(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Welcome! Well, i think for guys, they dont really mind. Think ask my hubby to sleep with my dad, he sld be fine with it ba.

But to ask me to sleep with my MIL is a big NO NO!! The last time she came over and slept in the same rm as me and hubby, I cant sleep the whole night! She was snoring so loudly n the air-con was so cold. Before preggy, me n hb dont on air-con at all.


I jus came back fr my check up. i hv dilated 1 cm and baby is 3.1kg and has engaged liao. I was so excited when Dr said anytime can give birth. So I jus told my dr i want to be induce on 29th. Yes! my turn is coming soon.


congrats!! have a smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess D

your little Jade is sucha darling! hhehehe

but I am sure boyboy will also be sweet in their own way... i HOPE mine will be... hahahhaa

Afternn mummies & Daddies!

Wah, suddenly so many mummies ready to pop liao.

Lilbluey, who knows mayb i'll pop on the same Sat as you since till now no news of bb wanting to come out leh. Then that day Dr Lim will be super busy lor.. You are schedule for C-sect in the morning? I have been waiting for the 'sign' till neck long long. So scare that bb will b too big for natural birth by then.

Cyn, glad that you close one eyes on your MIL coming for your confinement, but probably you wana prealert your hubby if any, he needs to help you to talk to his mum lor. So that you will not suffer during confinement period.

Congrats Groovy and Tinggy for the impending birth ya. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah! Exciting moment for you on Wed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wishing you a smooth delivery ahead!


Hahaha, nope I won't be doing it on Sat becos Dr Lim alrd got a scheduled ops in the morning then for the rest of the day he got no slot for me le...

When are you seeing him again?

Maybe u can try walking/squatting more heard it helps to induce labour hahaha....

Lilbluey, Hi 5*!!

Tht's what i was thinking now also, keeping walking n squatting pruposely to induced labour. Must be siao hor?! I already wait till feeling like buay tahan liao. Dr Lim still ask me to rest as much and not to walk about. kekeke..


i JUST realised we have the same gynae... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Ivy,

I share your feelings! I don't want baby to be induced!! Feeling so paranoid nowadays, checking baby's movement, checking for blood when I go to the toilet, hoping for painful cramps... I think I am going bonkers soon. Haha. Is your baby still moving as much? Mine seem to be moving less these few days...

Sundrops, me too! my bb movment also seemed less liao. I was thinking probably she is getting use to sleep like new born in our tummy nw but definitely got movement, but got to wake her up lor. Haha.. For sure when i drink green lemon, she will kick. too sour for her i guess and she can feel her kicking on my ribs lor. damn painful. I only scare that she grown too big for natural.


Thanks for sharing your hospital bill. Wow you're so lucky that you get a free upgrade to deluxe room! for me, i don't have visitors, except for my hubby so i don't think single room is worth it. so it's the start of confinement for you? the nurses there are awesome, they will help you with breastfeeding. is yours on 6th floor or 5th floor? i was on 6th floor.

princess d,

haha i find that arrangement where daddy sleeps separately and mommy + mil + baby is disastrous too! think daddies don't understand the politics with mommy + mil together???


it's likely that GEH and MAH provides better services than TMC b'cos TMC is so damn popular it's always packed. so the nurses and doctors all had to work extra hard to serve more patients than GEH and MAH. i'm glad i chose GEH b'cos for all my 3 deliveries there, they delivered top notch service. but i'm lucky oso lah, all natural with no complication. else die liao bill sure ex one hahahaa...


jia you!!! hope you have a smooth delivery!!


you too! jia you!! eat as much as you want!


I m sure your soon will!

We all can do it!My friends 4yrs old son gave her a bunch of coriander he pick from the kitchen!!hahhahha....LOl so sweet rite?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah no sign still???good la..bb still vey confy inside wor![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so when is your schedule c sect?


i'm also liked u leh. Kept thinking about when baby will decide to come out. Scared of seeing blood, waterbag burst, cramps etc.. so kan chiong liao. But i got to clear this week 1st leh.

