(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


in few yr ago

i hv 1 friend she preg.already few mth but she dun know because she period come oso but no much

as irene said go and test and seek consultantion


haven't test yet.. was thinking of tml den test.. now i think no need to test le.. i see if later the bleeding stop den i test lo.. if no stop den forget it liao ar..

hi irene, u said u saw the latest charges at TMC to be $3k normal delivery for 4/6 bedder? That's before deducting medisave right?

Fiona, if its only a bit, it could be implantation bleeding. pls dun give up yet k?


I would think so la, that may be just the total charges before medisave. When I go again this sat, I will look at it again and share with you.

My Gynae is Adelina Wong at TMC, so far I find her consulation fees still quite reasonable.

Ladies, I found this on hosp maternity charges, check it out:


Irene: thank you.. i will see if later after work still have bleed anot.. i will go check n tell u the news ok.. if really have den i will faster go to my gynae n check out.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry to dampen the happiness here

errh, i got a friend who has pre-nat blues wor...

she didn't realise it and got very very emotional at very small things

keep pouring her woes to me...but i can't really help but to listen...

she strike accidently and this is going to be her 3rd bb...

she sometime thinking of aborting but sometime also want to keep...

how to help her?

Hello everyone,

I'm about 6 weeks pregnant, and I KEEP WORRYING about which gynae to choose. All my friends have suggested to me one doc or another. Any of you have any personal encounters with any of them, too?

Dr Peter Chew

Dr Adrian Woodworth

Dr TC Chang

Dr Chia Yee Tien (female)

The reason why I worry so much about the choice of gynae is because I have an autoimmune disease - Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.

This is my first pregnancy and I really don't know if this baby will be healthy or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

fiona, how? Still got bleeding? Do update us k?

I'm still waiting for my turn.. tmr till Mon will be the time when av is expected to come.

Hi 720mum,

You are such a great friend,Well we all know that Pre natal blues can be mild or severe.Y dun you suggest to her that she should visit her gynae for this matter?Wait till she is fine and suggest that she tell her gyane about her situation or you may wanna company her n share with the doc her situations?

This may not be the best solutions however she needs to know her situations and handle it well before it's too late!I hope her well and pls take care..are you also a mother?

Hi fiona, hope you do have a BFP. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi 720mum, i guess it really depends on your friend. just tell her if she really feels stressful to have a 3rd one, then maybe she can consider that option. ultimately, the baby is hers. unless she wants to give up for adoption? i think there is nothing much you can help other than listening and giving her your support?

Hi fisherbaby, i think the best is you visit the gynae and see how comfortable you are with the gynae. if you are not comfortable, can always change gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not sure if this helps. but don't worry so much.


Hi 720mum,

You are such a great friend,Well we all know that Pre natal blues can be mild or severe.Y dun you suggest to her that she should visit her gynae for this matter?Wait till she is fine and suggest that she tell her gyane about her situation or you may wanna company her n share with the doc her situations?

This may not be the best solutions however she needs to know her situations and handle it well before it's too late!I hope her well and pls take care..are you also a mother?

Thank you for the thread, Cheri,

Btw, your gynae, John Tee, is reviewed to be very experienced and skillful, but a bit too busy most of the time. Did you have that problem with him?

fiona and elmo, I think it's good to take the pregnancy test as soon as you miss your period (good to know about pregnancy asap).

Just one day before I tested positive with the pregnancy test kit, I was sprinting down Orchard Road, trying to catch a bus. Gives me the goose bumps now that I think of it.

hi mummies im a Apr MTB...me very stressed with the clearing of the guest room to convert it to a nursery room...need to let go of a Ikea TV bench and a standing steam iron. i tried to post under the marketplace but becoz im not yet a member for a year i cant post it there at all...sigh!

pls pm me if u're interested coz im not selling the things too expensively and i'll email u the pics first..thanks!

I've booked an appointment wif Doc Benjamin Tham next Sat.

Kinda scary reading the bad experiences at KKH. But guess I would c how comfortable I am next Sat.

princess diamond,

yup i am also a mother...

but i can't really talk sense to her liao...

mayb will do like wat u suggest...

will accompany her to her gynae soon...

thanks for the advice..

morning ladies.. i can't join u all already.. morning i got alot of blood discharge.. and my tummy really very cramp.. but now ok le.. guess i need to go to the chinese medical hall to get some medical to drink or eat to make my body stronger..


I delivered my #1 in KK under KT Tan. I find that KK is ok leh. Their neonatal team I heard is really strong and I find their lactation consultants are really good too. But if you are going for Benjamin Tham, do check whether the rumor that he is moving to TMC is true or not.

Oh if you are concerned about those rumors on trainee docs, etc, I was under a premier package where my gynae is responsible for me from the time I enter the delivery suite. The gynae on duty cannot touch me & trainee docs are not allowed to be at my delivery.

hi fifi,I m also like you..my EDD was 28th sept..then 1st oct..then..then I think my date was uncomfirmed again when I changed a gyne..


