(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Thank you for the many encouraging comments, ladies.

By the way, my details are as follows:

EDD: 8 Oct, Age: 30, Baby #1, Gynae: Not confirmed yet, have seen Dr Peter Chew but not signed on, going to visit Dr TC Chang on 8 March.

I am actually super anxious to see my baby. Have done 2 urine tests, 2 blood tests, 2 v-scans to date, and haven't seen my baby yet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I saw the water bag in the last v-scan 19 Feb but no clear shape of foetus, so sad. Sigh... Looking forward to 8 March's visit to Dr TC Chang. Read from the forum that he is good.



You can use both the Clarins stretch mark cream and oil as they complement each other.. Cream is to prevent stretch marks and oil is to prevent loss of firmness in the skin. i'm using oil in the morning and cream at night during my previous and current pregnancy...

Good Afternoon Ladies...

is quiet in here.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have been having small meals lately and guess it really helps to ease my MS!I double boiled soup and eat lil with rice...many meals a day..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for the info...

Don't be disheartened with your hubby behaviour..He has yet to adjust or accept the fact you are really pregnant!Give hi some time.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Mean time take your time to do the chores,don't rush to finish,remember..YOU NEED ALOT OF REST..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Not forgetting our hormones makes the mood swing worst too

Have a good talk with your hubby and relax....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is easy to said than done,however to have a happy healthy baby....it's all started from us (Mommies)!Cheer up....(tickle tickle)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am just surprised y are there so many tests done to detect the pregnancy?

When it is early,maybe all you can see just the embryo (a tiny dot) thru Vscan and later you will slowly detect the heartbeat around week 6-7!

Don't worried too much,let's wait till 8th mar then keep us update okay?..)

THink my energy is loading up these 2 days...Not as lethargic as weeks before however still a lil tired!I keep myself busy with cooking..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend with your love ones!Take care...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i could not resist and went to buy the oil at sasa though i know it's more ex...lazy to travel to metro wor...haven apply but eager to start le :p


thanks for the explanation..i need to use the oil then cuz my skin damn flabby...tummy area...

help me to add to the table

Nick : Susan

EDD : 21 Oct 2010

Age :24

BB# :#1

Gynea :Dr Chris Chong

Hosp : Gleaneagles


Add : Taman Jurong

Thank You ..

I'm still v new as just sign up today :D

Hello Susan.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning everyone!!

Hope all MTBs are feeling good this morning & not feeling the effects of MS too much. Start of the week & we should be getting more updates from MTBs going to see their gynaes for their scans.....can't wait for everyone's updates. As for myself, as I've just seen the gynae last week....it's another week's wait to see him & the fetus again. So I'll survive on news from MTBs seeing their gynaes this week....while waiting for my own visit next week.....hehe

Good Morning Ladies,

Snoopy,Wow..that's not so bad?I have to wait for another 4 more weeks for the next visit...but quite worried cos is blood taking time!!!!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

AS for me,MS did kicks in but rather mild for these few days,just gotta keep myself busy...)

Having said that,My skin is turning dry and face is oily...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I started my coffee routine every morning now but only on decaffeinated..

Hope everybody is doing okay during the weekend..

hi susan, welcome!

snoopy, i am also waiting (eagerly) to see the gynae next Tuesday. can't wait, and also looking forward to news from other mummies in this thread! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone else on progesterone pills given by the doctor? do you experience any side effects?

Morning ladies.

Monday again….. very tired.

Anybody on the progesterone pills and suffer insomnia like me?

I woke up at 12am plus and went to pee and couldn’t get back to sleep again.. sian.. now I am zombie.. very tired and still have to work…

hi Yanling, me too on progesterone pills. but i didn't suffer from insomnia. it that one of the side effects? in fact, yesterday i spent most of my day sleeping 'cos just felt so tired out. but i realize that my MS ebbed while on progesterone. is this normal? boobs are still sore though...

One month for me too. Hope Time flies n everthing Will b fine. I ask doc to give me progestrone but did a goggle, got some side effects n extrême case tt affect liver for thé brand i m prescibe wif but Think duphstan might be okie? I not sure. Goggle n read n ask hubby shld take or not. Someone mentioned abt stool softern. I ask My gynae for medicine for constipation, i goggle n found out they say thé brand of constipation medicine i have not suitable for preg cos Will reduce n slow absorption of vit A, K and some other impt nutients. I ask Hb shld i take dha supplements, hé also say better dun anyhow eat..... Btw, havé ur been farting more? I have.


yes. sore boobs.. tell me abt it. while typing and i still can feel it.

and dizziness also.. sometimes i can't walk straight. hahaha

Hi Bsbytiger,

i m taking duhphanston and also prescribed with some stool softener. ask your gynae for more details and clear all your doubts at one go..

and yes, i'm been farting very often too.

sorry ar.. but what is duhphanston? is it another brand of progesterone? anyway, mine is utrogestan. after i took it, i don't seem to have much morning sickness over the weekend and that's kind of worrying to me. no more spotting though. so i am wondering if mummies who took progesterone pills also found their MS getting better?

