(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

think the one groovy n I had can make the soya milk too... If it's 49.90 worth buying la.., I bought mine at 69.90[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



Hopr u can gt morr clarification n chance for negotiation after meeting with ur boss today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It seems not old wives tales.. but i hv to say that brain grows at different rates. So although sleep less still growing well

Its one thing i worry for his brain development, the other one is i worry for myself.. huahhaa. Less me time :p

Puree n cereal

i always combine.. but usually if new things, i will let him taste the puree first abt two times then i will mix the cereal in..

Good morning ladies and Ian

Princess D,

Thanks for sharing info on the grinder (and uploaded the pic in FB but hor i couldnt locate it... sorry, blur me)

Actually i wanna ask u if u were stewardess cos u really have that look and figure. Before I have chance to ask u, i spotted u in one of your pictures wearing uniform...


Ohayo Minasan!



Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good to know that all is well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's reali nice of the nurse to call back after this.


Think you shd put yr foot down, talk to your hb about it first, if he doesn't want to intefere then go tell your MIL directly.

How can she be feeding him such food at tis tender age? *sighs* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Faster go see doc, hope u feel better soon!


I just called the company which sells the double boiler recommended by princess, the lady told me to try carrefour ps or suntec... Think 2ml I will go ps...

I m so dead tired only 2 hr sleep for past 3 days... Hate it when bb falls sick.. Think it will b my turn soon...


hope u feel better after seeing doct.. Probably pull a nerve at night?

Good morning Mummies & Ian!

Its very sad that another earthquake struck Japan! Hope things gets better for them and the needed help to pour in ASAP.

Stella , can I know where to buy the sacred tea? I’m asking on my frd behalf. Good that your ss is back! Gambatek on BFg for as long as possible.. I’m gonna stop soon cos really no time in office to con’t as much as I want to.

Starry, sorry to hear what you have gone thru at the clinic last night. Please take care & rest well. Glad to hear your beanie has grown another 5mm, do post the u/s pic if you can? Seeing the first u/s of your beanie brings back memories when we were still preggie last yr..

Claudia, OMG!!! WTH was your MIL thinking?? Feeding your baby junk food and still dare to comment that your bb get sicks easily. Sorry I have to say WTF.. but I am angry to hear that your MIL, being a mother herself before still does this? Every mum wants the best for their child and would give the best to the child. She is terrible!!! Hope your new maid comes in faster and she is a good helper to you!


My hubby will b away for a long trip to holland. He us asking me to come along then we can extend n tour europe.

But im quite scared... the option is whethe i come along or my HIS mum n my mum take turn to come and help me.

Will b there for 1 month plus i think...

But he will b working abt halfday mon-fri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully no ot or else will b very sian lo...

.... thinking whether can survive or not..

n what i should prepare n buy if need to go there. Sounds a lot of baggage to b packed up. :$

princessD, thank u for ur prompt reply!! :D was talking to a friend earlier and she also advice to minimise the usage of baby wipes. didnt realise that lei [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] stupid mummy here. ok ok, i shall heed ur advice on the water & cotton pads to clean the area.

i tried using destinti cream on her. it doesnt seem to work either. and on top of it, i hate the texture and smell =P probably will use back drapolean liao. that was what she has been using since birth but since the redness happened, we have swop a few creams

Starry> That is a nice nurse & gynea! Your gynea might have scold her, so she call you to say sorry.

Who is your gynea now? Does he have any practice elsewhere beside Jurong Point?

Last time there's one of my gynea's nurse (or I must say RECEPTIONIST) is totally very rude! I hate her so much! Hahaha.. She's also very stupid, like forgetful and blur blur type. Dunno why anyone want to hire her as nurse (Receptionist)?


Your mil too much. How can she give those junk food to baby? Cannot imagine my bb eating twisties and BBQ pork! why not ask your hubby to have a word with your mil to stop all these?

Princess D

Is your backpain due to bad posture? Hope you recover soon.


Who is your gynae? That nurse oso quite blur leh..

Seems like lots of mummies here have started giving porridge and many new food stuff to your baby. I just started to let my boy try plain rice cereals only.. Think i should be more adventurers.


ann, 1st check what is the temperature like over there. Then you will know what kind of clothing you need to bring. Medication is important too. Portable bathtub for baby's bath. Let me go check my traveling list. Revert later.

