(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

marrissa, i am constantly hungry also, although this hits me on and off. it can hit me today and gone tomorrow when i will feel horrible and turned off with all food. and the food i crave for lately is mee soto, since middle of last week. i really believe i can have it 5 times a day lor! but i don't feel as sick or nauseous as you had described and i have not puked yet.


Good morning,

I am back to work after 1 week HL. Really dun feel like getting up this morning.

Re: Hormorne Pills

Are you all taking your hormorne pills in the morning? I was told to take it in the evenings coz side effects include nausea so evening when the day is almost over and we can head to bed anytime is better.

Re: Vitamins

Its really not advisable to take other vitamins in the first trimester. Some vitamins are suitable, some ARE NOT. Its just like although folic acid is a must, too much folic acid may cause harm to the feotus. So take care okie. Anyway, gynaes will prescribe the right vitamins during 2nd trimester. Usually obimin, calcium + fish oil.


Yah I do get hungry faster. I remember during my #1, I always kept snacks and biscuits in my bag coz I was always hungry and yet cannot tarhan hunger.


my friend both boys also she has bad MS le...think for every method there are always exceptions so no hard fast rule...

my mum had 2 boy and 2 girls and all 4 kids she has no symptoms no MS. Think hor MS comes with the mother's body and not so much of the gender of child...

So melissa u have hope!!!!

My neighbour carrying a girl also MS like crazy le...so not confirmed until the scan okie!

Dear all

Pls include me. I don't know how to post the table.

Beautyseek, 25-Oct, 34, 2, WK Tan, TMC, Tampines

Do you ladies feel that your bosses and colleagues will practise prejudice against you when they find out you are preggie? I am worried how they will react. The first time I was pregnant with #1, I got some sarcastic remarks from colleagues - on how preggie can have an easier life to a discussion on whether my bonus shld be pro-rated for the maternity leave... While the govt encourages pro-creation, it is not really going to work if our corporate culture does not change. I also feel guilty taking time off to go visit gyane... I wld like to hear your experiences. Do you apply leave to go gynae? Or do you schedule gynae visits on weekends?

Thanks starrymommy, fifi!

I thought today no more hunger pangs means I'm saved.. lol better stock-up snacks or biscuits in my drawer..

Hello Ladies,


Yes,i am constantly hungry.I had small meals daily now and bought lots of fruits to prevent snacking "potato chip"(My fav)!hee..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I agreed with FIFI as it is not advisable to self administer own consumption of vitamins/supplements.I should guess gynae will prescribe sufficient and suitable supplements for us.Do check with your own gynae's if the vitamins you are taking are ok...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I got confused with the chinese calaender esp on counting the age?...hee.

Some of my friends said chinese age usually is 1 year older than our actual calender age!true?

But my friend did told me that it is somehow accurate...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Me too...very curious on the gender....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wished for a healthy and happy baby..but still eager to know the gender!

My first pregnancy puke for 5mths and nose and body was huge!Breast was so much fuller during first trimester = Chubby baby gal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babythad, the progesterone pill i took seem to be getting to me now, otherwise it may be something else. but i am feeling extremely tired all of a sudden. feeling very light headed like on alcohol.

Hi all, I came back from scan liao.. can only see the sac.. and based on the v scan, the size of the sac is 5.1mm, which means I'm only 5w2d (though I should be 6w by date calculation). Can't see anything in the sac yet cos it's still early but thank God that it's not ectopic pregnancy! Will be going back to scan again next week.. hopefully can see the little one...

I'm also taking progesterone pills (utrogestan). 2 pill 3 times a day.. I don't have insomnia, rather the pills make me very sleepy.. so I'm taking it at least 1hr before meal

princess diamond

yes..just add one to ur age when u conceived.

well.. it's accurate for me for no.1. i hope it will be accurate for me this time round too! haha...

faithnhope, think by next week you will be able to see a little white circular "thing" inside the sac next week, which was what i saw when i went to my doc over the weekend. very exciting when doctor pointed out to me that the whitish circular thingy is actually my baby!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, did your doc tell you why you are on 2 pills 3x a day? me still on 1 pill per dosage due to my very light spotting last week. talk abt feeling sleepy now. i feel woozy, like high on drugs. lol!

hi beauty seek..

maybe u can schedule gynae visit during lunch break or after work or early in the morning and u come late and work overtime -- if it's really becoming an issue with ur company...

however in my opinion, u are entitled to apply leave if u are given the power to apply leave! no matter what the reason u give for the leave, be it gynae check up or being sick....

just the problem might be if u have to miss meetings or have less productivity because of the leave...

hi faithnhope [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

glad to hear that.. so nothing to worry right? hopefully next week can see ur baby's heartbeat ;)

Hi starrymommy, I'm on 6pills/day cos of my hcg levels, which weren't doubling as they should.

starrymommy/ann, I'm still worried cos of my hcg levels... I really hope the little one will grow.. and that I will be able to see the bub next week..

