(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


me too! I realised yesterday that I've been puking for 7 wks liao!! Everyday for that long!! The toilet bowl is really my best friend!! Quite fed up coz its affecting my life, I can't really go out.. cannot go shopping or dinner dates with friends. My friend has a church/lunch reception wedding this Sat, and I'm not sure if I can make it cos that is usually my nausea time.. I can't imagine going to church and feeling like I need to lie down. Its dictating my life!!

On top of these, people around me are going on hols and I wanna go too!! ok but I think we need to look at the positive side of things, there are some preg symptoms that I don't have like constipation, mood swings (tho I cry at the slightest things, like watching the military band practise their formations at the school field next door, yes I teared watching them!!!) and I'm not vomiting till I have to be hospitalised. Baby also growing well so overall I'm still grateful. Tho I told my HB, 1 is enough!! haha


pan suqin,


Haha...thats alright!the thread simply runs too fast


my fish oil are reccommended by gynae from my prev pregnancy.It is good for baby' brain development[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]due to its Dha contetnt~[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hello![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Please take care,preggers gets indigestion easily,if vomiting persist,get some medication from gynae instead k..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Like starrymommy said,tried marmite or bovril soup..maybe it might help!It helps my tummy tho![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm still feeling nausea on n off and vomited my breakfast again!Thought of having mango juice this morning but ended up vomited all my breakfast!DUh!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]i am already at my week14![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If choosing the Oscar test can eased your worries,why not?Many of us done it also not at the hi risk age...again is your choice..good to know bb is well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes,there are few types of Neurogain....The blue packaging is Neurogain and the Pink packaging which is higher in DHA is NeurogainS[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif](suitable for pregnant and lactating mums)

Yours sgd36 think is reasonable le..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]my gynae charged way too hi la..so i decided to stock up by getting it from KKH lor..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah... watch band practice also can cry. it's really the hormones, girl. i thought i quite power already, listen to songs will tear up. you tear glands are more powerful than mine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/rofl.gif]

speaking of preggy symptoms, the only ones i like are:

- no more messy periods (hence no need for pads!)

- bigger boobs (hubby also like this. men lah...tsk tsk)

- better fingernails and hair

don't like the rest like constipation, backache, nausea, weight gain, pregnancy rhinitis etc etc. but can't pick and choose since all come in a "package". [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm my gynae hasn't mentioned fish oil sup to me yet! He just only started me on calcium and iron pills. Er how many pills are you ladies taking each day?? So far I'm on 2 calcium, 1 iron pills. Think I can stop taking folic acid??


Very pathetic hor.. watch band practice can cry! But I was like this before (h/e now worse la) watch oprah cry. Even watching the biggest loser I can also cry!! I was crying my eyeballs out watching 'P.S I love you'!! Lucky my HB say crying better than mood swing or throwing temper! haha

During my wedding, I told everyone not to cry in front of me!! If want to cry, go hide behind pillar, if not I will cry too and then spoil my exp makeup!! haha

i am only on folic now. doctor gave me prenatal vits, to start once folic finishes. and that's it, just 1 pill per morning. no iron or calcium pills. silly me forgot to ask if still need to continue taking folic... do we need to??



you are too cute! heh heh! so emotional. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but true that cry better than throw tantrum. i read articles and preggy websites online and many said that baby can feel what we are feeling now already. so am learning to keep my temper in check. lately i get short tempered very easily especially towards hubby since he is closest to me. sometimes feel guilty about "unloading" upon him, but this week so far so good, been managing my emotions better at home.

Hi mummies,

Have been reading all the interesting posts here everyday but have not been posting[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am going for my Oscar scan this sat @ TMC, so excited can see BB again.


I got a package for the Oscar (NT test and blood test) plus detailed scan at week 20 at $402 excluding GST. Think its more worth it to take up a package[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I started folic even half a year ago before pregnant. Think can stop in week 14. Started Neurogain S in week 10. After last sat gynae visit (changed gynae) I started on calcium pill, prenatal vits (containing iron) this week (week 11 currently).

My fish oil will be changed to EPAX after finishing Neurogain S, think the DHA is higher, however the DHA: EPA ratio no longer 10:1.


I also forgot to ask my gynae whether can stop taking folic acid!! haha When does your folic acid finish? I suppose once you finish it, then don't need to take liao. I have like 3 more slabs. Dunno if should continue or not?

By the way,I realised alot of the scan pics depends on gynae's equipment. After I changed gynae, the scan pics were so much clearer and gynae also very generous.

