(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Hi Etelle, the blood tests are to monitor my progesterone level and Beta HcG level. Normal pregnancies should see doubling of Beta HcG in early pregnancy.. if it's low.. it could result in miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy ;(

Hi Etelle, yes I realised that some of my friends also didn't go through such blood test.. err.. I didn't ask the doc why the need to measure haha! Perhaps cos I had MC before?


oooh cuz hor for my past 2 pregnancies intially when first conceive also no blood test only do V scan to ascertain the sac and heartbeat is present....but dun worrie too much. Stay optimistic....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

faithnhope, could be a good thing too that your doctor goes the extra mile to test your blood. maybe he is just being more careful and concerned about development of the fetus. but don't get overly affected by this and stay positive. by the way, have you started having MS?

momotan, glad i am not the only one with the sharper senses. mine is only taste buds though. didn't notice anything different with my sense of smell. just two nights ago, i had the nissin tom yum instant cup noodles. it tasted so much more sour and flavorful than i remembered. heh heh!

Estella, sometimes in early preg when machine scan cannot detect sac or wat the best way to confirm the preg is via blood tests over two days to see

doubling of hcg hormones. For guys n pple who are not preg, the hcg level usually less than five. The first few weeks of preg, hcg will increase at a doubling rate.

oh yay we finally have a table! thanks Tiffy!

nick: Melissa

edd: 1 Oct 2010

age: 33

bb#: 3

gynae: Dr Brenda Low

hospital: Gleneagles

gender: ??

add: woodlands


wow that's called the art of torture. if you let a married man go high and dry, aren't you scared about him eating outside? or the potential infection he could get from outside? no joke ok. try and read the marriage topics in sgmotherhood. i have no pantang. however for my #1, gynae did advise us against DTD on 1st tri, which we comply. after that, i don't feel a need for him to practise abstinence but i let him go slowly and steady. at least i know that i can make my hubby a happy, fulfilled man.


i had my hcg level measured during my 2nd pregnancy. my first pregnancy was a natural msicarriage at 14 weeks and was admitted for D&C so when i got pregnant again and spotted, i went to KKH 24 hour clinic and got detained again for 3 days. they measured my hcg level everyday. i can't remember what they analyzed during the ultrasound test but i know that my hcg level was slowly rising and not doubling as it should. in the end, they deemed it as not viable and sent me for D&C. i remember that my HCG level after two days only had a small increase. yours was higher, so you still have hope. pray that MS will come, so at least that could be some assurance to you. i don't think there's anything you can do to "improve" on the beta levels. praying for a good number this Sat! jia you!


yes my taste buds have changed. milk taste bitter to me. the usual indian mee goreng taste bland to me. the only thing i can taste is sour.


welcome! hope you're here to stay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i found my first ultrasound test printout 2 weeks ago so i thought i'd post for fun. this is the first ultrasound i went and bub measured 7 weeks. see the fetus and yolk sac.


oooh! so cool, melissa!! sigh.. i can't wait to see mine next week! u saw the heartbeat at this ultrasound too, didn't u?

ok i realized that i might sound too dictatorial in my post to babytiger. my apologies. my point is, it's best to discuss about it as a couple and come to a conclusion that both will be sincerely happy about. if your hubby is squeamish about it, it's ok then. but at any stage, the baby is safely secure in his own little sac. i mean, sex is nothing like falling off the stairs it can always be done in a soft, respectful manner. IMHO, i believe that no married man can go abstinent for so long. it's not good for his health too and as a wife, i care for his health and well-being as well.


yes from the ultrasound machine, you should see the little heart flashing. the gynae will show you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm also going for another ultrasound next monday! can't wait!! even hubby is anxious!

speaking of abstinence from sex, even if my hubby can tahan for the duration of the pregnancy, i don't think i can! haha! we are just promising abstinence till i reach my 2nd tri. after that it will be business as usual.


haaa! i'm nearer to the sports stadium. my #1 always bugs me to go swimming everyday but when we do, we hardly cross the road. we go somewhere else! woodlands swimming complex is a bit sian.

oh yah, i think it will be fun is we can start posting up our scans! so fun to keep track of each other's progress.

