(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


take care girl. 1 in every 5 mins severe contractions, wow...


eeeeewwwwwww! hahahahaa. is it some ego issue about wearing disposable undies? maybe not man enough?


i dunno. i have alot of milo packets so i bring. =) i heard hospitals will anyhow charge u for things, like removal of nail polish also charge wor! i not sure if snacks and tea time included in the delivery package or not.


Eh, now dat u all mention abt admission letter, where got 2? i have one only. dat too the clinic asst never say must fax or mail to TMC. she say just bring this during admission. Gotta go home n check later.

oh ya, thanks to whoever said must keep all these documents with us daily just in case. I tink im gonna keep in my working bag.

and thanks for reminding bank book. i no longer update bank book, must wait for my next bank statement.

Melissa, i so envy u right now! I want to be 36 weeks rite now.. buay tahan! actually I want to go on leave earlier than ML if possible. My ML is on 4th Oct. My gf said try to get gynae to issue MC a week prior to my confirmed ML date


i shy, like to remain mysterious. wahahahahah! =P no la, actually this friday falls on gynae appt day, and the other time was hub's birthday, the previous time clashed with my yoga class. haiyo...... then i go facebook like once a month, very suaku. but u know what, i can do it once i enter ML mid sept, got more time, will add all the mummies one by one then!

princess diamond,

yup... totally agreed with you on the packing.

That time I was admitted for pre-term contractions, the 1st thing I told hubby to bring is my lappy and chargers! haha... I totally forget abt clothings coz I am not supposed to move at all, so dun need to think abt bathe liao...

only after doc say can bathe, then I call my hubby to bring clothes... keke...


ya lor... too bad din get to meet most of you all...


oh no... that is what I am worried of too...mine last time was contraction every 3-4 mins! hope everything is ok for you now... rest well!

princess d,

cos last time we both induce birth so can wear back the clothes we wear to hospital.

N i heard KKH never give bb wear any clothing when discharge so have to bring 1 sets of clothings for bb.This applies to those mummies who is giving birth in KKH lor.

For pte hospital, we just need to 1 pair of bootie and 1 pair of mitten and they will swaddle the bb for us before bb go home sweet home with us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dont remember bringing any bb clothes previously. BB clothing was all provided by TMC. I only brought my stuff - sanitary pads, paper unties, important docs, some of my make-up stuff, 2 sets of pj, camera & extra battery, bathroom slipper, nursing bra, cordbank kit ... think tats about it wor.

Yes, Tiffy.

I also wore back the clothes when i admitted to hospital.

Really, TMC no need to bring baby clothes? TMC will provide? but baby clothing foc rite, not chargeable?

aiyah, to think i was racking my brains wat to dress up my gerl-gerl.. hehe tot wanna dress her nice2

Hi Marrissa,

Got this from TMC website :

What to Bring For Your Stay

For maternity patients, please bring along your:

• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)

• maternity brassieres

• cardigan or dressing gown

• bedroom slippers

• sanitary belt (optional)

• sanitary towels (optional)

• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)

Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.

We will provide the following for your newborn baby:

• baby vests

• disposable diapers

• toiletries

• a baby bag

• wrapping blanket

• a pair of mittens

Basic toiletries throughout your stay with us will be provided. However, you may also like to bring along your personal clothing, cosmetics and toiletries for a more comfortable stay. You are advised against bringing large sums of cash or valuables.

erh... 4 years ago, MAH din provied baby clothes when going home leh. During the stay, yes but not going home.

Once I can be discharged, just need to pass the bb clothes, mittens, booties and swaddle blanket to the nursery and they will dress him up after his bath. All nice nice, clean and handsome ready to go home.. hee...

Now i dun know lah. But I like to dress baby nice nice when going back home coz 1st time going home mah... keke...

Arrghhhh... I haven done a bit of packing. Dun even have time to to n buy my disposable underwear. U all making me gan cheong. But I agree to pack light, not even intending to pack for hb. I think hb will prefer to go home n sneak a shower n rest when possible lor.

