(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

princess d,

so fast epi liao! hahaha! good lah, you! another pain free delivery! this time round see who meghan looks like - you or hubby. jia you!! maybe you will see her straight after midnight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wishing you a very smooth delivery!

wah.. princess D!! U r really steady, still can live broadcast somemore! lol!! All the best and have a smooth and fast one okie!!

btw, anyone know where can i donate unwanted clothings to? Thx!

Irish & Princess,

Wish both of you all the best & have a smooth delivery tomorrow! This fri wld be my turn, need to report to hospital at 5am! I'm very anxious to see my baby boy yet don't wish this day to come so soon...


Urs is cesarean birth too?

wah.... now got baby cut queue is my fault ah... haha... ok lor.... as long as cut queue liao hor mummie and baby all safe and healthy... nevermind lah... CUT!!!! haha.... My little Rhea will be the leader! keke...


good luck and have a smooth, fast and painless delivery!


JIA YOU!! most likely your baby and Princess D's Meghan will be Nursery-mate!! so fun!

Dun worry too much... Thin cervix can open up very fast one! Good good.. once water bag burst, very fast liao.. JIA YOU!

Princess D,

aiyo... you damn solid lah... still can blow hair, plucked eyebrow... damn cool lor...

In delivery ward liao still think abt food... you ah....

Faster deliver liao, next time we gathering to have buffet!!!



Jia you! Do monitor closely and take care!


Thanks. I also hope that everything ok bah... and yeah... just now Rhea wee wee liao... so happy...

Now, just hope that she can clear her jaundice test tomolo during check up... the rest doesn't matter liao...

So far, I think I love football hold BEST! coz I got inverted nipples, need to readjust, latch and unlatch quite often. So with football hold I can do that easier and can see how she is sucking thru out. The other position hor, still can't master...

Princess , wah!!!! So fast! Reporting live from MaH somemore! Steady bom pi pi! Best wishes n have a smooth delivery! Hope to hear Meghan's birth story soon.


Have a smooth delivery. Haha.. So u are not the 1st oct mummy leh. Who shall it be?? Well, everyday also got someone popped. I so excited n kan chiong Liao.

Princess and Iris- Believing your will have a painless, smooth, happy delivery experience! =D Can't wait to see the photos!! =D

can i know for c-section, the catheter is inserted before epidural or after huh? the process sounds painful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] a bit scared... although doctor haven't confirm whether to c-sect or not. will know this weekend.. baby is still breech today. so just wanna have some mental preparation..


actually the football hold looks very comfy in the video i watched! and some more the baby will keep her eyes open when in the upright football hold position, which i was very amazed, 'cos in the cradle position she would close eyes more.

Looks like my baby will be born on 28-09-10 hehe. My gynea hasn't come yet. I'm practisibg breathing technique I learn from prenatal class in mt alvernia. So quite ok now

And Princess D--- lol on the pluck eyebrow and blow dry hair thing hahaha. I must remember to do the first before I go hospital to deliver my baby when the time comes. After I had Kae, I looked kanasai in all the photos that were taken of me. ^.^""

Go Groovy! =D Have a good and blessed delivery!!


HUGS!!!!!!!!!! Am sure it will go great. Keep speaking over the baby and telling baby to turn around into the proper position. Hugs hugs! Gonna keep u in prayer!!!!!

Apple I used to stay with my parents in law and when they nvr close their bedroom door I can hear both my in laws in symphony quite cute haha!

Groovy! Good luck and have a safe delivery too!!!


The catheter will be inserted after bb is removed and u clean up.. So definitely it is still under epi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun worry too much ya still got time for yr gal to turn..take it as it comes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks all for the well wishes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] a little nervous actually..just make sure everything is packed in the hospital bag before i turn in to rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have requested to check-in in the morning since my ops time is after 7am.


Thanks! Yup Im going for elective c-sect [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U mean urine cathter? the catheter is inserted after epidural so is painless, even after ops it is also painless when nurses remove the catheter.

Groovy, princess d & etelle

Jia you K! Our babies are gonna have the same birthday!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Delivery Prayer (for Christian Mummies)


Father, as I look forward to the delivery of my sweet baby, having enjoyed a blessed pregnancy of full duration, I thank You in advance for Your Word, Your blessings, Your peace, Your presence, and Your divine intervention.

I pray and confess that my body and my baby will cooperate with perfect, supernatural delivery, that there will be no problems of any kind. I also believe and declare that my labour and delivery will be quick, short, easy, and painless. I believe and declare that I will have time to go to the proper place with the proper help.

Baby, in Jesus's name, you move and place yourself in perfect position for birth: head first, not breech and face down. You rotate properly as God intended you to.

I command the umbilical cord to be in proper position as well.

Body, you function perfectly during this time.

I have perfect peace and am relaxed. All fear must go and stay gone for I have God, who is perfect love and casts out fear. My body will not be tensed, but be at rest and at peace.

