(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


i am delivering at Mt A. it's located along thomson road, near macritchie reservoir, where we always go running during sec sch days. always hated it, i mean the running.



thanks for the info on the surgical binder. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you are sharing bed with baby? my hubby doesn't allow. he damn scared of rolling over and crushing baby.


Nice to hear from you again. You are amazing! Within 1 week can lose 8KG?! Good that you are handling everything so well... very experienced liao.. hehehe.. Everything like so easy for you woh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I cannot imagine how c-section = not so painful.. hehehee

Re: Massage

My hb and I likes to go massage... but he likes those gentle type while I like those painful type.. cos seems like more shiok.. When we are in Thailand, I like to go for Thai Massage! and also the Aromatherapy type.. hehee

Princess D

you can still go shopping!!! HAHAHAH! good for you! but don't strain urself too much!


We also deciding between Queen and King sized bed last time and decided to buy queen sized and now... it feels SO SMALL!!! Anyway let's hang in there tgt! I also waiting for 3 more weeks for baby to reach full term.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Take care and rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah that was funny!! Yah lor Jac... You don't know what your hubby might do to both of you in his sleep.. hehehe

but anyway... also not advisable for baby to be on bed with parents cos we might suffocate them without knowing it... that will be damn scary lah!


yup, sharing bed with bb.. so sometimes as hubby to sleep on e floor mattress esp when e is unwell.. heehee..


actually natural birth oso need stitching from the v area until somewhere near anus area.. it is also painful de, thats what my gf told me!!! imagine ever time u pee n poo.. :p

c section = painful also.. esp at the stomache area, not so much at the v area :p

pain is definite!!!

seabreeze, shin,

LOL! yah, better not. these days we sleep with a big bolster between us, machiam territory line. he says it is to "protect" me. hahaha!!

my hubby complained that i have been snoring leh. so sad, 'cos i never snore, only recently. asked him how i sounded like, he doesn't know how to mimick and said the snore sounded very "unique", not like the typical man-snore. weird leh.. i asked him to record down next time. :p

Jac ...

Hahaha there was 1 night where my hubby suddenly woke me up and said: 'Are you very tired?'

I asked him ... yap v tired, why?

He said ... oh you were snoring and I cant zzzz

Hahahaha I MUST have been v v tired cos after getting married for 6 yrs ... this is the 1st time he said that to me.

I oso zzz with the kids when they are slightly older and heavier cos its much easier to bf with the bb on the same bed ... no need to carry in and out of the cot.

cherry: boohoo.. must haf such a long stitch? but i heard it depends whether if there will be such a huge tear right? or its a definite thing?

eeekk.. feel so nervous! aiming for natural ne


Yah I know.. That's why I also quite scared... haha... already getting nervous liao but heck care lah!!! When the time comes, baby have to come out means have to come out.. pain also no point thinking about it.. hahaha... Just hope I can endure through it until recovery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I told my hubby to be prepared cos when I feel pain... I sure get impatient easily.. hahahaa.. Poor hubby


hard to record down snoring sounds.. I have been trying to do that to my hb.. but everytime i whip out the phone, he stops snoring! hahahaa.. until I come to a point where I can sleep through the snores... I think cos we are tired so we snore... cos recently I will be like that sometimes.. too tired liao!

Pearlyn ...

Gynae prefers to cut so that its neater and easier to 'repair' than to let it tear cos tear is v irregular and can go in all directions.

Unless you are v elastic at your v-area ... otherwise 95% of the time will need to cut. But frankly the recovery is v fast for natural as well ... I started walking to the toilet on the same day and could walk around by the 2nd day.

Like what Cherry say ... its only a happen of where heehee but usually they will give you pain killer (safe for bf-ing) one. So if really cant tahan can always rely on that.

Apple> Yup2 Serta Dolls got numbers! Hehe.. We choose our wedding date numbers, 12 and 19. 12/12 is our wedding in Singapore (our true wedding date), 19/12 is our reception in Jakarta..

Last time number 12 is out of stock becoz it's almost end of the year. I guess lots of people buying that number too..

Shin & Jac> I also regret buying Queen Size bed. Huhu.. I thought becoz buying smaller size bed meaning we can put more furniture inside the room. But in the end, we still have lots of spaces in our Master Bedroom! Can even fit in 1 more super single bed!!