Tiffy, keke at first I thot u were answering my qns n I m not sure wat u talking abt... Then I realised. Please put my name in the table thou so that I feel included n good luck.... Will be a oct 2010 mum.


i read about how some preggers will experience a surge in libido and some experience orgasm for the first time, some even experience multiple orgasms! why hold back if you can? hehe.. however maybe first time mommy should shy away from it, at least for the first tri.

Thanks Melissa for sharing.

Melissa/starrymommy, yes, I do have mild MS which I discovered I was expecting.. I don't puke but had the MS motion especially when I smell something too pungent or too strong for my liking. Boobs are rather "full" and sore too..

Hope my baby will pull through this...

Can't wait for Sat to come quick!! If I can go first thing in the morning, they can process my blood test as "urgent" and will be able to let me know the result by 1pm (before the clinic closes). Meantime, I'm still taking 2 progesterone pills 3 times a day.. plus have taken my 2nd progesterone jab..

i think for me it is a surge in libido. when i was having nap yesterday afternoon, i even had "wet dream". lol! sorry if this is TMI. anyway i nv tell hubby. later he thinks his wife went off the rockers.

faithnhope, jia you! saturday is less than 2 days away. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keep patting your tummy and tell bb to be good and grow strong.

Posting using phone so hope can see cos without paragraphing. Starrymommy: I love nissian cup noodles too. Laksa is nice too. Tom yum also nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Melissa: no la, ur post dun sound dictorial to me at all. Wat does dtd stand for btw? Anyway I trust my hubby n now when he has need, there are so many jobs around kekek but probably mid or second tri then do the actually. Cos I think we really scare

since last mc was after we done the deed. Okie now I think I Noe wat dtd is cos I just mention it.

Thanks Tiffy and starrymommy!

Err.. how come mine doesn't come out as a table ar?


1 Ade 21-Oct 29 2 Dr Adrian Woodworth TMC Eunos

2 Ann

3 Babytiger2010

4 Cozie

5 Diveera

6 Elmo

7 Etelle 15-Oct 33 3 Dr. HK Ho Mt Alvernia Jurong West

8 Faithnhope 25-Oct 34 1 Dr Fong Yang Not sure yet Jurong West

9 Marrissa

10 Melissa 1-Oct 33 3 Dr Brenda Low Gleneagles Woodlands

11 Momotan 30-Oct 30 1 Dr Adrian Woodworth TMC Sengkang

12 Paws68

13 Princess Diamond

14 Puan Sri Mid Oct 29 1 Dr Adrian Woodworth TMC Hougang

15 Raindroops

16 Snoopy

17 Starrymommy 15-Oct 24 1 Dr. TL Lim Jurong West

18 Tiffy 5-Oct 34 2 Dr Eunice Chua TMC Woodlands

19 Tiger Lily



ganbade! i agree with starrymommy, keep toking to your bb & stay positive. u'll be in my prayers!

i just came back aft seeing Dr Woody.

it seems that the EDD has changed to 24 Oct just w/i a few days. why change so fast de??


did you have a scan? what did u see? i think EDD will change according to baby's growth rate but a rule of thumb is, it's more accurate early on. anyway a big number of us don't deliver on EDD itself.


lol, your post is so funny. good work in guessing what DTD means! you're too cute!


by this Sat, how far along did you estimate yourself to be? earliest that one can usually see the heartbeat is around 6w3d but for very sensitive machines and highly skilled ultrasound technician, some can even detect heartbeat at 5w6d, but i haven't seen it happen in sg yet.


i have to key in in excel file then upload here. kekeke. whole morning i was checking how to do this table n upload here cos i go other thread they have this table then our thread no table i v sian so i quickly find solution to do it.

Tiffy, you very cute. hee hee! thanks for the effort! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks momotan!!