While waiting outside, saw many mummies came out with one whole roll of scan pics. Then when it was my turn, gynae also printed out 6 scan pics for me to keep unlike only 1-2 from previous gynae and very blur too.

Overall first impression with gynae was really good. Both hb and myself liked her.

Starrymommy, suwaiwai

gynae stop my folic acid and im on Multivits and fish oil fro gynae! 2 pills a day![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Usually fish oil starts on 2nd trimester as it might trigger our MS during 1st trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But for me,the fish oil is so essential that i have not stop even after birth from my prev pregnancy and cont during lactating and till now...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think my gynae over-gave me on folic acid. every time i see him, he gives me like nearly 3-weeks' worth. so i have quite a bit leftover. think can last me another 2 weeks at least? but since i already have the prenatal vits, i think i will stop folic and start on the vits when i hit 12 weeks in another 4 days.

actually i wonder if prenatal vits already have folic acid too, maybe in smaller quantity. any idea?

oh, i had another "pregger brain" moment last night. a friend was telling me a gathering was arranged on 17 Apr and asked if i could come. i sat and thought for 5 mins why 17 Apr sounded soooo familiar like i have something on but for the life of me, i couldn't remember. 5 mins later, i suddenly smacked my head and remembered that i've got Oscar scheduled! haha!

Thanks Melissa & princess!

Suwaiwai, I started puking at 6 weeks all the way till now.. sian ah. I really miss most going out after work. I'm too tired to even walk from mrt to my flat now. Weekends only go out with hubby coz got car. That too just for a short while. Soon i'll beg him to take me home. So unglam walking around with a puke plastic bag and feeling giddy all the time.

Me too Melissa, i didn't go for my down syndrome test. Regardless of the results, we'll still keep baby.

Meds, i'm now on folic acid, vit b6. Since Week 8 -> fish oil, prenatals and calcium pill. So many to take.. Some days I skip the supplements.


i can feel your positive energy when you listed out *some symptoms* that you LIKED! i thought that was funny.. hahaha...

adelyn, are you doing both scans @ TMC? so good package really is cheaper.. ur gynae booked for u or what? hai y my gynae never tell me earlier hehehe

starry, yes cos they need to check for fetal action and count the heartrate then the sonographer press one button can hear the bop bop bop sound hehehe regarding folic acid, i cont to take with prenavit leh.. but i read that prenavit contains folic acid too.. but that time my folic left a bit only mah


you are making me excited about my Oscar scan le! can you believe it at 11wk i still haven't heard my baby's heartbeat!? doctor lim's static-filled doppler not counted since too faint. i can't even remember how it sounded like already.

starry, u're not alone loh.. hehe i also cant hear mah so i always prefer scan.. i dun like dr lim waste time on doppler de.. but even i used my own doppler also cant hear de leh...

regarding the point abt extra med, i also agree with you. i got tons of utrogestan and folic acid left actually duh. i admit i always go back early to see him maybe by 2-3 days early.. he always say he count accordingly and got keep in mind that i returned to see him earlier. but in e end i still got so many extras duh..


and i thought i was the only one with all those extras! oh well, give more better give less lah. so the utrogestan you take until when? i vaguely remember you mentioned before, but i forgot. i just counted my "stock pile" of utrogestan. mine can last me for another 11 days, just nice hit week 13 by then.


Ya, we were so happy looking at the pics. Front view, side view, top view...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Now seeing Dr Adelina Wong (same as the one posted on the chart). Last Sat was 1st appt with her. Very first gynae, hb and I find her very cold, so we changed to another gynae near Tampines. But we only see him for temporary as it is nearer my place and MS was bad during week 6-8.


Ya, doing both @ TMC. My gynae booked for me.


post your scan pics! we want to oggle at them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adelyn, so good ur gynae help you save money. wonder how much does the detailed scan alone costs...

starry, i'll take the utrogestan til end of this wk. think the extras i can even sell back to his clinic loh.. so many left.. zzzzz hehehe


wow, that many. think can stop since you are in 2nd trimester already.. i will just finish whatever i have on hand and that's it. suffer drowsiness for another 11 days. btw, can you feel your baby bump already? mine still flat, nothing protruding out at all. can't feel anything standing up. when lying down i need to press here press there to feel the hard, top part of the uterus.


