(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Ok tiffy.. yah yesterday was the 3rd jab.. started jab last Mon and will have to go for jabs twice a week loh... I have no spotting last week though..

Aiyah.. think I'm such a paranoid person!! I have to relax! Need to keep myself occupied!! Like yesterday, I was still working at home after work.. not stressful lah.. just need to do something.. and there wasn't any interesting TV programme yesterday (I don't subscribe to cable)

What do you girls do when you get home ar?


Hi momotan, I just had v scan yesterday leh (5w).. too soon to check the little one again hehe.. I wish I can take MC tomorrow too but I have a meeting... *sigh*...

faithnhope and starrymommy and to all mommies who are worrying, I have a song i've been listening to since this noon! I found it by accident and it's beautiful.

It's supposed to be a love song but i think you can sing it for baby! :p

Go youtube Stay Here Forever by Jewel. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Then you can hum and rub tum tum at same time. Soothing! Heh.


After i know i'm preg , after knock off and when i reach home.

First time is too feed my Dog , then had a good shower .. then Sleep for alwhile till my hubby reach home.

But because i knock off early .. like 6pm i can reach home.


Thank you.. :D

Susan, I BF my girl for 2 years. It got really painful when she started having teeth!! Cos she didn't bite me, but when she was latched on & drinking, her teeth would rub against my nipple & I would feel sore there!! I had to adjust her drinking position so that her teeth wouldn't keep rubbing against the same area & give it a chance to heal. My daughter was direct-latched & I BF her for 2 years. Just to share why it can get painful sometimes.

raindroops, i am listening to it now. nice! thanks for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

faithnhope, i watch SCV when i am home. i always watch my favourite channel 70 - discovery home and health. got a lot of programs on childbirth, taking care of newborns and pregnancy. after that i try to be in bed by 11pm. i take things real easy these days. don't bother too much abt housework already also... i get hubby to help me as much as he can. heh heh!

Hi Susan.. yah I will reach home by 7pm too.. sometimes do laundry, then just watch TV till I'm sleepy hahah!! Actually I do have a paper to write but I just can't start my engine, whether at work or home!!

Okay ladies....I'm off to pick my girl from Art class & to bring her for her swimming class.....will check back here again tonite!! Cya all then.

snoopy ,

Erm.. let me think about it on BF ... HAHAHA do i sound scare already? LOL


don't even do those laundry, leave it to your hubby.. u need to stay 'Relax'!

Rest when you feel tired , throw everything behind ..


starrymommy, me too! my fav channel. And sometimes when i watch mommies give birth (ever since i BFP) i cry. Like the really mad cry kind!! Hahah.. my husband always shake head and go out. He said it's like watching soap opera. Hahha.

Snoopy, after this Thursday, i will provide you my details k. I'm still a bit scared. Heh.

raindroops, really ar! i will only tear a bit when i watch A Baby Story and see those mummies give birth. but nv bawl in front of TV le. haha!! oh, my hubby said he will sure cry when he hold our baby for the first time. so sweet hor! can't wait to carry this pregnancy to full term!


you be fine....share when you're comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeah u shd bed rest more and avoid walking too much and all.

faithnhope, just put your feet up and watch tv once you reach home. even washing clothes can forget it 'cos still need to bend a bit to pick up dirty clothes and put into machine right? in can take medical leave tmr to just rest. i'm sure your boss will understand if you explain what happened.


i also had somethign like tat two weeks back on a sunday, then i went to see gynae on monday liao. just walk in lor.. and she gave me 3 days mc to rest at home.

like wat the rest said, best is to strictly bed rest, minimal physical activities.


CH70 is my fav too!It is amazing how we woman go through childbirth!I appreciate every episodes!And also wonder how on earth people can handle so many kids at one time..(Jon&Kate plus8)????Interesting channel!

