(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

raindroops, haha! you so cute! some more ask your colleagues to talk to your little baby. that's precious! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

monitor yourself more today and "report" back on how you feel later? i realize mine always comes to me after lunch, even though i will feel perfectly fine after a good breakfast. then at night i totally lose appetite.


help me to add to the table [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nick :Ann

EDD : 7 Oct 2010

Age :23

BB# :#1

Gynea :Dr choo wan ling

Hosp : Mt A


Add : Bukit Batok

Have a good day Mommies to be!

stay healthy n eat healthy..

while i'm plannning to eat kfc today during lunch ..

craving for it... ;p

MS symptoms are coming fast and furious. But I am always controllling and try not to think of it. If throw up the feeling will be terrible. Always hunger for food ;-P

Diveera: You are staying quite near my place , I'm at lavender. Which part of kallang are you putting up at? I was contemplating of changing my gynae from SF Loh to someone else, as the waiting time is terrible. I had waited 3 hrs for my last visit;-(


I am also prescribed with duphaston cos 4 weeks had little spotting and Dr prescribed it for a month supply. 2 tablets per day dosage.

Looking for a small slow cooker for myself to cook porridge. Appetite for dry food, rice.. is diminshing. Always got craving for souppy stuffs and porridge.

Hi girls, not sure if you all have discussed this before. Anyone started on stretch mark cream yet? I've read how good Clarins Tonic Oil is (but rather ex) and good reviews of Palmers (more affordable) too.


i haven start le but think some of the girls have started le...for my past 2 pregnancies i din really use SM cream, got use but not consisten. In the end now my tummy is hideous looking. Was wondering if i need to apply since already so hideous wun mind a few more...

experienced mummies advise? Shd i use or not?


think salted egg not advisble le to et le....


the one u mention is highly popular. The Huile Tonic Oil for prevention of SM de...and some mummies swear by the effectiveness of it. Palmers is more affordable but think the effect not as good.

Maybe mummies who have use SM cream and have good results can share?

faithnhope and etelle, i have started on Palmer's the tube one (concentrated cream) not the pump bottle. on and off when i remember then use, usually at night.

Hi mummies/mummies-to-be

Sorry to interrupt but i've got a pack of Anmum Materna (350g) and a tin of Similac Mum maternal supplement to let go (both brand new). Price negotiable. Pickup in Jurong West. Pls PM me for details if keen. Tks.


u suddenly make me crave for porridge. just now quickly went to coffeeshop to buy plain porridge n few dishes


i am using Clarins Tonic Oil


have updated ur detail. Will post the list by end of today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies, how are u all feeling today?

This thread is moving way too fast, I've not logged into the net for a day and already missed 1 page of this thread.

Thanks Tiffy and snoopy for the table, very organized! Here's mine:

Nick: Marrissa

EDD: 19/10/10 (gynae just moved this forward by 2 days)

Age: 27

BB#: 1

Gynae: Dr Regina Zuzarte (erm, might change)

Hospital: KKH


Add: Tampines

Some updates.. my morning sickness getting bad by the day. I kept popping vitB6 to reduce nausea. And although i'm craving, when it comes to eating, I literally have to swallow down my food. I think the thought of eating is more syiok than eating itself for now :p

To date, I've lost 3kg since BFP early Feb. Apparently it's normal for bigger size mummies to lose during 1st tri.


Me woke up feeling hungry and craved for Bak Chor mee!Ate and Puke ..hahahaa......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had a good appetite,so i ordered a $5 big bowl of noodles!20mins later everything just came out!Huhuhuhu.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hey,Just to share with you,i have not experienced any soreness with my boobies yet so far..Not like my prev pregnancy,I have such a full and beautiful pair of buddies after 7weeks!

And My MS come and go,One day i felt nothing (normal) and then the next day i felt lousy!

You should relax more and think positive,but if you really feels uneasy about your progress,always turn to you gynae or call him up to discuss!


I have been using Clarins Tonic HUile Oil!I know its a lil pricey but It works!Remember i told you i put n 30kg for my pregnancy?I used to be 48kg then 77.6kg the day i give birth to my bb!Surprisingly,i have no stretch marks on my hugely enlarged tummy!Only loose skin but then those are unavoidable.I slowly make it back by nursing my child and swim alot!