I need to get pjs too. I dun wear pjs at home wor.

No need for makeup.. Your face will generally glow when u see bb. Hehe. Tat time, I face oily, hair oily, no mood at all to smear makeup on face. Hehe. Just take more pix of bb can Liao.


The 1set of bb clothes is brand new for newborn to wear home!MAH do provide bb clothes but only if u forget to bring a new set for bb!


One set of bb clothes enough ! Vivian got a point there! Dress bb up nicely upon checking out! The sister there will changed them n put them on show at the nursery .... Means ready to go home!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway ladies , just pack whatever you feel like but must remember to have a must have list ( documentation )!

I put my ic with HB !I nvr bring anything except for the bag! No wallet!!

RE:Hospital bag

hahah.. it's ok to laugh at us cos I think we too kanchiong also.. but the thing is.. look at what I have packed so far...

2 Pyjs for myself

2 packs disposable undies

2 packs sofy pads

toiletries bag

1 set hubby clothes + sweater

1 sweater for myself

the bag full liao! thats why i said my diaper bag must be too small!!!! wahahhahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

havent even pack other things like the nursing bras, camera, charger, bb's clothes, documents etc... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess, ya i thot of bringing baby nice clothes for coming home!

Actually im a bit confused, coz someone told me better to dress baby in a top and bottom coz of the cord stump and also coz need to put baby in car seat.. more practical la. but If hosp get baby ready all bundled up in blanket, how put in car seat? Just cradle baby home?

seems dat almost all of u are ready!

i just called for my cot to be delivered but they can only deliver on 23rd sept. =( by then, i'll be along in my 35th week, time seems kinda tight!

and i haven started washing baby's clothes cos i got a feeling i will feel like washing again.. haha! perhaps in another 2 weeks bah.. also feel like gettin a small cupboard for my guest room ( cos the wardrobe contains my hubby's clothes!)

hospital bag not packed!

i shld haf bought most baby necessities except they are still in paperbags. hahaha!

only thing i did much earlier is order the full mth cakes! from choz.. cos of the 20% discount promo dat will end today. =p cos by ordering early, i save abt $200 since i ordered 80 boxes. =_=


Jade was a swaddled up in nice swaddle blanket! She is small for the car seat .. We just strap her in!

The shoulder strap over her tiny shoulder n the in between crotch strap just go over her! No need to open up the blanket n put in bwetween her legs ! I ve got a pic on that! Haaa... But I'm out, if I find, will post up later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Err.. so the pads bring 2 packs enough? 1 pack inside got 4 only leh. I scare not enough =P

So must bring towel? I intend to shower.

I now got a bit of cough n sniffing... hope i m not falling sick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jac, u r so funny on ur Hb underwear. I pack almost similar things as you. I bought a few bb clothes cos not sûre which one fit but bb clothes Dun take up much space.

For My Hb, act i din pack any of his stuff liao. Nô Space. Hé Can Côme home n change n get thé essential. Initially i Dun wan him to leave My side, but Côme to Think of it better for him to go Home l'or.


u placed order for 80 boxes for cakes from chocz? That's a lot leh. Do u give out to all your friends & relatives?

was sleeping n felt quite strong n pain stomachach/bh/cramps. Triéd to sleep it away. Pray hope that baby guai guai stay a few more days.

U Noé, this pregnancy make me accept and able to stomach coconut drinks and chicken essences. I use to avoir and not to thèse because i Dun really like thé taste but nos i fin not that bad at all.

Fifi, take care. Ask bb guai guai stay In mummu tum tum a few more weeks.

Vivian, wow, now u reminded me, so fast we noe one annoter for more than half a yr. Very soon Will noe each éther for almost 1 yr and so on leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello All [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's been quite a while since I last posted trust that everyone is doing well and getting all hyped and excited about welcoming your NB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Hospital Bag

For first timers, the tendency to overpack is definitely there keke ;p~ however, like some of the experienced mummies, wat they say is true, just pack light (just the necessities) if possible, the rest if forgotten just get hb to go home and get it after all we are in Spore! lolx ;p~~

Speaking of which, I've not even started packing the least bit -_-"" was telling hb about the thread mummies packing the bag, and he told me I shd start too hahaha...


