(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

hellooo mummies and ian. just a quick log in. so many posts! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


PMed you about the freezer u were looking for. hope it helps!


jadelyn sleeps in the aircon room with hubby and i every night. i set the temp to 26 degrees and at low fan. daytime no aircon. only ceiling or standing fan.

re: sarong cradle

it's true that over rocking of baby will cause damage to the brain. but it's still the first time i heard about 'backflow of fluids to the brain' caused by sarong cradle. anyway, it's better to be safe and not use if the concern outweighs everything else.

jadelyn uses the cradle because she was a really light sleeper and very fussy baby during her early weeks. she kept startling herself awake and we couldn't do much to pacify her so the sarong cradle was sort of the last resort and i'm not proud of my weak will. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i was very resistant at first as i heard of babies falling out and suffering head injuries etc. but she wasn't sleeping much.. infants below 3mths need 15-18 hours of sleep everyday for healthy growth and brain development. babies who cry incessantly and have lesser sleeping hours are usually found to be smaller in size and slower in developmental milestones. in this case the risk of her having lack of sleep and not growing well far outweigh the risk of her falling off the cradle. now that she can self-soothe and sleep well in the cot, i'm weaning her off the cradle.


bblin - the other time when my boy was drinking 180ml, I still hv a lot of 150ml febm. Hence, I'll bring fresh ebm (30ml)daily and pass it to the bbsitter to top up the 150ml febm.

nycmum - u can start storing ur bm. I started to store them slightly before her first mth. Just wanted to make sure i got enough stock till 6mos (in case go work no time to pump, supply dip, etc). BM can be kept in the freezer (3mths), deep freezer (6mths).

Fbm: I store in bags as well but I store according to how much my boy is drinking now plus 10-20 mls coz I'm using some now as well( no more freezer space). Talked to lc today she said if chest freezer can keep 1 yr. Normal freezer( separate compartment up to 6 months. I Thaw w warm water directly in e bag then pour into bottle. It's faster.


thanks. I can't wait so visit NUH LC today. She is very good. She asks me to bring baby along and show me how to clear baby while he latches. And it's not painful at all. My case is i am producing too much milk and the blocked ducts are there for nearly a week so cannot clear all ducts in a session. need to clear myself slowly.

When i had blocked ducts, i kept massaging and expressing after baby latches to clear but failed. I even get my ML to massage. She explains actually this increases milk ss and aggravates blockage as there are blocked ducts there in the first place. Now i have to stop expressing and massaging until I have fully cleared them.

Shireen: our normal freezer. The same 1 u store all ur ebm in. Wasted, 2 months only n u threw? Most ppl say can keep at least 3 months lei. But my lc says 6 months. Read in some websites that can b kept til 6 months too. But there's a temp to follow.

Starry: thanks for e link! N ya first time I heard abt back-flow of fluids too n it freaked me out lor. Cousin said it's proven but yet to find literary proof online. Jus wana b safe than sorry

And she also shows me how to use Medela Freestyle to pump which all the while, I have been using the wrong method. when she uses the pump on me, I can go up to level 8 or 9. Normally, I just use level 4.

Therefore, mummies who want to increase milk ss,you can keep massaging your breast to stimulate ss.

Storage of Milk:

I store in Playtex milk bag and store in freezer compartment. now i store in 200ml milk bag. now my boy drinks about 140ml - 150ml per feed. est. his future feed will increase to probably 180ml max.

Shireen, really a waste lo! I wan more also

Dun hv wor. Think after I go back work, my boy got take more fm. Btw, i using freestyle pumping @ lvl 4 too. Hmm nid set that high to pump?

raspy, hmm or u bring to GP clinic? Anyday can take ba?

Starry, now I started let Denzel sleep in a/c room. Duno if it will be too drying for him?

Nycmum, bblin,

yup, recently bb seems to have runny nose & sneezes alot these days.a Maybe that' the reason. I use sterimar nasal spray on him. I gave him ridwind but he will cry when he farts. Mil says his gum seems a bit swollen, might be growing his first tooth. So fast? He is turning 3 mths next week

yeah..got this from kkh website.

Storing Expresed Breastmilk

Expressed milk can be stored in a separate-door freezer for 3 - 6 months. You can keep it for up to 48 hours in a refrigerator at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. Breastmilk can also be left at room temperature (25ºC) for up to 4 hours.

When storing expressed milk, always remember to use a sterilised bottle. You should also label all the containers with the date and time of collection. Store the milk in feed size amounts.

