(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


since Jadelyn's birth, we've been bringing her everywhere and exposing her to noisy environments. maybe that's why she is so adaptable now. she can sleep in the bedroom even though there is a noisy party going on in our living room. kayden is probably very used to quiet environment that's why can't sleep well if there are loud noises. let's hope he will get better as he grows older. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I suppose u mean ur bb keeps falling asleep during feeding times. My bb does that too, so we now have a bag of tricks to wake her. Stroking face is one, others include giving her a voice command which startles her awake, half stripping her, burping her, changing diapers etc.

I think u will need an alternative way of soothing bb to sleep if u want to remove his reliance on ur nipple. Pacifier could be one way, although my bb didn't like it at all. Once you find the alternative, then wake her up by removing ur nipple, calm her down and quickly use the alternative method. for us, one of our alternatives was to pat her very fast - she gets really drowsy this way.


Yes i've also read abt the no cry method. Apparently the author once picked up the bb 216 times on the 1st night bf bb fell asleep! but she claimed it only took her 45 pick-ups the 2nd nite and eventually the bb was trained.

Will try this way soon and hopefully it wouldn't take 216 times!

Yar nana, going to try pacifier soon. Got a hand me down I think un used pacifier but think going to get a new one over the weekend.

Isabelle, thanks for the info.... Hopefully got a better method to calm my girl beside my breast.


Regarding the bad smell - it's actually normal. Apparently there's an enzyme in breast milk that will cause the bad smell during storage. The milk is still drinkable though. One way to prevent the bad smell is to boil the milk prior to storage in order to deactivate the enzyme. However, I think the boiling will also deactivate the good stuff in breastmilk - which is why I have not tried this.

Isabelle, thanks for the explaination. My bb will cry badly when she is sleepy and I need to offer my breast to her for her to fall asleep. Since she's so sleepy alr tts y I hardly wake her up.. Wil find out the alternative as u suggested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my boy also starts to sleep through the night. Sometimes he can have his last feed at 8pm & slept all the way till 6am.

I noticed there's alway a particular week where he don't have appetite to drink & normally takes 5 hrs to drink.

I would like to ask if rid wind can be taken everyday? It was prescribed by pd during his last visit. Was told to finish the whole bottle but it's finished now, is there a need to get another bottle & continue feeding him?


I dun think there is a solution to that, kip trying until bb used to e taste?. I read too abt bb rejecting fbm too. I m worried also. Till now, my boi rejects bottle, regardless of whether it is fresh ebm or chilled ebm. Only given him 1x fbm, but that was long, long time ago. My freezer full of fbm, if he rejects, I really can cry.

Arrggghh.. Today Josie is not drinking well again. I'm going to be crazy.. How come one day drinking well one day not drinking.. yesterday I weigh her back to 5.4 kg again but today she's back to 5.1 kg. If she's not drinking well, she will keep moving her leg and not sleeping well too. Arrggghhh now she's smart too won't open her mouth so big when she cries so I can't forcefully put my breast inside her mouth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I thought usually babies loves breast as pacifier. But that's not happening to Josie. Drinking milk is like torture to her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Apple, one big con for giving pacifier is it is v hard to wean from it. And ppl said baby's mouth shape wil change using pacifier. Tts y pacifier is my last choice

Claudia, does he has wind in his stomach still? If not dun need to take it le. Only take when necessary. My boy no more taking liao.

Groovy, maybe Josie not too hungry? She doesnt like bottle fed? Will it be the teat? Do u try other brands b4?

Bblin> I totally don't know whether she's hungry or not. She will move her hand and leg and licking her hand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..

I total breastfeed her until now.. Huhu.. Once she drink only 8 minutes 1 breast, then after burping still doesn't want the other breast or the same breast. After that keep moving hand and leg, lick her finger, pee like 2-3 times, and need to constantly burp her because she keeps gulping her own saliva [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

When I put her near my breast or try to latch her she will cry. Argh..

After like 2 hours she will sleep like 0.5 hour then start to ask for milk again. Sigh..

That time I once tried to give her bottle when she looks like that, but she also cries. Huhuhu.. So damn stressful, having a baby that is so difficult to feed :S.

Last time she has vomiting problem. This time she never vomits anymore because she drinks very little. huhuhu...

If she's a fat baby to begin with, I won't be worried.. But she's quite skinny now. Huhuhu.. That's why I'm very worried if she's not gaining weight every week.

She still pees quite a lot though. It's just the poo is only once a day..