I bet both of you will tears too!It's such a JOY![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You have to be mentally prepared if you want BF!Your hubby or whoever who is helping you have to be supportive!It's not an easy task and in fact it can be very tiring because you are feeding on demand!On the other hand,you may choose to express out your milk hence it will be less troublesome.BM store in fridge will lose the nutrients..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Direct latch on will be good for you and baby!When you get the hang of it,you will find BFg is so much better and the bonding between you n your child is stronger..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Only be a lil careful during bb teething time.I only encountered once that my bb bite me during 5th month.the pain was sharp, i screamed and she got frightened !Both tearing..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] after that she never bites me again...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I weaned her off when she is 21-mth-old![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will BF my 2nd child again too!

princess diamond, nowadays my hubby also love to watch CH70 with me. his particular faves are Jon&Kate Plus 8, 18 Kids & Counting and Cleanaholics (watch only but nv learn..) it is really a very useful channel! i just hope that they will feature some programs on BFg soon. need the education. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way, i wonder if small breasts will mean lesser milk produced? i am an A-cup girl. i guess God missed me out when He handed out nice round mammaries during His creation process. haha! i don't think my buddies will grow much bigger in the months to come.. so a bit concerned can't BF properly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Susan: BF is not that scary as it seems. =) Honestly it is about getting the baby to latch on well and go from there. Take a lot of fish, I think that helps with milk production and if u find it tiring to feed sitting up, you can get a special cushion to help. I remember (and this is all a little hazy becoz it has been 8 years) that around the end of third month, I was feeding Kae by lying on the bed on the side. The tricky thing is, as Princess Diamond pointed out also, when they start having teeth- they can nibble- esp when they fall asleep once feeding, they can really clamp down hard. ^.^" I kinda got used to it, I'd massage Kae's jaw and rescue my tit from his ivories. =)

To be honest, feeding directly is really better than pumping and storing if you can afford the time because when u feed from the breast, the first part of the feed quenches the thirst and later on the baby gets the cream and the fat which is the best part of the milk. Pumping and storing might not get you to that part of the milk because the body identifies what to do when the baby suckles. It is all very wonderful. In fact, your body knows instinctively when it is the baby's feeding time.

Also note- if your first feed is on the left side, next feed will be on the right side. Don't switch from left to right in one feed.

Because Kae BF for 3 years, he hardly had stomachaches, colic, etc. The BM is very good for their stomach. He was really healthy compared to the child a friend of mine who was on formula and had to see the doc a lot.

BF is a great way to bond with the kid. Kae and I got very close over those times and he is 8 but we are still very close. =)

Kae never took to the bottle or pacifier and we saved a lot of cash on buying formula milk and bottles and sterillisers, etc etc etc.

I remember really sweet moments where Kae would be feeding, look up at me because I purposely made a funny face to humour him, giggle and continue feeding.

Another memory- Kae slept on the same bed as us then. When he was able to crawl and all, he would automatically latch on and feed when it was time. He never woke me up very much. I would be lying on my side and he would "root", find the nipple and feed. Lol. He was quite an amazing feeder in that way. (^.^)V

Faithnhope- I hope you still start feeling better soon! Get lots of rest and dun be too stressed out. Am sure things will go fine...

starryprincess- I used to have that channel last time but they changed the way they group the channels so I dun have it anymore. I felt really sad for the kids of Jon and Kate + 8 though... T.T


I've been having the same fears as you. If you are A-cup, I must be a saucer. Coz I'm super FLAT lor!

but I must say, since the pregnancy, the breasts have been tender + sore, and just a teeny, weeny bit more raised than before.

I heard that milk does not dep on cup-size. And most people say eat more fish, will have more milk. Dunno if there's any truth in that.

Do any of you ladies out there have water retention in the tummy area? I am only 7-8 weeks but I have a slight tummy, which wasn't there before. Cant be the baby, has to be water retention? I feel rather uncomfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks Etelle, starrymommy and Geri!

Starrymommy.. I haven't told anyone at work yet about my pregnancy but will do so when the bub is more stable.. so can't tell boss hehe..

Anyway, I didn't see any blardy discharge just now when I went toilet! Hooray!!! Thank God! Hope it'll stay this way...

I've also read a lot of benefits about BF.. I can't comment much at this stage since I've not come to it yet but I'll also like to BF.. good for baby and mummy (can slim down faster!)