Rest Well and hope you feel better soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Saw yr studio shots..you looked real good and did pple tell you that both yr hb and yrselves got that 'fu qi xiang'? hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope you and baby are okay! gotta ask baby to be good and stay in there for a few more weeks. rest well yeah? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow! 80 boxes is a lot! i don't think hubby and i will be ordering so much. maybe half of what you have ordered nia. mainly for colleagues and parents' friends. the rest don't intend to give.


thanks for the compliments!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] some of my friends and MIL's friends did say we have the 'fu qi xiang'. but i think he looks younger than his age so i gotta be well-maintained in case in future ppl think he married someone older than him!

\Pearlyn, u order so much boxes of choc for ur bb full month?

Princess diamond I also wan to see Jade's photo when she was young.


bring 1 extra pack of the sani pads? just in case need to use more than 8 pcs throughout the whole stay. i will bring my own towel. don't feel good using hospital towels le. and all these misc items dunno if hospital will charge extra or not?


Dun worry about your hb looking younger than you lar keke ;p~ u look good yrself leh, muz be confident hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U will be surprised at the misc items that the hospital charges, the list would be so long, up to the small pc of gauze you utilised -_-"" as well as pads especially after you delivered and they put it on for you...


U reali ordered a lot of boxes! 80! whoa!

Tigger/Jac/Apple: i order alot meh? hahaha! and my hubby was still thinking enuf anot.. i dunno leh.. cos my side of relatives perhaps only about 12. My hubby's relatives alone is about 40 boxes.. and my hubby feels dat we ought to give frens and colleagues who visit us too. perhaps i shld double-check if my hubby's 40 boxes included frens anot (cos his bro's baby son just had full mth in feb and datz the number we based on)

Ya Jac thk I will just bring more. Anyway my hubby driving, will just dump into the car booth. Towel I already pack in. Now left toiletries. My toiletries sure a lot one.. =P

Pearlyn, 80 boxes?! wah so many.. I think I only give relatives and mabe give 2 boxes to my colleagues to share out in office. Will ask my mum to settle since mostly relatives. Haven't decided which shop to buy from.

Hi mummies

I have a batch of red rice wine (Hong Zhao Jiu) for cooking confinement food that will be ready in mid-Sept.

It's simple to prepare dishes with Hong Zhao Jiu and you can also provide it to your CL to cook the food in case they don't have this.

Please PM me if you are interested or if you'd like more info. Thanks!


Will u be holding a full month celebration? if yes, then would you still be giving out cakes to those who come to the full month celebration?

For my case, I do not intend to give out cakes to the guests who will come to the celebration. I'll only give out to friends/relatives/colleagues i did not invite to the celebration.

tigger: i will be holding a full mth celebration bah..and will also order buffet.. (gonna cost us a bomb!) but most the pple ard me also do dat.. so i assume its oredi a simple affair.

we will give cakes to all relatives, colleagues, frens who visit us. for colleagues who did not come, maybe i will get a large box of assortment cakes to give around. datz all.

really not sure if this is a common practice but it seems so around us.


i dont feel BH when asleep. but when i turn, can feel pelvic area sore. doesn't happen when i'm walking, only when moving lying down.

re: full month cakes

gosh i have not ordered yet.... but i'll give relatives, friends prob not, colleagues a few boxes to share. don't think will need 80 boxes!


i actually asked the nurse how much will all the misc items be apart from delivery charges, she said usually 1k. i nearly fainted.


Maybe u have lots of friends & relatives that's why u need so many boxes of cakes to distribute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I only ordered about 22 boxes of cakes last round and this already included colleagues.

whoah 80 boxes is really a lot!! My mum says if I am having a celebration and ordering buffet, then no need waste money on full month cakes. lol.. She say no need to give those who come for the buffet and not everybody need to give.. so I just listen to her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Save money anyway.. Lol

gsm & tiffy ...