Hi hi

My girl is not feeling well. Take only 10 or 20 ml drink each time and sometime Vomit all due to coughing. PD said it is virus and her throat got red and swollen. No medicine 4 that and have to wait and see about a week. If she is not well after a week, need to go back to Pd. Pd said poor weight gain as she gain nearly 1 Kg only within 3 months. I told Pd she didn't drink milk w spoon feeding but Pd keeps on saying to feed her. My baby didn't swallow. What can I do?

Heart pain


No lah. I know urs is not. I just say mine is opposite of urs... we never mean to cane, she cane...


For me, I feel that letting them keep in contact with friends and family is fine, as long as work is not affected. Hence, i allow handphones with no restriction for my current maid... but dun take my word for it coz my colleagues always say i give my maid too much freedom. My new maid wont have as much freedom, I will still allow handphone but will monitor her usage - if she keep using all day, I will confiscate. But very sianz, need to reselect maid coz the one selected was taken by someone else before me ... she din tell me. Sigh.


Sorry to hear abt your mil! She's so thickheaded, tell her won't listen?? Really next time must bring her along to see the doctor. Give her some medicine also! Where got ppl in the right mind give twisties and ice-cream to infants??!! I hear already also feel mad. No wonder the poor baby kept falling sick! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope u settle this with her asap and tell her to stop giving baby junk food. Bang table if need to. Otherwise next time really very difficult to feed ur baby.

Ann, lilbluey, Teoong, snoopy,

Thanks ladies! Think my blood boiled too much last night today feeling very tired! Rest rest rest!! For the 100th time, I really feel that this pregnancy is not easy. Sigh.. Oh I will upload the u/s scan later when I can use the laptop.

Tigger, groovy,

My gynae is dr John yam. Hubby and I really like him! Find that he is super nice and he won't rush thru appt at all. His other clinic is at gleneagles.

Princess d,

What other ingredients are in the double boiled pork soup?

amy> his sleeping hrs very minimal inside his own cot..wakes up easily~ really know how to enjoy spring mattress over latex ones..


You are welcome ....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The pic is not me la! You must gotten it wrong !!

You can't assess the secret group ?

Thanks ladies

Just back from doc... Pain is unbearable this morning !Also can't take much meds cos of bfg! Arrghhh! Think gotta go sinseh d!


I put carrots, barley n wolfberries' tats all! Only shen she is older then I ll put in beans/nuts to try.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ache ache ache !! Bloody aching now


The most impt I'd to keep the area clean dry .. If you can, airdry. A lil while. Then put her bk on her diaper ... The desitin cream no smell le? You got the purple one izit ?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] j

Hope bb can get well soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Moisturizer for head to toes , thermometer , meds include panadol,flu meds.. !his cutleries n stuffs !

For the long flight ....( in de airplane )

Get extra clothes inboard use n after disermbarkation .

His food cam order on ground however I rem btl good served are pathetic just get couple of snacks n btl good ready for him.

Extra diapers n moisturizer ...

Lol.. Sounds alot huh?

princessD, better be extra careful when it comes to back ache. no joke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cos can have recurring effect if not taken care of.

put more pillows around you tonight when u sleep.... :D at least more cushionings.

ya ya! i got the purple one from PD. got different type of desitin meh? LOL i seriously BTH the smell. and the washing off part is headache lor. cos very difficult to wash off due to its thick texture.

wat secret group? is it in FB de? can i be invited? hehehehehe


Yah the purple one is super thick ... U can get from KP the normal blue desitin ! That's good enuf..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Invite u later k...


Xavier v smart!! Spring mattress better hor! Pls dun under estimate a bb !!!!!!

ok thank u thank u :D alamak! i didnt know got 2 types. purple one cannot make it la. it's so difficult to wash off that we gonna gently rub it off.

i shall keep a lookout for it.

Princess d,

Do rest as n when u can. Hope u feel better okie!


Thought umention b4 that u have send the maid away? Wtf with ur mil. How can feed bb junk food. I have a friend who let her mil take care of her daughter but her mil feed junk food until the little girl's intestine got prob. My friend aft knowing this had to quit her nursing job n take care of her daughter herself. Now her girl 9 yrs old already always had tummy upset. If u can, pls get ur mum or relatives to look aft ur boy.