Re: baby movements

have been feeling baby bigger movements. Can really feel the limbs lor. Can be quite forceful n hard. And especially when somehow pushes the v area, very pain.

Xin2 - You can do it! Like what my hubby says, relax and dun freak ourselves out!

Ivy - Yah, I can definitely still feel movements. Going to see gynae tmr again, hopefully he will give me some good news. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Omg a few days never login here so many mommies popped already,! Congrats ya! So muh excitement in here, i still havent finish reading e previous days posts.

Anyway mommies induced/c-sect tmrw gd luck!!

Btw i jus came back from lunch. Had fish head curry, butter prawns, tqndoori chicken and alo goobi.. Yum2! My appetite damn gd these past couple of days. I went for 37 weeks check-up this morning and already put on 2 kg within 2 weeks ..hhehe. baby Now weighs 3kg and is engaged. Gynae said she felt baby's head while doing ve jus now. Now im wondering, how can she feel baby's head? I thot theres a stopper.. Ie mucus plug? Or haf i lost it w/o realising?

Princess, I also think bb is too comfy inside! But i'm aching like hell now. Kekeke.. really wished for the 'signs' now wor.


U can still walk and do squats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me, I can't only bed rest, just 1-2 hrs of walking/sitting will result in swelling le -_-""

How sad can that be! diao diao

Ooh, just saw from FB that Ixx Cxx is going to pop soon and she's on the way to hospital now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, sorry to disturb. I'm from the September mtb thread. I am currently doing confinement and had initially extended my cl till mid-november, but because my husband is going overseas and I would be staying at my mum's place after my confinement, my cl has no assignment from end october till late november. Any mummies looking for last minute cl during this period can pm me. Thanks!


jia you jia you!!! we will be waiting to see your baby pics....

hmmmmmm really really cannot be sitting for so long.. I merely sat in front of my lappy for a while to settle some things and i am already feeling uncomfortable all over... esp tummy area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] needa go lie down again liao!

I think... the next time i log into forum again, duno which mummy has popped again!! hahahaha so exciting!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Heee... Soon soon!! I'm not surprised if my gynae would to say tt on wed too!! Mean time, let's us s pig out ! Heck the weight gain!! Haaaaa!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Isn't that groovy !! Haaa.. Hope she will hs r a smooth n fast delivery !


Hahaha at 1st I thought u can tahan don't bath. So can shower warm water. Actually in hospital, the 1st toilet visit, the nurse help me in everything. She on the shower to warm water n pass me the shower to wash my down under while I sit on the toilet bowl. Aft washing, I feel so comfortable n she told me like that more clean. The pail not normal pail, specially for those woman to use aft labour.

Re: bb sleeping with mil or eldest kids sleeping with mil

I totally disagree. But will not happen to me. Lol

Full mth celebration

This morning I sms hb n told him abt the guest list. Shortly aft he replied n ask me whether can invite his mum. At 1st I said ok but aft a while my heart not v comfortable. Suddenly I feel v down n tear drop cos I don't really wish to see her as it will spoilt my mood for everything. My r/s with mil is really bad or can even say worse. Aft 2nd thought, I sms my hb n told him frankly I don't feel gd seeing his mum again. He know that me n his mum can never patch back together again. Aft I wake up fr my nap, I saw email fr him. Guest list don't have his mum only his closer friend. His colleagues will have voucher. I know it is bad but I don't want myself to suffer having to face her again.

Hi everyone,

Finally got time and energy to switch on my lappy.

Yesterday was crazy... and last night is just the beginning!!! argh.. I think I only have 1 or 2 hrs of shut eye... This girl lah... put down in cot, scream... dun settle down... I lie down, she scream... until 5+am I cannot tahan liao, stand up, lie down too many times, my back ache like hell. Luckily hubby took over and I KO for a while. Boy am I glad that I delivered naturally coz I can imagine if I go csect, sure cannot like that take care of her... esp. when no CL in the first week.

Melissa and other experienced mummies!!!

Need some advice on BF coz my #1 is expressed thruout... me not sure i doing right...

Today 4th day and no milk still.

