(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


i asked doctor lim's counter staff yesterday. hee hee! kpo mah. and one of the ladies said $60 excluding consultation. is that considered cheap?

i also experienced a sharp pain in the upper tummy and that was yesterday. i was sure it was stomach/small intestine area. so i believe mine was gas and it was painful! but didn't last long after the trapped gas moved further down to the small intestine. whole body didn't feel well at all yesterday. i figured it was due to letting myself go hungry in the afternoon 'cos no appetite to eat at all hence all that gas.



my #1 too! he used to sleep on a smaller mattress beside me and hb. but these few nites, he's been climbing up to our big mattress and sleeping in btw my hb and me. but after a while, maybe he finds not so comfortable then he will climb back to his own mattress. all these done with eyes closed.

clingy #1.

yes. jsut this morning, my boy woke up w/o seeing me cos i was in the toilet and started crying. "mama, where is it?" actually he means "where is mama" then hb has to bring him to stand outside the toilet and i opened the door and let him see i am inside. then he stopped crying. best part, he came in and held my hand and wanted to go out with him. haizzz.


i think it's more on jealousy and wanting to feel secure. i think kids know if they're getting a new sibling. they can sense it. she's most clingy now, knowing that she'll no longer be the youngest.

btw your scan shows you're almost 11 weeks, means the so-called birdie is a nub. babies at this age have nubs, boys or girls. further on, the girl's nub will shrink and the boy's nub will continue to grow out. so don't rely on 11 weeks scan. my 13 weeks scan picture oso got nub picture but i'm quite convinced it's going to be a girl! there's this theory about nubs that was discussed a few years ago. a group of experienced sonographers explained that within 11-13 weeks, the nub's angle could determine if the fetus is a boy or a girl. if it's slanted more than 30 degrees relative to the spine, it's more likely a boy, if it's parallel to the spine, it's a girl. i mentioned it to my gynae that day and she was surprised by that! lol. however she insist on not even trying! gah!

here is a link on the gender differentiation and detailed explanation with graphics. some really very hard to tell apart. this website states that at 11 weeks, gender prediction based on ultrasound scan is still 50-50. oh well, we can still make our own comments and guesses! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



yah what you said is true, after reading the link i just posted. the nub can mean boy or girl. but seeing it still gives me a wonderful feeling! i am excited to know whether boy or girl, but doesn't matter either one. it's still mine! and it shows that it is growing at the expected rate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe what a coincidence, i mentioned it, u linked it.. lol.. anyway, it's just theory. you will get the gender you're meant to get anyway and whatever it is, it's the best for you. God knows best!

Hi blessed mummy, I am feeling good today as in no MS. I finished a whole BK broiler meal for dinner. But headache still there. And getting backaches.


starry, think $60 is considered cheap? but dunno consultation how much he charge lah haha

but my pain was like those stomach flu/food poisoning kind of sharp pain. like really take knife and poke one loh.. hai

that time i ask dr lim also y also upper tummy pain de. his answer was, "aiyah upper area pain better than lower area pain right?" i was like duh... hehehe left by myself to think hehehe

princess_diamond, I am also taking NeurogainS. How much you pay for a bottle?

starrymommy, Your bb very nice. hehe ... cannot wait for my scan this sat. Hope can see my bb can wave to me.

I my sickness is coming back again. Now everytime after my meal i will feel like vomitting.

Starrymommy, looking at your scan make me wish I can go down and do a scan too! I still got 3 more weeks to my next appt! Long wait! *tap fingers*

Today I also not feeling so good. Having a slight headache, hopefully won't turn worse.

Princess Diamond

I think my fish oil is also the same brand as yours. I am paying abt $40 for a box.


yewee, babydes,

thanks for the compliments! i wish i was able to make out the hands and the other leg. hard to see where they are!

rachoho, doctor lim's replies are sometimes so lame lor! i wanted to laugh at what you posted when you asked him why stomach pain. lol! his answer also correct lah, but doesn't help. don't know whether to be angry or laugh right? lol!

