(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

starrymommy/puan sri,

my appetite actually not very good. i take a alot of small meals though.

smtimes if i alr fill v full, i will still coerce myself to eat for bb. luckily MS has not happen to me yet.

i also stop wearing my jeans le..

i scared too tight. so may as well wear dresses, more comfortable.

last wkend, i just happen to see a few maternity shops..

gosh!! howcome no nice clothes de?! dun they know mtbs oso want to look pretty????



haha as much as we hope to be in control of our weight increase , sometimes it jsut shoots up uncontrollably...haha one hand we want to satisfy the craving of eat what we want...the other hand want to maintain weight...very tough one wor...

the recommended weight increase for whole pregnancy is between 10-12 kg. And if u put on anything beyond that, there's nothing wrong but it will means we have mroe weight to try to shed after pregnancy lor....


i browsed some shops too..

don't really like the styles too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and some of them are pretty expensive too..

hope i cld use normal baggy clothes/dress till giving birth..

im so off the radar.. gained 4 kg.. Oh my.

ladies, do u feel that ur hip is expanding too? coz i cant even put on those hipster pants/skirt.. zzz...


ur baby looks fine! can see the head and body. must b pretty exciting for u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

beauty seet,

np, hope everything is going smooth for u at work! sometimes it's tough but so many women experiences things that men will never experience.. it's blessing in disguise..


yeah hips and waist are the very first few areas to go hay wire [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and sometimes after delivery it never regain the pre pregnant figure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Maternity Clothes

I wear baby doll dresses le. Dun want to spend money on maternity le. And if my babydoll dress gets too short guess i wear leggings inside...lol closing factory after this one so hope not to spend so much on maternity clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


harno.. i think overeat oso not gd for bb right?

ann, yes! i agree! i was that i can still hoping to feed into normal dresses! i still want to look pretty wor! "pp

Hi Ladies! New here.. just found out over the weekend that I am expecting and just hit 6th week! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After reading so many threads, I realised that I am so behind time! I haven even find a gynae.. only cfm with a GP in the morning! *faints*

Good stuff You ladies are sharing coz I am learning so much here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Info for the table:

EDD: 22 Oct 2010

Age: 29

baby: #1

Gynae: -

Location: Yishun

etelle n momo..

right.. and there's reason to buy those dresses now.. ;p

and after giving birth those dresses could be worn as camouflage to hide our extra weight till everything comes back normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (hope it will!)

etelle, serious? there's chance it'll never come back normal? oohh noo.

funny story, i just tear one of my short when taking it off. coz it's too tight on the hip i guess...

Hi MTBs,

Just to share something funny......I was at this light shop in balestier looking for a light. When I found the one that both hubby & I liked, hubby asked if there was any further discount & the salesman said that they are having a tomato sale.....meaning that if you give them a tomato, you get 20% discount on the light. & they weren't joking!! Now...isn't that weird?? So hubby went to the nearby NTUC to get a tomato so that we can get the 20% discount!! hehehe

Hope you get a good laugh out of this. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha actually baby doll dresses can be worn pregnant or not pregnant so yeah we can go buy!!!! And yeah after delivery it will take a couple of months for us to regain our pre pregnant weight but sometimes it never come back.

Most of the time we are able to regain our pre pregnancy weight but our figure will change. Cuz expanded pelvic hard to shrink le. So u @@ normally women after give birth shape change lor...usually lower half heavier...sad but it's the truth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nevertheless our bundle of joy make up for it all!!!! It's all worth it.

Hi mummies,

I'm new to this thread as I have just confirmed my due date today.

Hey Etelle, is that you, also from Dec 2007 thread?

Sigh! Had such a huge scare today. I had severe pains in my tummy today that I thought I was going to lose my baby as the pain was like contractions. Had to rush to hospital and thank God it's just my intestines giving me trouble again.

I have such bad nausea that whatever I eat, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that makes me feel like throwing up. But, if I don't eat, I get hungry and yet have no appetite. I'm losing weight like crazy. Does anyone have this problem?


that's a nice scan! That moment is priceless right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

momotan & ann,

yeah, most of the prices of the maternity clothes are kinda steep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think bottom wear gives me the most headache, cos waistline is growing..

Hi Rachel,

welcome! i oso lost a bit of weight when i just got preg.

but it came back on real soon! if u're really concern, maybe shld chk with gynae?

the nausea & bitter taste in mouth is normal.

etelle, yes i agree! i think babies are worth all the fats! "p


are u serious?!

soooo funny..

only one tomato and it's 20%?

if u give 2 tomatoes, 40% or what? haha...


yes, go shopping now! :D

i guess u're right, our babies will b more important than our figures in the end..

welcome clueless..

me too clueless.. but we have this forum and uncle google to ask any questions ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi rachel

yes yes i am dec 07 thread...lol....what a coincidence!!! u have ur baby when ???? due date when???


yeah lor bottom also headache for me le. we have to wear those elastic waist one lor...so if wear dresses easier lor...



worth the fats but not veyr very fat la...lol..abit i dun mind la..but then again with #1 put on alittle, with #2 alittle bit more by the time #3....OMG...beyond imagination...lol


good, that means ur baby could get more nutrition with ease [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dont worry, later when the baby comes u could do lots of exercise and breastfeed him/her..

me too very worried abt my weight.. i eat normally but still gain weight. weird, huh?

