(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


today i feel better. thanks

tell u hor, i dun think i can tahan long if i were to carry Nik[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i know u dun PHD. wahahaha

okie okie my boy also not soooo chubby. His weight is 7.4kg at 6mth. i am happy cos still consider managable to carry.


ya, the other party so hypocrite, somemore turn up to lent her shoulders to cry on!!BTH..

luckily she left such selfish man, come to think about it, maybe it is the man that cant produce instead of her!!

HAPPY FOR HER, blissful marriage n loving family!!!

wah is today's topic on porridge & broth? sounds delicious! so fast start porridge! u gals r so hardworking. sofea is still on cereal and fruits/veg. And i feed her 2x a day only,

Any babies here starting to slow down on weight gain or losing weight? sofea only gained 200g since last mth! her milk feeds r as usual and on top of dat still gif cereal and fruits/veg but she's damn active! I dun want her to lose weight at least wait till she can crawl

Hey jac, then make broth how long can keep in fridge? I still use the 48hrs max for all my purees. is the broth boiled just like that or do u add any other spices/onion/garlic?

Princess_d, meghan sure loves to eat! I tink making up for the lost feeds while she was sick. Hope she'll all better now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sofea is 6 months today! Oh how time flies..


Piangzzz!! Tt ex hb & fren!! So bad!!

Really glad tt ur fren found her true love & got her miracle bb!! ^^


I Noe too. I'm just kidding around. ^^

Princess d.

Wow. She can write a book n sell it. Her life so full of drama. Glad that she is blessed with littlr baby now such a happy 'ending'

Agree w cherry neo.

Sometims it is the hubbys fault. But so bad, evwrytime come to concieving prob, people will suspect the women first.

Theres also one family that i know of in indo, the wife has 3 daughtees and pil dont like her coz no boys.

I tell u they dont know biology at all. It is supposed to b the hubby's "fault" cant give the y chromosome to the kids.

Anyway they divorced because of that reason. Stupid rite? 3 wonderful daughters n they (pil) dont treasure them..

Tiffy, momotan..

I think they will catch up woth each other soon. Maybe aftrr 1 years old, all will wieght about 10kgs.

heehee.. soon they r too heavy for us to carry! N we all will complain together heehee.. cant wait for it l..


My boy lo.. only gain 500 in 2 mnth. I think as long as not losing weighy its ok...


Think I tried adding u as well. If can't then u add me can?

[email protected]


Think don't worry too much about Lucas weight. If PD nvr comment anything then sld be fine. As long as got put on weight sld be ok ba.

Probably wen he is on more semi solid food then can put on more weight?


What's ur nick on FB? Not sure if I've added u.


Ur mom's pork broth sounds yummy. I hv not started on semi solids for Kayden yet. Think will start once he is 6mths. Lazy mummy here.

Hopefully he will enjoy his food just like all the other babies here.

Afternoon all!

Super tired now...just went to compass point with baby on the baby bjorn. My shoulders are aching like hell now. Now he is finally napping. Hope he can concuss for at least an hr.

Yesterday rushed him to the paed cos he suddenly developed lots of red rashes all over the body. At the same time see for his leak nose and cough. Paed says its heat rash. Not to panic. Gave calamine lotion and also meds for his nose/cough. That featherwt boy of mine still has yet to reach 7kg. Actually I kind of gave up o him being heavy but ido wonder where does all the milk and food go. His wt gain is S.L.O.W!!

Duh, I went to hock hwa to get the Jin ting hua but I forgot to get ikan bills!

So happy for your friend, princess! I hv a good friend who was also trying for many many years. Also gave up already then found out that they are pregnant. Now daughter already 2 YO. Just fate I guess... Sometimes just can't be too stress about baby making.

Starry, your little beanie pic is so clear! Can see the legs moving. Have a good rest n try to minimize carrying jadelyn for the time being.


I m using maclaren XLR when hubby ard and combi urban walker without hubby. Elder boy uses maclaren quest. U shld try to get stroller soon if ureally wan bb to sit in stroller if not they will refuse as they r already 6 mth, no longer blur blur up to us to dictate...

ann> Wow really, divorced becoz of not having any son? That's why I think we must not depend on our parents/ PIL once we are married. Otherwise they will nag and nag and we must follow theirs.

I heard from my MIL, got one of her friend, she wants her daughter to give birth at certain auspicious date!!! Really crazy!! In the end they go for induce, but because it fails, need emergency C-Sect! Can you imagine the danger to the mother & baby?

