(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

hehehe.. good for u starrymommy.. my skin prob gone already.. but not radiant enuff.. hahahaha..

yep.. i told my boss the next day i found myself positive... everyone here is so excited for me..


Ann & Melissa : Yes, is my 1st! that's y i am so confused. hee hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i will try to relax and wait for good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyTiger2010: my spotting is slightly towards brown (the color is slightly lighter to those i see on my 1st day of menses)

might be implantation spotting Yvonne. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ann, the clothes look great! very sexy le. good for dinner events, weddings. but also very ex. why are all the nice maternity clothes so ex? maybe we can buy cheaper regular clothes that have extra material around waist area for future expansion. or stretchy tube tops.

babytiger, yah hor never thought of it before. i think it is ovulation spotting also. i mean with the dates coinciding and all.

puan sri, that's great! we all need support from our working colleagues. glad to know yours are all excited for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We should have another table updating what weeks we are at. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im not IT-savvy enough tho`.

Hi ladies,

xlbph huh. Kekeke. It's xing li bu ping heng loh. Haha

Ann, I'm sure we'll do as well without hubbies!! Take care ok!

starrymommy, I hv alr told my boss & some close colleagues & frens.

They're all taking it well. Happy for me too!


u should check on the box of the panadol, whether it's really safe or not or ask ur doctor.. :D

and better not to eat crab or shellfish or squid... if u are worried..

order fish, it's safer! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby tiger,

me too, can mend only.. tt's why want to learn.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u got time/interest to learn? if yes we can go together for classes.. hehe..

Starrymummy, I experience Ovulation spotting, implantation spotting, real scary spotting and brown spotting before, so roughly know according to date and mr Google. So just sharing my experiences.

Good Morning Ladies,

Preggy mum can sew anywhere but on the bed. Thats what my MIL specifically mentioned. Not to do cutting and sewing on the bed.

Diveera: No specific gynae in mind to change to at the moment. Will follow up the next visit with the same gynae first. If the waiting time is still as bad, then I would seriously consider to change to another Dr.

Today is extremely tired. And occasionally experienceing the ligament pull in the stomach. Does anyone experience that? Its been a while already. And constipation is a little bad. So when there is visit to the loo, it will not smooth sailing and feel likes a tummy upset with diahorea.

momotan, why take public transport will xlbph?

Yar, Clueless, better to avoid crab if possible. Shld be safe to eat, but better avoid medication if possible.

Babytiger, bcos usually my hubby drives me to work.

And now with tiredness, no seats & the crowd, I feel a bit pek chek loh…

actually my gynae told me can eat anything, even sashimi.

Only to avoid coffee/tea/pineapples.

So I guess in moderation shld be one bah.

the reasons cannot eat sushi is because of the raw fish, in case got some kind of bacteria, I think listeri or wat...cant rem....then if suay suay eat those fish with those bacteria, might threaten the pregnancy. Otherwise, if the place selling the fish is highly hygience (but still raw food might have some kind of bacteria even in v clean places), shld be safe...but prevention is better than sorry.

Hi momotan, my clinic told me the reverse of what you said hah! At least for 1st trimester, no raw food, and that one cup of coffee/tea (either one) per day is fine.

wow, the maternity dress v nice but v v ex leh.

hmm, a few of u interested in sewing, so gd. I only interested in making hair clips for my gal only. kekeke

btw, no scissor and sewing on our bed.

i still feel weak, bloated n always feel like puking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good for you ladies who feel like puking... i want also dun have.. Sigh..

can't wait for next week's scan too! Doc said we'll be able to see more interesting stuff already!

clueless, my gynae told me panadol is okay.. I'm also taking asthma medication + antihistamine ... ... he say all okay leh ...

Congrats Faithnhope, so happy to hear that. Now it’s looking forward to the heartbeat!

Beautyseek, I agreed there is a lot of prejudice against pregnant women. Take my 1st pregnancy as an example. I was in the account servicing line previously. Whatever mistakes my client points out, my boss take my pregnancy as an excuse though the mistake was not done by me. I’m always the one to use as an excuse to cover up.

For me, I arrange gynae visit in the evening after work or during weekend. I try not to arrange any timing that will clash with my work. My MC usually I try not to touch till the last trimester of my pregnancy. Coz that’s when I get very tired and probably would appreciate more needed rest and that’s when my MC comes in.

Melissa, ok, I will grab the calcium pills over the weekend. Tks! I agreed on the part that your child gets very clingy. My boy sticks to me everywhere now! Even when I’m going to the toilet. I can never be out of his sight! He can get very possessive of ppl ard me too. If my hb or whoever is too near me, he will push them away. At times, I feel that it’s really amazing how he can sense that there is another life growing in me.

