone just stare at me. I mean, peak hour surely there is someONE to help me? But I tried very hard to regain myself and luckily I didn't faint else don't know what will happen. scary incident.

apparently 1st trimester is the time we need seats most but it is also the time we are not showing yet!

princess diamond,

wah so unlucky to meet such people. You daring hor took her pic in front of her, i think i'll just walk away so as not to further spoilt mood, coz i worried this kinda people maybe seow seow one later chase me with chopper and i can't run with the big stomach. LOL!


I fainted once in the MRT, everyone was just watching, except 1 chinese and 1 malay lady who were also without seat quickly took out their axe oil and offered help on rubbing my shoulder etc. When I regain consciousness, my hubby told me none of them give up the seat until the Malay lady shouted, Can any kind soul give up your seat please! Coz I fainted and was sitting on the floor at that time, Then reached Raffles Place and many people alight, but I also arrived. I feel very thankful to the 2 of them but I didn't even get to see their faces. Think back also feel scary if my hubby not with me and no one help me.. dunno wat will happen.


I love to meet such people! I ve met plenty n I'm not afraid! Only when HB around la... Last time before I got pregnant, think I'm far more daring than now! I hate to see such people behaves esp in front of children! Now u see what kind of environment that our child is living at? Sad isn't it?even amy childs school! Mothers or guradians are behaving in such sadly to say all are Chinese! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


oh your hb is much older than you, that explains why [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But having kids young also good at your age. You have energy to play and run around with them more like an older sister to them. it's amazing. Frankly i don't think i am mature enough to be a mother when i am 23..."salute" you!


you can do it! You are 27 this year, next year end pop another one, following year another one. You be less than 30!!!


5 is a challenge! For me 3 is the max. And i am already thinking how to go about handling 3 inclusding the sending of the #1 and #2 to school la fetching them off school la, cooking meals and all..hee hee but i think when you come to the bridge, you will cross it. so dun have to worry unecessary for what has yet to happen,

Kids are blessings!! They truly make your day, take away your misery and they are bundles and bundles of JOY!!!

RE: Train Rides for Pregnant Lady

Weeks back someone sent a letter to Straits Times forum on this and many are not compassionate and these selfish people commented to the writer. One even compared pregnancy to carry an army field pack! The guy said we pregnant people should go get training in the army. Oh pls! I told my hubby in army the guys dun carry the heavy field pack 24/7. They tired still can chao keng take mc and throw their field pack one side. We pregnant we tired, we chao keng take mc, we still hv to carry our 'field pack' aka baby in the tummy with us. It really takes one letter to see how many ugly Singaporeans there are. They nv think one day their wives / gfs will go thru this route too.

The last I heard in school, the kids dun learn civic / moral education anymore? Is it true? I think its important in school curriculum.

Really dunno when can we hv a gracious society.


How does the uterus feel like ah? Till now I still not sure. I dun dare press too hard. I touch touch I also dunno where's the uterus! Or is it my tummy too much fats? LOL

Haha Princess Diamond u are good! Today I was also taking bus home but nobody offer me a seat. Guess I not showing that much too. Luckily I was feeling fine today not like yesterday when I had a very bad migraine.

Reminds me of my incident which happen recently. Went up to a very crowded bus but saw this guy with an empty seat beside him but he put his things on it. So the guy in front of me asked him for the seat. The seated guy took his plastic bag up n said 'it's wet'. Wah lau make the seat wet still unapologetic n somemore put his wet stuff back on the seat! I think think until I buey tahan so I told the seated guy 'i want to sit'. The guy took his plastic bag up again n declare again 'it's wet.' FINE! So I took my tissue paper n gave it to him n told him 'u wipe it since u make the seat wet. I want to sit'. So he bopian took my tissue n wipe the seat for me n I took the seat! Whole journey he got to put his 'precious' wet stuff on his lap! Hahaha…

Princess diamond,

you sure? Now already hit $17K? Wah. If have 5 then need $50K le.