Another nerve-wrecking week!! Arggh!!


so happy for you....@ so next week go back is to see heartbeat right? now u can rest ur heart at ease....


so the month i should guess that the lunar month is 1 month before our actual month of conceived la?hee..sorry,too much queries..just found it interesting..my gf's family members followed closely to the chinese calender on how to conceived certain gender.Her mom is a very experienced CL that thought her that.apparently she gets what she want..hee..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Glad to hear that,you 'll be able to detect your bb's heartbeats on your next visit!

Thanks Etelle/princess_diamond.. if everything's alright, I suppose I might be able to see something.. heartbeat usually about 7w right? I'll be only abt 6w next week.

yeah, heartbeat usually seen at 7 weeks. i was 6 weeks over the weekend so could only see the sac and the whitish circle in the sac. no heartbeat yet.


If anyone tells you that there is absolutely no prejudice against pregnant women, they are either lying or amongst an extremely small minority (think 5% or less). There will definitely be some people who will make snide remarks or bosses who make life difficult. In fact, there are also some bosses that will be caring in front of you but then behind your back, mark you down for every leave, MC or ML that you take. I find somehow male bosses, especially those that have kids, usually tend to be less prejudiced because they know pregnancy is not easy and something they can never do. Those whose wives have harder pregnancies tend to be even more understanding.

For me, I take time off or MC for gynae visits because my office culture allows for this. MC is subject to annual cap though. So when I was suffering during towards the end of my #1 pregnancy, I had to niao my gynae to give me HL and not MC. If your office culture does not permit too much MC, then take your own leave is better than losing your job (if they use MC to prove your productivity decrease and fire you). Just remember that after you deliver, you do have 16 weeks of ML of which 8 weeks can be taken up to a year after delivery. So you will have enuff leave, no need to keep that much. Of coz, if you can, then keep for end-pregnancy is also a wise choice.

Hi Starrymommy,

THe gynea increased my dosage cos initially I was on 3 pills/day, but was still spotting at 6 weeks. So, when I saw him at 6 weeks, after the scan to detect heartbeat, he asked me to increase the dosage.

I just find it so hard to work and just called the gynea clinic to give me 2 days mc, cos when the gynea offerred me last week, I told me I feel ok...

Thank Starrymummy n Ann. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babythad n Starrymummy, Dun Think is fat, is thé womb expanding. I m going to buy some maternity pants liao cos getting quite tight.

Marrisa, i m quite constantly hungry too, n My stomach can make super loud growling sound. Sometimes i try to ignore My hungry cos i got nothing else to eat or after eating so many different food. I feel a little bad n guilty sometimes.

Oh yar, My gynae also mention that thé progestrone Will cause drowsiness, so shld take before bed time. I search n they better better Dun take when Want to drive. Yar Fifi, agree on not anyhow take vitamins.

princess diamond.

i only agar agar leh..

it will be best if you know roughly the date u get conceived then u can check the calendar?

for me. should be aroudn mid - end of jan, so check the calendar, the chinese date should be somewhere Nov 2009. hope tat helps

Starrymommy, usually i do get light-headed after taking the pills. Esp my morning dosage.

But quite cun leh the timing. About 12 plus like that the light-headedness comes in and i feel like im drugged. Hahah. So what I do is I eat and then I take a nap. Otherwise I will feel horrible.

Faithnhope, did doc said pills must take after meal? Cuz mine said yes and if nv take after meal, can cause some stomach problems i think.

Anyways, what are all your experiences like? The moment you see the sac and the small white white thing inside, and you're healthy and all, you think chances of mc still quite high?

I've been reading and some say it's lowered quite a bit.


haa..yea,me too bored at home,finding something to occupied..hee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]thanks for sharing tho..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have been having pain on my shoulders n back.Maybe i have been lifting my 12kg girl up n down?I'm not sure if it's lack of calcium cos it has been going on for sometimes and it became worse since the last few weeks..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my joints are ok...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess, babytiger.. how i wish i can just ignore my hunger. but not eating makes me dizzy and nauseous. It's more like a need to eat.

I think to take pills aft meals is to avoid causing gastric probs.