Didn't realize that Queen size not equals to 2 super single bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Even before pregnancy I feel not much space to sleep, even though hubby is so skinny..

Some more, lots of discounted bedsheet set are left with King Size, sometimes King and Queen Size bedsheet also same price.. Really feel Rugi..

Didn't really think that we might need bigger bed for our kids to sleep with us. huhu.. And some more my mom told me last time my dad even make extensions to their bed in order for all 5 of us (parents+bro+sis) to sleep together while watching TV in my parents bedroom when we were kids.


ughh.. sounds painful! haha.. but feel pain when going toilet also right? I mean it's definite esp when we need to pee cos the stitch is there and still raw? I think chances of me being in the 5% is damn low!! If rely on the painkiller alone, can tahan the pain?


haha my bedroom no space lah! too bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but with king sized bed should be alright too.. now that I have so many pillows on my bed, my poor hubby always tell me " ehhh i no space liao.. i falling off the bed liao!!" hahhaha so funny!

Shin ...

Pee is no problem ... its the poo. Not painful when poo but scared to push too hard so I take alot of fruits and drink alot of the red date tea so that my poos are soft.

Recovery is frankly q fast and I didnt take any pain killer at all for both times. You will understand when the time comes =) Really not as scary as what it sounds.

ya.. pls advise on how it feels when one pees? it will trickle down to the wound? and do u haf to dress the wound often?

btw, no need to take out stitches right? it will dissolve into our skin? hahaha!


ohhhh.... then i better make sure I take a lot of fruits and drink the red date tea then... Maybe your threshold for pain quite high! hahaaha... but yep, we shouldnt scare ourselves lah... my hubby always say... "if so many women in the world can go through pregnancy and giving birth... I am sure you can handle the pain"

Luckily he always supports me and encourage me to think positively... hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac> I also put big bolster between me and hubby when sleeping this time.. Simply to prevent me to sleep on my back. Hehehe.. Becoz everytime I sleep on my side, then after sometimes I'll sleep on my back again.

Shin> I also used more pillows & bolsters now. Lucky my hubby never complains becoz he's skinny & he used to sleep at his back :p. So he only gets around 1/3 part of our bed hihihi..

Pearlyn ...

Your gynae will give you a bottle of antiseptic liquid and you just use cotton ball to dip into the liquid and dab it at the wound. Suppose to clean it every time you go to pee.

No need to remove stitiches ... the gynae will check on that area when you are in the hospital and when you go back for review after 2 weeks time.

thanks seabreeze! aiya.. still must show gynae my parts again. =_= hee hee..

shin: actually i also tell myself dat.. dat many other women have gone through dat.. even in my mum's age, they oso din have epidural.. and still they came through.. like our grandmas who have half a dozen kids easily.. but i still scared! hahhaa! just pray for a fast and easy labour.

Cherry, Got Super King? Paisei, I re read then realise the hotel hospital u talking abt is Mt E. Mt E is located where huh? So why did u decided to change to Mt E?

Jac, Mt A is far then, if without a car, jia lat....

Jac & Shin, why did ur chose queen size bed in the end?

Seabreeze, so funny but true on Jac's hubby boxing....

Shin ...

I dunno if my pain threshold is high but I know that its not low hahaha cos till now I havent decided if I want to try without epidural this round since its my #3 and last time to experience the REAL thing hahahaha

Yar what your hubby say is true and actually aft we give birth ... our body is known to release this hormons which makes us 'forget' the pain heehee

Seabreeze, ur hb also very cute...still wake u up and tell u. The way ur family talks so cute and sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pearlyn, I know that got pple natural and no tear also de....all depends....

Shin, Yar, now with my queen size bed, my hb also always say his little corner...his corner really small now, cos I need alot of space to do 3pt turn......

Seabreeze, can I ask how the gynae checks if you still having lochia 2wks after birth? Isn't it going to be messy? Paisey, very curious about this.


