(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Hi girls,

Fever gone n back at work. The thread is running too fast for me to catch up. Haha.

Re: BF

I BF for 8 months and actually hoped to have BF her more. My girl seldom fall sick when she's a baby but fell sick very often now. I seldom latch her but mainly express cos I came back to work after 10 weeks of ML. Hope to latch baby no. 2 more and BF longer. Hehe.

Breast size do not help, I am very big, but not much milk leh. Had to supplement with FM starting from the 4th or 5th month. i must be one of those big neh neh but failed in BF-ing ones. Hoho.


Fish and papaya soup. Basically lots of fluid. I was on Fernugreek too, some supplement that is supposed to help increase BM. Not sure if the supplement helps, but I take just to play safe. It is a dd and ss game. Teh more you latch/ express, the more BM you will have. But strangely, some people just have lots of BM without the need to do anything. Haha.

Hi morning all!

Re v-scan, when I was TTC, whenever I see the gynae, I'd get "probed" too.. cos I was on clomid.. so the gynae needs to check if the eggs are there, and if they are growing to the ideal size before giving ovulation jab... it was like a routine for a few months.. haha! Before I TTC, I also thought I'd be embarrassed being treated by a male gynae and insisted that I will only see a female gynae. But when I first saw my current male gynae, I felt comfy with him so I'm doing fine.. just tell yourself that they have seen much more.. it's no big deal to them anymore hehe..


Yah I actually still have some milk now. Heehee. Coz just wean off only. For me lettuce doesn't help that much coz mine is jialat case de. Need lactation consultant to help + force my #1 to drink drink drink. Then I have to latch + pump de. I used to produce abt double of what my #1 consumed.


Fish helps. And fluids help. Generally just have a good balanced diet. Actually, I find that demand = supply after you deliver is more effective than any supplements taken. If you increase the demand (even artificially) for a period, the supply will hike too. So its how much time you are willing to put in to latch often / pump more. Dun worry too much now. Before you deliver, what you can do is mainly get mentally prepared and read up/attend classes to learn more about BF and how to latch. Worrying about supply now will not do anything to help you.


=P thank you for your advice.. do we attend classes now or when it's near to the due date? Erm.. sorry ah.. first time mum so do not know a lot of things.. got to ask n ask.. =)

hi Jasmine,

you have to constantly express n latch on more often to get the supply.You wont see the results soon but later.make it a point to express while bb is sleeping,whether or not there's milk![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you can buy a book about breastfeeding n do a read up!Agreed with fifi that nothing more important that to b mentally prepared...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]It's not an easy task for a beginner..

Irene....regarding your questions about tests....was too tired to answer yesterday. I had baby #1 when I was 35. I did the triple blood test, which I think tests whether baby has down syndrome & neural defects I think.

Back then, I still remember it was a bit of a scare cos the lab result came back as 1 in 30 chances of down syndrome if test was done when fetus was 16 weeks. Hubby & I asked gynae if we could narrow the conception date if that would help & gynae said yes....so we managed to narrow it down to 2 days & based on that, gynae said the test should be done in the 15 weeks which would be normal. But he mentioned that to be on the safe side, I could do the amniocentesis but that would also hold a 1 in 300 chance of a mc. So back then we opted to wait for the detail test. So we waited a month on tender hooks & thank God the detailed scan showed that the fetus was fine. But being very human, we were still worried until my dear daughter was born & she was fine. Just to share my experience.

Yup. Fish definitely helps with milk production. I ate cod everyday when I was preggers. It definitely helped in many ways. Any fish (except those that are possibly high in mercury) should be fine too. I didn't really eat papaya haha.

About bloating- I too feel bloated these days... =p Oh... and super sleepy! But I have work to finish up. I was so tired yesterday, slept and ended up falling behind on my writing. I am a freelance scriptwriter/ SAHM. Gotta catch up on it before 2pm. I have a meeting at 3pm.

BTW, started a blog journal for the preggers journey hehe- http://ourweebabe.blogspot.com/

Kae had 1 too but his was on Geocities which no longer exists. =(

Oh ya... just to add. There is a service that actually can print out blogs from Bloggers and bind them into memoirs/ booklets for keepsake. =)


Antenatal classes should have a BF portion. These classes cover a wide range of topics and can be attended from about 16 weeks. Book early hor. Can also look out for Breastfeeding Mothers Support Group's workshops.