If the rashes is v bad, best to use the purple desitin. This is what my GP told me n have to apply thick thick.

Princess D

oh.. I got it wrong? :p

Yes, I have no access to the secret group. Can grant me access?

True loh, ah moh doc only give pain killers.

hi mummies, i have a tin of dumex mamil stage 2 and enfalac stage 2 (both 400g tins) to exchange for NAN HA 2 ...kindly pm me if interested ..tks.

tiffy,mm,its not VERY bad la. but red red lo. see already heart suan suan. apply thick thick? then will be as white as paper le LOL!


Yes there are few types ... There's another one is in gel type n tube is yellow but doubt they have it in s'pore ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Not me la ! Buahaaa!!!

Okay okay .. Later I add you n bblibran ! Now using iPhone cannot assess ler..


Thanks .. Will do ! Think the pain due to the last time I fell in plane after pushed from a lady !!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

princess d,

how come suddenly backache? didn't hear you complain abt backache for the longest time liao. did you strain yourself recently? rest well and leave the chores to maid bah. the soup you mentioned sounds very very delicious! drooling thinking of it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i was also drooling over jadelyn's carrot porridge just now. the pork broth really made it smell super good!


you little prince really knows how to enjoy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i got the cheaper type of nappy rash cream from NTUC. when on promo only 2 boxes for $9.90. worked well for jadelyn. it's in pick colour box, can't remember the name.

Hi mummies, finally it is Friday. Been quite exhausting last 2 days. Cae is sick again. Coughing and wheezing. PD start him on 4 hrly nebulizer. Hiazzzz... we are making arrangement with my mum and mil so that we need not send him to infant care anymore. We believe he caught the bug/virus there cos when we send him in on Wed, there was a child coughing and another mucus dripping. Hope the infant care can make an exception to let us pull him out by end Apr if not mid May. Base on their handbook, earliest is end May. Have to pay for 1 1/2 months fee without sending him there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Gotten the PD, to write a letter for us stating health as a reason. Hope they buy that.

Despite, not been well. Cae has gain weight and is not 7.95kg at 6 mths. But with the current cough, he is drinking very little. Lucky have started him on solid. But these 2 days because of cough, he also taking in lesser.

Will catch up with the rest posts while expressing. he he he


yup. this is what i do on Jaren when i notice his bum red red. apply until as white as paper. but hor really hard to wash off lor.hehehe


oh no... seems like before cae gets well, he gets another virus from the other babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] heartache to see babies sick. so ke lian, wanna take over their discomfort also cannot. your mum sill look after him then? don't worry so much, i'm sure things will work out. are you taking leave to take care of him in the meantime?

not sure if you are open to this but i will share anyway... can give cae the bao yin dan powder from EYS once a day to improve his immunity. need to wait till he fully recovers from this round of flu/cough though. i was told this by a reputable TCM sinseh.


how to not pamper? next time he manja i think you will be the first to give in to him! wahaha!! aiyah, babies change pattern very fast one lah. this week like spring, next week happy with latex again.


need opinion here... saw a bag from coach with i kinda like and hubby has been saying for the longest time since last year that he will get a good bag for me but i didn't really want 'cos felt that need to be more thrifty. he wanted to get another LV but i think no point lah. too ex and and i don't really fancy LV anymore. coach looks quite good and this caught my eye. nice or not?? hubby says it's ugly! he nv likes what i like. boo!



That's why my mum is complaining too. Isaac naps little in the day and my mum has to constantly watch over him. Lol.

Oooooo... Europe!! I think you will be able to handle Niko lah, you are his main caregiver currently. This may be a good time to travel to Europe. When they gorw a little bit older, it is actually tough to make them sit down for the 10+ hours flight.


I had an agreement before I hire my maid that she is not allowed to hold on to her hp and no off day. She has been with me for 7 months liao and I think I can trust her enuff. Then again, I dun want her to be on the hp too much and necglect the kids in teh day, so only intending to pass her the hp in the evening until bedtime. Sleep is so precious to her now, so she also value every single minute. I hope she wun give me pattern later.