Good morning ladies!

I disappeared to KL for the weekend and had lots of fun that my MS doesn't seem so bad! Also had great steak lunch with retail therapy, family gathering and swimming with my girls. I felt so "normal" that I told my hubby I'm quite worried that my symptoms seems to disappear and my hubby was panic! He said he really wanted to have the baby and told me to rest in the hotel more. Think he's praying that the baby is fine. when i get back to SG however, it must been reality or what, but MS comes back in a full vengeance. its' headache all the way! lesson learned, distraction HELPS!!!



there's no wi-fi in the hotel i stayed so i read your message late. i'm sorry you had a miscarriage. please take care. your chances will get better the next time around.




it's cool that the table is sorted by EDD now. thanks for the updates! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

puan sri,

saw your scan image. you were dated 4w1d then and that's the waterbag that you see. no fetal pole or yolk sac yet. will come soon. so by today, you should be about 5 weeks+ huh. no wonder you're so anxious. expect MS to come by this weekend or next week.


i so feel for you. i'm glad you're brave enough to feel prepared. i'd do the same. that's what i do during the first few years, just being cautiously optimistic. pray hard okies? do more charities!

i go in for my scan in a few hours time. can't wait to see bub again. i hope bub measured right. hubby is coming with me today. he can't wait to see his third offspring too! will scan and post image by today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi susan

welcome welcome. You are very new and ery young also. Only 24 and having 1st kid. I was 29 when i had my first kid :p

Starrymum, yes duphston is another form of progestrone, commonly use by gynaes. Ustrogen also a form of progestrone. Starry nite, i got some reasons n inconvenience, hard to consult gynae. Will explain more at a later time. But i trust thé web since i read fr Many source. But thé medicine progestrone prescibe by gynae, hé act say not much use. I was thé one requesting for it just in case.

hI Melissa thanks for the advise..

Yes.. really hope to have some MS.. even just a minor one will do.. cuz am quite worried now.. no sympton whatsoever..

Am planning to take up driving.. is it advisable? MY FTT is next mth and I shd by now.. proceed with my practical..


yeah agree with you duphaston not much use. i was prescribed duphaston before to help sustain my pregnancies. ironically, it was those that i do without that stuck. i'm not saying it's bad, i'm saying one can do without it.. hehehe...

puan sri,

i took up driving while pregnant too, i think it's fine if you're confident about it. if you're unsure if it's going to be unsafe or not, better not take it. i think a lot of things has to do with self-confidence. driving should be safe. i drove till i was about 7mths pregnant then i stopped because i started feeling anxious. so i became one of those moms who complain a lot at people who never give up seats to preggers like me in the train.. lol.. those were the days..


I took utrogestan too.

I think if u read my earlier posts, i was worrying over my ms getting better and better.

Maybe really it's the pills?

7 weeks quite early for any bump right? Think over the weekened i lost my bloatedness. Gah.


yes yes very young le....haha i am 33 le...old woman liaoz. LOL...and yes my edd around 15october and is my 3rd child le.

Melissa, yar, Yahoo search is My best friend. I read n know that wat progestrone do is to regulate cycle, to build linning, for those going ménopause if i rem correctly n for those with some linning or wat issue causing threaten Mc in first tri. I took duphston n jabs too last time also No use. But for some pple maybe got use. SG gynaes Most quite kia su so Will prescribe.

Morning Ladies! Another new week again. Wasn’t feeling very good over the weekend, kept having constipation and cramps. This morning woke up with a heavy head and wasn’t feeling very good. I had a feeling this pregnancy won’t be as smooth as my 1st one, though I’m still not experiencing any MS. When I had my boy, I got no MS, etc. Was feeling very good from the 1st trim all the way till I gave birth. Not sure issi becoz tiz time round, I still got an active toddler to take care, that’s y feeling very drain and frustrated. Kept quarreling with hb too. I do hope my mood won’t affect bb. I wan Mummies with kids, are u feeling the same way too?

Puan Sri- I’m going for my checkup at Woody on the 9th too! Probably we can ‘bump’ into each other. Btw, I was suppose to start my driving lesson next month, but decides to postpone everything after the bb is here. Dun wanna tired myself even further.

Mummies, I used Palmer SM cream during my 1st pregnancy. It was ok initially, but towards my last trimester, my tummy area have a lot of rashes. In the end, have to use the desitin nappy rash cream to stop the itch. This time round, I’m going to try the clarins one too. Hopefully it will lighten some of my SM from the previous pregnancy.

Paws68: I’m sorry to hear about your loss. Please stay strong and positive.

2nd or 3rd time mummies: Does your bones aches more than before? The joint area around my knee and hip area kept hurting. Not sure issi lack of calcium. Any of you experiencing this?