Only colostrum so I still try to latch her (which she scream bloody murder after 15mins) for at least 20mins, 10mins per breast. Then supplement with FM 30ml. Feed is ard 3hrs interval.

After latching, I pump 10mins to empty all colostrum. Will feed her the expresses colostrum later when she fuss..

Her poo poo turn a bit greenish liao but so far today until now only 2 times and no urine leh... how har?? need to feed water??

I am concern abt her lack of urine leh...

Is my feeding routine ok??


Sorry to hear tt you are feeling dwn !!) cheer up babe!

So long your HB knows wat to do n is also. Helping not to make things turn ugly , it should be fine Liao! Don't thinkndo much k![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiffy, breathe breathe... Dun cry ya, esp post natal get very blue all the time... so think happy. Your hubby's really sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hang in there!

Wat bout latching her again when she Is less cranky or half awake ???

Instead of feeding her according to 3hourly, wake her up n catch her? ???? If worried , giving her a Lil water will do no harm ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess D,

Problem is the time when she is less cranky is when she is sleeping lor. And when I wake her before she fuss for milk, she dun want leh... close the mouth super tight lor...

Hey Vivian.. congrats to you. I hope you'll manage to squeeze in some time for rest as impossible as it may sound.

You are right about the tahaning part.. hehe I'm one of those!! BB found a new toy to play with.. my ribs!! Ouch.. and sleeping is getting more and more difficult.

Any mummies experiencing aches all over? My shoulder and neck ache from sleeping position I think, hips too.. then have feet also pain from swelling.. back also ache.. is this normal???

Princess_d, i dun care already liao. I tink dis is 1st time during my preg appetite so gd and no indigestion or puking after food. Gonna pig out tmrw again! Hubby promised to take me out galavanting in town tmrw..hehe even gynae stopped checking my weight these days. Shes only concerned abt baby at this stage. Must eat to hearts content now, after baby come out need to diet n do confinement already..

Vivian!! Rhea is so adorable. I was jus abtbto suggest force feed her during the day less than e 3hrs interval. But yr gal shuts her mouth tight2 ah?

Suwaiwai, me! Having Lower back pain n cramps all e time!


Thanks. This girl looks exactly like her gorgor lor, except smaller in size.

Erh, now I only have colostrum, force feed got no milk for her, got use??


I feed on demand, even if baby wakes up every hour and even if all i have is colostrum. Green poo is expected when you gave her FM. When your milk starts coming in and you latch her all the time, it will take a few days before her poo starts to become lighter in color and eventually turn yellow. I know it's tiring but sometimes babies dowan milk, they have a strong need to suckle and sometimes too much wind, so try to burp them. You'd be surprised if she gives you a loud burp like an adult. That's what happened to my boy. Endure yeah. First 6 weeks is tough for both mommies and babies. Adjustment period. I don't have much sleep too but I am already mentally prepared for this.


If baby wakes up every hour, I dun mind latching her every time. But problem is she dun leh. She sleeps most of the time and if I try to wake her early, she dun want milk. How har??


Your milk hasn't come in yet? Means she still has reserves in her tummy. That's what I noticed lor. If she's hungry she will want to suck, trust me.


I everywhere also ache.. the latest is neck ache! I woke up with it yest. argh Hiyo very kan kor le.. When I get up from sitting position, can even hear my back cracking.. to a point I sound like an old lady.. hehe


Thanks. That's why I need to let out my feeling here cos I know I can find comforting words fr u all here. Lucky never see her name in the guest list.


I didn't follow hospital's recommendation of feeding 3 hourly. That's only a general guideline. Every baby is different. Sometimes my boy didn't wanna latch too so I just skipped feeding him. Then an hour or two later, he will wake up to scream, then i'll feed him. I usually never interrupt his sleep b'cos for newborn, sleeping is very important for their growth. It helps to build up immunity as well. They don't need water or FM at this point and if your milk hasn't come in, there's no point pumping (that's according to my humble opinion) because your colostrum amount is very little. It's best extracted via direct latching.


Maybe Rhea is not hungry ! Watabout letting her rest a lil longer n latch her again! To me a bf Bb dun need water! And at your part, ensure you keep massaging your breast so tt it has no block ducts!

