(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


i wear denim skirt for gynae clinic de but i think wearing 2 pc is fine cuz can scan from tummy just need to lower bottoms nia...if wear dress think have to lift up the entire dress ah :p

but that time at my 10+ week scan gynae still scan from V though...the nurse who prepared me told me still too early can get a clearer pic from down under...so....


i wanna share something interesting with you girls. it's something that i've been playing around with since my last two pregnancies. unfortunately it's always WRONG for me hahaa. they always say i have higher chances for Boy but i ended up having GIRLS. nevertheless, it's fun! just answer a series of quiz questions. you can go through this as your pregnancy progresses as some questions can only be answered when your belly is much bigger.



Maybe you should google pregnancy rhinitis. Starrymommy introduced this term to me when we were trying to figure out about the excess phelgm.

Hey I've been doing V scan all these while! You mean can already scan from tummy during 1st tri?? For my first 2 visits during Wk 6 and 9, My gynae said the scan wouldn't be clear that is why he does the V scan, I also didn't ask from which wk then he'll do the tummy scan. So I scare if I wear pants later, then he do V scan, I will feel so 'exposed'!! hehe, so far I wear dress or skirt. At least cover a bit.


I'm an absolute scatterbrains now, I keep forgetting what I want/suppose to do. Yest at my grandma's bday party, suppose to call my bro (he is overseas) so that he can talk to her. I completely forgot too!!

suwaiwai: you can do the scan at anyway time.

I remember during my first visit (6 week) my doc already help me to scan. At that time we can see a very small dot like a bean like that and it keep binking.

Then my next scan is 9 weeks. Then i request to listen to the heartbeat and is very strong.

Now everytime i went to visit my gynae he will do the scan and let me listen to my bb heartbeat and also print oout the scan for me to keep.

Etelle, must drink more water & eat more fruits. I'm now down with fever & my symptoms started like yours..wet nose & throat pain. Now no choice, have to take panadol & cough syrup. GP advised that its safe for preggers....Yep having too much heaty food is the cause & somemore we can't take those 'cooling stuff'...

hi girls,

I want to complain about my fat tummy. My pants is so tight and cutting into my tummy, so uncomforty. I am into my week 11 this week and have put on 1.5kg liao. My target was 1 kg for 1st trimester, so failed. Haiz.. I hope to maintain until I crossed 1st trimester. 2 more weeks to go! last week, I put on half kg in one week bcos I went for buffet. Serves me right. Hohoho.


My scans are tummy scan le..only the first scan which is very early like first few weeks,gynae uses Vscan cos can't see the sac thru tummy scan..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Funny!We are all feeling the same[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]I just recover from all these and still having my stuffy and wet nose lor..drip drip drip...huhuhuh!Phlegm is another problem too!

Try to rest and eat more fruits to get more VitC!Take care k...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seems like our symptoms all similar! Haha! Really hope to quickly recover. Backaches come and go, lie/sit/stand in same position for too long will have, and always at waist and buttock area. Why buttock I also don't know.

hi mummies

i am interested to get this for my bb, do pm me if anyone is interested or go to this link to place order:


Black, White & Red Infant Stim Flashcards - "Smart Art for Babies" by Genius Baby Toys. High quality laminated flashcards, with complimentary hanging clip. Front features expressive baby faces and the back side features high contrast, black white and red infant stimulation graphics. Inlcludes complimentary travel clip for on-the-go.

Researchers have discovered that infants not only prefer to look at high contrast graphics, but that such images can help:

increase concentration skills

stimulate the creation of synapses (brain cell connections)

increase an infant's attention span

calm and soothe a baby (when she is bored)

enhance natural curiosity.

one set is USD4 excluding shipping


hey melissa, same.. just puked yesterday.. so awful

my symptoms seem to have a routine, fine during wkdays whereas worse when it comes to wkends..

suwaiwai, did ur gynae ask u to drink water n keep bladder full when u visit everytime? this will help to give a clearer scan from tummy

hey starry wow so how was your visit yesterday?

i still have another 3 wks to countdown sighs..

hehe wait til after ur oscar he'll prescribe mum-2-be even bigger and got fish oil smell.. even worse have hard time swallowing them.. hehehe


it was good! He finally used doppler to find baby's heartbeat. But his doppler is that kind old school one bah.. Very hard to find the heartbeat and I was very worried for like 2 minutes that there was something wrong!! Then finally he found, but could barely hear due to the static. So funny lor! Anyway the scan went well, saw that baby had doubled in size le. 2 weeks later will do Oscar test. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good.. haha i never had a chance with the doppler.. was it the green old old one? 1st time cant find hb, 2nd time doppler spoil lol totally no fate with the doppler. i prefer the scan wahaha so did he charge u for the scan as well?

