(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Headaches and migraines, for me usually have to sleep it off. Sometimes taking a cold shower and washing my hair helps to relieve the ache.


Hi Ivy,


We share the same gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I cupped my palm and turn the btl upside down to get the oil...

Headache headache go away!Don't ever ever come again!Yah,i know 100plus dun help much but just gotta stay hydrated..it's so painful to go through this!If only im a fish for these period!LOL


yah la,is the hormones la..nothing much we can do lor..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My prev pregnancy,glow and got rosy cheeks!Now..just pray hard the amount of pimples stay and don't grow anymore..it is upsetting and frustrating!I used cooling vitC and ALoe Vera Mask sheets on alternate nights..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]At least those red dots are subsiding!chest oso kana ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

do you think the pimples is a passing phase?? Like suffer now but in a few weeks/mths it will go away? or last throughout the preg?? Same for the headache too??


I tried that method, but end up drip oil down the sides.. maybe its just me la.. messy.. hehe


For some it will remain thru'out the whole pregnancy and disappear only after delivery.

Some it's just a passing phrase.


That's true,taking a cold shower definitely helps!I showered almost 4x day and hubby was like ok...we have to get more shower cream..it's finishing too soon!wahaha...

The oil is good enough actually...i do used the cream only at night as it is richer!The oil don't give an oily feel so it can be use in the day!Best use after shower![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah...our body temp are higher than normal and with this kind of weather lately,it doesn't help at all!Fans and aircon are on full blast and i can still perspire at night!Poor HB gotta tolerate my nonsense and he said he feels like he is in an igloo!LOL..wonder was he an eskimo before (-_-)"

Oh no i hope my pimples are just here for these few weeks. Dont want to be pimple face for too long. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Err.. so Clarins Oil is better than the cream?

>Princess - Hope so just kuai kuai and stay as it is...kekeke

I tink also the kind of food i eat la....When i complaint to my hb he will say of course la ...keep eating spicy food....

Btw do your have special craving....mi keep tinking of eating steamfish, double cheeseburger and spicy food (more more chilli)...

i am so tired ....I can hear cracking here and there when i do strecthing...hope the time pass....I wanna go home.......

Babydes: i'm using both i feel the oil is better. it seems to absorb to the skin better and has a very nice fragrant smell.

I tried on some palmers sample pack n i hate the smell! Feels like puking so i quickly wash off

suwaiwai: wat i do is b4 I pour, i wrap a tissue around the bottle and jus tilt the bottle to 45 degrees n pour out. if it spills out of the bottle, at least the tissue absorbs the oil.

argh... I don't want pimple or headache to last for that long!!! I already pimple face for 7 wks!

er.. I guess I should try cold showers... actually I prefer hot showers, cold water.. is soooo cold!!! Brrr!!


So smart!!! Why I didn't think of that.. haha.. now I feel so silly.. hehe

suwaiwai: dun say that. we are all here to exchange ideas!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, the weather's killing me too! N worse aircon not working at home. So i took a cold shower before bedtime last night. So glad when it rained this morning. hopefully it rains again tonite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clarins oil better than cream? But i can't stand e smell of clarins oil, esp with morning sickness. want to puke

Princess Diamond,

My hb keeps saying I feel so warm to touch all the times lolx ;p~~ the weather hasn't been very kind lately which worsens the condition -_-""


I've a fren who slather on 3 bottles of clarin oil but she said to no avail, her stretchmarks juz grew more and more until she gave up alrd..like some of you mentioned earlier on, stretchmarks are hereditary..

Thanks all for the comments on the stretch cream. Maybe I will go try the Clarins oil after my palmer's cream finish then when the oil finish I try the Clarins cream. hahaha..

I already got so many creams to put on. Lotion with UV protection for hands then the palmer's stretch cream on boobs, tummy, butt n thighs and then another cream for my legs. (-_-")

Marrissa, I love the smell of the oil! Hahaa... Guess at this point, all our taste and smelling senses change and differs between preggers.

haha... seems like I am the lazy one...

Too lazy to put any creams...

Anyway already got ugly "world map" on my tummy area, a gift from my ds... keke...

