(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


hahha the surrender position!so cute eh your scan!Thanks for sharing![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hmm I think so.. I actually don't know what the J shape is, but you can see the hand waving above the head! The baby is v hiao. Always keep turning to the 'camera'. haha

You know how everyone was talking about their headache last week. I'm having it this week!! In fact since the weekend. Gynae says its ok to take panadol but I've not taken any. Any other natural remedies??


"hiao" baby better than shy baby! when you were having your checks and when the gynae pressed down on you tummy, didn't the baby move? or it slept mostly throughout the check? the "surrender" position very cute!!

princess diamond,

yah, it does look like a little "birdie". wonder if i should tell hubby leh.. he wants a boy mah. what if it turns out to be a girl? i am sure he will still love no matter which gender, but will also be a bit bit disappointed although he will get over it.


I had to keep coughing and the nurse was poking my tummy! The baby moved here and there, but then settled back to sleep (with its hands up)! Seems like a heavy sleeper le! But then again my scan was in the evenings so maybe that is sleeping time liao.

Hey Vivian,

Thanks! My next appt is in 4 wks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Btw the nurse told me to go for a blood test. Forgot to ask her what it is for... hmm... anyone going for a blood test too?


i am going for blood test also! but don't know what is it for. test what, i mean. mine is done together with Oscar test. not hCG right? since by now we should be very stable already.

hiyo... my NS is killing my appetite tonight. pregnancy is such a strange yet beautiful thing. last week, no symptoms at all and made me worried. this week, symptoms all come back one shot. backache lah, buttock pain lah, blocked nose lah, NS lah... i think baby trying to reassure me that he/she is alright. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yah, suwaiwai, when i look longer at your baby's scan profile, it seems more and more to me like he/she is smiling! you think so??

starry, the blood test will also in turn test for the possibility for DS.

suwaiwai, ur blood test not done after oscar scan mah? mine was done right after the scan leh..

I'm not doing the oscar test so maybe that is why the blood test is scheduled separately. Is it ok if I do the test next week ie wk 13?? I'm still feeling quite sick so I'm not sure if I'm up to travelling to MEH for the test. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I thought so.. but then I thought wow thick lips!!! hehe


yes,can stock up...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]it can b use after pregnancy too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha! Yah hor.. Thick lips. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've a qn... When will this ligaments pulling stop? I am having it again and the feeling is kinda irritating, not like anything I have experienced before and seems to get stronger every time it happens.


I'm also not sure, but ya it can be irritating cos its out of the blue, then suddenly tummy have pain.. but for me, I'm more irritated with the headache. Its like constantly there.. I dunno how to get rid of it. And its always on the same spot.

I jusr went for a short trip.....n such A bad n spoiler thing happen at the last 2hrs of my coach trip....I sprain my ankle....now at a hotel waiting for hubby to recee the way to hospital before he come n fetch me.....

btw, I feel okie n fabulous during the trip n dun feel anything at all....so is a little paranoid....

Hi girls,

Good moirning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think the blood test is also to test for things like HIV and Hep?

I am gg for my Oscar next Tue. Hehehe, so looking forward.

Re: Appetite

I realised that my cravings are not as strong and I get hungry less easily as compared to a week ago. Is that supposed to be the way? I can rem much from my #1, only that I gain alot of weight (about 3 to 4kg) in the 1st trimester.


Your baby is cooperative so that you will feel great for the trip! Hehe. So enjoy yourself and dun worry too much lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm going to try 100 plus!! I like the drink anyway!! Hehe


oh if that is the case then it's ok for me to go For the test next wk then. I still felling nausea n puky this wk so I'm hoping things get better next wk.

Oh no headache is here!!

Morning mummies,

I'm getting a little worried now...Seems like i put on the least weight, I'm now 13wk6d but i only put on 1kg wor...Is it abnormal????

Morning Mummies !!!


it's normal. Some people for the whole of first trimester don't put on weight and lose weight somemore. DOn't be worried. As long as you eat normally, everything normal is fine de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

su waiwai

so cute the scan...haha baby sleep just like the parents so adorable!!!

Hungry pans

anyone like me? yesterday hor i every hour i seem to want to eat things le. I dun know hungry or not hungry but just want to eat but yet on the other hand see myself like getting fatter abit reluctant to eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cham...haiz scared scared to be fat fat...which even though i am already bah bah now...


my gynae selling me 35+ but i went to guardian to see it's at $42!!! scary hor the price diff...


feel more relieved after hearing what u say... I will be seeing my bb next fri, hope can knowthe gender by then... I'm so excited whenever i pass by kiddy palace & mothercare, have the temptation to buy those cute little dresses... ;p

morning ladies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tastebud seems to be gone. On Monday had xiaolongbao but kept feeling the pork was off but I was the only who thot that and the whole nite i was burping it...so gross. Then yesterday had yummy thai green curry but the taste was also off for me. Really hoping my tastebud will return to normal soon. Eating is losing its joy for me.


me too...haha tempted to buy many stuff haha but really hoping for a girl this time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah dun be worried...i got one friend the sister only put on 3kg for the whole pregnancy and her baby turn out fine...think maybe baby absorb all her body fats instead hee hee

Morning Mommies!