Good morning ladies,

i hope u have good day, be it at work or home!

today onwards, i'll b home alone for 3 days, as hubby is going for a trip... alone with my little tiggy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


welcome! so this is ur #2/3/4/5/...??? :D

Now everyday after Dinner I have those wan to puke kind of feeling, yet nothing. Have to try hard to digest....feeling not here nor there.

hihi.. i'm new here!

I wonder if anyone experience spotting before "supposed" menses? I read from web, it's sign of implantation but when i asked my friends and none experience it. Hope i can have good news soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Yvonne,

welcome.. yes, it's called spotting.. it's a bit of blood only and only some people will experience it.. it could b a good sign..

Have u tested?

Baby tiger,

i experienced the same thing too! after that usually i just drink a lot of warm water and it's not so bad... no vomiting so far, just the feeling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann : I smiled when i read your reply.. feeling so happy now... today is only CD26 so i will test it this weekend.

I actually experience the spotting 2 days back when is on CD24.

*praying for good news*


as long as it's not a lot and only like one dot.. :D the next day u don't have anything rite?

coz if it really a lot will have some negative indication for baby or it could be ur menses.. (sorry if i worry u by telling this line)

dont wanna give u false hope but let's hope it's positive!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

is this ur first?

hello morning...

I'm so looking forward to my next apointment , which is on the 13 March .. By then i'm 8 weeks.. Do u thInk by then i can hear the Heartbeat?

So worried!

Good morning girls!

So sleepy today and I have a lunch appointment with my brother. If i take my anti-nausea pill, i have to choose between being drowsy or nausea. My gynae told me to simply hold on till 12 weeks. Just 3 weeks more. How encouraging.. haha...


if you want to hear the heartbeat, it really depends on your gynae's machine. not all can listen to the heartbeat. but if you want to see the heartbeat, 8 weeks is a sure thing.


I'm thinking this your first? Best of luck! I hope you strike Toto this month! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies

Can discuss how exercises can cause miscarriages?

Cuz i was told conflicting things.

Like say, running and swimming is fine. But how about if you play like hockey or basketball but not run so fast and just pass the ball around but no one hit you and all. Will that cause miscarriages?

And how about chemical pregnancies? Would you call someone who suffered a chemical pregnancy, with no sac nor yolk formed, a threatened pregnancy?

Wahsey. All these pregnant journals and books can be quite 'interesting' hor.

Yvonne, wat colour is ur spotting? Yes, I experience I think almost all kinds of spotting before.

hi ladies,

=) I've been tested positive last Wednesday and have see a gynae last Friday and was able to see the sac. 5 weeks old.

But I'm still quite worried and paranoid because I do not have much early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness or feeling nauseous at all! I read a lot from the different threads (ttc/2ww) about mc and so I am very worried! SIGH...

Trying to keep positive! but it's hard as i'm still very worried! This is my first pregnancy!

anyway, my gyane is Dr Wong Mun Tat from TWC.. =) I'm 25 this year and planning to give birth @ MAH! Please add me to the table.. thank you!

Ann, yar I have satisfying meals, then v fast, like 10mins later the feeling come, I feel want to vomit yet no vomit. Then become like the indigestion kind I have in the past before preggy........


Doctor told me by 8 weeks can hear heartbeat.. but depends, some gonna wait till around 10 weeks then can hear the heartbeat.

Cos my colleague's wife , when for her appointment.. thInk that time she's around 10 weeks, but doc found out baby has no more heartbeat already.

It's making me so worried!

Ann, I'm also home alone for the week.

My hubby went for reservist.

I feel abit xlbph to tk the crowded public transport.

hi raindroops,

basically all contact exercises like hockey and basketball are dangerous, because u could fall, bump to someone and all that..

but if u dont run fast and no fall, i dont think it's dangerous..

i think it depends on ur body too. if it's strong it's okay to jump around and baby will still b healthy.

if some people are not as strong, they actually have to bed rest for the course of the pregnancy..

the key is to know ur body and stop whenever u feel uncomfortable...

for me i rather have low impact exercise, like swimming and brisk walking..

what book are u reading?? :D

my left sole there is one point suddenly hurt alot. Not sure is because lack of calcium or wat not......or just coincidental.


u're not alone.. am into my 5weeks now.. and I've yet to experience any symptom except for rashes and red patches on the face which is gone now.. and super bloated tummy.. feeling very gassy now!!