Wah looks like only Im feeling it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Etelle: No leh its not UTI cos when I pee its normal. No pain. i hv uti before so i know its not. thank god. but the skin all around that area feels uncomfy, a bit swollen and burning. ive been drinking lotsa water, peeing regularly too. i even try to keep myself as clean as possible by using panty liner.

Gosh I just read this online - http://www.askamum.co.uk/Pregnancy/Search-Results/Looking-good/Your-body-during-pregnancy/

The sore will only go off after pregnancy! *Boohooooo

Wah looks like only Im feeling it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Etelle: No leh its not UTI cos when I pee its normal. No pain. i hv uti before so i know its not. thank god. but the skin all around that area feels uncomfy, a bit swollen and burning. ive been drinking lotsa water, peeing regularly too. i even try to keep myself as clean as possible by using panty liner.

Gosh I just read this online - http://www.askamum.co.uk/Pregnancy/Search-Results/Looking-good/Your-body-during-pregnancy/

The sore will only go off after pregnancy! *Boohooooo


that's an interesting article. thanks for sharing! it is scary they way the author said body will start storing fats before giving birth.

clingy #1s...

hmm... so they can really sense it... interesting...

melissa and princess diamond:

do your gals shower the attention on daddy too? my ds focuses on me. i'm not complaining lah but my hubby did hint he was jealous... haha... especialy when he'll put both hands on my cheek and insist that i look into his eyes and he'll call me 'mama'... my hubby say "so romantic" haha


Wow! a whole BK meal! that's impressive. my appetite still not so good. especially at night. ate mc nuggets last night. struggled with the fries. sigh. without the drink. i'm banned from all soft drinks and cold drinks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

starrymommy: u r welcome. I oso happen to google it for my situation... i didnt expect pregnancy to have sooo many symptoms. I naively tot its just pimples, rashes, stretch marks, vomitting, nauseous, dizziness, etc those common stuff that we normally hear! didnt know even vagina can get sore as a symptom of pregnancy... cannot imagine i hv to tahan this until giving birth! My baby better be healthy... then at least my suffering is worth! hahaha

blessed mummy,

i am also banned from soft drinks and cold drinks. but sometimes i don't care, drink behind hubby's back because these drinks are my life saver when i get MS/AS/NS. coffee and tea too!! get scolded whenever i drink in front of him. but no choice! the progesterone pills make me feel like the walking dead. only caffeine can bring me back to life somewhat. lucky my MIL and mum will scold hubby for me if they sees him scold/nag me. their motto also moderation is good. hee hee!

blessed mummy,

daddy does get the attention but only for physical plays or when i scolded them.. lol. my #1 is full of kisses. she kisses me if she wakes up before me, on my right cheek, left cheek and my forehead or sometimes she just kisses me all over to wake me up and when i opened my eyes she will smile the sweetest smile. like sunshine! this is the exciting part about having a girl. so sweet. she's also jealous if daddy hugs mommy!

lilac white,

yes being a mother is no easy process and we have to endure this for over 9 months! that doesn't even include the postnatal period of recovery! the swelling, painful breasts for breastfeeding..bla bla bla.. but when your child smiles the first smile, ALL your worries in the world just magically disappears! its' just so beautiful and heavenly. such a simple gesture could literally light up your life! aiyoh missed my baby in the womb already. my next appointment is not until the END of April! think i'm going to call to reschedule it earlier! it's too close to my detail scan!


haha... moderation is key... i was very strict with myself during my 1st pregnancy... this time a bit more relax... i'm drinking more cold drinks lah... like fruit juice, milk and yoghurt drinks... hehe... my hubby now will just glare at me when i drink all these stuff..


their smiles are just the best... my ds also jealous when my hubby hugs me...he'll give a growl and tugs at my clothes and tell me to "move!" haha

Melissa: Yes yes now I'm experiencing it for the first time as a mummy-to-be. definitely no easy feat being pregnant! but i guess you are right when you see your child smiles. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My appointment is in 2.5 weeks time. A long wait too!