Thats why I can NEVER EVER imagine myself wearing anything that is going to reveal my world map such as bikini... hahaha...

lilac, i thot it smells a bit like lemongrass rite..? dunno la these days my sense of smell and taste a bit screwed up.. lol

Marrissa, i cant really make out wats the smell. but i find it v fragrant hahaha yes now all our senses are screwed up. sometimes i eat certain food oso feel the taste weird haha

Dear ladies,

I'm feeling so miserable.. Having been vomitting after every meal.. Eat also vomit, dun eat also vomit.. Really driving me crazy. Wonder when will get better.

Have not been having much appetite. Everyday dunno wat to eat.

Yest just cried in front of hubby tell him I very xinku..


I understand how you feel coz I'm d same for these few weeks. In fact it started since I'm like 3 weeks onwards. Usually will be gone in 2nd tri.

Prob you can take small meals but more meals. If can, drink more water, soup or juices to hydrate yourself.

Hi Xin2

Relax ger.... Try eating slowly and bit by bit if can dun tink abt it....cos i have this problem during my first few weeks of pregnancy.....my gynae ask mi to eat slowly also bit by bit..... jia you..


we understand how you feel...

Have you talked to your gynae abt your vomitting? There are pills which can help you.

If your vomitting is really that bad, you shld seek help from your doc.

As for no appetite, it applies to most of us here. It will be over, mummy... jia you...

We are all here behind you...and with you...

BB: 11w0d

Me: Damn hot sia... but still no appetite...

xin2, i totally understand how u feel.. i'm EXACTLY like that.. until yesterday i suddenly felt better. I still puke a bit but generally i'm keeping food down. Today I ate kFC Zinger for lunch! Previously I can't stomach even the slightest hint of spicy food. I hope it improves from here on and hope u will too.

Dear gals,

Do you all have the tight feeling at you tummy all the time? I feel so tight at the tummy, like it is going to burst.. and, I'm only 13 weeks now.

Thks skies, Belinda, Vivian n marrisa for ur encouragement. Glad to know that I'm not alone feeling all these. Really hope that things will get better soon. I used to enjoy eating a lot but now just dun feel liked eating.

Tastebuds doesn't seem to have much taste.

I've requested for medicine from gynae but also no use, still vomit. So I nvr really eat the med already.


Try taking small/light meals instead. Drink more water to keep yrself hydrated.

Hope you will feel better soon.


just came back from a swim n guess what...i almost threw up in the pool!thank god i sense something n quickly went to the toilet n threw up....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


u still hate the oils smell?hmmmm,changed to the cream la..no smell![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the oil definitely absorb better but the cream is working well on me too!Yes,our senses are all screwed up!HB bought Bak kut teh from my fav stall and it taste nothing to me..i just said "THIS BKT IS SO BLAND..I TASTE NOTHING!he was like...what?but it was from your fav stall?LoL....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


apply to prevent MORE countries appearing la...some can really lighten[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]YOu very cute.."a gift from ds"..lol


Don't worry,we all go through that and some like me..still feeling the way you are sometimes..

If you are vomiting alot,go consult your gynae to get some medications[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Keep yourself hydrated and like what other's said,take small meal..it helps,it is very difficult to get food digested for preggers..so small and light meals does helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Hope MS won't stay for long...Im already at week 14 and still having it on n off!CRAP[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


tell me about spicy food.!Nothing seems too spicy for me lately..like kinda numb!I chewed on chilli padi and HB i perspiring in front of me!LOL

He told me to go easy with the chillies but i was like,..how come?Is there something wrong with those home grown chillies?I can't taste the spiciness?LOL![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mummies-to-be,

i'm in my 14 weeks now. Do you know if it is ok to eat chinese tonics now?

xin2, try to lie down after meals.my gynea told mi, it works. i was feeling the same too...but suddenly felt so much better in week 13.got back all my energy. persever on...


i feel full on the tummy too, esp after eating.. i think our stomach capacity will grow slowly to accommodate growing baby...


i got it occasionally after feeling tired or just too much standing up.

btw, i'm having a boy! discovered it few days ago during scan. quite obvious that something is down there.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care ladies.. ;)

14w 5d

Hello h r u all? My ankle still Hurt a little thou definitely much better liao. Now waiting for hubby to Côme n fetch me see a doc again. We din go see a doc in thé end on tuesday, a doctor came to Our hôtel instead.....