My dd used to kena nappy rash frequently and my mum always use so much nappy cream. She looks like she was mouldy down there. Lol.


i had to laugh at your post. mouldy down there. wahaha!! actually supposed to slather all ard the butt area if got bad rash right? machiam cake frosting? but sometimes really very hard to wipe off.


wahahaha forget hb name. how can???later no gift fr him how?????

hmmm, personally i don't like this design(coach bag) u post leh. Got other design u also interested in or not. post it here then we cast our vote lah.whahaha


i forgot his mobile number before! that was when i was pregnant with jadelyn. >_<

okay, here are the ones i am 'eyeing'..




Afternoon mummies n Ian,


Xavier is so smart. Knows how to enjoy life leh. So far dare not on air con cos scared my boy too cold la. Skin already quite dry.


Glad that all is well with little beanie. Do rest more.

Saw ur pic on the coach bag. Looks nice wat. Y ur hb say ugly? Haha. How much is it? Seems quite big. Can put a lot of things. I like. I like bags with lots of compartments. Haha.


If u going Holland with hb will be good lor. Can take the chance to go enjoy n take it as holiday there lor. Think u can take care of niko well la.


I also using the desitin cream blue colour one. Agree that it is not as creamy n smooth as the other brands. But so far so good. Em. Need to wipe off meh? Usually I apply then wen change diapers nothing much left Liao. Nvr white white leh.


Really feel angry reading wat ur mil does. How can feed baby with all the junk food leh. Aiyo. Even wan to feed also sld ask u first wat. Pls talk to ur hb n really put ur foot down. If nt next time ur baby suffer leh.


Hope Cae gets well soon.


Just read that Issac sleeps very little in the day? In this case does it affect his sleep at night?

Em. Mb can let him play more so he'll be tired n wanna nap more?

Just my suggestion. Hope it helps.

jac> he hasnt been sleeping on latex for like more than 3mths liao? at my MIL's place..he also sleep on spring mattress..


u so funny..you hubby will not blame u for forgetting his name cos u are the queen now!!

As for the coach bag, do u have lots of things to put in it? Cos if it's too empty then it may not be able to bring out the shape of the bag. There are nice smaller hobo in their website. Kristin Embossed Python also not bad.



The bag is nice! Just follow your heart ! The detailing is nice![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Coach bag is quite heavy , are you using it as diaper bag?


Oh dear, hope cae will recover soon with tht help of neubulizer !

Wow! He has a good weight ! Congrats ... !

starry & tiffy

ya, i was using drapolean prior to all the other creams lo. but who knows still go rash. but i m gonna try out princessD advice on using water & cotton pad only. see how it works lo. so heartpain seeing red red.


my hubby always like to sing opp tune from me one lah! the only brand he likes is LV! but i don't like LV. i like coach, he says looks 'cheap'. see lah? coach not cheap lor. he's mad lah..


i also 'eyed' the 3rd one initially! hubby also don't like. the seller i go to doesn't have it in stock. only the 1st one. think can pre-order but gotta wait very long.


i will have quite a bit of things to put inside. always bring water bottle and small umbrella everywhere i go. aunty-ish hor? haha!! thanks for the suggestion but i'm not too keen in exotic skin prints. hee!! even if i REALLY forget hubby's name also cannot help it. don't forget i am married to him can liao. wahhahaa!!

thanks Xin... ya very difficult to wash off when we wanna bath her. cos we used it each time we change her diaper. so even the next day when its time to bath, wah.. super hard to wash off

Zuen, cant help but to laugh at your comment.. mouldy down there! LOL!

STARRY! i vote for number 3! :D i saw the real thing of #1 in the shop. eh, look abit mature =P

it looks very nice in mag too. cos i was 'eyeing' initially but after seeing the real thing, i change my mind.


Sorry to hear that Cae is unwell. Cae is at a good weight. My boy is even lighter than him, only 7.7kg at 6mths.


princess d,

i like the detailing! something unique lah. and better than LV, at least this is leather. haha! not going to use as diaper bag, more for work/weekend. my diaper bag is the lesportsac one. very light and fuss free. can you imagine milk all over leather??? oh, i once poured milk into my LV. very smelly. :p so no more expensive bags around baby.


switching to cloth diaper temporarily may help improve the rash condition. have you tried changing diaper brand? i know some babies get 'allergic' to certain brands of diapers. if i am not wrong, huggies is the most comfortable one for babies prone to rashes.

or i think princess d shared long time ago, just let baby go free-n-easy, don't wear anything for a few hours a day.

