(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

baby flip,

ok just remember that I was an Oct 1 mommy and my boy was born a little premature at 2nd week of September so generally he's older than most babies here. also, i still don't know if he does it himself. sometimes we did flip him sideways and support his back with pillow b'cos he wouldn't startle sleeping this way. so it's easy for him to flip but i'm just glad that he knows when to turn his head to breathe when he sleeps on his back. just to play safe, we no longer leave him unattended in the bed, unless worse to worse, i let my #1 watch over him.


my boi is also into comfort sucking and actually taking in milk. but he also spit up a lot. but that's ok the beauty of breast milk is that, it doesn't stink and when it dries, it doesn't leave any foul odour either. with all that milk sucking he only poos about once a week still! he's really absorbing all the nutrients, much like what he does when he's in the womb.


think not time yet for most Sept babies to flip. i think my boy didn't flip well either. at least i think it's not time yet for him. my girls only flip when they're 4-5 months old. but boys, dunno lah. keke.


if i have time, i handwash baby's clothing. if i'm lazy i will soak first in baby detergent, wash a bit, put in laundry net and wash with the other laundry. must clean off all spit, vomit, poo stain whatever first before it gets "mixed" with other laundry in the washer. my boy is a laundry nightmare.


Hi Mummies

Belated Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!! I've bee reading the posts but no time to reply cos I usually read when pumping and when finish pumping, always rushing to do something else!! sigh.. I need more than 24 hrs in 1 day!! hehe

I hope the mummies and daddy here are having a great time during this festive period!! I know I am... but very tired from all the activities too!! hehe

Can I check how long can I leave ebm in the pigeon warmer?? Cos sigh.. at night we put it in the warmer waiting for bb to wake up, but we end up falling asleep ourselves.. sometimes bb only wakes up 4 hrs later!! I scare the ebm go bad so I usually throw away the warmed one.. so wasted hor! Now I think I dun standby ebm liao.. just wake for her to wake up and cry for milk for awhile while I go warm it up.

Also bb dun seem to like e pigeon teat anymore. When I feed her with it, she rolls it ard her mouth.. like not interested. I already using the Y ones. But for avent, I still using the newborn size I think its 0+ and she is fine with her! So confused. So what teats should I get now???

Trish, Denzel had his 5in1 on wed. he's not cranky the next day but restless. Today he's ok le!

I will download the show from funshion.com. It's like pplive. Dl the player.

Today starhub cable tv has all the channel free!!

Melissa, my boy is born early almost 4 wks. He only can flip to his side max! He start shouting when he's stuck. When I put him on his tummy, he can't lift his head up still. Only a bit for a while. Duno if he's learning it slower or Wat.

re sleeping on their own

I think its impt to have a fixed routine. For me, I put her on her bed when it time to sleep. Will put her on her side cos she still startles, put the beansprout pillow on her tummy and like Melissa, I also use a pillow to support her back and play the same music (from her hanging mobile). I also give her pacifier and if I want to speed up the process, I'll pat her. Works like magic all the time!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Naptime and nightime I do the same.

I'm not sure if giving pacifier is a good idea but it really helps her to sleep. And we only give it to her only for sleeping and if she is crying badly to soothen her (which is quite rarely these days).. so I figured nvm la.. later will worrying abt the weaning off pacifier.

Afternoon mummies:

Enjoy the last day of 2010!

My boy still drinking milk at 2 hours intervals if he is not sleeping in the day. But if sleeping then I'll drag for abt not more than 4 hours. Prefer to let him hv a good sleep first before waking him up to drink.

Wondering when wld my boy learn to flip also. Realized that his neck is getting stronger as when tried to carried him upright, he can support his head quite well. Just got to help hold his head n neck a bit.


Not sure if hebe is underweight but kayden was 5.2kg at 4weeks old. Nvr weigh him for some time. Think by 3 mths sld be abt 6kg+ or heavier.

OMG!! Just now Josie reject breast but takes bottle and drink very fast! It's the first time!