Clueless, Jasmine & Rachel, Welcome to the club!

Yvonne, hope you can join the club too! All the best!

I had only told my lunch khakis as well as families about it. Decide to tell my bosses only after the 3rd month. But my tum tum is showing already. Dunno how to hide.

Ade, you already have a bump? i wonder when will mine start showing. now can only see little tummy protruding out a bit, esp after meal. think it's just fats for me. haha!

starrymommy: sad to say, yes i do. Tink coz i haven't lose the excess fats from my previous pregnancy, that's y it's showing up so fast now. When i had my boy, my tum tum only show when i was in the 5th mth only.

ann, baby tiger.. i also wish ppl would give up seats to me. I think 1st tri is the worst feeling but our tummies are not big enough to show yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yesterday on the way home in the mrt, I had to stand all the way from town to tampines and I felt lightheaded and wozzy. Quickly bought some chocs near tampines mrt station. I tink low sugar and extreme exhaustion. I went home, had dinner, slept at 9pm and woke up this morning at 8.30am.. still feel like I haven't had enough sleep. And my body's aching like I was just run over by a bus.

wow the thread moved too fast!! i'm so lost it's giving me a headache!!

sorry a little gong gong. going to lunch at popeye's later but forgot to bring my super anti-nausea pill!! now feeling pukey.


hang in there your MS might come about this week or next or you may never have it at all. if you have been following the earlier threads, some mommies of boys has very mild MS or no MS at all during their pregnancies! how lucky!

Hi Ladies, I like clothes from Blooming Chic, their 1st outlet is at Delfi Orchard. Last year, open 2nd outlet at Marina Sq. Price quite reasonable, bought 2 pairs of jeans/pants at $69.90 each. Since last week, already wearing maternity bottom although only 8 wks now.

I hv told my boss, dept colleagues, closed friends and immediate families (mum, in-laws). If 9 weeks scan result is good, plan to share with more ppl. Doubt I can hid much longer cos i can see bump already.

faithnhope, happy for u. trust you can see yr bb heartbeat in yr next visit.

Susan, sorry to hear abt yr friend case. Did Dr say explain why suddenly no heartbeat?

Celia, will let u know my waiting time next Fri.

My office moving next week, transportation time will increase by at least 30 mins and hv to take crowded train. I doubt many will give up seats. Jus hv to be lucky to stand near passenger getting off soon.


i got no MS throughout my pregnancies le...haha and i hope i get a girl this time round though :p but hor one thing about this pregnancy diff is i am a coffee addict and for my past 2 pregnancies i have to drink at least 1 cup a day to ease my craving but surprisingly for this one i have no craving for coffee, don't drink also never mind...could i be expecting a girl...lol

giving up seats

my friend in her 34 weeks , tummy is huge but still no one give up seat for her. She said she can stand in front of a youngster for 30 mins but never give up seat for her. She never fell on one occasion when the bus jerked too hard. dangerous hor.

Hi all!

I am a 2nd time Mom2B =) I am 29 going on 30 and am a freelance scriptwriter and SAHM. =) I live in TPY.

My #1 is already 8yo in May, so the age gap is pretty wide haha. The good thing though is that #1 is already independent and a really sweet tempered kid, so I don't have to juggle a cranky toddler with a baby. #1 was breast fed for almost 3 years so I am hoping to repeat this with #2.

I was on the pill for 2 years, but the moment we stopped, I got preggers =p Haha. In fact just 3-4 days after we shared with our family that we will try for #2, I discovered I was with child. XD

I didn't experience any morning sickness with #1 so I am hoping for the same experience with my #2. So far so good.

Pls to meet you all. =)


Can add me to the table?

EDD: ?

Age: 31

baby: #2

Gynae: Dr Kee

Location: JW

I just came back from Hkg with my family. Fevery + sore throat + sore eye since day 2 im Hkg until now. Fever and sore throat for 6 days liao. Seen GP and was given tons of Panadol + antibiotics. He said safe for baby wor. I feel like a walking body of medicine and supplement. -.o" Trying to stay off all medicine today. Still feveish and my sore throat is killing me.

argh! one my colleagues innocently asked, "eh. has it stopped growing cuz your stomach looks flatter?"

halloo.. im already a paranoid mommy who is trying to keep her cool and here she is. ARGH. Now i'm worried.

Is that normal??? ZOMG. Now the worry starts all over again. Grrrrrrrr.... I was doing so well for the past few days. Boohoooo.


Welcome...you are so steady BF for 3 years....your #1 is boy or girl??


dun be too paranoid , as long as menses no come still safe...the bloatedness will go away thus maybe the tummy looks flatter...dun worrie.

I love crabs to death... think i will have a hard time avoid the claws tmrw.