I really can't think, some of my friends are married very young in Indo and of course still depend on their parents money after marriage. Their parents can buy them anything, including house!

Lucky my elder sister is not the type who depends on our parents money, so she set a good example for me, so I don't depend on them at all and they can't have any say on our household (including our decision to starve Josie when she can't latch in her first few days of life. :p).


PHD buahahha!!!


yeah,must count our blessings...I think there are many many ppl out there are having marital problems jsut that they doesnt like to share and much more are more drama than this...my prev job allowed me to meet all kinds of ppl and sadly,many do have family problems[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But it is nice to hear from them though...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Happy 6th month old to sofea[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya its one of the sad case marrying rich man n married young n depend on parents.

Im quite glad im independent from pil tho not having "wonderfull" life. But sometimes i still feel it is the culture in indo that parents say a lot of things for their kids marriages?

Sometines i feel some of what my pil said is really put of their "zone" n somemore i cant show disapproval. Im considered rebel alrdy compared to their other dil

princess d,

what kind of hubby??!! WTF! went for her friend. he needs to be shot, man... no, kill him too nice, must chop off his BIRD! very happy for your friend, found her true love plus now a miracle baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

your next session gel nails can do french manicure then plus pearls and some bling. sure very nice! must remember to show us after you've done it.


nothing else added, just lean pork slices. if keep in fridge, better use within 48 hours, and treat it like any fresh food. and happy 6mths old to sofea!!


try adding me? [email protected].


thanks! i'm glad i changed gynae, 'cos his scan machine is really very good. as small as a laptop nia. when i saw it i was surprised, 'cos previous gynae's one was HUGE! like monster. haha!


U definitely dun hv PND wahahaha *wink wink*

Like wat PrincessD said, we are not here to compare which baby is bigger! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Glad that your fren found true happiness! As for that adulterous pair, they can rot in hell!


your friends who are able to depend on their parents are indeed very lucky. in a way, it is good, but a line must be drawn somewhere. when parents pass on then how?? if they don't learn to save money and make plans for themselves, their children will be the ones suffering next time. my fil is a very very nice man. if we ask for car, he will definitely buy for us. thankfully my hubby is not that sort of son. if he is and only knows how to ask for things from parents, i will feel super insecure living with him.


their other dil is the super guai guai type?

Ann> Actually my PIL can't compare me since hubby is first child and he's the only one married. Quite lucky in a way. hehehe..

But I just heard BIL is now dating MIL's close friend's daughter.. Wait till they get married then I think I might be compared as the "more daring DIL".

Sometimes I can't help it since I'm the type of person who always say what's in my mind without thinking of the consequences. huhu.. My mom and sister used to scold me for that!

Hubby is not the type who will ask also.. But if they give, hubby will accept :S.. Usually I'm the one thinking in my mind what do they give to us and how to give back. Huhuhu..

I actually never give back money to our parents since they won't accept it. My sister always give money since her PIL need those money and to make it fair, she also give to our parents. My mom accept and put the money inside the account which is under my sister's name. ZZZzz..

Sometimes I'm confused how to give back. Thinking to buy jewels for Mom and MIL but so far never bought any. huhuhu.. :$.

Cherry & Jac, thanks for reply. TCM say can boil Sweet & Bitter Almond(南北杏)Nan bei xing for Cae as it help strengthen the lungs so was wondering what about wolfberry and red dates as these are more common. Maybe will check with TCM when visit him next.

Jac, your nails still look very nice.

Princess, sorry this fri cannot leh. I’m on leave Thu to bring Cae for vaccination and meeting girlfriends for lunch. Me had bad experience with TWG or it is a coincidence, first time drank their tea, I can’t sleep leh was awake till 3am! My boss who was with me also can’t sleep. But the tea is nice lah.

Your friend is indeed bless to find a hubby who truly loves and adores her. So happy that God complete their marriage with a bundle of joy. Terrible ex hubby and her so-called friend.

Found a blogspot that has lots of recipes, you can check it out http://ellenaguan.blogspot.com/p/recipes.html

Don’t know why, today super xian… didn’t do much work at all, still can’t bring myself to work……


Very sad rite? It's still happening in this society n in this generation !! I dunno if u were here earlier during our first few trimester ... I ve mentioned a lady I knew who's IL Also blamed her for not bearing a son !