Yah, the old green thing. Lol!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He did charge me for the scan. Standard one I think. Some more I requested for it.

oh is it?how u told him u wanna scan? then how much was ur total bill u mind saying? that time my hubby dun wan scan in the end also add up to $150 like that.. lols

suwaisuwai, starrymommy,

thanks for the info about pregnancy rhinitis. think that's what i have! it's something new i've never had before in my prev pregnancies!


isn't that old technology? another old technology pregnancy assessment method is measuring the fundal height of your womb to calculate your pregnancy age. also, since each pregnancy differs, from woman to woman, the method no longer match up to reliability. the best is still ultrasound! and my gynae's ultrasound machine is among the best because she could do abdominal scan on a an empty bladder as early as 7 weeks! i've never been scanned down below in this pregnancy. neat! however, the machine is very expensive so that explains why she increased her scan and consultation rate! pffft!!!

Has anyone Gynae started you on fish oil?

My gynae has alrd prescribed me on it when I went for my last check up.


my total bill was $139. includes the following:

- doppler used to hear heartbeat

- ultrasound scan + print

- medication for flu (flu tabs, throat lozenges, antibiotics)

- prenatal vits

- progesterone pills

- consultation


didn't know doppler is old tecnology! it did look old though. like big walkie talkie. don't know when my gynae will replace it for more sophisticated one. then again, like you said, consultation fee sure increase.

lil lilbluey, im taking it already, the smell really turns me off

melissa, who is your gynae again? so high tech de.. still i wish i can find some women's clinic just walk in for scan hehe

btw anyone bought any maternity wear? so desperately looking for loose fit leggings cant seem to find.. any ideas where i can find nice ones? tried to find frm orangebear but sizes so extreme.. duhs


yeah lor cannot take cooling stuff then heaty also dun know how. Dunk more water lor...yeah told hb i wnt orange juice and more fruits should clear my runny nose and throat pain and that little ulcer in the mouth

princess diamond

such an awful feeling to be sick when pregnant hor....so tired...lethargic...whole body no strength [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


on some days i already feel super lethargic by just being pregnant. now sick, worse... the medications also not helping. some are drowsy kind. if you get too heaty, try eating those large china pears. brown colour skin with sweet crunchy flesh. my sore throat got a lot better just having that pear yesterday. must avoid orange if you have phlegm as oranges always produce more phlegm.


why do you still need to take the progestrone pills?

I took the pills all the way till 9 weeks when i took a break to go HK. The pills made me so drowsy that i decided not to take them during the trip. But I still have spotting even till now... and, not that the spotting stopped when I was on the pills.. it just went on and off as usual too.


i spotted on two occasions - week 7 and week 9. i am now week 11, so doctor wants me to take 2 pills a day for precaution's sake till i hit 2nd trimester. this should be the last course already. ever since no more spotting and pray that it stays this way! my spotting was light brown on both occasions. yours the same? you are stopping because it causes drowsiness or doctor recommended you to stop?


i think it's ok lah.

tat time my gynae also asked me to take until i hit 12 weeks. cos previously i got brown spotting. maybe just for precaution...

Maternity wear…

I just bot a few from a taiwan spree.. esp the nursing bras. I find they are cheaper and the designs nicer than those in Singapore


I dunno the person organizing hor.. just happened to cross this and find the clothes nice.

the other shop I bot my maternity clothes during my first pregnancy is a shop called “carrano” at toa payoh central, I think they have a few outlets around. Anw the designs are not really tat fantastic, but maybe for basic pants /capris/t-shirts, still acceptable. Like abt $20+ a piece? Think the best is the auntie is very good, she let me try a lot, then end up I chose those I really like. One thing abt the pants is those full panel one meaning it covers the whole tummy which I dun like as the elastic band tend to cut into the tummy and got a red mark. So usually I pull down to let it crumpled under the tummy. Since the maternity top usually is long enough to cover. But so far, I find the most comfortable pants I got is from pretty mum. Its’ ex.. I think abt 60+ or 80+ a pair. But it really lasted through the whole pregnancy til the very last day.


I stop taking it on my own accord.. I was taking 6 pills a day due to my spotting.. made me so hard to concerntrate on work and by the end of the day, i was like a dead person feeling miserable.. so, in HK, I stop lor..

When I visited the gynea, i told him that. he said it's all up to me.