Argghh.. How can she be like that... I only give her bottle like 3 times a week last Christmas season when we are traveling sometimes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My mum told me most likely because she starts licking her finger. All her child that breastfeed only 6 mths because they suck their finger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I never suck finger because I can be breastfed until 14 months. argh.. So sad now.. No wonder I can only breastfeed her when she's half asleep.

Actually I plan to breastfeed her in the morning before I go to work, then pumping.. Now I need to resort to pumping all the way. She's not drinking for 7 hours but still cries when I try to breastfeed her this morning. I then pump a while then when she's half asleep breastfeed her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She can really sleep by herself even though not drinking anything for 7 hours if someone carry her leh.

Apple, xin2> my friend always told me baby girl tends to be smaller than boy.

It might be quite true because I saw boy boy girl VS girl girl suite, boy boy is bigger even though it's the same 6 mths cloth..

Hix hix.. Then I won't have time at night because I am the one need to carry my baby until half asleep then quickly breastfeed her. Tralala.. Because I want her to fully empty my breast and to keep my supply running..

I will have difficulties when going shopping with Josie too. Hix. Because I never give her formula. Last time very happy in Orchard can breastfeed her in the nursing room so can travel a longer time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i started off handwashing then in the end no time lah!!! just scrub those with milk stains and dirty things and i throw into the washing machine.. hehehe


maybe we have to wait until they are older liao.. then can start to interact with us more... sometimes i look at him and he look at me... i think he not bored.. i also bored! hahahaha

Anyway happy new year's eve everyone! Say bye to 2010 and embrace 2011~~~~


My boy also drink milk but i know he has enough n will not let go of the breast. He can eat at 7 then sleep. If he wakes up at 8 feeling uncomfy he can be stuck with me for up to 30 mins but i know he just hv full meal at 7.

He also doesnt want nuk paci. Only at times he will tk it (usually when outside n he wants to sleep) but not more than 15 mins. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I actually wanted to try otger brand but in the end nv coz he really seems to enjoy his hands more. Fingers licking good!!!

Activity time,

can be up to 1.5 hr for me. I Change activity once baby looks bored. I hv some toys, put him in playgym, tummy time or just talk to him, stretch his body, bring him to other room or see neighbour's plants haha lucky my neighbour is quite "green" :p


Maybe u ask ur pd about ur concern but if he nv say anything shld be okay? Babies grow at different rate.

As long as not dehydrated.

Since talking bout weight, weight my boy today naked, he is 7.5 kg in week 13+. No wonder my shoulder aches even though i did not carry him most of the time.

But happy that he is gaining so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Maybe it is just a phase? A friend told me his son has a period whereby he dis not want to latch at all! Lasted bout 2weeks till he reject bottle n want nipple again.

Bblin, dun think ur boy is slow, I guess flipping need another months time or do cos Hebe also can't really flip or anything.

Sulwaiwai, I just gave pacifier yest but failed, she split and split out. Sigh. These few days can't sleep well cos she cry murder when all method except being a suckling machine tried.

Xin, haiz thou officially not underweight but 5kg at week 14 is abit on the low side, makes me worried yet now she dun really drink much fm too.

Groovy and Ann maybe ba, I try not to be too concern on her weight but hope next visit she will gain quite a fair bit.

But sometimes her tummy bloated. Anyone baby stomach will have obvious bloat?

Shin yar lor, think I am more boring than her so Hb is in charge of entertaining her. I supply milk and stop her cries cos she wan my breast.

Ann, u got weighing machine at home? So nice to bring ur boy boy see greens.

In case I din log in later.

Wishing everyone an awesome 2011 okie, 1st birthday for our darlings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow your boy must be so chubby!! dun think my boy has hit 7kg yet.


i dun think your boy is slow at all and it doesn't make him any less normal. some speaks faster and move slower and some vice versa. both my girls also have different milestones. my 2nd girl flipped faster too b'cos she developed motor skills faster than her elder sister. anyway today i lay my boy in a flat mattress but he didn't wanna flip! just turned to his side only. maybe he's not in the mood show off yet lor hehehe.


my boy oso suck his fingers and even his fists but he still hates the bottle! about your baby sleeping 7 hours when carried, that's normal. my boy is like that too. whenever we go out and i place him in babybjorn he can sleep the whole afternoon and only wake up and starting sucking anything when he's hungry.


babies usually flip around 4-5 months. no worries still have time to lie down and smile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


great to know that your baby is sleeping very well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmmm my boy's tummy not bloated leh. but whenever we carry my boy upright we usually pat his back. if he has wind, he will burp.