I got my Oscar results! 1:3887, gynae said it's very good. I'm happy with that. Also saw baby just now. My gynae spent almost 10 mins to show all the parts to us in detail. Really nice! Baby was resting initially then became very active, bringing the legs up and kicking. Will post scan pics tmr. My next appt is 4 weeks away! Boo hoo...

Etelle: yes hubby getting old so I have to "catch up" for him. It wasn't easy to come to terms that I going to be a mummy! In fact my friends are now just started working, or going to graduate from Uni. For me I took a private degree course and completed it. And I already having 3 kids! Really very different lifestyle from my friends. But I don't regret having my children as I think it's really a blessing!

starrymommy: my next appointment also 4 weeks away. Can see gender by then, but it's such a looooong wait!

babydes and princess diamond!

salute you hahahaa!!! great job!

lilac white,

actually some pple are true assh*les by comparing preggers to army with packs. some commented that preggers should not take the train. so on and so forth. where is the compassion? i went to bangkok with bub in my babybjorn and i see nice thai pple racing to give me a seat!


i think it's getting quite unusual to have more than 1 kids at your age yeah. most are still in uni or finding a job or still wants to enjoy single life. i was like that at your age hehe. but truly, if i had a steady bf then, i'd consider settling down and having kids early too. i always knew that i'll be a mother of a few children one day. i'm so glad i lived through it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whoa!! I just saw so many many posts on graciousness. I also wanna share! Think singaporeans really need to buck up. In fact not just us citizens lah. Even those old china aunties and china labourers need to learn to be more gracious. Some of them (esp the old china aunties) are horrible. I was once nearly knocked over by one with two huge bags in her hands and barging into the train before train door closed. I was minding my own business then suddenly one large "rhino" nearly knocked me off my feet! I wanted to curse and swear but held my tongue. Should have made some noise then. Anyway my conclusion is this: inconsiderate aunties seem to be the worse lot.


the uterus feels very firm one. Sure can differentiate from the fats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh suddenly craved for cheese and stock up on blue cheese, cheddar cheese and plain cheese. i just ate it like that. yum yum!! just realized that i craved protein more. meat, eggs, cheese.. anyone in the same boat?

After reading all these posts, I realize I am not "fierce" enough... Always let things be and I just keep quiet even when "bullied". I shall learn from babydes and princess diamond!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

what wld you girls do when you want to alight from train and the ppl outside entering the train all don't give way and push you in? I always encounter this.. Super sian.


china aunties are expected to behave badly haha. since when they're civilized? they talked loudly and they have poor hygiene. but not all though. i have a china national engineer in my team who's pretty ok. i guess she has assimilated into our singaporean culture. but our heartland aunties should have no excuse!!! they cut queue, they rushed for seat, they shouted at you, they shove and pushed you. so kiasi. wonder what they were thinking!! really hate some of them.


Melissa, I don't think you can take blue cheese cause it's considered to be more "toxic" right? I remember my gynae telling me to avoid soft cheese and I think blue cheese also.

I went to Taiwan before and their priority seats are actually left empty even during peak hours! I was in my 1st trimester then, cannot see anything, so I was really happy to get a seat.

I really don't see why people have something against pregnant women. True, we are the ones who need seats to be given up to us on trains and buses. But have we ever DEMANDED for someone to give up their seats to us? No. We just keep quiet and complain on SMH only what. It's not like we purposely ask a OLD MAN to give up his seat to us? Neither have I woken up a "sleeping" passenger to give up his/her seat to me. We are just being appalled at why people will pretend to sleep or be oblivious. During my 1st pregnancy I wanted to purposely go make t shirts that read, "I AM PREGNANT" so that people will give way to me. Wahahaha.

Did you girls hear about this guy whose wife was more pregnant, then he shouted at this also pregnant but not yet showing lady to give up her seat to him? apparently she was staring at her cause dunno if pregnant or fat. then the husband shouted and told her to give up his seat to his wife. then when she told him that she is also pregnant, he didn't even apologise.