Mine is coz my menses are irregular so am very early stage... cannot accurately determine. So wad's your date now?

hi ladies (n ladies i know already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] )

went for chk up yesterday n gynae says still so early n bb maybe a oct bb instead of sept..... so i hv ot run 2 sides la hehehehheh.no EDD yet though...hope to hv it few weeks later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HAppy chinese new year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi diveera

i am not sure about the premier package from KKH..


is your Dr Kee from jurong point clinic? Cos he is my gynae since the first kid and ya, he does deliver at TMC. His other clinic is at TMC which you need to go for when having blood test and after week 34th?

hi fisherbaby,

you can go for TC chang... he is very good. Just tell him your concern n seek his advice.

hi 720

just be there for her.. and do tell her of her depression problem which might help her too. Identify the problem, then she will find ways to solve it rather than she not realising she is suffering from it.

i have my cases of depression too.. lasted the whole of my first pregnancy without realising much. sigh.. my first boy is quite pessimistic , i believe is due to the "tai jiao"

G'day all..

Fiona,dun worry take car of yourself first,try again next mth!

Elmo,keep us update!hee...


Since you are a mom and i am sure you have your own domestic affair to handle too.

People who hit by depression will not be aware how it is affect the peers n families!They don no harm to others but themselves!So,it is really good to see a doc and get it solved by a professional rather than talking sense to her!Encourage her on her decision may not be good because she is not in her right frame of mind when she said that she wants to abort the child!

You are such a great friend and may god bless the both of you!

Fifi, clare n weishy,


To all mommy and those who are still trying,Good Luck and enjoy your CNY!Gong xi Gong Xi!

Hi all

Joanne, yup, i'm seeing Dr Kee. I've been researching him in the forum and it seems like everyone has a pretty good opinion of him.

BTW, how are new mommies going to be during CNY? Can you all eat the pineapple tarts cuz i heard pineapple not good to take during pregnancy.

I accidentally ate one just now when my colleague offered me. Hope it's fine.

I finally crossed over 5 + 1 weeks today and still praying hard that the beanie will stick and grow this time. Can't help worrying after last mc around 5 + 1 weeks 3 mths ago. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


haha then we are having the same gynae. and ya, he is pretty good, always know how to make good decision in critical time. are you staying in Jurong west area as well? if yes, next time can organise west grp gathering =P

erm as for pineapple tarts... it has been baked so it is not cooling anymore.. i ate alot yesterday night. actually you can still eat pineapple but not too much cos it is very cooling, same as watermelon.

princess diamond ~ tks for ur well wishes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raindrops~think i ate 1 container already le hehehheh :p cannot resist le

HI Fiona, I also was on TCM for few months before I conceive naturally. Pls continue to persevere, k?

elmo, we are all here to share our support for each other.. =)

hi all

sigh, went gynae earlier on to see if he can see the sac already.. end up he told me he suspected i have ectopic pregnancy. I nearly wanted to cry esp when my hubby is not there. told myself to be strong and cannot accept the suspicion until it is confirmed.

going to do a detailed scan next wed. praying hard the sac can be found in the womb.

very very depressed right now, but really really cannot cry.

Joannelim~be brave n be prepared too.....not every pregnancy is sucessful but be brave to face facts. good luck n hope u can hear bb's hb soon

Hi Ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3633498.gif]

Can i join this thread? Just tested positive 2 days ago. HCG was 242 on day 14. Is that ok?

I am in beginning of 5th week now. So far only 1 day of severe nausea and then no much already. Anyone had any early pregnancy symptoms already?

Hi Joanne

How many weeks are you now? Maybe too early? Did you feel any pain at 1 side of pelvic area? Did gynae request BT to see whether your HCG levels are ok?

Sorry so many qns but really, sometimes scan alone not 100% accurate so dont worry too much first ok? Esp if you dont have any pain or bleeding, maybe its just too early to see. Dont fret first ok? Baby needs you to be positive for him/her to grow optimally.

hi sunflower

welcome to this thread.

i am not very sure how many weeks i am in, probably 3-4 weeks? according to gynae, he said the sac can be seen within a week of pregnancy.. he scanned both on the tummy n varginal still cannot find.. then comment the tube there is abit weird... sigh..

u know when he cant find the sac, he did another urine test... at tat moment, i wish i wasnt positive. sigh.. bad hor. praying hard .. and kept telling myself to be positive.

actually i do have spotting in the beginning, now no more. cramp only once on the right side.. but not acute. and ya, he sent my blood for testing, will be hearing from them this few days.


yea, trying very hard to stay positive... cannot afford to cry in front of 2 kids.

Hi Weishy and fifi,u too?yah..I think mine changed to 7oct for now(after the 2nd scan) as what my taiwanese gyne said.anyway I will go see him on the 22th and see what he says.I think we are like duck and chicken talking..some of his "england" pregnancy terms are like erhm...wrong..and I cant really correct him also..soo pai seh..keekee..luckily my husband ard to understand him can aldy..

Raindrops,I eat alot le (pineapple tarts)..cooked ones can..raw ones avoid lor..but 2 of my gynes said everything also can eat but in moderation..