My weight scale might also not very accurate. Huhu.. but she's always ranging from 5.1-5.4 kg everytime I weigh her, so she totally didn't gain any weight ever since last week....

hi mummies!

so long nvr read the posts here in detail.

finally got time to catch up with some of it.

regarding bb sleeping at the breasts, mine is ALL THE TIME! Whether my breasts are full or not. Once suckle automatic go into sleep mode but still can drink. But luckily she is not reliant on that to sleep. I have a fren who had to let her 3 yr old son suckle to sleep even after stopping bf-ing! So mummies pls think twice about offering your breasts for comfort.

seems like i am not alone in worrying abt my bb. Now she sleeps like a toddler instead of infant. Not sure if it's good or not lei.

she will take a long 3 hr nap in the afternoon and sleep thru the night from 10pm to 9am waking for milk only once at 4-5am. Other than these times, she is napping only 15-30 mins. Is this sleep routine ok?

Nana haiz, but I heard that when plane is taking off, cannot latch and to calm baby down n ease air pressure, better to offer pacifier, cos I got to take plane soon then if she dun take pacifier how?

Anyone noes abt what to do when taking off? Can advise?

Also if return to work cannot latch then hard to pacify. Maybe will discuss with Hb again.

Grovvy, my girl only 5kg, n she latch for 5mins or less each time. My pd say she is healthy. Maybe to put ur heart at ease, can go see pd?

Got someone say my dd looks underweight leh, anyone babies around same weight at 3months plus? She is around 14-15 weeks already.

Tinggy: try mixing fresh or chilled ebm w e fbm wen u heat up? The smell n taste not as bad. My boy doesn't hv a prob accepting fbm but I keep thinking that fbm has less nutrients so I mix half n half.

Apple, from Nicole (when baby) to Jowell, I latch them when airplane is taking off/landing if they are not asleep. Why do you say cannot latch??

Hello everyone, so fast 2010 coming to an end....

Tinggy, Zuen & Stella, Caelan also not taking fbm well. He always have a balance of 30 to 40ml.

Thanks Stella, for your suggestion. Will give it a try.

Apple, my friend latch her bb during plane take off. Why cannot? During take off and landing, you need to use the infant belt to strap bb to you. I think that is when she latch bb.


I think it is trial and error and see what suits bb best. For Caelan, in the morning and night I can place him in the cot, give him pacifier either pat or hold his hand and he can doze off. Sometimes will cry/whine but after a while he will sleep. However in the afternoon/evening, it doesn't work. He needs to be carried to sleep, each time you place him down he wakes up or will only sleep for 15 to 20 minutes. So no choice, have to carry. At times, if I feel that he is really tired and need longer sleep, I will place him on his tum tum and he does sleep longer.

He is also not sleeping thru the night. Still wakes up 3 to 4 hourly for milk. He especially like to wakes up between 4 to 5am even though he just drank his milk 1 to 2 hours ago. If he can't go back to sleep on his own, he will cry and I will have to carry him and pat pat. Regardless what time he fed or sleep, he will sure wakes up about 7+am and call for attention. Their pattern changes at times, last week, he doesn't sleep after 3am feed and will look at the mobile, bumper, talk for 10 to 15 minutes before dozing off.

I'm not taking full 16 weeks as got work to clear before March. Thus will be back to work next Tue...... mummies that are still on maternity leave, enjoy....

Apple> Thanks for the assurance. I thought my baby is really underweight. :S..

Now I kinda understand more of her pattern! She actually doesn't want to take the other breast or latch because she wants to sleep already! It happens a few times, need her to sleep like 5-15 minutes, then she will be able to latch. Sometimes with a bit of force though when she cries..

To make her sleep I need to carry her in upright position, then she will sleep. Put her in cot like 5-15 minutes then she will awake.

Just now she took her last meal. I tried for 2 hours to latch her again to take my other breast, but I'm unsuccessful. Then I try to make her sleep first, put her in the cot. Then 5 minutes she wake up and start licking her finger again. After that I try to latch her, she cries again, but I force her and somehow it works, she latch for 27 minutes in my almost engorged breast. Feels happy because previously if she didn't drink this last meal, I counted at most she only drink 600 ml today. Now it's around 700 ml already. Hehe. *Counted based on my breast output if I pump.

I guess if I didn't try to latch her then she'll be back to sleep again, then wake up when I just finished pumping milk out because I feels engorged already.

Such a difficult to feed baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Making me feels guilty everytime if I finish pumping already then she started to want to drink milk. Sigh. Then I'm lazy so I just latch her instead giving EBM. Latch a while she'll be asleep already since she never cries if she's drinking only a bit of milk.

Snoopy, my fren told me cannot latch, I think can latch ba.....