Then after delivery, make an appointment to see a Lactation consultant (aka LC) (all hospitals should have) for hands on instructions and practice on latching. To me, this step is the most important because correct latching and help prevent/reduce engorgement which I think is the #1 reason why many mothers give up within the first month. Thinking back, without my LC, I wont be able to tarhan so long I'm sure. Everytime I wanted to give up, she will tell me to hang in there and teach me all the ways to manage my conditions.

And as princess diamond says, even though you dun feel like you are getting much milk when you latch/express, continue on and it will increase eventually. When my #1 slept thru the night, I continued to wake up at 3am to pump for quite a while and its super sianz but i kept telling myself that I have other forum friends who are awake at the same time doing the same thing.

hi momo,

take care!!! take a break if you need to yeah?


noted! Thank you so much for the wonderful information!!! Shall go research more on this!

Hi Geri, I read your blog and read that you tested on a kit which could tell how far you are into your pregnancy.. I didn't know such test kit existed. What's the name of the kit ar?

Hi momotan, are you on medical leave? Rest well yah.. draw the curtains and sleep...

I agree with Fifi tt LC is impt. I like the LC fm KK, she is v experienced and patience.

BF is tough but v fulfilling. My gal also hardly fall ill when I was BFing her. My mum was quite against BF, cos she said I hardly rest and shd sleep thru the nite, etc. But I persist on and now she is a believer after seeing the result. All we need is support, guidance and determination. It helps save $$ on milk powder too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I salute those who continue on more than 12 months.


No need to eat now. Wait until we gave birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But fish is good for us now. So eat while you can. I remember hating fish while I was preggy with no. 1 for a long time. Hehe.


I also conceived on clomid wor. Both no. 1 & 2. People say pregnancy will be more difficult, so we jia you ya. My no. 1 pregnancy was so eventful. -.o"


was looking through at the table..You are delivering at MAH,So i guess you can lookout for Ms Kang Senior LC there..Very experience,supportive and sincere in helping..The LC team there are superb!

Don't worry too much,they do follow up even after your delivery!Yes,they do visits or call to check upon you![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TMC Mrs Wong too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess when you decide to TBF,LC from respective hospitals will be more happy to help and assist!


Do take a breather while at work,if can't take a day off...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Take care..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi princess diamond,

thank you so much for your advice!! Sigh.. I'm still very paranoid and scared... as this is my first pregnancy.. heard so many horror stories online... Praying hard that everything is fine with the baby..

Fifi - Clearblue. It has a screen that not only says pregnant or not pregnant, but tells you how far along u are up to 3+ weeks. =)

Estelle- Will go look it up in my bookmarks. ^.=


Heehee. My LC is also from KK. I delivered there. Which LC did you see?


Yah. If you are not that comfy with the LC in the hospital you deliver at, you can also find LCs from other hospitals. To these LCs, their greatest joy is to see mothers successfully BF. So they will help a lot.


We have the same gynae and also same age. Also having no 2 for me...I was also asked to consider amniocentisis but I guess I wld not take it and wld request for other blood tests first.


I lie on my tummy when I sleep all the time now. The baby is still too small. There's still loads of space to roam now. You will automatically sleep on the back and progress to your side de. Dun worry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi congratz to all mummy to be!

I'm 6 wk+, bleeding so was on hormone pills & injection & 1 wk HL.. so bored and banned on doing any housework. Not much MS symptoms, except extremely bloated stomach especially at night and difficult to fall asleep, keep getting up to walk abit and sit around.. dunno wat to do with it.. feeling hungry easily despite bloatedness.. weird hor.. eat so much but no urge to poo..anyone having same prob?

Just wondering if we can eat Bakuteh & Mutton soup. coz they contain herbs..

Also, can i ask, is it not ok to squat?

btw just come across this website join the mum & baby club for free packs so to share with u guys.. ^^ http://www.dumex.com.sg/register

EDD 25/10, age 32, baby #1

Hi ladies,

thanks!! I'm at work. I dun wish to clock up my mc.

Must save for rainy days. Kekeke. This forum will keep me alive for the rest of the day. :D


noted! Most likely will get LC from MAH.. =P


PHEW! Do you know how I worried I was just now? So much so that I kept going to the toilet and talked to the little one wor.. hahaa..