I still have spotting now and then if I walk too much...


i read that there are some women who spot throughout the pregnancy and went on to have smooth deliveries and healthy babies. hope your spotting will stop as your pregnancy progresses! i am also intending to stop in another 2 weeks. hate the drowsy feeling too, although it does get me to sleep faster at night.

babythad, isnt 6 pills abit too much?? ur gynae prescribed utrogestan or duphaston? im 15 wks but still taking utrogestan 2x per day cos gynae say i got history of spotting.. i'll stop after this wk..

starry, so good how i wish my appt this week AGAIN so i can go scan ahaha

Hey gals... recently i feel a bit sore down under. Its the skin ard and at the vagina area. There's also a slight burning sensation. It makes me feel uncomfy Last night, I read online that it is common that area will get swollen. Do u gals experience that?


the time will come! we all understand the dread of having to wait and wait. be patient! otherwise just go in scan will be $60 without consultation!

here is the picture of my baby's scan from yesterday's visit. you can see its leg pointing up on the right side. and it did a sudden jump in the womb which was rather amazing to watch! the whole body floated up and then came down again. my gynae said it was "swimming around". cute! when i showed my mum, she was like, "which one is the baby huh?" hahaha!! i don't think my mum has ever seen such "early" ultrasound scans before lor. during her time i think ultrasounds come by very rarely. we are so pampered nowadays.



I took utrogestan, 2 pills 3 times a day.. total 6 pills..

The pills really drove me nuts.. I dint have energy to do anything.. made me drowsy yet at times, i couldn't go to sleep..

When I went to see my own gynea on last Wed, I told her about my on and off spotting.. she said the baby looks well, so, she's not really concern if i spot a little bit on and off.

I literally became more cheerful when I stopped taking the pills..

lilac white

i dun have that feeling le...are you passing urine regularly ?? drinking enough water a day/ cuz could be urinary tract infection if you feel burning sensation when peeing...


so cute.....your baby is performing stunts for you guys to @@


6 pills is a lot!! 1 pill per time already made me feel like i'm living in a cloud. sometimes can even feel very drowsy and "high", like getting tipsy from alcohol kinda feeling.. with 2 pills, i think i will out cold.. can imagine how grouchy and irritable that is. tired, yet cannot sleep. that's pure torture! glad that you are off them. i still need to bear with it for another 2 weeks at most.


guess we caught it when it is most active! too bad hubby didn't join me and missed out on the "stunts". i didn't know that babies this small can already do jumps in the womb. wonder what caused them. muscle contractions??

Hi ladies,

wow, today can drool over bb scan pix again!

Made my day!

I wanted so much to see my bb! but I still got 2 more weeks to go... sob

My hubby just started his reservist yesterday. Ended up assigned for shift work. So now I am officially an even-day single parent coz he got to go back camp from 11am till the next day 8am for a WHOLE mth! I cannot imagine my life when school starts and I got 8am class! Argh...



I am also taking 2 pills a day since the beginning of my pregnancy. Not becoz I had spotting but just for precaution according to my gynae as I had a tough time trying for a bb. She just want to make sure that the pregnancy stays.

Hopefully by next scan I can stop the pills liao.



erh... i know this is a stupid question, esp. this is my #2.

Hee... as my bump is not exactly showing now, and i got tons of fats at my tummy area, is it ok for me to lie down flat on my tummy now??

Anyone still doing that?

Me: Tired

BB: 10w6d


Yes indeed! is not nice at all! let's hope that we will get well soon!

Fish oil!

Hey all, may I know wats de brand of fish oil u ladies are taking? Hmmm.... I ve been taking this brand for years NeurogainS n so far I don't have any fishy taste after taking the capsules. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or izit I got immuned?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

seems like sleepless nights is about to begin! I'm b extremely light sleeper n can be woken up with a slightest noise ! once woken up it takes maybe 3-4hrs to go back to sleep or sometimes not at all![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

been waking up many times during the wee hour n unable to fall asleep leaving me like a zombie in the day, hahaha.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how I wished there are sleeping pills that is meant for preggers! Despite on drinking less, still goes to the toilet at least twice

anyone going for next visit? so excited! Another few more weeks we are at our 4th month! Think by then some of us will b able to see the gender!