Diveera, thanks. Next yr brand new work yr for you. jia you.

holding her now so difficult to type......

good morning mommies n daddy

Wow!! It's been awhile I ve not come in here ... What s long discussions you guys had!! Haaaaa...

I had a blast since the 2nd week if Dec cos HB took long leave n we had lots if gatherings n parties with friends n families ! Spent quality time with the girls too !! Enjoying every moment now till HB off to work on Mon..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wats the latest topics ,??? Haa.. Sorry not goi g to read through the thread .. It's too long ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brough Meghan for her jabs yesterday !! Hmmm.. This girl is only 6.7kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tot she would b 7kg> .... but well she is growing well n like some of your babies , she is rejecting btls or take very long to finishe her 100ml night feed !! Anyway, pD said if we would to give up the btl feed n offer breast to them after all the struggling.... it will b fully breast feed to me.. So, I'm not giving up though she takes her time to finish it..


It is advisable for infant or child to suck on something to release their ear preassure.. Pacifier, btl n breast are only choice that they suck n release the preassure! It's not particularly have to a pacifier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]think yout friend give u wrong info ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The infant seatbelt is attach to yours n the bb are easily to b carried in cradle position for breastfeeding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I latched Jade all the time during take off n landing esp...no problem ..!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So is the gathering still on ??


I would be worried too if I were u! To get some assurance, why not check with PD? Maybe Josie is just going thru a phase and will pass in a few days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I heard that babies should wear socks till they are a year old.. The nerve endings are all at the sole so should not let them get cold, esp during early morning and at night.


Do u turn Caelan over to his tummy when he is half asleep or when still fully awake? Tried to do this with Jadelyn when she is awake but she will fidget and 5 mins later cry! Want to try let her sleep on tummy but haven't figure out a way to do it right.


Hebe doesn't look underweight at all in your FB pics. Doctor said anything?

Morn mummies,

So happy that kayden managed to sleep on his own again. Fed him at 10.30 and again carried him for a while. Put him down on his side again after he's a bit sleepy. Then pat his buttocks n he fell asleep. Hurray!

Think he's not so easily startled when turn to the sides. Put a pillow behind his back n also a pillow in betwn his legs for him to hug.

Mummies who are having difficulties can mb try this method? Hope kayden can sleep well this way in the day.

hey mummies, which website can I go to to dl and watch hong kong dramas? Watching 公主嫁到 on DVD but given wrong disc for last few episodes. So anticlimax!!! Grrr...


Last time I used to watch on lolo.cc but I thnk now they change the name of website. Have u tried funshion? Not sure If able to watch cos go coPyright issues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac, i usually place him on tum tum when he is very tired not necessary half asleep. He does cry or whine a little but after pat pat, he will doze off.

Omg!! Now I know Josie needs to be in half asleep state in order for her to be wanting to latch. Huhuhu. Just now ski keeps screaming when I try to latch her even though it is 3.5 hours already from her last drinking time. Then I carry her, when she's half asleep i put her next to my breast and she opened her mouth. Arghh... I read in the Internet this happens in one mother's baby

good afternoon mommies,

this morning i found boboii sleeping on his tummy on my bed. went to work and sms my hubby if he has flipped him and he said he thought i flipped him. orrr looks like he has learned how to flip.

princess d,

Meghan weight is ok lei why you think she's underweight. think my boboi only 6.5kg. last time weighed him when he just turned 3 months he was 6kg. has doubled his weight already. good enough to make me happy.

yesterday went for my daughter's orientation, saw a mommy carrying her baby girl. i asked her how old is she, she's 5 months old. i asked her weight, she's 6.5kg. then i brought up my 3.5mths boboi from my Ergo and put him side by side and voila. same size! lol. didn't know boys grow up faster.

shin, diveera,

thanks! will try the suggested websites. i managed to find one call azdrama.net... a lot of dramas there but can only watch for like 70 mins then need to 'rest' for 30 mins. think there is a quota set. very irritating to be interrupted halfway thru. mysteries of love is the one now showing on Channel 855 is it?

Hi mummies and Ian

haven't been in forum for some time too..time is zooming by and I'm going back to work next thurs!!suddenly like a lot of things I haven't do..so quite bz.

Anyone going back to work yet and intending to pump at work?I'm wondering how to transport ebm home from office..train journey ard 35mins.do I need to put in cooler bag or can just bring home directly since bm can be in room temp for up to 4hrs?

Zara sales

shin- how's the sales?I went mango and didn't manage to buy anything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thinking of bringing my baby Ashton for his 5in 1 tml.