I can fall aslp easily but definitely will wake up in the wee morning! This morning woke up @ 3am!!! And after that got difficulty to slp! Haa..


jia you!

Fifi, i delivered my 1st at Mt E but went to KK to see Cynthia. Did attend the BF course in Mt E but somehow feel Cynthia is better. She is recommended to me by my friend. Thus this 2nd child, i am changing gynae to deliver in KK. If all goes well, still hv concern over the waiting time.

Congrats Empress!

Jas- Can lie on tummy. Lol. Zuen is right. Kae is 8 yo and being funny. Lol. And u dun have to eat "soft food" also. It is a kid's imagination. ^.^""

Adoi. Dozed off again. Sighs! Keep feeling so sleepy!!

I was a little constipated too and it is common because the preg hormones causes it. What you can do is drink more water and eat more high fibre food like muesli, grains, fruits, vege. =)

I had Kae at MAH and it was a great experience for me. The LC there was very good. =)

Oh yes, do you gals know what sort of confinement you'll be experiencing?

I kenah the traditional sort because of my mum. She didn't let me bath, wash hair etc and all and this was for a month. It was horrible. Thank goodness my Dad was around as my "confinement nanny" lol and he'd let me sneak a shower when Mum was at work. I am hoping that this time around I dun have to do the same kind of confinement...

Also, I had the Malay lady come to massage and bind my waist with Kae and it really was very shoik. I dunno if we still have her contact T.T After I gave birth to Kae, my tummy kept leaning to the right. After she massaged and bound me everyday, for a month or so, my tummy went down. Her massage helped me feel so good.

She also told me I could drink milk with red dates and ginger and to wash my bits with Listerine mixed with warm water (something her mum learned from Dutch doctors in the past- it helps clean the bits, get rid of the germs and allows it to feel a little cooling.) I loved it.

After you give birth, the after birth discharge can be very stinky btw. It gets better after a few weeks.

And... oh gosh... I keep drifting about... but

if you get piles, you can buy "pian zi huang" cream from the Chinese Med Halls to use. It is very effective.

welcome empress

i think initially squat is okie but towards the end not so wise to squat scared the pressure makes the baby wants to come out.

bah kut teh is fine but everything take in moderation lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I was given iron pills and it makes me constipated too. At times, I wonder where all my poo poo goes to too. Otherwise, I am just a walking bag of s**t. Hoho. You take care ya. Dun move about too much. Rest all you can now. You will be so busy when teh baby is here.


You so cute. Somehow, our baby are much stronger than we think they are. If got MC cases (choy, choy, choy), they are unuasally the unhealthy ones that choose to self terminate than to harm the mummy's body.


OIC. Same LC. Cynthia is super good lor. She taught me a lot on how to manage and also kept using me as live demo for the new LCs/nurses that she is training. Coz I can help feedback whether what they are doing is correct and helping anot. Haha. But she's promoted liaoz. Not sure if she's still seeing patients.


I also had a Malay lady to do massage for me but I cannot do binding coz I will itch. But the massage super shiok. I had no CL lady the first time. My mum came over daily for a week and my maid did the cooking for me. My husband din let me bathe for a week and wash hair for 2 weeks though. Coz his friends told him they regret that they did and suffered the effects so he niao me. He would have made me tarhan longer but I could not tarhan liaoz. Cry that I want to bathe and wash hair. This time I think I will order confinement food so that I get better food and my maid can have more time for 2 kids.

Geri, I only did my confinement for 4 days and i broke out in rashes. Apparently, i was allergic to the confinement food and gynae advice to stop everything. My MIL did my confinement and was a tad bit disappointed coz she spent a long time preserving the rice wine. I had a malay massage, but find that she wasn't really good and stop everything after the 3rd session. This time round, hopefully i'm able to find a good one. Do recommend me yours if u manage to find the contact.

Fifi: Adoi. Lol. I was fine actually altho I sneaked in my bath time. Haha.

My tutor when I was a kid, is a sinseh and we are still in touch. She said you just have to make sure you bath with hot water and to bath fast. She said if worried about adverse effects, go to TCM shops and buy from them herbs for bathing in. =) My mum used Chinese WINE to clean me (Eew) and she also collected and dried a HEAP of GINGER SKIN that she would soak in hot water and get me to bath in once a fortnight. The ginger skin made the water so spicy, it was hard to keep my eyes open.