Thawing expressed breastmilk

For quick thawing of frozen breastmilk, allow it to stand in warm water for 10 minutes.

Alternatively, you may choose to thaw the milk in the refrigerator. Milk thawed this way can be stored up to 24 hours if placed in the refrigerator.

You should warm the milk by standing it in a bowl of warm water before feeding your baby.

Shake the container before feeding.

Do not boil the milk or warm it in the microwave oven.

Excess milk left in the container after a feed should be discarded. Never refreeze milk that has been thawed.

source : http://www.kkh.com.sg/HIC/Pages/BreastfeedingHeadstart.aspx

morning mummies,

long time no post,after delivery very tiring to handle two kids even with MIL and maid. Just back to work yesterday so finally able to log in and chat. how's everyone? seeing a lot of new names here. welcome.

Passion 88,

i want the contact of the chinese dr too, my son has very bed blocked nose since young needs to have nose drop very frequently. so heartache to see him not able to breathe properly with block nose. Thanks!

BM Expiry:

In fridge - 48 hrs

In freezer compartment of fridge - 3 mths

In deep freezer - 6 mths

*This is the recommended for Singapore weather.

Re: Thawing

Can place in the fridge and let it slowly dethaw. Then pour out the amt you need for each feed. Generally use up within 24-48hrs from shifting from freezer to fridge.

Merry Christmas to all mummies & daddies!

Re sterilisation on Medela freestyle pump

Any sterilise all the parts b4 using?

Claudia, so fast teething? Did u bring him see the doc on this?

Hi Shireen,

Re: freestyle - could you please share what the LC means by the "correct" way to use? I had a suction problem at first but realised it's because the tubing was not plugged in as tight as possible.

Good that you went ahead to see hospital LC. The private LC charged me hourly rates but spent most of the time chatting about misc. child raising issues and sharing her life stories about raising her kids. I had to keep diverting her attention back to my bf issues. In the end she did not manage to tell me much more than what i already learnt through internet.

One thing though, she cautioned against the use of herbal remedies eg fenugreek to increase supply. Said dosage needed is high and effects on both mother and baby unknown. Such supplements are unregulated too. As such i will be drastically reducing my intake.

Bblin: I sterilize all pump parts before each use except the soft fit flange. That one can't put in sterilizer or wil warp. Can boil though but I prefer to just wash with very warm soapy water.

labelle: I asked my boy's pd and a pharmacist before. True no research has been done on use of herbal n health supplements so caution shd be exercised but pharmacist also told me that if there had been any adverse side effects all these years throughout the world regarding supplements and bf, they would hv been notified so they can warn consumers. Best practice is to check w pd and stick to recommended dosage on the packaging or if ur worried like u say, reduce the dosage.

Claudia: my boy also seems to hv red gums. He is also constantly drooling n trying to bite things. I got a gd one on my nipple ytd! His poo also more watery n abit slimy, guessing that it's coz he's swallowing lots more saliva. Teething can start as early as 3 months so I'm wondering if that's wat's happening as well.


Logan seems to b ahead for many things. Flipping n teething? Isaac still gong gong looking ard. Hoho.

Hiya it's becoz he's ahead he doesn't want my boobs. He'd rather explore e world than stare at mummy's chest! But e teething thing I'm not very sure though some signs r there.

Stella> Josie's poo has also been slimy since last week. And she has started drooling a bit by bit.

And the poo colour is more brownish instead of yellowish..

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt, I have some items for sale:

1) BNIB AVENT Feeding bottle anti colic 125ml BPA-free type - $10 (retailing at $15)

> 3 pcs available

2) BNIB AVENT Airflex Teat for 3m+ set 2pcs/set - $4.50 (retailing at $6.60)

> 3 sets available

3) BNIB Pigeon Peristaltic M sized teat 2pcs/set - $3.50 (retailing at $5.50)

> 6 sets available

4) BNIB Pigeon Peristaltic Y sized teat 2pcs/set - $3.50 (retailing at $5.50)

> 3 sets available

5) BNIB Pigeon Breastmilk Storage Bottles 3pcs/set PP bottles - $10.50 (retailing at $15.50)

> 6 sets available

6) BNIB Pigeon Laundry Detergent 1 kg - $6

> 3 boxes available

7) BNIB Pigeon Bottle Nipple&Vegetable Liquid Cleanser formulated with edible ingredients 700ml - $8.50 (retailing at $12+)

> 6 packs available

All items are brand new and unopened bought this year only.. If you buy more, price can be negotiable.