Hi Fisherbaby, it could be bloatedness which is normal in the first trimester. Don't worry.. you have every right to have a tummy now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lol I went from B to C cup. Now I am C cup so I have no idea what cup I will hit! (o_O)!!!! Grins.

As this is my second kid, I can see my tummy is larger than when I had number 1. And yes, I agree with faithnhope- itz ok lah. XD

Just think of all the seats, nice young healthy men and teens will give up so you can rest on the train. Grins cheekily.

During my first preg, I used to think of making a Tee that says "NOT FAT. PREGNANT." Hahahaha.

hey Geri, if you make that tee, I think you will make a lot of money, I'll be your first customer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi snoopy, can u pls add me?

Nick: Irene

EDD: 16 oct 2010

age: 42 (looks like I am the oldest here)

baby number 1

Many thanks. so excited to see so many new mummies here... i was MIA for about 1 week plus as I had really bad MS. now better and able to eat something at least...

can I ask the mums above 35 here, hv you discussed the types of tests you need to do with your gynae yet? such as OSCAR, amniocenicis etc...


You are absolutely wrong!I was A cup then went to C ....now punctured abit became B and B and B..........*yawn*this time round never really grow le...heee...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]I have Lots of milk after 2nd mth of birth....EACH time i express i will get about 180ml milk...that's alot!So,SIZE DOES NOT MATTER!

Geri did a nice write out and an explanations!I am pro BF !

You must read up about BFg if you are keen,Otw formula is another choice..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My hubby too enjoyed watching CH70...kept commenting about how dramatic was their reactions(those teary mommies)....But he forgotten that he tears and wa laughing like madman in the room when he first saw my girl's head...DUH!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lol Fisherbaby!! =D Will design one haha.

Hi Irene! ^.^ Pls to meet you. Am glad you are feeling better now. =)

Princess Diamond- Yup. Size doesn't matter. The body is beautifully and wonderously designed.

More on BM:

I was spilling over with milk. I even offered to donate my BM to this baby that got orphaned when her mum CS-ed just after birthing the child. I was so heartbroken for the baby. But becoz Kae was a little older then, the doctors said it would not be suitable. BM changes with the babie's development so BM for an infant is diff from BM for toddler. But letz say you have a toddler and a baby and you want to tandem feed (feed both at the same time from the breast), the body will actually detect and adjust accordingly- So each kid gets the right type of milk for their needs!

thanks all for clearing my doubts about BFg!

princess diamond, my hubby will be delighted if my A can become C like yours did. men lah... lol!

mummies with cable TV should watch CH70 now. show now about having 5 babies in the tummy, and all delivered safely. the human body is really amazing. also showing how the mummy BF for 5.


i think there's already shops selling NOt Fat but pregnant le...lol let me go find and show u guys...lol in case u guys really keen in buying..

ladies.. i hv a question.

if we wear dresses to see gynae, when he do the scan, he hv to lift up our dress ri.

then will they cover my bottom with a towel or not?

for the past visits, i wore shorts when i see him. i noticed they only place a small towel which did not even cover my shorts loh.

so if i wear dress, tt means my naked butt & legs will be shown to him arh??? so weird!!

hi irene

Im 38. Im also same as raindroops will be doing the oscar test end of the mth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

momotan, you mean v-scan arh? last week when i went for scan, i thought ultrasound so wore jeans. but ended up was v-scan. so had to take off everything. no towels, nothing. it was a bit embarrassing, but ok lah. not too bad. too happy to see my precious one to care too much.

hi momo

Usually if seeing gynae i would prefer to wear 2pc rather than dress. When doctor do scanning definity they have to lift up your dress and I dont feel comfortable to expose my naked bottom...


Mine usually have just a towel to prevent the gel used for ultrasound to stain my shorts...