That's a nice scan ! Wow , baby must b excited to know that mommy is watching! so cute...,[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Nice scan and cute baby!!


i try to lie on my tummy sometimes.. altho tummy is still small, it's kindof not very comfortable.

hi ladies!

how's everyone doing? i'm so tired. my ds just turned 2 yesterday. had a party on sunday. being preggie = slow body recovery. sigh.

anyone here with an elder child? i notice that my ds is getting more and more clingy each day. he now wants my attention more and is more affectionate. he'll come and hug me or kiss me spontaneously. anyone experiencing the same thing? i wonder if he can sense that a baby is in me???

starrymommy: wow! you are one lucky mummy to have seen the jump. you must be so happy. i was a little worried when i saw mine the other week. the little fella was so still. must have been asleep. sigh. can't wait for my next appointment in 2 weeks (",)

vivian: hi! this is also my number 2. my tummy is showing already. i try to sleep on my side but when i wake up (sometimes in the middle of the night) i'm lying on my tummy. haha. try not to do so lah. now as my tummy is slowly 'potruding' it hurts when i wake...


nice scan and congrats! yes they do move all the time, bouncing, swimming, playing with the umbilical cords, eat, sleep. that's what they do without PSP in the womb! lol.


haha sometimes i feel silly too even if this is my #3! when i was 11-12 weeks along i can still sleep on my tummy but now that i could feel the womb halfway to my belly button, it started to feel psychologically uncomfortable to do that hence i stopped lying on my tummy. now i sleep on my sides and sometimes on my back especially if my #2 magically climbed up my bed and sleep in between my legs!

princess diamond,

i never take those fish oil capsules..haha.. not planning on getting them from gynae either. we're on a budget package this time around. we skipped so many stuff!

- 15w0d

thanks mummies for the compliments! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


are you taking part-time studies?? or you mean your kid having 8am class? i think it's better not to lie on the tummy already. even though we have fats around tummy and surrounding uterus, you never know when during deep sleep you may shift and end up pressing on any major blood vessel. lying on the sides will ensure better circulation, safer for both you and baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gynae is dr brenda low from gleneagles medical centre. i wish i could just walk into a neighbourhood gynae clinic! but i'm just so used to her. she's gentle and always in high spirit.


haha! your #2 so cute, will climb into bed with you. is that done out of habit or on nights she is afraid of the dark?

actually even now no matter how i lie, i won't feel 100% comfortable. one moment it is the nose keep getting stuck, change position, then is the back, change position, then the pillow/bolster not hugged correctly, change position again. on and on the whole night till i finally fall asleep.


I have the same problem sleeping recently too... cannot sleep at all. This dun happen to me one lor... I am those who can sleep anytime in the day and sleep long long one leh..

But recently, felt so tired but cannot sleep at all... sigh... so now, I will watch movies till late at night then try to sleep when I am really tired.

Fish Oil


I used to take NeurogainS. But this time, my gynae introduce a new one, Dhaxtra Softgel.

It has the highest DHA compared to other fish oil. Wah lao... damn ex ah...and the pill is HUGE!

Blessed mummy,

hi! My tummy not showing leh. Most likely is becoz I got too much fats at my tummy area... so cannot see at all... sigh...

Hmm... as for my ds, he dun know abt the bb yet. Not exactly very clingy now but definitely throwing a lot of tantrums... sometimes really want to smack him hard.


haha... without PSP in the womb! Thats a good one... think these bbs are all playing Wii inside our tummy lah....

Me: Cheering up

BB: 10w6d

blessed mommy,

My Girl turn 2 two weeks ago!I do have a same problem as yours..but it started real early for her as if she knows?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Some how that's what others told me that they can sense that i a pregnant!

She kisses and hug me all the time.AT night...kiss me all over my face and hug me to sleep!

It is only better if she is at her school where she can play with other children![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Did i see a lil "birdie" below that elevated leg?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hehehhe..


oh.. i forgot to mention. I am lecturer in ITE. So I have 8am classes which means I got to reach school at 7+am. Usually my hubby will fetch me to school but now with him in camp, I got to travel from punggol to BEDOK lor...

Already a nightmare just by typing abt it...

princess diamond,

are you sure that's a birdie!! OMG, i didn't even notice! sharp eyes huh, you! so fast have birdie already meh? i thought have to wait till week 16 scan then can see. wait till my hubby hears about this later. haha!

it is so heart warming to hear about the elder child/children being so sweet and all that hugging and kissing! all these little gestures really touches the mummy's heart. i hear le also wanna melt. can't wait to experience all these too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


starry, how u know scan only $60? so cheap leh haha cos there was one night suffered from a very sharp pain in my upper tummy.. so painful, then dunno is such pain normal or what..

wah babythad.. 3 pills each time.. alot though pills are small but i totally have phobia for them. but so far i dun find them drowsy..