I speak specifically to all the parts of my body to come in line with God's Word and Will.

Father, I believe that at the proper time for delivery, my water will break and my uterus will do its job and begin to contract and push my baby down the birth canal amd out into our loving arms and lives.

I command my cervix to dilate fully to 10cm, to be elastic and stretch. To the uterus, vagina, perineum, vulva, as well as my cervix, you relax, be elastic and stretch without causing pain or any complications. Accomodate the birth of my baby.

Futhermore, I declare in Jesus's name that I will not tear or need an episiotomy. Father, pain is under the curse of the Law, and Your Word says that Jesus bore our pain, so I rebuke ALL pain and will not tolerate pain. I will have a short, easy and pain free delivery in Jesus's name; therefore I won't need any anesthetic of any kind. Thank You LORD, in Jesus's name. AMEN!

(The above prayer uses verses from the bible- Exo 1:19, 1 Jn 4:16 and 4:18, Deut 28)


Thanks for the encouragement and prayers! Think I am scaring myself here. Still wanna go thru the normal vaginal birth but scared later got complications if I keep asking baby to turn. Contradict hor.. Anyway, how are you doing?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] didn't see your post in this thread for a few days! How's Kae?

Re: taking photos after delivery

See how's the situation. If I look kanasai in that day, I will ask hubby not to take any of my photos until I am satisfied with how I look. Imagine looking pale, haggard, frazzled hair.. Urgh~! no way!!! Wanna look pretty with my adorable girl in the pics! Hahhaa~!!


Hugs we're doing great! =) My detailed scan is this Friday and I can't wait to know baby's gender then! I kinda MIA-ed coz Hubby is back in town hahaha. Am online right now coz he is still at work =p. He will be flying off on Saturday evening though. I am just thankful that he is able to be back for all the gynae scans. Phew! =)

Dun scare yourself. Things will go great. As LilBluey said, there is still time to believe for the baby to turn to the correct position. Gonna keep praying over you and the baby. =)

Kae is doing great. Lol. He is such a joker.

My mum can be quite a difficult person to be around with and my Dad was ribbing him on how with Mama it is always Q&A, questions and answers, right? And Kae, with a cheeky glint in his eyes, replied, "No Gong Gong, it is Q&A- Quarrel and Argue." Adoi right? =D

He is preparing for his end of year exams. Not going to worry and am just gonna trust that he will do fine. Just revising with him his Mandarin, and helping him out with that.


I felt touched by that prayer. Thanks again! Hope that things will go according to His will! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lilbluey, irish,

It's a relieve to know that! 'cos I went to scare myself by reading up and some people actually said it hurt like heck. Now I know at least got the epi effect.


What time will you have to be in hospital tomorrow?


Be prepared to have a real supernatural birth under Dr Ang..i think the nurses cant hear u if u r asking for epidural, they will help u to go through without u knowing that u can live without one! Many can make it i sure u can too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have a smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Kae is so smart!! Q&A = Quarrel & Argue. Lol!!! Next time he will surely be a very good 'tutor' to your #2! Oh, let us know the gender when you've found out yah? Must be really exciting!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Diveera, after I come home only feed her FM once.

before that first 4 days is FM. After that is bm. Up till now we only give her bm once since we are back home. Later discuss with hb to give her fm to supplement her or not.


Thanks for the delivery prayer..am feeling calm now. Appreciate the thoughts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Gynae advised to be in hospital by 6am for admission before the ops.


Still awake le!! Contractions very frequent n I'm shivering .... Brrrrrr..... Lol!

Aiya, blow hair oso no use, now abit messy! Tsk!

No more deluxe room for me!! Huhuhuhu but they blocked the double bedded room for me first cos one abtenatal case just pushed into the room I booked! Wahhhaaaaaa... Think is groovy... Heeeeeeee ..... Hope she is doing ok le!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I tot wanna do my eyebrow at brauhaus on wed after gynae visit !! Who knows??? Gotta diy! HB oso buay tahan me! Wahhhaaaaaa...


Yea!! Our babies gona share same birthday !! Hee...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope Meghan can come out soon!


Yah lar, buffet next time with our darlings ! One hand bf n the other feed ourselves !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HB supposed to leave tmrw morning ! But if bb out later I asked him to go ahead la... I'll be good la.. Anyway is a pretty short trip gor him... He ll be back on wed morning anyway!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The nurses so sweet.... Kept apologizing for not Able to get me my deluxe room! Haaa... N talking-to my kan Cheong HB ! Walking around n restless ! Heee!

Freaking hungry now! Clear my bowel just mow n tummy empty! Ask for Milo they gimme warm water ask me visualized it is Milo ! Lol

starry- AMEN! =)

BTW I read a doc that said when you expect pain and are frightened, you tend to contract your muscles which is precisely what causes the pain. So the best way is to go with the flow and to relax. You will feel sensations when you get contractions, but you can use mind over matter and see them as helping you to ease baby down the birth canal, instead of fighting against them which causes the pain sensation. =p

Here is an encouraging video where a mother is not screaming in pain and is not on epidural


Iris- U're welcome =) HUGS! Jia you!!