Haha he only gets 1/3?? So poor thing!! Lol


Yah lor totally agree! But we are humans so definitely will be scared abt things we have not gone thru before[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe next time we will be the ones telling other MTB that it's not painful... Hahahaha!! Just be positive lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cos it's cheaper!! Wahahahahha


Ohh at least got antiseptic lotion.. Can the lotion double as painkiller? Wahahah if can numb the area den good ah!! You have been thru giving birth so u know what to expect.. So still can decide whether to go thru this time without epi not.. Very brave!! Hahaha.. To me I feel if I know I cannot tahan the pain, don't waste my energy.. Just opt for pain relieve.. Lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but ur bb still in breech position now?? Quick quick chit chat with her.. Lol

Hi ladies, jus came back frm gynae visit + lunch + shopping

baby is now 2.6kg at 35 weeks and shes v low n in a gd position jus not engaged yet. Gynae also did strep b test for me but results in 3 days. If theres infection then she'll call. Otherwise assume everything is ok. Also from scan looks like baby has head full of hair.. Hmm we shall c later. And gynae not e least bit concern shd baby come out early. She said baby already matured at 34 weeks. So in the comin days/weeks if got bleeding, waterbag burst or contractions she will see me straight at tmc

anyway im so proud of myself today. Got lots of things sorted out. After gynae went dentist to do fillings, had lunch and then shopped for my hosp bag essentials like pj, disposable panties, slippers, polleney black fish essence, toiletries. So yup anytime now can jus grab bag n go hosp!


likely will call for cab to send me to MAH when the time comes. my tenant actually offered to drive me there if need to after midnight. but i hope no major surprises!

re: bed

chose queen sized in the end 'cos we thought that is sufficient. actually a bit squeezy..


thanks for the info on episiotomy! better cut than tear haphazardly. later tear in 3 places really no joke.


my hb was saying maybe for #3 not enough time for epidural so definitely can feel the pain for the first time in 3 births...LOL


haha not to worry so much, Dr Ho very pro de he wun stare at your V. He chop chop see le then go le. He makes you feel comfortable de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And his stitches are famous for painless de...that's why i chose him in the first place and recovery very fast de...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seabreeze, red date tea will help to poo also?

Seabreeze, the hormones shld be called oxytocin? Same hormones for bf de...

nycmum, the email u registered with facebook u got check got invitation? Otherwise at friend request there I think have....


looks like D-day is coming upon you very soon too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] what scan was done to see whether baby has full head of hair or not? normal u/s able to tell?

Apple ...

Yar my hubby oso q funny but I think must be he cant tahan so he wake me up hahaha

Teoong ...

By 2 weeks the lochia amount is not v heavy liao so he will just flip open to check on the wound ... never take off. So not messy one ...

Shin ...

The antiseptic lotion is more of cleaning the wound ... not so much of painkiller. But I do rem that the pain will go off within the 1st week. Hmmm I dunno ler ... my frens keep telling me to try hahaha I see how many cm I am dilated first before I decide ba

I think still breech cos most of the movement are at the lower half of the tummy =p

Marrissa, how ur gynae know ur baby already matured? What is polleney black fish essence?

Jac, u rented out ur house ar? ur tenant not scare u give birth at home? or contraction or wat?

I'm more worried bout the episotomy/tear than contraction pain.

Hopefully can tahan w/o epidural.

Btw, if w/o epi, will doc inject anesthesia at the perinum when cutting?

Marissa> Woww.. can really see your baby's hair from scan?

I'm amazed you still do tooth filling too! I hate tooth filling, usually I got mouth cramp becoz need to open mouth widely and for a long time! That's why I plan to do next year instead.

I still have few more teeth that needs to change filling. Last time when I was kid, I do the black color filling (don't know what), then nowadays the dentists said it's not safe becoz it contains mercury. That's why need to change the filling.

At first I thought it's just for cosmetics, changing from black to seamless.. haha..


after delivery in hospital gynae will check asking you to lie on one side and then hor lift your panties from behind and see the wound. Then one week after delivery go gynae clinic, same drill ( got lochia also never mind never face front take off panties or what, just peep through the side.


you are right. I got a friend all 3 kids also no tear le and no cut also..natural...think hor babies small and can fit into the 10cm lor so no need for it....but mostly have to snip..

Etelle ...

I actually felt contraction for my #1 & #2 but still chicken out and take epidural. But for #2 q silly cos I actually could feel the contraction throughout as I didnt want them to increase the dosage as my leg was getting numb hahaha

So you going for natural without epi this round? My gal is breech at the last check ... so I shall see how things go in a few weeks time. Scali talk so much and end up with c-section hahaha

Apple ...