Happy New Year everyone!! What an awesome year for me with the birth of my third child! Hoping that it has been a great year with all October 2010 mommies!

Ann> I've just read my case could be a nursing strike. Huhu..

Argh I think I got blocked duct again, now on my right breast. Very rarely my right breast got blocked duct. Because I keep trying to latch Josie when she's sleeping and hubby also wants me to keep trying. Actually I want to give up already and pump. Becoz 7 hours didn't pump. Arrrggghhhh... Try for 2 hours to get Josie to latch but cannot. So sad.

Groovy: ur baby most prob gg through a nursing strike phase. Same as my boy but I nvr get him to continue to latch so now even though he wana latch he finds it difficult somehow. Keep latching wen half asleep so wun forget how to latch. wen baby is ready wil relatch again. Lc advised to do more kangaroo care. Skin to skin contact to encourage bb to latch. Dun force or else bb wil reject.

Stella> Thanks.. Hix feels so sad. I don't even go back to work yet or start weaning her to take bottle yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She initially has difficulties to latch for like 3 days after her birth and I starve her, never give her bottle or anything.. Then I go to LC and she finally able to latch, but only for a few times in a day because she's a very sleepy baby after birth. What I do is just force her mouth to my breast and squeezing them.. Sometimes didn't work if she's so angry that she keeps pulling her head out of my breast..

Thinking back, really heartpain, because after she's able to latch, she still has that habit to cry first before being able to latch. That's why I thought at first this nursing strike is not really a problem and I can still force her to latch. But it is not! She's getting smarter and stronger that I can't even put my breast onto her mouth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. She also cries without opening her mouth big big so I really can't even get my breast near her. When she's near my breast, or even in the usual breastfeeding position, she will cry already. Really so sad these few days.

Now at least I can still dreamfed her or feed her when she's sleepy. Huhu. Really missed her holding my breast when I breastfed her, or scratch my breast, or holding my T-Shirt. Now she's always asleep so she's like a log like that just the mouth moving.

Wishing all a Blessed and Joyous 2011. May all be in good health!

Groovy, don't be sad. It could be a passing phase. You can keep trying but don't force or stress yourself and Josie. If you feel the breast is full just express a little don't empty to prevent blocked ducts. If Josie wants to latch, there should still have milk. My #1 is on bottle while I'm at work and take pacifier but I still bf till she is 10 mths. You might want to get advice from LC and let PD review. If she is growing well don't have to worry.

Groovy: I felt e same way wen Logan went on his strike. Miss the closeness of latching but jus perservere n Josie will latch again. As long as she is healthy n growing be happy for that. She will latch again wen she wants to. Now most probably she prefers exploring the world than staring at the breast. It happens. Dun b sad. Ur baby is growing and becoming more aware of the world.

good evening mommies n daddy

Happy New Year to all...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Do you wanna try feeding Josie by the syringe instead so tat shd won't get too comfortable with btl? Actually it's good tat she will yo drink from btl as you need to go bk yo work rite?

My gf's son oso lost interest with her breasts n refused yo latch! Sge felt upset too.. LC asked her to stop feeding by the btl but syringe ..It does helps a lil but looking at how he struggled all the time during feeding , they ll give in the btl..-.-

It's a phase where some babies will find their preferred ways of feeding .. Don't get too upset!!

Soon she ll know off the tap will still b the best ! Don't give up too!!


Haaa... Me expect her to b over 7kg la but Dr Ging saud she already doubled her birth weight n is very good n pass his expectations ! He then told me , if any heavier , he'll have to refered me to n orthopedic like wat happened to HB when he sprained his back muscle when trying to lift jade ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haa! Well done !! Good job ! nikolas is growing well n Chubby lor!! So cute ! Saw his muscles !!! Heeee....