Life is just v unfair but as a mother , who cares?

Thanks ladiesy friend deserved a better man which is her HB n a happy family !


Yeah man !now got 1 album for my nails in fb ! HB bth Liao !! Wahaaaa!!!! Nails still okay but itchy now ... WAnna do. French !! Muahaaa!!grrrrrr......


How r u today ah?? Betterer ornot ...cheer up k, come in n de-stress abit!!

U know ah, my HB maker v upset last sat!! I refused to talk to him cos no point !! He doesn't listen !!!

Then kept asking why n why ?? So I ve decided to shut up!

On sun , he irritated me again with his nonsense ! No funny u know !! He is too free when he is at home !!

And sun was leaving for his trip at night !!

So so fed up ! I cooked basmati rice ( which he hate) n I cook curry chix with lots of curry powder n chilli padi for dinner !!!

Is good to see him really quiet after meal walkung frantically up dwn in out of the toilet !

At least shut him up for hours!!!!!!

He just sent ne a msg saying that day when he left for work , ppl told he has got sexy ref thick lips! Served him right!!!

Last time after I give birth to Josie, I actually wanted to give them money to be thankful for their help and for what they bought for us & Josie, but both rejected. I even withdraw already, put inside envelope, and give them when they are here. Both side rejected..

Until now I feel in debt to them.. huhu..


I seldom curse n nver ever curse someone in my life.. But WHAT THE HELL????

Im in nursing room n someone knock 4 times plus ofd the lights n when i go out they r mad face????

Princess d,

What did ur hb do to make u angry??

Wow ur curry chix super hot huh, can even make his lip sexy.

That woman made such a comment is my eldest cousin fr my dad's side. She even said fr woodlands mrt take to clementi mrt n change bus to NUH quite convenient. U tell me lor easy to handle or not if I were to bring Jaren along with stroller n bag. Her 2 kids grow up already n have maid of course easy for her to say.

Actually yest night I came in but all of u turn in already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


go home n have a cold shower!!!hugs!!


for not listening to me when i explained things n he kept asking why n why b why again n again until i fed up la!Whatever it is!!He just dun listen!!!Buahahhahahhah!!!

Oic,aiya,say very easy hor..she said so easy asked her for help la!No need to cry la..i will shoot her with some nasty remarks too if i were you!!how stupid to just say things like that??

Princess d,

I dare not shoot nasty back to her. Actually my hb also said same thing as u. Tell her to take over n bring Jaren all the way to NUH by mrt n bus n then come back to cook dinner but without maid n see she can tahan or not.

Hahaha actually man always likes to ask why why why, sometime bueh tahan them.


They said smth in chinese that i dont understamd. N there r two of them with two babies who dont fuss at all for milk. Well some shout at one point of time. And they all bring strollers.

If need diaper change desperately just do it there la!

Can have each othes help!!!!!!

I dont understamd the wheelchair toilet is just next door if they wanna nurse n its big two of them can camp there la.

Aarrgjh. Super hate. I just went bck after scolding them n they said smth which luckily i dont inderstand.

Ginn have my shower n play with my baby (who is now playimg with the handphine cables whole im typing. Huahha)


from woodlands to clementi is far n u have to alight to bus etc.

She obviously doesnt know what shes talking!!!! Grrr.. im mad for u too! (Hahhaha)


Hope u are feeling much better than yesterday. Wa. I cannot imagine to take MRT from woodlands to clementi call convenient? Aiyo. Still muz handle baby leh.

Just don't care abt wat she say la. As long as u are doing ur best to care for ur dad can Liao.


Don't be angry anymore. I kena a lot of times also. In the nursing room n outside kept knocking n knocking. So super impatient man. Cant stand it.

Noonie mummies!

Tiffy: ur cousin is mad is it? carry baby, take stroller n still hv to jagar ur dad how to take bus? With baby and stroller, already I cant manage on a bus! Cant imagine if u still hv to jagar ur dad. These ppl say others v easy...! Just like my BIL, always like to say ppl... eat too free nothing to do. KAYPO!