I ordered based on my current size hahaha cos I dun rem having drastic change for my cup size when I was bf-ing my last 2. Anyway I have bra extension at home so if really too small at the chest then I can use the extension.

I ordered 4 of the wired ones so that I can wear them when going out and at work while the 3 non-wired ones when I am at home and during confinement.

So far I have been buying cheap wireless bra for the last 2 ... so I have no idea if they are good. But I guess since its from MIM and used to be $45 ... the quality should be good ba

re: hospital bag

I havent pack my bag too ... will start doing so after I buy the disposable panties + when I rec my nursing bra. Where can we get the big big elastic ones ar ... the last round I bought from watson but it was very fitting and I felt v uncomfortable.

Hmmm minei s just a day-bag too ler ... maybe cos my hubby dun stay with me and that I stay v near to Mt A. So anything can just send my hubby back to collect for me =)

Pearlyn ...

80 boxes?? Thats alot of cakes.

I am only giving to relatives cos they expect to rec cakes at the bb shower. Not giving to frens who attend the shower as they are not v keen to bring the cake home and since they are already eating buffet ... not necessary.

Will send cake cards to friends who gave presents/ang bao but didnt attend the bb shower.

For my office ... I usually just buy a big cake when I return to work for everyone to share.

Wanted to order from choz cos they are having a 20% promotion (today last day to place order) but my mum said no need to spend so much. Ok lor since its all her relatives anyway heehee


U will only bring cakes to office when u finish your maternity leave and back to work?

Pearlyn, yeah 80boxes is a lot. Are you doing buffet also? If you are doing buffet then maybe can reduce the boxes wor.

For me, most likely going to do buffet and order the boxes for my colleagues which i'm not going to invite to bb full month. Thought of keeping the full month celebrations simple la.. Dun even know if have the strength to prepare for the full month by then or not.. heehee..

Jaq, I like your photoshoot! Nice wor.. Did you paid a lot for it? Me going for my shoot on 37wks.. heehee.. Hopfully by then bb hvnt pop, i'm just taking my chance lor! cos really no time these wkends to go and take shoots. My things are still like 70% done, and I really hope to get the bb room and everything ready before I pop.

Fifi, hope you and bb are okay. PLease rest well ya.

Tigger ...

Yap hahaha but my office ppl very easy-going one and they dun expect like to rec a proper full-mth cake lor!

So usually I just buy a secret receipt/swenson ice cream cake for them to share and say that its to thank them for the gift and well wishes =)


80 boxes alot alot le....oooh the promo ends today ah..so sad...thought of ordering from them also....but never mind la order nearer to date cuz cannot comfirm also who to give and all =)


seems nice and break out of tradition abit..small apckaging, elegnant and classic but not cheap...


Haha good good!! Then we save while we can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But I think maybe diff families diff practice lah.. Like maybe if give person A and don't give person B den pple will say.. Lol

Anyway I not gonna order anything so early.. Deliver Liao den say.. Hehehe


U will be surprised at the how much those misc items total up! and we dun hv any say over it -_-"""

Re: First Month's Celebration

For my case, my mum said it's not necessary to distribute cakes to those who are attending the full mth's celebration.

Boxes of cakes are normally distributed to those who can't attend/office colleagues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Etelle ...

Are you talking abt the choz promotion? I called before and the lady said just need to call and tell them which design, how many boxes you need and the estimated date.

After that nearer, the date just call to confirm - no deposit required.

My fren ordered from gobi.com.sg - expensive!!

Pearlyn ...

Alternatively you can order those small boxes for friends cos I can imagine that if you give them a cake ... they might not be keen to bring it back cos v troublesome esp if the buffet is a weekend lunch.


Ian ...

I did that for my #1 and my mum received 'feedback' from my relatives to say that not presentabel hahaha

So my mum ask me to just give cake and shut their mouth up lor ... think the older folks still q bothered by just stuff ba

Just to note ... if you have muslim colleague then Bengawan Solo voucher would not be suitable as its non-halal