Watch your poisture when carrying him k... Mustctakr care ESP when u had a slip disc ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

In the room feeding Meghan .. Managed to escape preparing the new year dinner for my IL ! WAhaaaaaaa

Argh.. after talking bout nursing strike in this thread i think my baby is on nursing strike as well!!! Today he only latch for less than 10mins each. Maybe 2 -5 mins before he bite me!! Haih. How how..

He prefer to suck thumb. Huhu. Today we went to celebrate ny with our friends n he refuse to eat for 3 hours! Keep biting me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my friend told me once her nipple almost torn n hv to sew back coz biten by his son. Scary n now im quite traumatized to offer him breast as paci. He also hv been rejecting comfort sucking recently. He only want to be carried or suck thumb.


When u say syringe is it those use for medicine one? Small or big? Then hv to throw away once used right? How to feed with that?

Coz nikolas also doesnt want bottle. Never finish his bottle feed.

Regarding my slipped disc... physio therapist said im 70% on the way to recovery. Now i can only exercise to make it better. Tried swimming.. wah.. my back was really really stiff. Have to take my sweet time to swim. Thanks for ur concern!!!! N also for complimenting nikolas' "muscles" muahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I dont know whether it is really nursing strike or teething. Coz when i feel his gum it is very sharp n definitely hurt when.he bites me for so many times today. However i do not see whitish color.

pd will be able to tell?? Will go pd fir jab this thurs...


i use normal weighing scale (it can tell till one decimal point)n minus away my weigth.from my baby + me.. hehe..

Stella, princess_d> Ya it's a blessing in disguise.. I will start work in 18 Jan, so I actually plan to try to give bottle for Josie in the afternoon starting 3rd Jan. Never thought it becomes earlier than expected. Hix..

I managed to latch her trice today when she's half asleep. At least can clear some blocked duct after she latch. I also read from the internet that we must avoid giving bottle if we wants her to nurse back. But I don't think I can afford it since I'm going to work anyway. If using bottle, I also read should use newborn or S size teat. But I won't do that since she drinks faster with M size teat, and I think sometimes my milk flow is also very fast and she's used to it already.

Ann> Ya lor when she bite me also very painful! I also don't know what's the cause of her strike, is it teething or because she's more interested in licking her hand compare to my breast. hux. At first few days she will drink very fast (8 minutes - 1 breast) and refused to drink anymore. She will wail and wail.. I hope Nikolas won't be like Josie since usually you're alone at home right? It will be super difficult to catch up with crying baby because of hunger but doesn't want to latch and we need to pump :S.

Just now I encounter that case, haven't replenish the breastmilk stock in the fridge, I thought can latch Josie just before she's awake but she's wide awake when I go to her cot. Sigh. She cries and cries, until I sling her then she sleep. when I try to dreamfeed her, she cry again. Put her back in her cot to go and get the pump, she cries again. My first time encounter such thing when hubby is not home.

In the end, after I sling her, I put her in front of me using nursing pillow, and tried to pump. Very difficult to pump like that, so I tried to latch her again and finally successful.

Josie right now sometimes can finish her bottle, sometimes cannot. The amount range from 70-130 ml, most of the time 90 ml..

Btw, mummies who are in EBM and babies weight around 5.5 kg, how much is baby's milk intake now? I actually want to follow recommendation 150 ml x weight, but Josie seems never drink that much in a day. Usually if I counted based on my breast pumping output, one day she only drinks around 650 ml. I hope this is fine since we really don't know, we can't really stuff her with milk, she's smart she didn't want to be stuffed with milk.

Right now I still can't imagine if she wakes up at night, fussy, and refused to latch. Huhuhu.. Will be triple work for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Really pray this won't happen..

Hix - hix it's like I must say goodbye to a happy and peaceful day when she's 2 months old. She really is not fussy at all and when she is awake and keeps moving her leg there are only 3 things: want to pee/poo, want to be burped, or want to drink.. She hardly ever cries, only make ah uh noise.

Now she will cry when I try to breastfeed her. Really heart pain.