Hi melissa, errr.. I don't know exactly how many days of the 5 weeks I'm in haha!! I'm not sure if doc will scan this sat.. initially, the nurse said if my 2nd blood test result was ok, they will schedule a scan next week but now that it's not that ideal.. i'm not sure when doc will scan..

Hi tiffy, got it. Hehe.. cos I copied and pasted on word doc haha!!

anyway, how to check how many days? i nv keep track when hubby and i BD le. this is our honeymoon baby and our "goal" that time was not making baby but making merry.


u can see fr the scan pic of the bb. It is stated there too. for example, u see the scan pic that melissa post above, her EDD is 1-10 then above the EDD it stated no.of weeks n day pregnant.

those who have printouts, please scan and share lei.. other forums have all these nice scans but sgmotherhood don't have. a bit sian. can't even put pregnancy tickers in here. that would help tremendously. don't know why administrator don't want to upgrade this forum board. so outdated. this technology is like 10 years ago. maybe she doesn't want to risk lost data.

this is so useful and interesting.. gonna post my scan when i get hm later..

am so confuse.. the gynae mentioned that my EDD shd be mid Oct .. but i can recall seeing a date 01/nov/10 on the scan.. ermm.. let me check later..

cant wait..

faithnhope, stay positive, pray and speak to baby to grow well. That’s all you can do now. Hope you get good result on Sat!

Thanks Tiff and Snoopy for the table


Nick: Diveera

EDD: 8 Oct

Age: 36

Baby#: 2

Gynae: Dr SF Loh

Hosp: KKH

Location: Bendemeer/Kallang

hehehe...i happen to carry the printout b'cos i was using the same bag when i visited the gynae. so, too lazy to bring it out of the bag. i have like over 20 printouts from all my previous pregnancies.

puan sri,

if you could see 1 nov 2010 that's likely to be your EDD. i think there could only be two dates in the printout, the date when the scan took place and the EDD.

Hi Tiffy,

Just learnt that our EDD is so close and same gynae.. Dr Eunice Chua! my EDD initially was 3rd Oct but Eunice changed it to the 8th recently after my second scan.

Faithnhope, we were from the same 2WW thread.. can u remember me? We'll pray for u that things go smoothly for you. jiayou!

i updated mine too:

NICK: Starry_nite

EDD: 8 Oct


BB#: 1

GYNEA: Dr Eunice Chua



ADD: Tampines

hello Oct mummies

can I join too? I’ve been silent reading but thot better to wait for the gynae appt to see the heartbeat first. this is my 2nd, my first boy is 21mth old.

Currently should be 7 weeks +. But I oredi went to the gynae 3 times.

First time when I just found out at 4 weeks.. had some spotting so thot better to check with gynae.

Then last sat was my actual appt. saw the heartbeat. Then super sian, the spotting came back on Sunday, so Monday went to see her again and was given 3 days mc

but this pregnancy is really diff from the first one, the first one i didn't have any symptoms at all. but now i am really dozing off at office. very tired. and first one is still very clingy to me and i find very guilty cos i cannot carry him due to my unstable condition. the hubby forbid me to carry him. but he still ask me to bao bao with arms stretching, make me really heartpain.

Tiffy. My details..wah so many pple using Eunice Chua even she is so ex….. haha… no wonder I waited for 2 hours on Monday for walk in.

nick: tutu_san

edd: 10Oct 2010 (based on the scan on Monday which is 7week)

age: 31

bb#: 2

Gynae: Dr Eunice Chua

hospital: TMC

gender: ??

add: Bishan

Hey ladies,

i just woke up...feeling giddy the whole morning and noon!I want nothing but curry fish head!

had curry fish head despite the hot hot hot weather!Feeling better now....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Add me to the list:

Nick :princess diamond

EDD :10 Oct 2010

Age :31

BB# :#2

Gynea :Dr TB LIM

Hosp :MAH


Add :East Coast

Thanks tiffy...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hey tutusan,

Congrats and welcome!!

hey we had the same EDD..hee..

My no1 also very super duper clingy!Felt so bad..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

HUbby also discouraged me from carrying her,she is now 23mths!