Joannelim * hugs* try not to think so much ok?see how the next visit goes..try to stay in a positive note..

sunflower,I get nausea..but never relly vomit yet *whew*..luckily..nose bleeds..hmm..cramps..especially when I laugh,angry..hmm..when get more emo..my stomach feels strained..so I try to relax myself alot more lately..but I had been watching alot of crappy movies with my husband and laughed sooo much le..haiz..

Welcome, sunflower seed!

Fiona, hope you feel better soon. Enjoy CNY. Try harder next mth! Gd luck!

Joanne, sorry to hear tt. Let's wait for the detailed scan. Keep u spirits up ok? Jia you!

Elmo, how mani more days to go? Update us ya? =)

Fifi, if Benjamin Tham is moving to TMC, wonder if I can 'move wif him' too? Next Sat would b my first appt. Ya, I guess I would go for their premier package. Thank you for the information. I feel more assured.

this thread is becoming very active.. am so left behind..

am still contemplating between KKH , RH and TMC..

which one is cheaper for 4 bedded?

last mth my 01st day of period was 01st Jan.. then on 08th Feb i check with PG, i was about 4-5wks preggy.. so estimated when will be my EDD?

And my stomach is sooooo bloated and ppl will mistook me for being in my 3rd mth already.. whats wrong??

Issit normal? so far no symptom of MS and nauseous yet. No craving yet..

I couldnt believe i was running my 6.2km on 06th Feb 2010, blading on 07th feb.. and am confirmed pregnant on 08th Feb.. I even had a nasty fall while blading on 24th Jan.. Gosh..

hi Joanne, your cramp and spotting stopped right? Thats a good sign. Week 4 cannot see anything one. At earliest week 5 can possible see a small sac. Maybe your gynae too cautious. Nevermind let the BT tell the clues. Dont worry ok? You should be fine, maybe just too early to see. Sometimes the scan itself, position of the baby, the way its done can be abit off if things are too small.

Hi Clare, my nausea comes and go ley. How come like that, not consistent de. One day feel pregnant another day feel completely fine. Worried. I also have dull back aches.

Anyone else have pregnancy symptoms at this early stage? Can share?


Take care and all the best. Is your menses regular? If not, it is possible that you are earlier in your pregnancy than expected and that may be the source of the problems. Anyway, hope everything turns out well during the next scan. Due to my irregular menses, my #1 was smaller than expected during the first scan (the worry was she was not growing). After 2nd scan, my EDD was adjusted to reflect the "age" of te BB acording to the scan rather than my LMP. This time, again due to irregular menses, heartbeat cannot be seen yet. I'm waiting 3 weeks for another scan. Stay positive ok.


Yah mine also comes and go. Nausea, backaches, headaches, abdominal pain... my gynae just said "So early ah. Ok I give you some vitamins that can help reduce the nausea." So I guess its not uncommon. During my #1, I had a bad flu during this period so I was suffering from the flu effects more than any MS. Thankfully, my MS for my #1 were just some days. Other days it was ok. This #2 seems much more jialat at the moment.

Joannelim,wait for the blood test results and try ur best to stay positive yah?

sunflower,mine also..it comes aft I eat..before I go to bed..on and off also.it is norm.I get back aches also!!yes!but mild ones..and cramps everywhere..like hips and pelvic also..but my gyne says it is norm as long as it is not prolong ache or pain.

Fifi,yah..headaches!I never had that a long long time aldy..before preg..and suddenly..I have headaches,but just for a short while.not long.

hi sunflower

Me too!Nausea , backaches,headaches and slight cramps!should be at my 6th weeks now...feeling lousy

all day!Yesterday was ok till late night then MS kics in again!

Chest so tight at times it is so difficult to breathe.

For no.1,my MS was just vomiting whatever i ate...after vomiting,it is A OK!

This time MS kicks in early...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]So envious to those who don't go through MS)....

Happy Tiger New Year to all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3634317.jpg]

Heehee, we be having 'mini tigers and tigresses' this Oct! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for sharing ladies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am Ms Paranoid, keep looking for MS symptoms to feel assured that everything is ok. In fact i wish for MS, crazy right? Haha ..

Elmo,Will wait for your great news!Your breast telling you something..hee...

Sunflower...Not all will get MS.My friend didn't get it at all for 2 pregnancies!Amazing isn't it?Some have o go through hard time and some was just simply smooth sailing!arrghhh..How am i going to enjoy all the goodies?huhuh...



Hi sunflower,

congrats, under what situation when will hv blood test?

my previous was a mis-miscarriage, so I asked doc if need to do blood test, so say since no bleeding so no need wor.. I am on Duphaston and Cardiprin, and progesterone jab twice a week now..

I told gynae I felt a sharp pain on my left abdomen yester. I am now 4.6 days preg and today's scan saw a small sac.. nothing else yet, doc say its consistent with the duration of preg.

Anyone here can see heat beat before 5 weeks ??


you need to relax... I also very anxious, last night whole night can't sleep well... you really need to relax.. and dun feel stressed..