blessed mummy,

good to know that boys can also be loving! i just can't imagine. i thought they're boh chap kind hehehe. my DD2 is a bit more boh chap. she's the only one who sleeps on the mattress next to our bed but sometimes when she's awake at night, she will just automatically climb over and join "us" on our bed. now there are 4 people on a queen-size bed! getting very cramped!


what you said literally made me go, "awww.." and melted. haha! too sweet!! in fact (sidetrack), my mum babysits this very sweet little boy since he was almost a year old. he is now almost 5. he super sticky to my mum lor. all along, he will hug my mum, call her "auntie" (my mum doesn't allow him to call her mummy) and tell her he loves her! he says things like "auntie, i love you. next time when i grow up i will earn a lot of money and give you." so sweet right?? he is naughtier with his parents. i think because he spends more time with my mum while his parents are working. my mum in turn loves him to bits also.

blessed mummy,

actually if you think about it, when you drink cold drinks, they go down the throat and then stays in the tummy. by then already very close to body temperature and hardly get near the womb at all! my hubby said drink too much baby will catch a cold. i tell him it is nonsense lor! then i gave him this fact to shut him up. hee hee!

speaking about hugs and kisses, are you (experienced mummies here) very expressive towards your hubby too in front of the kids? when i was growing up, my mum and dad hardly show any affection in front of us. end up we are that kind of family that doesn't use words or physical touch to express love. very rigid. i want to change this in my family next time and hopefully my children grow up expressing their emotions, be it positive or negative ones, healthily and in the proper channel.

i love watching "18 Kids & Counting". the Duggar family is amazing that they brought up so many kids without shouting and screaming at each other and they are all so expressive in their emotions.

haa... starrymommy,

first time i heard that drink too much cold water bb will catch a cold leh... so funnie...

My ds also loves to kiss us... esp. before bedtime... he will call out loud on his bed "妈咪,我还没kiss你!!" until i went into his room for his routine "BOX KISS". He invented it himself, means kiss on forehead, then left cheek, then lips, then right cheek, forming a box shape lor... haa...


well, i do hug my hubby in front of my ds. He will smile sheeply, with a bit of embarrassment, then he will join in to hug the both of us... hee...

But I do feel that as long as we kiss and hug the kids very often, they will in turn do the same lor... I kiss and hug my boy a lot... and he does the same too... I love it!!!

starrymommy, vivian,

so agree with you!!! my parents are also quite traditional and hardly kiss or hug us especially when we got bigger. even as a couple, i never see them hold hands! when i hold hands with my boyfriend turned fiancé at that time, they're not happy about it but i remember feeling warm and loved just by a simple touch! so i have resolved to touch and kiss and hug my kids as much as I can so that they can get enough love from inside the house more than outside! haaa! there's a lot of chemistry going on with touch. even as husband and wife, there's no such thing as too much love-making. it just strengthens the bonds between husband and wife. and we hug and hold hands openly in front of our kids as well as my traditional parents! hahaha..


same, hubby and i hug and kiss in front of both our parents. my parents are used to it, and his parents sometimes "copy" us! especially my MIL. will go and kiss my FIL. haha!

we were going through a church-wide bible study 2 years ago on relationships and marriage done by our pastor. it lasted almost 3 months! but it was great. realized that bible teachings are so, so, SO different from traditional chinese mindset. you know us chinese have many "taboo" things and topics to avoid doing/speaking about in front of kids and kids grow up in dysfunctional families and suffer from issues like low self-esteem, depression etc. in fact, most of these mentalities are caused, very simply (and shockingly), by the mere lack of being touched as a child! imagine that... the power of touch! like what you said, there is no such thing as too much love-making!

but i actually also keep taking cold drinks leh.. hb no strength to keep the ban on me liao haha

starry, thats y lah.. sigh sometimes got question i feel like dun ask better duhs


if really concerned then have to ask. but i believe voicing out and sharing here is sometimes better than talking to gynaes. they have seen too much and some of them may become indifferent. like doctor lim, he doesn't give very much assurance when i was spotting, just straight to the point and in-the-face reply, which in a way i appreciate, but lacks that bit of "compassion". so end up i get more support from other mummies going through the same issues here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] glad to have found this forum and all the wonderful mummies!!

has anyone started playing music through headphones and place at tummy area for baby to hear already? i have just started today! 11wk1d. don't know if kiddo can hear anything inside and wonder if what i am doing is silly since like a bit too early? pls shed some light!