You must be very skinny! I have a tummy liao! Even my little cousin thinks I'm pregnant cos he told his mom that I have a tummy!

starry, but dr lim that time ask me take 2 wks when i saw him last wk mah so end of this wk can officially stop!

have leh.. start showing le. hehe actually do u gals wanna share pic of your baby bump??


i'm not skinny at all, just average. i have some fats at the waist area. if wear tight-fitting tops, can see bit of tummy. but where the uterus should be, it is still flat, like still hidden in between the pelvic bones lor. don't know when will start to move up. my friend now 15 weeks, when she lies down, she can feel and see and little hard bump already.


i will share when i start noticing a bump. now nothing! only waist fats. sigh... nothing nice to post about. :p

starry, its ok mah i also got belly hehehe but now i can see my lower tummy bulging out liao. but most imptly i still itch to go for ultrasound scan hehehe


since you are already showing, post yours? i am curious how it should look like! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sure! i won't laugh lah.. i have fats myself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just received a text message from an unknown number, it states that my "Delivery booking at Mount Alvernia Hospital is confirmed." a bit baffled. have you mummies received similar notification? i did tell my gynae about my choice of hospital and that i prefer single bedded room. but no further details. i guess he booked it for me. but how to check details and which ward etc.? i want to choose the ward as i heard some wards in MAH underwent upgrading.

starry, same i also received the sms liao. wah means dr lim asked u quite early huh

i took double bed hehehe

you just received today too? dr lim asked me when i was 9weeks plus. i was surprised how come so early also. he was quizzing me on the difference between single bedded and double bedded. of course i didn't say single is for 1 person, double for 2 person lah.. haha! sure kena knocked on the head. :p what i know was single bedded rooms have sofa bed for hubby if he wanna stay overnight.

why did you opt for double bedded, apart from it being more cost-saving?

haha that time dr lim also ask me deliver where i say mt alvernia double bed, he was like "so u no need husband acc ar? not scared lonely ar" sometimes he really quite funny.. aiyah was thinking stay 2 days only, no need hb overnite loh.. summore can save $$ mah hehe

but i think regarding choice of ward will be discussed in later part? cos we still gotta pay deposit for the room mah

I got funny story to share double beds. My SIL booked one for her 1st preg. And she never snore in her life, but delivery must have been so exhausting she snored like crazy after that!! It was so bad the patient she was sharing with complained abt her!! She was so embarrassed she tried not to sleep after that but how to right.. Hehe so becos of this I think I better get single bedded. Hehe

Hello ladies,

just woke up from my afternoon nap! f

really tired!

Hey I m reading some of you received confirmations from hospital ? so early?thought it would be some where end of 2nd trimester? think I received from MAH last time by post that would include some brochures... Don't remember must give deposits le,[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Procedures changed ?

Hmm so shld I continue taking the folic acid, i still have 3 slabs abt 30 days worth or stop?? The iron pills I got from doc is called neogobion. Think it has some folic acid and other stuff. Not are if you consider that multi Vic??


just saw your joke. wahaha!! that's funny! that's why hubby and i don't want double bed lor. in case no privacy and disturbed by other party's late or rowdy visitors.

princess diamond,

i am not sure if this notification is from gynae's office or MAH. don't know about deposits also. that's why a bit blur now. i think i just wait lah, since still have so many more months to go.


check with gynae? i understand that overdose of folic acid can also be harmful. but how much is considered an overdose, i am not sure..


Thanks .... Will check with my gynae in my next visit !

My folic acid still left with a week supply but gynae asked me to stop n take the multivits instead n cont my fish oil[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that was whe I last saw him 2 weeks back when u was at week 12[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya guess I shld just check with him. Some moms have their whole clan visiting them after delivery so can be noisy. I know my family is like that so for the sake of others better get single bed. Plus I scare I snore!! I nvr snore so far but touch wood you'd never know hor!! Hehe


we can nv be too sure of that. Hubby commented that ever since pregnant, I breath very deeply and audibly during sleep. I think it is due to the nasal congestion. Who knows may escalate into snores. Yeeeks!!

i tot we need to place deposit? by medisave or something right? thats what i read from their website..


You will need to make a deposit on admission. You can pay your hospital deposit by cash, NETS or credit card. The amount of deposit varies with your room type and also whether you are using your Medisave.

If the total bill exceeds a certain amount, a notice will be given to you, informing you to top up your deposit during your hospital stay.

If your company is registered with our hospital for credit facilities, or if you are covered by medical insurance, please present a Letter of Guarantee from your employer or insurance company. This letter exempts you from paying a deposit on admission.

or is this non-payable if we're taking the maternity package?


thanks fir the info .... Hmmm was asking hubby if we did paid any deposits before hand , he said no le! But nevertherless I will go n check with my gynae cos I'm delivering in MAH[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe there are changes but n we are not inform , maybe it's still early [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks

Hi all, I'm new here. My bb EDD on 05102010. Gynae is A L Lim. Nice to meet all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