Raindrops, there is no hard and fast rules, but if you have been active before pregnancy, and there is no history or watever, it is good to stay active and do low impact exercise?

Of course in medical terms if chemical pregnancy, I dun think wld be call threaten pregnancy. But for the person whom suffer chemical pregnancy, is a pregnancy lost.

I was quite upset when my 1st XX was called mis abortion according to the medical term....althou is not an abortion to me. Thou I know it meant self abort, but to me...is like........


congrats & welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmine & Susan,

sometimes i feel the same way too, keep worrying.. i keep asking hubby, is baby still alive inside me?

the thing is that we will never know whether everything is going on right inside.. just keep the faith that baby is growing well.... though it's harder to be done than said. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hope we'll b fine till our hubbies come back!

and what is "xlbph" in "I feel abit xlbph to tk the crowded public transport." ?


speaking of public transport, when do u think people will start giving up seats to us? when is bump really visible? that people have clear idea that we are pregnant and not just FAT in stomach! hehe...

One day before my schedule visit, my hub ask me to play badminton. I move v little and jump v little. It has been quite long since I exercise becos of certain reason. I feel so worried and paranoid....keep asking hub if it is alrite. He keep comforting me saying that it is good for me to exercise. I feel so happy that I saw my healthy baby the next day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mdm_rynn,

=P That is why we are all here to encourage each other to be positive yeah?

hi momo123,

my hubby also went to reservist! Which camp is he in? Mine is @ Kranji i think..


=) yeah.. saying is easier then done huh?

Good morning ladies!

WElcome Clueless,rachel!

Yvonne,update us..hope you can join this thread![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Spotting usually happens after you missed your menses and also can be caused by some other caused,however i do really hope you will bring good news to us real soon..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I experienced the same for my first kid!So i decided to go on medication when 2nd trimester starts!Then i started to take revenged and eat till i "Blooms"...heeee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I totally agreed that the maternity clothes in S'pore sucks big time!And so Expensive!I bought something that i can wear now and after n also during breastfeed!Empire cut dresses or top is the best!Other choice is buy online lor...maternity and nursing bra here is especially ugly!No choice but to pay a lil bit more to get it online!

I do want to look good but the clothes her really can't make it!

Weight gain!

my weight gained quite alot too,but i'm a "lil" careful cos i don't want to be like my prev pregnancy(that's way too HEAVY)!Thank god i have no craving for chocolates and sweet stuff...hee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Otherwise i will pig out again this time round!

Take care all...

Shirley,is ok la...just eat whatever you feels like....Work harder during post pregnancy lor....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It'd been 2 days i have not "face" my toilet bowl!Hmm......Appetite and energy is back but having this ache on my back and shoulders!Hope everything is well in there![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

speaking of maternity clothes again,

i found a website, with really nice and simple maternity clothes.. i like the clothes, but so overpriced loh..

think can find clothes of similar style elsewhere..

anyway this is the site to give u ideas on looking for what kind of dress we cld wear..


on another topic, sewing..

anyone of u can sew? or want to learn to sew? i want to learn but not sure where.. or should i just buy the machine and learn through books/internet?

Hi yvonne, i saw your query on spotting and thought of sharing my experience. my LMP was 1 Jan 2010 and it ended at around 10th (my period always slightly longer). hubby and i went for our honeymoon from 12-18 Jan and didn't use any protection when we BD. but we were certain that i won't get pregnant because i started spotting on 15 Jan onwards. it was like having light period, lasting for around 3-4 days. it was too early to be implantation spotting so i thought nothing of it.

we continued our BD routine till CNY when i started feeling cranky, tired, broke out in rashes etc. so when i tested then, i got a BFP, 4 weeks pregnant! it was a HUGE surprise, because we were totally not planning for a baby. i guess the spotting then could really be another period while i was ovulating at the same time. not sure if this makes sense to anyone here though..

puan sri, my red itchy patches on the face also gone le. my skin is now so much clearer and smoother than it was before i was pregnant! hope the radiant skin is here to stay!

oh yeah, i have told my boss about my "condition" already. he took it quite well and said it is a good thing after all. most of my colleagues also know. have you girls told your bosses/colleagues? i recall only a few have so far.

Ann, look v nice, but really v v ex.

Sewing, paisei, I cant contribute. I can mend clothes only.

thank you ladies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am experiencing headaches.. am i allowed to take panadols? we have a company gathering tomorrow eveing for Jumbo seafod.... can i eat crabs?

*hiaz* My hubby and I are supposed to go Bali in 2 weeks time for our 1 year anniversary and this news comes along..but for the sake of the baby, we had to forgo our airtickets.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] better not take any risks