Raindroops, I think I quite paranoid. Will prob only feel safer aft 1st tri. But they are nvr ending things to fret about. It's really difficult to be positive all the time for me. :C


Don't ignored your hunger!When hunger strike just eat!But remember..eat for ONE not TWO!hee....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am trying to go "healthy"but is difficult la!I m ransacking my kitchen every 10-15mins![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

That's y i asked my helper to keep all my junk food and stuffed the fridge with lots of fruits instead..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If you re hungry,just eat...it will definitely satisfies you somehow after your fav char keow teow or curry fish head..haahaa...

raindroops, i'm definitely doing my best to be positive all the time, visualize carrying to full-term and delivering a healthy baby. from what i know, now is still critical stage. i will feel a lot safer when i see the heartbeat through ultrasound next week and of course no spotting or cramping. i actually envy my girl friend who is 10 weeks this week! she only has another 2 weeks to 2nd tri and here i am still gotta wait another 5-6 weeks. counting down everyday...

momo and starrymommy >> me too. I was so paranoid last week. (Still am tho`. heh) U should read some of my posts earlier. Worrying over every single thing. With symptoms, lack of symptoms. Everything!

It's hard not to worry when you're carrying something that means the world to you.

But some of the more experienced mommies here had advised that if it's meant to be, it will be. I also read up some articles online, saying that most mc happens due to chromosal abnormalities and nothing at all to do with Mummy if she is healthy and has no fertility problems. (One mc before will not affect your fertility. That's why fertility investigations happen only after multiple mc.)

So all I've been doing is concentrating on keeping myself happy and everything else I've learnt to put faith in God.

Pregnancy is always a miracle and always a Mystery. That's why some people also said that no two pregnancies are alike. You can never put an exact finger to what is a 'healthy' pregnancy. All you can do is just keep yourself healthy.

Easier said than done to abate your worries. I do still fret over little things which seemed enormous to me but i think for my own sanity, i decide to 'give up' and let God do His magic.

I'm going for my almost-8weeks scan this week. I told my husband i will feel better after hearing the heartbeat but I know it will never cease, the worries.

We can only support each other. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raindroops on which day is your scan scheduled? every night i will pray and ask God to keep this baby strong and healthy. then i will sayang tummy and tell the little one in there to stay put and grow well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] somehow doing this makes me feel a lot better every time.

Hi hi, I just broke the news to my boss, luckily, he accepted it quite well ... not so sure the rest of my department will be as supportive... dept of 4 ... I just joined in Jan, one lady is already pregnant (due in June), and another lady has openly declared that she is trying ... so I'm definitely the new-bird that came in to create more trouble by being pregnant at the wrong time -.-"

anyway ... next gynae appt is next week. My MS is getting worse ... so took the pill that Doc prescribed (think it's some form of antihistamine)... and it's SUPER DROWSY ... I had to force my eyes open for 1 hr after lunch ... torturing ... HOW I WISH I CAN BE A STAY HOME PREGGER....

Anyway ... DUN WORRY BE HAPPY ... I broke the no funeral rule ... broke the 3 months silence rule ... have not been taking any supplements regularly....still, I think the beanie is still healthy (judging from my MS, and mostly gut feel, or blind optimism) ... so for the rest of the mum-to-bes who have not broken any rules ... DUN WORRY TOO MUCH LAR :p hehehe

Starrymommy, mine would be this Thursday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Im so excited that I'm scared. Hahah.

vivian, i believe all of us here would love to be stay at home preggers. i am like perpetually high on drugs (due to the progesterone) and need to shut my eyes and doze at the work desk every few hours. it's torture...

raindroops, hang in there! visualize your little beanie with the heartbeat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we are cheering for you!

starrymommy, raindrops:

Dun worry. Worry too much not good for the BB. Easier said than done though. I worry a lot still and its my #2 liaoz. Haha. I remember during my #1, there was this 1 day that I was sooo worried coz my little minnie mouse moved less than usual during the day. I was sooo afraid that my husband nearly brought me to KK. Luckily, she started moving ard and then refused to stop, keeping me awake almost all night. After that, I wished she would keep still for a while so I could sleep abit. So funny hor.

Hi raindroops.. I've been advised to take progesterone before meals as they can cause drowsiness.. so far I do not have any gastric problems from taking the pills before meals.. cos if I take the pills after meal, I will knock out!! Not kidding - when I first started the pills, I forgot and took it just before I had dinner at about 7+pm.. then by 830pm, I was already "unconscious" and in dreamland! Haha!