I feel a little paranoid n Dun feel preg cos i dunno if i adjusted to My belly or wat, but hubby keep assuring me it is still thé Same size but i Can feel that My tummy seem like pre preg feeling when lying down... Thou when i get up to see, it is still a little big. But thé bigness is slightly less than 4 days ago dunno is bloatness or wat 4 days ago tt is y so big...

Did a scan on thé posts Will reply aft i unpack n settle down.

Hi ANn!

Wow!I am so happy for you!COngrats!

I m too excited after hearing your news and looking forward to my next appointment to to see the gender!!!(^^)


don't worry too much!Some days i don't feel tummy as big either..Sometimes it is really the gas in the tummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Glad that your ankle are better..

hello everyone,

Im new here. Im currently at wk 13. Juz had my blood test done last wk and gynae said Im low on iron. Im on Neogobion tablets for the past 3 wks, is strange that im low on iron. Anyone has this?


princess n marrissa, thanks,

hope u will know urs soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually i was a bit disappointed at first coz my feeling said that it's a girl and all the "tests" i took said it's a girl. now back to searching names again! lol..

princess diamond,

how long is the interval of ur check up? mine is once every 3 weeks, what i do is counting the pills i've left! he he..


do u have anemia before..?


Wahahah!That's good!Can't prevent water retention!SAlt is the biggest culprit of water retention!Hahaha...

Hello twin stars,

Welcome!My gynae too warned me that i do have history of low blood..therefore i was i asked to take more red meat to booze up my iron intake! i had beef soup once every week now![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh,you wanted a girl?sorry ah..yours is first or 2nd pregnancy?hehehe..lazy to look through the table..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Doesn't matter boy or girl[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]The most importantly bb is healthy![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My interval this time is 4 weeks..

prev wait was 5weeks!hahaha....


not that i wanted a girl, but i've name for him already (except that it's a girl's name!!) haha.. now have to browse through again. and disappointed that my first mother instinct FAILED! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this is my first pregnancy btw...

and yes, most impt is baby is healthy and happy!

Hi Ann,

Nice to meet u. I do not know that i have anemia based on history. Which week are you in now? : )

Hi princess_diamond,

Nice to meet you too : ). Does taking kidney soup helps? I just know im low on iron yesterd, so i started to boil pork ribs soup yesterd and tdy. This afternoon, I have kidney with lean meat soup. Will it be too much iron if take often.. How many wks are u at now?


Hahhahaa..no la!Mother instinct can go wrong sometimes esp when the MS kicks in...all can go wrong!hahahha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah so fast you thought of a name for baby?That's nice too..heheheheh think i should go and dig out my dictionary again and start looking for one too@hehehhee

Thanks Princess Diamond. Seen the doc like thé doc we saw on tuesday, ask me to do x Ray..... Make me so sian.... Told them i m pregnant.... The part i sprain seem like the bone area so not sûre is the bone broke a bit or wat so better do x Ray but haiz i afraid thé x Ray Will havé any effect. Anyone expérience xray done while preg before?

Doc say if Dun do... Sculy thé pain Will affect for Life.... Super sian.....

hey marrisa u received your doppler? i used mine yesterday n today, heard my bb's hb, glad my lil one is doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d, ur tummy also showing liao? i haven take pic of my bump yet hehe


quickly post your tummy pic lah! You also bought the Doppler from amazon? My hubby don't want to buy leh. Say no use.. But it's so nice to get to hear baby's heartbeat and be assured everyday.


do u have picture of the doppler? how does a layman like us know how to use it???


14 weeks and 5 days can know gender le ah...wow amazing...haha hope my scan next week gynae will tell me good news too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in favour of what i want. LOL

starry, yea will do it soon, pai seh lah hehe

dunno cos when i use it when i was abt 12 going 13 wks cant hear anything, but now im 15wks, can find quite easily. it sounds like "whop whop whop whop whop" ..

etelle, not advertising lah but this is where i bought my doppler: http://www.babysingapore.com/luvion/doppler.html

but i feel like getting the gel from amazon, the gel that comes with it not so watery and the monitor reading abit off de. if u read mummysg, there are other mummies talking abt this brand thats y i bought it