My confinement lasted 2 months food wise and shower etc wise. My massage was for a month. It does itch because the binder is wrapped on tightly. I remember she used a long white cotton cloth to bind my stomach. Whenever I bey tahan, I took the Prickly Heat powder that has menthol, suck in my tummy as much as possible so there is a gap and sprinkle a ton in. It helped lots.

I had the vinegar pigs' trotters- my aunt's longtime maid came over to make a huge pot that we kept stewing in the balcony over charcoal. =) My aunt taught her and she's been with them for about 14 or 15 years already.

My Malay massage woman then told me horror stories of how this lady's MIL was also a massage woman but didn't like her daughter in law, so she purposely massage her intestines out of place! X_X

The massage lady who treated me helped her out after the lady's son told his mum off and stopped her from touching his wife. She told me cannot anyhow massage stomach.

She also massaged Kae for us and he loved it. We still use the similar technique. Basically starting from below the rib cage, You massage outwards so left hand draws a C and right hand draws an inverse c. And you move down and stop around the belly button there. It helps the baby if he or she has wind in the tummy. =)

re: CL

I engaged CL when i had my gal but this yr Jan when i called her she said she retired and cannot accept to help me do this time round although my hb said increase the amt to pay her. So last mth i have booked another CL, recommended by my fren who engaged her to do confinement for her in feb.

re: Bathing during confinement

I wipe my body with herb that i bought fr med hall shop. It is called 'Da Feng Ai'. On 6th day onward, i bathe with this herb water


Yah I bathed with the herbs from the medical shop. My grandma's instructions is that the water I use to bath must be boiled water (can leave to cool till able to use) and not water heater water.

My massage lady is this 60+ year old Malay lady who is very good. Very chatty but very cute. Only 8 sessions though.

Fifi: Yup. We boiled water over the stove and poured it into a pail and I bathed with a water scoop.

Even the water we drink must be boiled so that there is no wind in it. Adding red dates help give it more Vitamin C and a little ginger helps to rid the body of any wind. =)

I guess I am blessed that my Dad is more than happy to be my "CL" haha. He retired from his job when I had #1 so he could help take care of the baby and me. Kae and my Dad are very, very close too as a result of that. =)

Ok. Quick update- I am going with Dr. Loh Seong Feei from KKH for my gynae too. I see that there are 2 other gals from our grp (Diveera and Noble) who are also seeing him! =D

Dr. Loh was my friend's gynae. She was a pharmacist in TTSH who is now in Ozzie. She highly recommended him. Her son and my #1 share the same birthday but are 2 years apart in age. =)

My first apptm has been set for 10th March at 5pm at the Private Clinic. =)

Momo : I also wish to be at work, so bored at home! Really can't stand boredom so decided to cook some soup. Anyone have any nice food recipe good for preggy women share with me ya!

etelle : thx you! everybody keep asking me to change to flat shoes, and keep warning me do not squat. LOL. haven't even see a slight tummy yet, except the bloatedness. =P

zuen : oh u are on iron pill already, what is the brand u are taking? I'm currently on folic & hormone pill & anmum milk only. Thinking of taking calcium, iron & fish oil at later part, don't know when to start yet. what are u guys taking at the moment?

jasmine : u keep goin to the toilet to talk to little one? I keep goin toilet to pee, so many times a night as long as i haven't fall asleep yet. luckily day time is not that prone, toilet in office is not very near my seat! haha..

diveera, susan : thx u!


Yah see at Private Suite is better. Coz if you see at A or B Clinic, there is no scanning facilities in the clinic so can only check heartbeat. If need to scan, you have to go to another department to scan. Extremely mafan.

SF Loh is quite good. Have a friend who was under him and delivered triplets. Heehee. He's very nice I heard. Very ready to give MC too. Heehee.



yesterday night i have some brown spotting, which was my first experience in this pregnancy.

quite panic coz hubby not here. next appointment should b on friday.

anyway today i went to the doctor to check whether everything is okay, and it was okay!

measuring up to 2.8 cm, can see the lil legs, arms, the big head, and butt! SO HAPPY!

when we saw it, it move up and down, up and down, i almost cried. im in my 9/10 week now..

good days ladies to u all,

really lots of things to be learned from mommies here.. i feel like i lack of information be it on BF, what hosp, blablablablabla.... !

thanks for sharing them here!

i have to read and take note more!!!!