Ann: But hor sometimes some ppl are really inconsiderate when they are in the nursing room. I encountered once at the airport. Jaeden poo poo and was crying cos of the discomfort. I waited outside the glass door for quite some time for the other mummy to do her deal w her toddler. She saw me outside waiting but she was really SLOW MOTION in everything she do. I stood outside n stare at her. Cos she can see and she can hear Jaeden crying but all the more she purposely slowly wear the diaper pants for her girl. Then slowly wash hand. Slowly pack her stuff. Totally no consideration for others. When she came out, she even purposely go bang into Jaeden's pram. At that time, I cannot take it. I said BITCH and walked into the nursery room. She turned ard to stare at me but I dont care.

Ann> Really annoying!! Those people never breastfeed lah! So they don't know!!

Tiffy> That's a very nasty comments your cousin gives you! Just think her baby last time must be taken care by her parents/maid and not by herself so she doesn't know how difficult it is to bring baby out!! Or maybe she's so ignorant that forgot how difficult it is!!!

Really Clementi to Woodlands where got near?????? Must change MRT, Some more to go NUH must go by bus!!

And she think hospital is very clean?? No germs??? I even everytime goes home from hospital or GP always take a bath and wash hair!!


Indeed v inconvenient. 1st check up I went n my hb on leave stay at hm take care of Jaren. But that time my dad is at St. Luke rehab hospital so I take mrt alight at bukit batik n walk to ST Luke then follow ambulance which bring my dad to NUH. I never go NUH straight cos I scare wait at wrong pl in NUH then waste time.


Ambulance will fetch my dad to NUH n I just need to go NUH straight n wait for them there. But really cannot lah if I have to bring Jaren along. Jaren need stroller.

Xin, groovy

That's why I so sad n pissed off yest when this cousin shoot this type of comments to me.


Last time I was at Vivo n the door can't lock so my hb purposely stand at the door so that ppl can tell fr outside that there are ppl inside. Still got ppl just open the door!!

Then I was feeding n this lady just open the door, luckily I was using the shawl n she questioned me how long more fo I need. I say I dunno, see bb when finish, maybe another 15mins? Then she say, my bb poo can I just change for him.

Of cos I say NO

The room already so small n she was to change poo ... want us to faint isit? Somemore not young bb like ours, poo still not much smell. It's big big bb ler!!

She gave me a nasty face n left, so damn rude!!

Re: 2nd day of work

My mum called n say no more BM liao!! Now drink 140ml so all gone!! Told her to feed the enfalac which I had on standby haha luckily 16 more days she will be 6mth old n can start solid. My ss no good now cos bad running nose n cough. Miss the time when just latch on only!

Still v free haha but see my staff's quality of work during my absence really shake head but well this is also a true reflection of my boss's work right? Cos she approve one mar


You know this type of relatives, not close n talk alot of rubbish then appear as if they are giving good advice type. KNS!!! Hate it man!!

If I am you I would really answer back n say actually bb so young no good to keep going to hospital. My dad is at sgh today for his heart test, we ask my sis to go n visit cos I dun wan to bring the 3 kids there though I know my dad will be v happy to see them. Anyway he will be discharged Tom.


i think this kind of nosy relative can sign of...rather talk than to offer help....pui!!!


glad tat ur dad gng to discharge tmrw...

are you gng to bf her till longer or about to wean her off soon at 6mths?since she is taking FM...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess dia

This is her first ever FM aft discharge haha cos the frozen packs are at my place n i just started taking fenugreek when I return to work. Not weaning her off till my ss drop but my personal goal is 6mth n anything extra is bonus. Managed to TBF my 2 boys till 10mth so hope to do the same for her.

1 feed dun count never TBF right haha yesterday my mum say she take around 100ml but think now she is used to the bottle so take 140ml. My mum days that now she see the bottle v excited haha wan to grab!!

Starry/ groovy

Ya the other dil guai guai n very friendly to them ..

Im the one who have black face n weird.. n born in the year of tiger (very fierce :p) which they say clash w my hubby, n we all married within 1 year so they said our marroage os roomed coz bil martied first blablabla.

Plus the recent incident thay i asked them all (bil family with one toddler n his mil) to stay in hotel when they come hete to visit our 1.5 mntj old baby.. n not cramp in our 2 bedroom flat

i think if they know abt i would turn ugly n not friendly like this they would disapprove. Somehow they r scared of me now??? Hehehe. Esp after cny holiday that i went back n show unhappinness too ( since they love to compare n remember the obesse part???)

Actually i dont want things to turn sour like this. But what to do n how tp mend it? I just feel they talk n suggest a lot but not knowing abt our situation n want to say a lot of things n force us to do it like they did it in the past. Really dont know what to say anymore abt them. They r "nice" but somehow dont understand personal space? N somehow tell things not in a nice way. Like i dont know anything about baby.