So, during weekdays, I ensure I take the pills well before meal.. and the night dosage, I can take it after dinner and sleep early heheh..

i am back from my gynae!! now resting at home. took MC today even though i had worked for 2 hours today before visiting my gynae hehe. bub is fine!!! bub is growing as it should and the EDD date remains unchanged. bub is now looking like a peanut and measures 27mm. i am dated 9w3d today, which is exactly like i calculated. i am super excited because for my previous two successful pregnancies, i find that my girls' growth is not so consistent and always dated late but this bub is determined to grow fast! no wonder my MS was so bad! maybe bub can't wait to meet mommy, daddy and 2 big sisters! i opt to skip the NT scan/triple test and will see gynae in a month time for a normal scan and routine blood test. oh she "upgraded" my meds to a stronger one and even asked me if i'd like to put myself on a drip since i'm vomitting so much. i declined the drip, don't want to be taking HL for that!

for mommies who already have children, one indicator that the pregnancy is doing well is a very clingy child! hehehe, my 2yr old always wants me to kiss her and hug her. sometimes she will crawl like a kitten, make kitten sound and made me kiss her. she was never like that before.


wow so bold. i usually never tell my boss till my pregnancy shows up by itself! then he'll go..oh oh.. lol. anyway, my dept is going through a change in management and we might be outsourced, so worse to worse, we'll lose our job, i see no point in telling and i really don't care how many MCs i took if i feel like "sai".


wow calcium pills from GNC is like buying designer bag.. lol. you can just get the generic one from Guardian pharmacy. it's a lot cheaper. i got my folic acid from Guardian too. the price can be more than 50% cheaper than prescribed by your gynae. remember, they're also a self-employed business person in a sense. then again, milk has natural calcium that's more readily absorbed by the body. else, eat cheese or take yoghurt. i love yoghurt. it also helps solve my constipation problem.


you're right, 2nd tri, pregnancy more stable. you can start taking your practicals fro 2nd tri onwards.

Yanling and Etelle,

thanks for sharing the gender story for me hehee. right now i'm only hoping for prayers for a boy because it's going to be my last pregnancy.

Beauty Seet,

yes of course especially since now where SG companies are forever squeezing the most out of each employee and they got used to it that losing just one staff temporarily is like losing 2, 3 people! it's a double standard practised widely in SG. govt tell a different thing, immediate boss tell a different thing. i agree with Fifi on her notions.


thanks for sharing your ultrasound update! really hope that you'll see a difference next week. earliest you can see a heartbeat is by 6w4d.


i'm looking forward for your ultrasound update as much as you do too. keep the faith [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok just sharing my fresh bun in the oven today.. tadaaa....



I hope and pray for you to get a healthy chubby bb boy!

My 2yrs old gal is behaving like what you've described![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]Somehow their senses are stronger than us...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She used to sleep througout the nigt and now middle of the night she would scream for me and wants to hug and sleep with me!She kisses my whole face and hug me all the time!

couldn't bear the hunger and have to buy a big "bao" from the coffeeshop downstairs. i am still hungry! can you believe it? craving for sambal fried rice. soooo sleepy now.. 6.30pm come quick..

melissa, my scan print out at 4 weeks + don't have any dates stated leh. could it be because my doctor's machine is "old"?

princess diamond,

thanks sweetness for the kind prayers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha i think it's likely to be a sept baby! i've always delivered early for my two others.


wow you might be one of those mommies who's perpetually hungry. if you're craving for something, go get it. some research says that craving is caused by a lack of nutrient that can be found in a particular food. say if you always crave for orange, maybe you're lacking vitamin C, or other nutrients that's unique to the orange. not sure how true, but it kinda make sense. oh regarding the print, yeah every gynae has different machines, mine was quite new. about 2 yrs old.

oh now i'm always craving for cold drinks. no matter what drinks, it has to be ice cold. so syiok sipping slowly. err maybe it's the hot weather? the occasional rain didn't quite help..

Today my appetite has been a little weird....I'll be very hungry (empty feeling in stomach), eat a bit & either feel full or can't stomach the food anymore. Feel so wasteful when I order the food & after that cannot finish. Hope appetite will change for the better tomorrow.

my appetite is good today.. seems wanting to munch and munch.. never get enuf.. but cant finish up my rice lunch...

Starrymommy/raindroops, yah loh.. we hv to stay positive!!

i tok to my bb every morning/nite & when i go to the washroom. hahaha..

btw, i seems to hv put on 2kg liao & its only my 6th wk!

i read on a preg book that 1st tri shld only gain abt 2kg. i'm over the radar liao!

momotan, same here, put on about 2kg from all the eating... haha! can't help wanting to eat. feel like such a pig! i also realize i developed a small tummy. one of my jeans is too tight for me already.



u're not alone.. same here.. i put on 3kg already.. hahaha.. i didnt eat much rice but just want to munch... before this.. I never munch munch and snack before.. i only eat 3 meals a day.. now i just want to skip the meals but munch all day long..


i not only develop a tummy.. my whole tummy now looks like balloon.. just about to burst if poke by needle.. and i do let go gas quite alot if i keep on rubbing the tummy.. dunno where the air came from.. i've completely stop wearing my jeans.. now stick to spandex and leggings.. very sian already..