Great to hear that you are on your way yo recovery...

Yes, those syringe for meds.. My gf sent me video showing her feeding with a bigger syringe.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It depends on niko.. But so ling he drinks , u just gotta slowly inject the milk into his mouth...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some babies don't feel comfortable ESP when they are teething !

You^ can ask your pd to check but I'm

Not surprised if they are teething right now cos, Jade starts teething at 3rd month too!!

She bit me n I was shocked n shouted at her! Of course not deliberately but both got shocked at that time n then she rejected my breast .. I got worried n didn't know y till a LC told me that she might afraid that she ll get the same reaction if she latches on again. I have to coax her for 1 day for her to latch again!

Meghan refused to latch my left breast as the flow always too forceful for her! Till today I have to pump out some b4 latching her...

She rejects btl feeds n rather not drink ... HB v persistent n didn't force feed her either .. Ask me not to offer my breast ... Finally after 2weeks of struggling for the night feeds (by btl) she finally give in ....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is a blessing in disguise indeed...however, feeding EBM is just as good !! Don't stress yourself too much cis u might ended up stressing lil Josie too!!

Just take her cue .. If she is happier that way ... Y not ??

The syringe feed is taught by a LC .. This is toborevebt nipples confusion for some babies ..


Ya usually alone but now my mum is still here to help out carrying baby hee hee.. actually she can leave one of thia day since we mnged to create a minimum-baby-crrying environment at home but im quite worried to b left out alone actually. :p

Also i dont yield much through pumping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ok maybe will try one of these days when i pump again. Have some syringes left.

Thanks for the info!

Actually i want to try spoon feeding but my mum said too complicated n messy once im alone again. So she kinda force baby to be able to take bottle along with breast for the sake of his "flexibility" in the future. In case somth happen to me n have to leave him with someone else etc.

She also said can train using sippy cup soon, maybe at 4 mnth.

Syringe seems easiest hor.. just throw away no need to wash hahaha

Fbm for solid food,

Was told to freeze one package of one serving for mixing with solid food n cereal in the 6th mnth.

Any mummies did this previously?

I was wondering whether i shld do this also or just use fm/ normal water to mix? - since bby will still drink bm (i hope stil bf till then)

Sounds so much work to do hehe...

FINALLY, A COMPLETE FEED WITHOUT BITING!!! Coz he is in sleep mode when i feed him. Haha..

Groovy din know theres such a thing as nursing strike.

Maybr she knows ure going back to work. But good isnt it she can take bottle? Mine.. Haiz dunno wat to do. I changed from standard bottle to wide neck to letting others bottlefeed her.. Now she's v smart. Totally refused e bottle no matter who feeds her!

Experienced mommies, can share at how many mths and how yr babies finally wean off from e breast? Not that i plan to anytime soon. hope sofea can still direct latch up to a year at least. But baby Growing teeth n biting on nipple till it come off is scary!

good morning mommies and daddy

WHat a beautiful morning!!


I've not tried syringe feed yet cos my HB really very persistent on btl feeding too...Just like your mom,he thinks it will be much more convenient and he WANTS to feed Meghan!!lol

I personally think sippy cup will be a lil early at 4mths as the pout are hard....but well,never try never know...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My FBM was used to bathed Jade and mixed some to her cereal,till it finished (i stop expressing becuase that girl refused btl) i don't mix her cereal with FBM...i mixed it with water and fruits puree[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually,mixing cereal with water is good enuf because you are still bfg..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It depend on how long you want to feed Sofea[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The reccommended bf period is 6mths because by then bb need more source of iron.(Iron in BM will decreased)

I believe when you first encountered the first biting which will be painful..you have to talk to Sofea and tell her that she can't bite.Everytime u felt the suction getting tightere nad stronger,released it yourself..Put in your finger and stop BF..Then latch again..some apply teething gel b4 feeding,but i don't !I only experienced ONCE only and after that no more biting...but as they grew older they love to "play" with it!!LOl

I started Jade with Cereal,but because she was often seem grumpy and agitated because her gums are itchy,i fed her cold avocado/papaya puree....it helps so much because it was cold!!lol[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some might not dare to try because is COLD...but hey,is fresh fruits puree..i rather feed that to them than those btl food.