Babytiger: Glad to hear that u had a great time during your trip. No worries. Your baby knows you are on a trip so he/she is being cooperative n is enjoying the trip with u too. Hope ur ankle will recover soon thou.

Grace: I lost 1kg and then put back 1kg to original weight. Now only put on extra 0.5kg!

ZuEn: My appetite fluctuates. Sometimes good sometimes bad. But I notice everytime I head home for my mum's cooking, I definitely seem to eat more.

Morning All,

Grace, some pple lose weight but the bump shows...so far I oni put on 500grams..and most imptly if your gynae thinks you are fine it's ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U will start piling up the weight from 2nd trimester onwards..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thru'out my whole pregnancy for my No 1, I put on 10 kg and lose them almost immediately once the bb is out.

Morning Ladies

wow so many messages! I left office early yesterday as I was having a headache. Feeling better today.

I put on more than 3kg! Don't know if that is too much!

Good morning ladies!

Headache gone! yesterday was horrible!the weather was extremely hot n headache just won't go away!

Hope everybody is getting well too!


hello!glad that bb was co operative otw travelling on road can b bad ! Please take care n hope you ll recover soon, must b painful[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I think the one selling in guardian is the blue neurogain n not the pink neurogainS rite ? Been asking around in many guardians outlets but they dun carry neurogainS (pink) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

where did u get yours?

hi ladies,


ur scan of the baby is so cute.. The position of the baby is so adorable... V clear wor.

When I did my ultrasound last week, my baby was waving the hands about, like dun like being prodded... =)

Now I cannot wait till my next scan in 4 weeks time... By the way, has anyone done a 4D scan before?


I agree with Etelle. I think weight gain is relative, I also gained only 1 kg in my first trimester. And it fluctuates. I read that 1st trimester bcoz of MS, some mommies dun gain weight till the 2nd trimester.

I'm now turning 14 weeks already but still not much weight gain... But lately, my appetite is improving, so hopefully can gain more weight. =) But my baby bump already started showing le.. hehe..


It's nice to be able to travel with the baby co-operating. So lucky. But take care and rest ur injured ankle ya.. Get well soon.

I hope my baby will also be good when hubby and I go for our trip in June... =)

By the way, what is this Neurogain that is so talked about? Is it for Mommies?

speaking about appetite, mine is dropping drastically. maybe because i am sick now too. but lately, really no mood for food. eat also eat to survive only. then the MS also started coming back after last week's disappearance.


get well soon and rest your ankle well. keep it elevated! i went to a TCM sinseh to massage my ankle when i sprained last time. heals faster than just applying ice pack and also strengthens the stretched ligaments. if your hubby got time, ask him to bring you do "tui na". it is really better.


neurogainS the brand of fish oil some of us are taking.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

only certain gynae carries that brand however it can be purchase from kkh or sgh pharmacy, maybe certain guardian outlets too....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tks for informing me we are so similar, hope bb will gain weight but me lor...haha...

By the way, is it neccessary to take the fish oil???

Hello world ... Back again after dissappearing for quite some time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Updates on Bun: Baking well in the oven (a little over 12 weeks, measuring 5cm during last scan) Doc say baby is very active, wiggle a lot during scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ... but hor my scan pictures not as clear as the ones I've seen posted here leh :p

Updates on me: MS subsiding. Frequent ZZZ monster attacks. OUTBREAKS on forehead, nose, chest and back!!!! SOBZ~

I've changed my gynae to Dr Vincent Tan (Bishan) and decided to deliver at Mt A. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] .. all less than 5 mins drive from where i stay ... convenience is key when i have little energy or patience :p

Wanted to ask for advice on the OSCAR test...

During my last ultrasound, doc say can see nasal bone and the "neck liquid" thingy also looks good. so 60-70% sure dun have DS... and given my age ... he say not high risk... he doesn't think that OSCAR is necessary ... but I can choose to go if I want to be VERY VERY sure .... my hubby also doesn't think that OSCAR is necessary (*he wants to save money .. and is super confident that we can "produce" healthy offsprings* ... faint) ... anyone of you choosing to do or not to do OSCAR test? and why?

snoopy ... can update my EDD?? .. it's 20th of oct [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thank you very muchie!!!!

Vivian, we chose not to do the Oscar scan. Hb decided it didn't matter what the result is we will keep the baby.

For those mummies taking fish oil, was it recommended by your gynae?? Cos I over heard the nurse telling 1 patient that fish oil shld not that too early if not baby will be big. Only then again she only nurse. Wat did yr gynaes say??

Princess Diamond, thanks for the information on the NuerogainS.. Now I'm on the same page as u guys.. =) Is it a prescribed vitamin by the doctor?

I'm currently taking pre-natal vit from GNC, which has DHA fish oil. My doc said it's ok. Fish oil is supposedly good for baby brain development right?