Welcome Susan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raindroops, yes i realized. wasn't taking any pills then so couldn't give any feedback. i called the clinic out of curiosity, and asked the nurse there. she said taking progesterone pills does not affect MS in any way and assured me that MS comes and goes. if there is no more spotting, it is a good sign. so i am guessing that i am just having a "lucky" weekend with no MS. heh heh!

susan, we are of the same age! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes! the joint area problem is due to lack of calcium. If you don't drink milk daily, then take the calcium pills. Our body does use up lots of calcium to grow the baby. So the calcium that we take is for us! Oh how lucky you are no MS for your boy. I guess I can forget about having a boy since my MS is really bad this time. Looks like another girl for me. Oh well, at least I can save up on clothes and pink toys! Hah.

Yes pregnancy can make you more tired. I also have a 4yr old and a 2yr old to chase after but girls are more "kuai" my 4yr old helps to take care of my 2yr old so they pretty much play together and left me a alone to lie down and ease the dizziness and headaches.


I heard that some Clarin products are not suitable for preggers unless specifically stated? Pls check the labels and website information. The other brand is Elancyl. Some are not suitable. I think the cheapest alternative will be the olive oil. Bought it for 5 bucks at a malay medicinal store.

My stomach is a little cramp in when i sneeze. Was thinking Will sneezing affect thé baby?

i think you have nothing to worry about, babytiger. i have never heard of anybody hurting from sneezing. maybe holding your tummy in while you sneeze may help and try to sneeze lightly as much as you can!

Melissa & 2 girls: Do you think i can just buy calcium pills from GNC? not sure whether it will be more ex to get from my gynae. Ya, am really lucky for my 1st pregnancy. So hopefully, tiz time round will be a girl. It won't burn a big hole in my pocket, coz i got my niece clothes to fall back on. haha. Girls are good. My hb was hoping for more girls. He actually wanted the 1st to be a girl, at least can help to look after the siblings.

Momotan: I'm on duphaston too and not feeling any side effect so far too. not to worry.

hi Melissa,

what do u mean by olive oil? is it the one for cooking??

so excited, u're going to see ur baby soon! do update us so we cld know what to expect hehe.. i can't wait for gynea visit on Friday.

baby tiger, dont think it will affect baby.. u can check with ur gynea though.

susan, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone of u feel a bit diff in taste bud? i always taste bitterness in every food and now always cook extra salty meals.. haha...

momotan and melissa, my colleague had bad MS during her 1st tri and had a boy. maybe she exception case. 'cos i also heard "old wives tales" that bad MS = girl. no/mild MS = boy.

Hi ladies..

I'm also preggie with due date on 14 Oct. I'm also taking the hormone pills that starrymommy is taking, due to spotting from week 4 onwards. After seeing gynea and increasing the dosage to 2 pills 3 times a day, I find myself yawning away most of the time. Find it so hard to concerntrate at work.

At 7 weeks now I already feel myself being "fat" at the tummy area, despite not having proper dinner most of the time cos I don't feel like eating.

Just praying hard that baby will grow to be a healthy and normal baby and the feeling of tiredness will go off soon.

momotan: Not really lah. My sis's pregnancy was also very smooth throughout and she had a girl. I got friends with bad MS but ended up with boy. I tink it depends on oneself. I tink melissa is taking from experience from her past pregnancy here.

Melissa, Puan Sri.. I'm planning to continue with my driving prac once I hit 2nd trimester too. Otherwise, it expires this July and I have to retake final theory. I'm sure 2nd tri should be more stable right? I've yet to ask my gynae abt this too

hi babythad, welcome! our EDD very close, mine is 15 Oct. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm curios how come your dosage increase to 2 pills 3 times a day? i googled on progesterone earlier and came up with results stating that progesterone can cause drowsiness in women who are more sensitive to them. i guess you are one of those sensitive ones. oh, i am also feeling fat around the tummy area, so you are not alone out there. realized on saturday that i can't fit into one of my jeans already!

Ok a lil hard to post from phone so making it brief.

Yep i was quoting from Ade and my own personal experience on gender. I have bad ms for both girls. Ade doesn't so boy!


I meant olive oil for massage. Not those for cooking.

Ladies, any of u experience ravenous constant hunger?? I had this over the weekend.. I constantly need to eat small portions every hour and fast.. otherwise I feel sick and nauseous.. Anyone had this and for how long? I'm slightly over 7 weeks now btw.

But today I'm feeling fine. Aside from the puking this morning, no more hunger pangs.


boy or girl.

i also didn't have any MS when i had my boy. but my sis who had a girl was vomitting very badly.. my frenz who have boys also dun have any symptoms... for me got pimple outbreak lor. and they say the nose will enlarge. whereas if having girl, the skin will glow.(my colleague did) hahaha..

but tat's just a general rule of thumb only.. different pple will have different reactions.

got this website somewhere, must use ur age according to chinese calendar to be accurate. hahaha

just for fun though. dun take it too seriously.