I don't eat warm fruits so i don't practice that to my child..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haaa it's raining heavily on a sunny Sunday morning!

princess d,

wow chubby Meghan can cause health hazard when carried izzit? hahaha.. ya lor i always thought that if baby can double the birth weight by 3rd month is healthy and on track already liao. My 2nd girl took 4-5 months to double her birth weight!


My 1st child BF till 10 months before I finally decided to wean her b'cos I was already pregnant with my 2nd. On gynae's recommendation, she asked that I stopped BF since I have history of miscarriages and that BF while pregnant can cause contractions hence I stopped. I feel so damn bloody guilty and a little bit angry for stopping but I must be fair to my 2nd one as well. So to pay back, my 2nd one I BF till 16 months old. We both sort of wean off each other b'cos I noticed that my 2nd one loves food! I'm not even planning when to stop BF-ing for my boboi now. I will continue to give BM to him for as long as he needs it. My pumping experience has also been pleasant and I have more than enough milk for him in my absence.

My boy still cries whenever my mom gave him the bottle. And I've returned to work for almost 1 mth already! *faint* He's so attached to me and now when he gets my breast he will look up and smile at me. Sometime he looked so sly! Hahaha. As for the crying we all just decided to put up with it till he finally learns that he has no other choice.


didn't know you had slipped disc? you're much better now yeah? take care!

Ann> Ya lor, feed when asleep is the best. However it takes quite a while to latch her. Might take 10-20 minutes. haha.. Becoz need to put breast into her mouth and try to make her half awake :p

When she's asleep she will latch longer :p.

Low yield when pumping, hm.. maybe your pump is not compatible (maybe the flange is not really fit?).

Now I kinda used to my pump already (Ameda + Avent with supershield from Pumpin Pal). But it's true sometimes the yield is low, don't know what happens. Must keep massaging the breast while pumping.. Then stop, massage first, then pump again..

When Josie latch I also massage my breast so more milk will go into her mouth :p.

Now my palm a bit pain becoz of those massaging during pumping..

Re: bottle feeding

My boi took e bottle today! Bfree. But not sure if he was too hungry to resist or wat. Anyway, it is a good start for me. Gg back to work @ end of tis mth.

Afternoon mummies,

Forum seems to be rather quiet since Yest evening?? Everyone still enjoying the new year? Think quite a number of u going bk to work soon? Well, all the best.

My hb will start work next week. So it's officially me n baby kayden at hm. Kept thinking of how things will turn out. Hopefully can handle him alone.

Think the only time I need help is bathing. Need to wash his hair with the cradle cap shampoo. Ever since we do that, baby will cry n cry. Think next week I gt to do it alone. Dunno how.

Any babies also like this? Will cry n cry when washing hair?? Other than tat he's ok with bathing.

Re: spotting

Any mummies still spotting on n off? I'm still having occasional brownish red discharge occasionally. More so after ML. Dunno y. But after the deed, will feel painful down there n urine also feel pain leh. Use a lot of lubricant Liao but still can feel pain.

yeah forum is slow probably b'cos sometimes it's down.


yes i got spotting now and then so everyday i use the panty liners. as for ML, yeah initially very sore so must be very gentle. only after like 2-3 months postpartum, u will be ok . 3 months more solid. some people i know only ML after 100 days. old custom, as i was told. your bb cry probably b'cos his head is cold? after washing his head quickly wipe with towel and keep the bathroom door closed.


congrats! a good start. hope your boy boy will be guai guai after you get back to work!


After 100days then ML? Wa. Think my hb will kill me. Haha. He already hint n hint. Wen I say pain, he already give me that kind of he very poor thing look. How to reject man. Haiz.

My hb hoping to strike no. 2 already. I say he crazy lor. Ask him use condom, he refuse. Say that if strike then fated lor. Muz be happy. Aiyo. I also no choice la. Close gap also got good n bad. Bring up both tog then close shop Liao.