Starry- Yea! He is very humorous one. The other day I asked him to write shou1 (keep) in Mandarin. He couldn't recall how to and said "I cannot remember how to write it, but Mummy the 'shou' must go on." Pengz! XD

Princess D- Hehehe. Hubby sounds so nervous! =D The nurses are jokers too hahaha. H20 Milo. XD

Better that u dun drink Milo or eat now. Trust me. U will appreciate the lack of Milo.

princess d,

VISUALIZE the Line buffet!! Better than Milo. Heehee!!


Means you will only get few hours of sleep tonight le. Sleep early!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How come should not drink Milo while waiting for delivery?

Jia you jia you princess you r doing so well! I had shivers the last time too probably Side effects from the epidural? Hehe... Take care! Am suffering from insomnia again so fun to keep popping in to see the birthing details! Exciting!!!


Lol. Before I delivered Kae, I "tou tou" drank Milo and puked after that lol. Kinda wished I didn't drink it after I bleah-ed. Lol.


Yup...gonna sleep now as hubby is barking behind me now :ppppp

Ladies, good nite! will keep u all update if i can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry also the medical team is scared dat in case emergency you need to be full anaesthetiZed to go into the theatre you should not have food in ur tummy in can be quite dangerous so they rather let you starve and suck on ice cubes or have sips of water!!!

Starry, I was getting ready baby's car seat, hence not sleeping yet. Am trying to get everything ready.....but hubby is not exactly cooperating......keeps thinking there is still time.

Conversation with hubby:-

Me: When do you want me to strap the car seat to the car?

HB: When you give birth??

Me: You know how to strap the car seat to the car??

HB: You show me one time then I do it next time.

Me: You are sure you will remember how to do it after show you one time???

HB: *silence*

Me: When do you want me to strap the car seat to the car??

HB: Weekend??

Me: Okay.

Conversation with hubby when I am getting the car seat ready:-

HB: Must you get the car seat ready now??

Me: If I don't do it now, do you know how to get it ready??

HB: *silence*

Me: If I suddenly go into labour, I don't want to have to get the car seat ready before I can go to the hospital!! So I think it is better to get it ready now.

HB: *silence*


Woops sorry princess_d. I hope you'll have a smooth delivery too. My doctor said I am only 3 cm dilated. Looks like I'll have a long delivery :s. My contraction now still every 3-4 minutes, 45-50 seconds

Nov- Yup that is prob the medical reason for why no food and drinks. =))

Snoopy: ROFL! All the *silence* bits. Haiz. Sometimes they are like that lah. Huggles. Nm. Car Seat strapped on le right? So ok le. =) Take a deep breath and count to 10. =))


That sucked! I can get nausea from being over excited or anxious also. Pain may also trigger.


That's what my gynae said also. He STRICTLY told me no food at all before I admit. If just nice happened after breakfast/lunch/dinner then no choice lor.

Iris- Malam!

Groovy- Gonna pray for you to have a fast and smooth delivery with less pain. I remember I looked at my tummy and told Kae, "You better come out fast and now." After I told him that, the next time the nurse checked me (soon after i instructed Kae) I went from just burst water bag to fully dilated. Lol.


Ok then stay relaxed. Don't get too excited or anxious. See that video I posted yet? The one where the mummy gave birth very effortlessly. Watch and visualise the same for yourself. =)

Keep your eyes on Jesus ya? =) Gambatte! Hwaitin!!


Rest well!!! Enjoy your D-day tmr!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


LOL!! Your hubby very funny! Esp the *silence* parts, really typical.


3-4mins sounds like very close le. Hang in there!!

Groovy- *waves pom pom* Jia you! Soon, soon! =) Baby is gonna come and smile at mummy soon. =)

Let water bag burst by itself is MUCH better. When the doc burst for you, can cause stronger contractions. I wish I had insisted my Doc not burst my water bag for me last time.

Actually I got injected by the antibiotic for gbs already. And they leave the needle in my hand they said for easier if need poking again. Now I know how painful it is. I can't bend my left palm anymore and it's extra pain if I accidentally hit it with something


I'm waving my pom poms for you too! 加油!


Haven't watch yet, 'cos in bed le and don't wanna disturb hubby with sounds from video (left earpiece outside). Watch tmr! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: water bag burst

If doc burst it manually is to speed up the contractions hence the labour?

Starry- Lol. No worries. =) Video hardly any sound wan ahahaha. =) The birth of that lady was so beautiful and calming. Makes me excited about what is possible this coming Feb for us. =D

And yup I think that is what happened. But the contractions are more acute than those u get when u let it burst naturally.

I read on natural ways to induce labour- includes stimulating nipples, getting an orgasm and ummm making love. =)) Apparently these causes the oxytocin levels to rise which naturally induces contraction. =)