For those who has jabs already,was baby cranky throughout the day?


get a cooler bag and ice packs (blue colour gel kind) to transport the ebm. while in the office, place ice packs in the freezer to freeze them and chill the ebm in the fridge. when going home, just put everything into the cooler bag. should be able to keep ebm fresh for a few hours. medela cooler bag and ice pack can keep ebm cool for 12 hours.


I wanted to go just now but end up no time to go the sales [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] usually must go during the start or else soon the sizes will run out. Hahaha

Anyway I wanna ask u mummies.. What activities do u all do everyday with ur babies? Everyday I only play with him, feed him, change diapers, clean him and I duno what else I can do for him.. Sometimes i sing song to him only... Other than that it's like so boring! Do u think they feel bored too??? I see him I also ke Lian him.. Like nothing interesting for him other than drink and sleep! Hahahahaa babies will feel bored not? I suddenly feel like I duno how to entertain him! Hais


i just bought the Pigeon-FridgeToGo cooler. damn cool man. and it doesn't get wet outside unlike my previous FTG bag. claims that it could last 12 hours under temperature of 24C. think our temperature, can only last 6 hours liao.


relax lah. must give him some him time too haha. else he will think that he can get so much attention he will be so manja. so balance up and let him see that you have your own activities too. babies will learn no matter what you do. as for me, totally no time to entertain lor. i taught my #1 how to entertain the baby. haha. i have so many chores to do before he cries for my attention.


not cranky after the jab and no fever. after screaming due to poking, he went to sleep. i transport my ebm via my Pigeon-FTG bag. bought it at around 56 bucks from Kiddy Palace. there was a 20% discount on all Pigeon products so it's the best opportunity for me to grab one. i like it that it now has removable cooling panels instead of the old model, must put the whole cooler bag inside the freezer.

Hi mummies,

do u all know where to get the fisher price cot mobile as there's no stock at major kiddy palace outlet. Want to get one for my boy as he's so poor thing , alway look at the wall.

Baby playtime:


Do ur babies play on their own usually for how long at one go? My baby does but I also have the same concern as shin in that she looks bored sometimes and will make noise to signal for me to play with her.

Baby clothes

Yes, I still handwash most of them becoz not so many pieces

Princess diamond, my friend say to feed her water when take off. Anyway up till now I yet to feed her water. Only when she drink fm. I think I will latch her when take off and landing then.

But now my breast is like pacifier. Think will give in to pacifier Liao.

Melissa, ur boy so clever can flip already.

Shin, I also feel my girl v bored, but I dunno wat to do.

Claudia, everything into the washing machine.

Shortyncute, my girl play for 10mins or so on her own, most of the time she lie beside me and watch wat I do, otherwise Hb will play with her.


In the end i gave nikolas pacifier. He doesnt seem to enjoy it. I think he enjoy thumbs (or any other fingers availablr) more. He even thinks to use paci is to reject it with his tongue then i will push back. He laughes at that ok.. haha. Quite funny to watch.

What we do now is to offer other sleeping method rather than eating. So far he is ok n only want comfort sucking / human pacifying me at night before his long sleep.

But that is also not all the time. At rare times he still can doze off by himself.

We tried:

Putting him on shoulder (only hubby can do this)

Put him on stroller

patting him (only my mum cn do this)

I think u cn ask ur hubby to try helping hebe to sleep coz if she sees u most probably she would want to suck since u hv been offering breast to her.


i put all into washing machine. Hehe

But my mum occassionally handwash the "expensive" ones. I think after she left i heck care n put all together.. :p


hebe looks chubby in my opinion based on her photos


so good cn flip alrdy!

We hv been training him but apparently.his butt is very heavy n he cld not lift up if from lying on his back. If we put to sideways he can flip with help n cues.

Baby spa,

I recommend the massage! Really after that my boi farts n burps a lot! But can diy at home actually. Just watch some video at youtube.

Ann, haiz. I just gave her pacifier 30mins ago, but but......she cried even louder and spit out the pacifier. We tried putting in the pacifier like at least 10times?

Yar lor, I asked Hubby to try to make her sleep but v v v v v hard....and she cry and cry so terrible lor.......

Ann, but she weigh only 5kg @ 14 weeks, dunno why....pics can be deceiving?

Still wondering when Hebe will flip.


Claudia,i got my fisher price cot mobile from toys r us.

Apple, im also finding ways to make my gal sleep instead of relying on breast. She's not comfort sucking tho. Shes' literally drinking milk coz my breast would go soft afterwards but she needs to b full to sleep. I tried avent n nuk pacifier she spit em out. Dunno wat to do.

Sofea din sleep well last nite. Shes a few days away from turning 3 mths and im begining to see a pattern. Everytime she turns a month, her sleep goes haywire for dat few days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] jus gotta endure