Lst time when i work as teacher they also said, a person like me how can become one???? Smth like that, i really dunno how to say, like they know me better than myself n they r my best pals.

Lucky my hubby is not like his bro who is very close to his mum. He agree like what most of u r saying that rlatiomship bw hubby n wife is more impt. Parents cant be the third party for separation...

Haha it becomes very long. Thanks for reading. :p


At that moment I didn't expect such things fr her so never answer her back. I just reply bb will b cranky if I bring along. I never tell her I have set routine for my bb to follow. Really kns lor

Haha, ya lor.. Thinking back it's our parents and PIL is the one making us very kancheong when baby just born. Like they care more about the baby then they care about us. Huhu..

I kinda envy my colleague, the one that has pregnancy rashes now. She said her mom is around already since her 24th week pregnancy, cook for her, do housework for her, and now, apply lotion & everything for her whenever she feel itch.. And her mom asking why her gynea like didn't show any care to her at all, only care about the baby, then said you care about your baby I care about you because you're my baby. hahaha..

Envy her! My mom even still spend time to go shopping with my sister & brother during my maternity leave & not helping me everyday when she come here. Zzz.. I think she thought my hubby is always around at my house, so I don't need her help at all. When I complain she said last time she asked her mom to go shopping instead of helping her when she's given birth. Then of course I said Mom, you have maid, I don't have! Sigh..

Sometimes I'm just always thinking, what if it's my elder SISTER who give birth. Will my mom treat her the same as how she treat me? Will she always be by my sister side and helping her to take care of the baby instead of going shopping? Sigh.. Always the middle child dilemma. hahaha..


You tell this type of people routine no use one. They will say that ur dad more impt than routine. Say hospital too much germs, dr also say dun bring bb to such places - period.

cheer up ANn[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's just too bad that the realtionship turns out like that..But hey,thank GOd you have your HB n lil Niko!Other matters are secondary!

It is sad that if a parents wanna interfere with the marriage and how to rule the marriage!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And judge the son or DIL just base on looking at them!

THey should jolly well know how to take care of themselves and look into your situation...

Niko is a great way to show them that you are a great mother!!DOn't worry..over time they will understand...

think some of us her have bad experiences with IL too!!Heheheh..im one of them!

well,just like ou,since they judge me that im fierce n rude,i'll just showed them how rude n fierce can i be lor...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


still consider!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm..i m sure you can la...10 months..and that's another 4mths to go only...very fast!!JIa you!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i hope you ladies are feeling better tmrw....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U r right. I shld say doc tell me minimize bring Jaren to hospital cos full of germ.

Princess d,

Yah hope tomolo me n Ann feel better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Briefly scan thru the posts, babes..


Tell me abt it.!! I met alot of rude & impatient parents outside nursing rooms.

Sm can bang on the door & keep shouting Helo Helo.

Are they stupid or wat?!! The door is locked, obviously got pple inside right?!!!

Got once this 2 couples, 4 parents bang & pull the door sooooo many times tt my hb had to yell at then from inside.

Pisssed!!! Same thing, when I go out, they stared at me like I'm some sinner.

Somemore I saw 1 of the couple only want to use the room for diaper change only. Wats wrong with them???!!!

Can improvise smwhr else right??

So Ann, heck care & cheer up. I just stared back at them though my eyes not v big. Wahahaha!!


Piang. Ur tt cousin is trying to haolian she got maid is it?

Tk bus/mrt??? I alr h lv difficulty taking cab alone with Lucas liao lor.

She think so easy ask her to come do it.

Nxt time she say this kinda nonsense, just explain to her nicely.

If she dun understand, gv her back the crap!!


The fued will nvr end.

To this day, my mil still behave diff depending my hb with me or not.

Always gv me sarcastic remarks & doubt my capabilities to tk care of Lucas & hb.

Poor hb, hv to listen to my complaints many times. Wahahah.

My hb always tell me, "look at my Sis, tts retribution.."

Funny la, he. But the Sis oso poor thing la. Anw, I'm really glad I'm getting away from them soon. No more such crap, prolly only once a yr when we come back for visit.


Dun angry la. Men dun get it one.

Ask him for present if he wants ur forgiveness!

Yay! Another bag!! ^^