Pickup location: Tiong Bahru MRT or Jurong East MRT (weekdays only)

Merry Christmas!

Groovy: same here poo is brownish orange. Gave me a shock thought he's sick but he's drinking n active, no fever or anything else so shd b ok. I even got him a teething ring n he loves to bite on it.

Hohoho, merry Christmas!

Re: sleeping through

My boi is 9+ weeks old and seems to b sleeping through. Any babies starting to sleep through? Was feeling unsettled and worried that he is not drinking enuff, I fully latch. My no 1 didn't sleep thru until she was 5 to 6 mths old.

Merry christmas everyone!

May u enjoy this day spiritually if u are celebrating it or just enjoy the bonding time with your family!


I will be happy if i.were u!! Nikolas hasnt sleep through again since i was "sick" (not able to bring him ard the house n play on the floor) I think noone entertain him during the day n he rather sleep. He sleeps a lot during the day now huhahaha


So nikolas slept thru previously? I noe I shld b happy but kip thinking that he is not drinking enuff and too young to b slping thru! Hohoho. Paranoid mummy.


Yea he slept frm 7-5 once. Wake up at 2 for poo n sleep without milk.

The rest usually from 10-6 or 7 without waking up at all. Only for one week hor.. those good old days.. haha


The LC taught me to ensure my pores are open. If not, roll until they are open then gently pull the areola area to nipple so that milk will flow outwards. when pores are open and areola area are not blocked,then can use the pump. when using the pump, skip stimulation go to pumping stage straight.


Don't worry about Issac sleeping through the night. Both my boys slept through the night when they are 8-9 weeks. growing well, chubby and healthy. I think boy has bigger gastric than girls, can drink more per feed in the day thus, can sleep through the night earlier.

My ten week boy has been sleeping from his last feed at 12midnite til 5-6am... I will actually carry him up from his cot n feed him ebm (by now he is half awake) n also change his diaper after he finishes his milk ... All these while he is half way in lala land cos his usual feed should be 3hourly n I am afraid of him starving! Haha

Tried giving him nuk pacifier but he doesn't seem to like it.. Guess he will stick to sucking his fist or my arm..


Isaac slept thru again last night. In fact, he slept so much yday, must b e good weather. Hoho.

I was too lazy to wake up to express last night n m start worrying about dropping ss. I better start working hard and waking up to express. :p

Miracles do happen! Logan started latching again frm ytd! He doesn't take a full feed most prob coz too slow but he spent 15 min latching this morning with eyes wide open hehe. Only thing is I think my boobs get to soft so he has abit of difficulty holding on. Kept unlatching n relatching. Or mayb jus too long nvr latch. He Helped me clear any blocks I hv too, pumping flow is much better. Gave him a bottle aft latching n he jus drank abit to top up. The magic of Christmas. Now I work towards latching for night feeds.

Merry Christmas..

Any mummies here experience the baby looks like loosing appetite?

Since last week Josie has been losing appetite. She'll latch like 8-12 minutes 1 breast, then starting to cry so I need to burp her. After burping her, she seems to lose appetite so I cannot latch her my other breast. She will cry when I just put her near my breast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

However, she's not asleep at all, and keeps showing hunger sign (licking her own hand, licking my shirt when I try to burp her).

Today I tried to force her, crying but I put her mouth inside my breast and finally she sucks. After that she'll fall asleep.

I'm very afraid because today I weigh her she's been losing weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She's not vomiting anymore. But now she has difficulties drinking. hix.

And I definitely not lacking of milk because my breast slightly engorged state she still doesn't want to drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I ended up with still full breast in each of her drinking session. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Sad. Afraid supply will drop too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And now she's been sleeping through the night, usually from 11 to 6 or 7. That's why I'm even more afraid if she's not drinking enough.

I have tried to give bottle too but she also doesn't want.. Dunno what's wrong with her. Maybe she's teething already?

I envy all mummies whose babies can latch well and drink well. huhu..

My friend said her baby boy can latch like 1/2 hour each breast leh.. Josie 1 breast 10-15 minutes and still sleeping like 2-2.5 hours and sleep through the night leh.. So afraid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Good morning all..

so quiet this few days. Everyone must be enjoying the holiday!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Glad to hear that logan latch again!


Try differrnt brand of paci?


I also worry like u. Esp nowadays i always feel engorged. But he poo n pee as usual though not gaining much weight

I also dont know whether shld b concern or not...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But if josie latch for 10-15 mins seems normal leh.. meaning she is a more efficient drinker than ur friends baby. Hehe.