Is she drinking well from btl? Or izit the sZme reactions as when u latch her on?

tried to sleep but failed!!arghhhhh!!


Let it out here if you need!Don't think so much about!Most importantly,Hb is with you![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hhahha...same same la..i heck care long time ago!Looking at the way i eat..tsk tsk tsk...Hb said im not disciplined enuf!!heheheheehe[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yea,i think most of us had it!At the end of the last trimester,weight gained and growing tummy affects us badly!Sleepipng can be a torture sometimes![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

what to do????LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hang in there[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess d,

I know he will feel hurt that I don't wish his mum to see my kids. No choice cos either is I feel hurt or he feel hurt. Really thanks for ur comforting words.


Yup, i'm seeing Dr Lawrence Ang too. I just had my detailed scan at TMC and had seen Dr Ang. Baby's weight is 3.549kg at 38 wk, 4 days, not 3.7kg like he mentioned last mon but he still go ahead with C-sect as he said any baby more than 3.5kg he wld offer c-sect. He said my percentage for natural birth is 60% & i show no sign no dilation yet, baby is still not engaged & he forsee that i wld not go into labour for the next 4 days as edd is 7 Oct. He said if my baby don't come out by due date, he will suggest c sect too. Moreover he kept stressing that he does not want me to go through double labour pain, hence c-sect is still the best option for me and he put me on 1st Oct, 5am which is kind of early. So when are u due?

Wow, the thread is fast! Nice weather to sleep, just woke up from a 3hrs nap!

Princess D,

My hb asked me to rest for a year, then try for a 3rd one! He is crazy, not the one pregnant, can talk till very easy. And awwww…. Jade is such a darling, so sweet. Ethan was very sweet to me lately too, the other day I was having cramps in my leg, he quickly come over and help me massage and shout at his father to come help me too. It just melt my heart.


Are u dilated already? Have a smooth delivery!


Cheer up and dun let the MIL issue affect you. At least your hb is understanding enuff.


When I had #1, was quite stress about it. I can wake up to find my bb gone beside me! Turned out that she brought him downstairs to suntan without telling us at all! I hate it when she just bring #1 w/o my permission. I hope this time round I’m able to take it easy.


Hahaha… ya, my letter also staple up. That’s a nice weight for your bb now.=)


Hope you are feeling much better now!


congrats!! have a smooth delivery

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yup, my milk not in yet. Last time when #1, my milk only slowly kicked in by second week lor. Super low supply despite every 2 hrly pump. So this time I am not expecting much as well lah.

For now, 10mins pump can get ard 10ml of colostrum. I think ok bah.

I pump coz not sure she got empty my breast or not after 20mins so just pump and also to hope that my supply will come early bah.

Actually in hospital stay, I TBF. But coz she is only 35wks old and din urine that time, PD recommended supplement a bit of FM first but continue latching.

So after i reached home, I just latch first to ensure she still rem how to suckle and then supplement her with FM coz she still wants to drink after 20mins of latching.

Nurse recommend me not to latch her more than 30mins coz she still very small and gets tired very easily. And really after 15mins, she usually start to scream and refuse to latch liao. That is when the FM comes in lor.

Hopefully I did the right thing...

Ok ok... so let her sleep lah... so far, she quite zun leh. 3 hrs sure fuss...

Princess D,

yup yup... me massage my breast like dun know what...

She so far taking bottle very well. 30ml can finish within 5 mins.

As for latching, she just suckle for a few times then stop to sleep. Wake her up then she will unlatch and fuss before i try to latch her on again... When she managed to latch on and stay awake to suckle, shld be ok. Problem is no milk so far, so she will suckle for a while then make noise liao lor. So actually I dun blame her lah... hopefully when milk comes, will be better bah....

Compare to #1, think this time I not so panicky and gave up when she fuss. Will just keep trying to latch her. Hopefully it works. If not, worst case, same as gor gor, total express lor. In fact my hubby say latching so troublesome.. haha...


dun be sad... dun think so much. Go hug hug your baby, will make you feel better...

Come in here anytime.... if you got time... heee...