Starrymommy: I did think of doing the music thingy too but havent got my lazy bum down to doing it. What kinda music did u play?

Cold Drinks

I am not restricting myself from having that. hehe.. weather so hot how to not have cold drinks?!


Starrymommy my hubby has been playing those classical music on the ipod for me before i go to sleep since a few weeks ago. Not sure whether baby can hear anything but sure makes me go to sleep faster. haha..


i think they can start to hear from 24 weeks onwards, more or less there. right now, a bit early because their inner ear parts have not developed yet. actually the first sound they will recognize as soon as they're able to hear is your own voice! in a room full of midwife, gynae, nurses, she'd be able to recognize and turn to your voice if you call her. everybody now.. "aauuuuwwww..." hehehe...

babydes, melissa,

this hearing thing like got several opinions online. some say by week 8 can start "hearing" through vibrations in the womb already just not so much of real sounds. then by week 16, they really start hearing sounds and responding to them. maybe not a wide range of frequency and pitches, but still do. then week 24 can recognize voice, like you said. can even recognize their favourite music/lullaby. amazing hor!

Re: cold drinks

i cannot stay away. weather too hot! i try not to drink things iced tea or those that are too sour. i love Coke though. and the Pokka Fuji Apple fizzy drink.

starrymommy: thanks for sharing. its a very nice n meaningful song! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilac, babydes,

glad you girls like it! the words and music all very appropriate and soothing for a child/baby. i also wanna get it in ipod, but don't know how to apart from borrowing the CD from my friend. can download like that from youtube into itunes mah?

"because of you" is also very nice. more for mummies who need comfort and assurance during periods of uncertainties or when she needs more TLC... makes me tear up everytime.


that's what i do, just play from iphone using wifi. then keep repeating it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope baby doesn't get sick of it!

oh man.. i know that feeling. strangely, my appetite not so good these days. earlier in the pregnancy, my appetite was super good, practically no MS or NS. now like having more obvious MS and NS, appetite dropped. favourite thing now is Bovril. sigh...

auww poor ladies..

yesterday i was feeling bad as well but today my appetite has improved a bit. managed to finish my KFC value meal, the Bandito Pocket.. yum yum.. been craving for it since yesterday. i bought a winglet snacker as well but couldn't even start on it. too full. my portion is still small. i don't know what it's going to be like in the evening. if i don't have the appetite, i just drink Milo kosong. syiok oso. or make myself an omelette sandwich with a little extra salt to add more taste to it. i know too much salt is bad but that's the only thing that settles well in my tummy.

Hi Mummies

Here's my scan from yest visit. Took the baby a really long time to get into the right position so that the doc can measure the neck. So I got more 30mins to look at the baby!

Baby was mostly asleep and sleeps with its hands above the head (like surrender) so the hands was blocking the view of the neck. That is how my HB and I sleep too!!



omelette with salt sounds good! maybe i will do that later this week for breakfast. i love anything salty. sweet cannot. yucks!


the scan is so nice! cute baby! what is the J-shaped thing on the tummy area? is it the umbilical cord? i think can make out the nose too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



well of course you can't determined the gender yet at week 11 however....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]isn't that look like a penis than just a nub?LOL....look closely!hehehehe...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babydes and Yewee,

My NeurogainS bought from KKH hospital at 36++!Gynae used to charged me about 46+ 2 yrs back when i had my girl![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]then i called up the supplier to check where else do they sell?

They said,they supply to KKH and SGH pharmacies and certain gynae's only!Then i tried KHH..apparently much cheaper!So all these while i have been stocking up my NeurogainS cos then i was still breast feeding[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Anyway,think the next Motherhood fair at expo,they should be there too....can check it out![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Weather is killing me!Can hardly drive with my eyes open!The glare!!arrghhhhh!

And for that..how can one live w/o cold drink?I have been having cold drink even in the morning!It's too hot!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