My vscan oso bare all!HEE...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me too usually wear 2 pc for visits..

starrymommy, wats v-scan? not the same as ultrasound meh?

so stressed! why must take off everything??? i'm quite conservative de.. eeeeekkkk....

irish coffee, tts my concern too. but i like wearing dresses! & i saw so many mtbs at the clinic wearing them loh.

v-scan is vaginal scan. this is done by inserting a lubricated probe into the vagina because sometimes ultrasound not clear/sensitive enough. that's why need to go in the buff when doing v-scan. i don't like it too. like kena raped by the machine. lol! but if you are just having ultrasound, just show the belly up to pubic bone can le. if wear dress, i think doc will ask you to keep the underwear on.

oh yah, it cracks me up when i heard the doctor say to his nurse "scan from below!" in his matter-of-fact tone. he meant v-scan lah. i just find it funny. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies,

Thanks for the welcome.


pl. add my details in:

EDD- 12 Oct 2010


Baby no. 2

Gynae- DrWK Tan

Hosp- TMC

Location-Far North

Hey Etelle,

So cool huh? Same time again. So good that you don't have MS.

I really hate 1st tri because of it. All the yummy food all taste and smell disgusting now.


I'm also taking the Oscar and I also did the Oscar test for my 1st one when I was 31. I was asked if I wanted to take the Amniocentisis as I would be 35 when I deliver, but I am not as it is invasive and may have certain risks to the foetus.


Plain paracentamol is safe. i.e. the ones that says 100% paracentamol. This is confirmed by my gynae.

I ate crabs during #1 but there is some Chinese pantang that says no crabs. Eat in moderation if eating.

Raw food is not advisable because of the risk of bacteria in the food. Can affect the baby.

Choosing a gynae is usually by recommendation and then ensuring that you are comfy with the gynae. No worries. You still have time to pick and choose.


Dun be bothered by your colleague lah. Its all perception and time of day. E.g. after you eat, your tummy will look bigger. Sometimes, tummy look bigger coz more bloated so when not bloated, it will look smaller lor. My tummy was hardly visible till abt 6 mths during my #1. This time, its visible already.


Go to your gynae for a check if you can. That's the only way to confirm the safety of your little darling in such circumstances.

Re: BF

BF can be painful or tough at the beginning if you are prone to engorgement, blocks, blisters, etc. But it gets better and its fantastic for bonding & for BB's health. I am one of those super suay ones that is super prone to blisters and blocks but I still BF my #1 for 15.5 mths. Just stopped coz now pregnant and I dun think my own health can afford to provide nutrients for 2 at the same time. My health is not very good. BF is very much a determination thing. Just be determined enuff and you can learn to manage any the problems that you have.

If you are determined to BF for a long time, get yourself and husband mentally prepared before delivery and also try to seek help from a lactation consultant straight after delivery to ensure you get the right latching methods. Then remember that demand = supply. Ensure that you nurse your child regularly throughout the day and night in the early period.

No worries abt breast sizes coz I am super flat too and stil have more than sufficient supply. I even used my extra milk to bath my daughter last time. Heehee.

Starry: ROFLMAO! "Kenah raped by machine"- spot on description! =) Yea it did feel that way. I had to have it during my 1st scan when I had Kae because I was very early into my preg.

Fifi: Yup! Demand = Supply. If I didn't wean Kae off close to 3, I think up to 4 will still have milk. ROFL. =) I had slight engorgement too. What you do is to buy lettuce, put in bra to cool off the swelling. And when u shower, shower with your back facing the water. Don't use soap on the aerola as well. If it is prone to engorgement, prob have to BF as well as pump. I pumped but threw away the milk I pumped up. I know some ppl sim tiah but Kae didn't like drinking from the bottle so it was kinda pointless to keep it. ^.^ Regular feeding and expressing helps keep it going. I still recommend u feed directly from the breast if u want to feed for a prolonged period. Baby's suction is way stronger than the machine. It does have an effect on increasing the supply of BM.

Any one of your face getting bloated too? I realised that my face become more round now. Dunno wat happen. Also expand?

just wondering if any mommies keen to join in if we can gather enough mommies for Blooming Baby promo with TheStudioloft?



I do feel bloated whenever I drink or eat. =P And yeah.. I do realise that my face is rounder.

Woke up just now. Little one was hungry. And now I can't go back to sleep. sigh.

Snoopy, thank you for updating the table. =)