Hi Vivian, we also chose not to do the Oscar scan, coz like suwaiwai, we will keep the baby regardless the result. And I also heard that the test is just a probability? So may not be 100% confirmed the baby has DS.

By the way I haven't decide which hospital or gynae yet... Is it too late already? *stressed* I'm deciding between TMC and Gleneagles... Anyone has been on a hospital tour in either?

*Note: I'm currently overseas in China with hubby, coz he's outstationed, but will like to be back in SG to deliver, so a lot of things haven't settle yet..

princess diamond

ooops got diff kind ah? i got mine from my gynae lor...35.65 or something like that...Hee hee....


for my past 2 pregnancies gynae also prescribed the fish oil le think it's an essential supplement with all the "A" quality. LOl but i know some gynaes dun prescribed at all though.

pan shu qin

the oscar test is 90+ % accurate and there is no 100% test one...hee hee but if u guys decided to keep baby no matter what then think all these DS tests are not necessary...


I will be more than glad if I am you wor. I sm in week 11 and already put on 1.5kg, all bcos of greediness. Actually I lost 0.5kg, so overall weight gain = 1kg. I hope I can maintain that until 2nd trimester lor. And I am hoping that I will be able to squueze into my normal work clothes for as long as possible wor. So long as the baby is well, no problem de. More weight the mummy gain, more weight to lose.

Re: appetite

Just as I post about not getting as hungry, my tummy started to growl so loudly that I had to take some biscuits and bread to stop my tummy from disturbing my colleagues! At this rate, I will just grow super fat. Lol!

for Oscar test, hubby and i decided to go is really just for the sake of knowing and a peace of mind. after all this is our first baby. he is also super keen to see clearer scans of our baby and hopefully know the gender too! our gynae's advice was also that if we can afford it, might as well just go for it.

Starrymommy, the OSCAR will use better machine to scan the baby ar? hmmm .. think I'll do it bah ... like you say for peace of mind ...

hey starry, TMC machine not bad, can hear bb's hb de leh using the same machine hehe but since we're so young rest assured so get good results de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but im just wondering the next scan is detailed scan @ 20 weeks.. can anyone advise the cost of it??


yes, the machine there better. i've seen the scans posted by mummies here from their Oscar tests and they were really beautiful and clear! lots better than my gynae's lor. so since we can still afford that $300, hubby decided to go for it.


TMC machine so good can hear heartbeat?? i was sorely disappointed by doctor lim's doppler. really can't hear anything with all that static! now you got me excited. hee hee!

Hi Ladies! Sorry for MIA for so long. Been bz and sick.

Suwaiwai, that's a pretty clear scan, lucky u! I can't wait for mine next week.

I'm 12 weeks and 4 days today and as at this morning, I've gained a total of 2.4kg! How come I'm gaining this much when I'm puking and eating less?

I've been v sick lately due to indigestion. It's gotten worse. I even puke after eating the blandest of food. Yest I puked after eating watermelon..sigh. I've been taking Gaviscon, not working [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

BTW, the clothes I ordered online from Old Navy are here and luckily I bought one size smaller (after reading reviews). they fit me well but the tummy area still too large. i think I can wear them thru 3rd tri.

Also, my angelsounds doppler came yest. But we can't find heartbeat.. boohoo! Only found mine. But somewhere around my belly button can hear wshooshing sounds. I hope its baby

Anyway ladies, any of u started itching? I'm like scratching like crazy all over my body!


try making a hot drink out of Bovril or Marmite? i personally prefer the taste of Bovril more. my MS/NS came back after a long hiatus last week (strange to get worse instead of better..) and my appetite has been greatly affected. the coffeeshop's teh si and my Bovril is the only thing i can really enjoy lately and the saltiness soothes my stomach! i think next time my baby will love Bovril too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for itching, mine just stopped middle of last week! the rashes on my arms and thigh just cleared up mysteriously. do you have rashes?

Hey Marissa

Don't worry you are not alone in the puking dept. My puking has timing one. Usually in the mornings, I'll puke once. Then from 5-7pm, another time. That is considered good liao. On bad days, can even puke in the middle of the night or afternoon. And I still have nausea most of the time too. And I'm 12Wk6D liao.. so I'm hoping that all these end soon.

I'm think I'm lucky coz my gynae's scan mostly clear. Maybe he got good equipment, but then again I think I also pay premium price too!

thanks starrymommy! but if it's too salty I can't take. Gives me headaches.

I have rashes on my back and tummy. looks disgusting. If other ppl see, they think i don't bathe or what..

Suwaiwai, me too.. i'm hopping the puking and nausea will go away very soon. Coz my energy and patience running thin already. And I'm running out of options on food. No spicy or fried food, no plain rice coz it makes my tongue taste sour afterwards, no carbonated drinks or fruits coz it worsen my indigestion,


pan su qin,

i skipped the oscar test too as the results doesn't matter to me at all.


try banana! it's also rich in folic acid. fruit is kinder to the stomach.


my MS hasn't completely left me yet yeah. still have some nights when i just don't feel like eating. just lying trying to forget the pukey feeling. yucks.

- 15w1d