I have not informed my folks (including in-laws) and only told my partner at work and boss.. Its so hard to be keep things under wraps!

Read so much about gynae.. so what is the guideline of choosing one? 6 weeks and I have not even seen a gynae?


think it's okie to eat crabs. When i had my #1 the craving for was for chilly crabs wor...hee hee and i still eat and hor the olden saying is child have have itchy fingers if mother eat crab but not true la...hee hee

no guideline in choosing gynae. Most importanly you must feel comfortable with him and in sharing with him lor. Cuz he be the one seeing you through the entire pregnancy. So u have to feel safe and comfy with him.

Hi Geri!WELCOME..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WoW!I am so proud of you..You nursed your child till 3yrs old?WOW...bravo!


Don't worry too much,your colleague don't mean what he said but it is too blunt to asked such question to a pregger!

Relax..relax....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]like momotan said..our bbs are doing FINE...


PLEASE take time off to have plentiful of rest!Have speedy recovery......*hugs* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ade n starrymommy,

I m not only have a bump but a tummy that look like i am already at my 5mths!Over expanded last pregnancy that's y is showing fast!That is what i was told la...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Etelle!

My first is a boy =). That's him http://is.gd/9vlDx. He is in Primary 2! When his sibling is Primary 2, he will be in Sec 4! ^.^"" We might have another one or two more after the current baby-in-the-making. We'll see how that goes. =D

Breastfeeding for 3 years made for great bonding with my son, Kae. And also it meant that we saved on milk $$ in the earlier days. =D And it was incredibly convenient to go out to be honest. I even took him to the cinema! He never cried during the shows. Whenever he woke up, I'd BF him and he'd sleep again!! Lol.

Raindrops- Dun worry. Am sure everything is going great. =D

Clueless- Just eat and don't worry. I had crab too (my Dad sneaked me some haha). My boy's fine =) He doesn't have itchy fingers and he's a real darling. ;)


Thanks.. I wonder how many more days of fever. Sianz..


No problem, dun worry. As a second time mum, I will be more than glad if my tum tum dun show so soon wor. I haven gain weight after all the fever and stuff and I am glad. Hehe. Aiming to gain no weight or max of 1kg in 1st trimester. Hope I can achieve that.

Welcome Geri! Wow, u are only 29 and have a 8yr old boy and even bf for 3 yrs! Amazing!

Raindrops, dun worry too much. Ignore what she said. Just stay positive will do.

Hi girls, jia lart! I saw light traces of red along with whitish mucus on toilet paper when I went toilet just now.. but I have no cramps.. is my bb in "danger"????

Hi Princess and Ade!

Hoping to BF this one for a similar duration. Lol. It helps that I work from home and am SAHM I guess? =)

Faithnhope- it sounds like spotting. During my #1 I spotted quite a bit but everything was fine. If you are concerned, do bring it up to your gynae?

faithnhope, better go see gynae. it could be anything, and baby could be alright. but get it checked all the same. at least no cramps is good news. let us know how it goes? take care please..

Thanks Geri and starrymommy! Will monitor the situation.. maybe will call the clinic later if things don't look good... *sigh*.. pregnancy is such a delicate and stressful thing!!

faithnhope, don't wait le. please just go to the clinic and demand an ultrasound even if you have to. it may be nothing, but it can also be serious. don't wait till evening time or tomorrow.

Yah faithnhope, tt time I call the clinic imm.

No need to wait pls.

Btw, actually wat exactly is MS??

I'm feeling really queasy from lunch but I dun hv strong feelings to puke. Is this MS??

i think different mummies experience MS differently. mine is like yours, feel queasy (especially when hungry) but don't have strong feeling to puke unless i really try to gag myself. i think ours is quite mild. other mummies will literally run to toilet bowl and puke out everything or dry heave (puke but nothing comes out). MS probably comes in stronger after week 6-7, based on what my girl friend told me. she lost weight due to all that vomitting since week 7.

Hi tiffy, starrymommy and momotan, I called the clinic.. they asked me to monitor as I was just given jab yesterday and on progesterone pills.. Praying I'll be fine..

momotan, I also don't really have strong feelings to puke.. only if I smell something too strong especially before meals then I will feel like I want to puke, but I won't lah.. you know what I mean..


oh u just had the jab yest n on progesterone pill, then have to let the staining slowly disappear by itself. It will be on off n take some time to totally clear. This is what my gynea told me.


some mummies find BF painful cos some bb really bite when latch on or nv latch on properly. Me last time just don't have the skill to latch my gal properly so i give up latching n i express it out.


Faithnhope, tml take mc n see doc. Shun bian can chk out ur lil one! :D

Yes. I know what u mean. Smhow, I feel like hving stronger MS. At least get a feel of it. Hahaha