Can I ask if ur babies got dry flaky stuff in the ears? How to clean? Everyday also hv leh. I try to use wet cotton bud but still hv lor. Wen dry I try to peel off but scared scratch baby leh. Realized my boy skin liked dry lor. Then his bk red patches leh. Think from all the heat of lying on his back. How?

Hi mummies..


thanks for ur concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding my boys weight,

Lot of ppl said he doesnt look 3mnth coz big n heavy. But true lah he is bigger than most of our friend's bby at 3 mnth.

but in this forum the babies also look big. Wanna see meghan n athena n claudia's son to compare. Maybe my boy will look small huahhaa..


At high points i cn pump 180ml even after latching!!!. But most of the time only 60 or lower, before latching.. i am using avent pump.


thanks for ur suggestion on fbm n solid food. Maybe i just freeze whatever i hv then.. if dont have also ok. Hehe


Good for u!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy new yr too ian n shin!!

Nursing strike

it has ENDED. Haha. Only 1.5 days!

At night on the strike day, baby wake up 3 times n he was super duper hungry. Eat till choke few times. Then the next day he did not bit at all n guai guai feed well in the day. Phew...


If the skin is dry maybe u can use baby oil?

Slowly clean the flaky thing with cotton ball dipped in baby oil.

U mean ur son got heat rash? Try applying powder? But careful dont let the powder get to his nose. U can try liquid powder as well, i think pigeon brand has one.


hehehe my hubby was just like yours after we had our #1 lor. if strike means lucky. i think generally men hates condoms! now that i'm fully breastfeeding he's always asking if he can just release inside since breastfeeding is a natural contraceptive. i say no way! that's what happened to our #2! haha. breastfeeding exclusively CANNOT prevent pregnancy. only a small % is lucky like that. it's like giving birth on EDD lor. only a small % give birth on EDD. you're right there's advantage and disadvantages for close age gap. to me, age gap of 2 yrs each is nice. but this really depends on luck sometimes.

as for cleaning ear flakes, use cotton bud, smear baby's ears with baby lotion or baby oil, leave it to moisturize a bit, then you'll find it easy to remove those dry skin. they smell good too. same thing for cradle cap, use baby oil or olive oil would do, although i kiasu also buy the cradle cap shampoo. problem is, my boy has cradle cap on his eyebrows so i had to be extra careful when applying.


My hb also asks for it. Hoho. Recently he is busy with work then never ask. I happy. :p I also get pain down there after lubricant but it gets better. E 1st time, I get bad pain after action. Lol.

My baby has baby eczema. E solution is lots of moisturizer. Chose one that is non fragrance.

Thanks melissa n princess_d for sharing!

Melissa, wow u bf yr gal for 16 mths! But by a year was she still direct latch or gif ebm thru bottle? Hows yr boiboi taking bottle now? Sofes damn jialat. Today ask hubby to feed her bottle, she screamed e whole hse down! Aiyoh so small throw tantrums already. How ah? Oh btw wat cradle cap shmpoo r u using? Sofea has cradle cap too

Princess_d, when u started jade on solids?

Ann, niko is big for his age! can fight wif meghan! Sofea is only 5.5kg at 12 weeks.

Hi Ladies, the older folks said that it's okay to start babies on solids from 4th month onwards... is this true? Cos I think the books I read recommend from 6 months onwards. Usually how do you introduce solids har? Do we have to buy a mini slow cooker for the porridge? (When i was young, I saw my nanny did this for her grand children)

BTW, my boy has outgrown his diapers. I have 2 packets of S-size petpet diapers left. Any takers? Hope to exchange for wet wipes/nuk pacifier ... :p



Haaa... Meghan cannot fight with niko la... Almost a kilo diff in weight!! Haaaaa..... But I'm sure it will b cute to out these babies together !! Loves Athena yummy legs! Wahaaaa... That girl Is HOT!! Wahaaaa


I started jade with solid at 5months old..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starts with 1 teaspoon of cereal.. N by 6th months she eats bb pasta .. Actually can starts later like after 6-7mths.. No hurry cos Some babies still not ready ..

Gotta watch for many things when starts solids .. Allergies !!