Frankly I dunno if red date tea helps but thats the only liquid that I drink during confinement and I take LOTS of vegetables as well. In fact my bowel movements are at its best during my confinement cos I am usually q constipated hahaha


i don't think anything will be given to numb the pain when stitching up down under. think if really pain, will be pain till numb liao and won't feel much. anyway, i read some birth stories and some mummies do feel the cut when it is done.


i am feeling the kicks very low. a few times she "stepped" on a particular nerve so hard that my left leg got a suddenly achy feeling from groin area spreading downwards. don't know what is that called, but not a nice feeling.

ncymum, yes if w/o epi, doc will inject anesthesia at the perinum when cutting, this is what I know la....I think shld be correct.

Etelle, I am aiming for that....hope can...

I think here try not to cut also? I dunno....

Btw, I think the Forum is doing some maintance again.....Do bookmark this page hor....or else hard to find?

nycmum ...

Not likely that you will go without any pain relief ... usually its either gas or jab on your tight. And my frens who only used gas told me that after pushing the bb out ... any pain after that is NOTHING =p

Jac ...

Mine is also v low and everytime she finishes her 'dance routine' I need to go and pee =p

How I wish she can be guai guai like her 2 gor gor and get into position fast


How much does it cost to change fillings from black to white?

Drinks during confinement

We can drink anything that is not cold and cooling? Or can ONLY drink red date longan tea?

My colleague recommend brown rice tea. She said for her #2, she bought brown rice and fry them in the wok(w/0 oil) and everyday she add some to her water to make brown rice drink. It helped her get rid of water retention. I read that brown rice helps to improve water retention and thinking of buying Highlander Brown Rice Tea from NTUC. Anyone tried before?


My one more classic. I have a pix of hb n ms in wallet. My dd will say it is pappy (my hb) n ah yee (my sis). -.o" I want to cry lor. She said tat everytime despite me trying to correct her everytime. Lol.


Dun worry, I also used to flip everywhere when I slp. Hb kena from me so many times but when dd came along n share bed with us, I started slping straight, no at all moving. Instinct wor. But now dd slps with me n banish hb to e floor to slp on ti lam. Hoho.

Re: remove bedframe

I also think my queen size mattress getting smaller n has intention to remove my bed frame after delivery. Now cannot do anything to e bed else sure kena scolding.

Jac, groovy it was thru e normal scan. Gynae was explaining e strands on top babys head is e hair. Honestly i couldnt make out wat i saw. But hubby said he saw many2 strands on e screen.

Groovy i hate to do fillings but no choice la! Its so painful to eat, must do now otherwise confinement cannot go out already.

Apple its polleney black fish essence wif american ginseng. Recommended to take for internal healing esp after going thru Op or c-sect. It heals e wound faster. Im taking 2 bottles wif me to hosp

my next visit is next 2 weeks so i qsked gynae wat happens if baby decide to come out next week. She said shes not worried coz my baby is progressing v well n most babies has matured lungs by 34 weeks.

nycmum ...

If based on the fact that we can drink milo during confinement .... I guess the brown rice drink should be fine. As long as its hot and not cooling stuff.

My CL said that she will cook brown rice for me during confinement heehee I havent go and buy the rice yet. She ask me to get the organic ones ...

ZuEn ...

Your dd is oso v cute heehee now my hubby and I sleeps in a 'L shape' cos we need to leave this 'square' space for my #2.

#1 is zzzing on his own liao ... dunno when #3 comes ... what should I do with #2

Wow was browsing through the Lil Tots group and really envy MTB who are glowing and looking so pretty.

My pimples and sensitive skin got worse after preggie and my 'Jacky Chan' nose got even bigger. =(

Put on 16kg and now so big and bloated. Few days ago discover I got stretch marks!!!

Haiz, feel so unattractive now.

People said that if having a baby girl, the mother will be ugly cos the beauty goes to the baby. Well, hopefully my girl will be healthy and beautiful so me looking so 'cui' now will be worth it.

I'm gg to gynea clinic later to pick up med. Strep B/swap test done last week showed I've got some bacteria in my V so need to insert med in there once a week.