I tried Palmers,but maybe my skin are rather sensitive,i have rashes all over my tummy and i have to constantly tap it with cold towel!I stop it after first trimester.Then began with Clarins.

There are some other SM cream that you might wanna consider Mustela SM cream(VERY RICH N CREAMY) and Dr Murad SM Cream!

Etelle,You should start using it!Just put the bottle in the bathroom and after shower just apply all over b4 you walk out from your bathroom!Surely you have no excuse for not applying rite?!You might find it good to lighten away some marks...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Take care!


Salute!You waited 3hrs?Did you make an appointment?


can check with you..which one are you using?

The Huile?Cos i Remember my hubby bought it wrongly from DFS Airport.There are 2 bottles of tonic oil but one is for feet and one for body!

Both bottles looks exactly the same even colors of the oil!

I was happily applying as usual after bath but to realized the scent is different!Thinking not only my taste bud changed but my smelling sense too!The following day i can't take it anymore,i have a good look and to realized it's a different tonic oil!ARRGHHHHHH.....Of course HB got a good trashing from me!

Hope your's the correct oil...But if you don't like the smell,maybe can changed to other brand?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond

only apply on tummy and around side of the waist there right? maybe weekend i go grab one bottle :p

clarins tonic oil sounds good! think i will ask hubby to buy me a couple of bottles also. cos i don't really like the smell of palmers. maybe it's just me, but every time i apply, i try not to breath.

princess diamond

lol..you so cute le..everywhere...but its true le i got SM on my inner thighs also...never thought it be there...thoguht SM only on tummy...hee hee but hor is it safe ah the product?


I can tahan the smell.. just a few comments fr my friends tt its smelly.

princess diamond,

yes.. i'm using Huile. but can start using now mah?

i read online that is best to start aft 1st tri.

wah.. u so hardworking, apply everywhr! "p

i only used once so far, only at the butt & tummy.


i heard u can buy from sasa or chinatown. its much cheaper.

ask u all hor.. how much to apply? i scared very oily. & how many times per day u all apply?


just buy one bottle first.

i still got a lot left from my previous pregnancy.. almost 3/4 hehe.

the palmers... hmm... i dun recommend. cos i started using palmers first. then after i got rashes on my tummy. is very ITCHy!!! had to use towel to wrap the ice to stop the itch in the middle of nite.. but scare too cold for the baby


my friend said she finished using 3 tubes but she still get lots of SM. Lol


thanks thanks ya ya chinatown think can get cheaper...there is one shop call OCean which sells such...but the proper name for it is " Clarins Huile Tonic Oil". Cuz i scared buy wrong one :p

Hi all, thanks for sharing.. maybe I'll try the Clarins one. BTW, I read that the usual price is $80? If anyone's interested, can buy online through the strawberrynet website. It's selling S$68 with free registered post delivery. Check out their website


In case you are wondering, nope, I don't work for Strawberry.net nor will I get commission from recommending it to friends. Just find their items generally much cheaper that in shopping centre and free courier delivery! I've been purchasing skin care products from them and they are prompt with delivery.


Im a lil paranoid over stretch marks because i used to be a beach bum!You know....bikinis,beers,sun and sea...So.......Hee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now no chance liao!

I used it everytime i come out from shower!WHere your skin are still soft n supple after warm bath,that's the best!I started using it early for my first pregnancy!Even after birth!


it's not oily if you apply it after shower..just a couple of drops will do and you skin will not feel sticky.


Looks like i'm not alone on Palmers,in fact there are mommies in the forum experienced the same as us too!ITCHY RASHES!You also quite cute..bb so warm inside where can get cold?hahahhaha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]You make my day![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ermm.. alot of good reviews on clarins.. am very blur.. i wont get the product rite until i see it visually.. hehehe.. sorry mummies..any pics?

Hehehe.. intend to get one for myself too..

Hi momotan, I read that one can apply as soon as she finds out she's expecting so that the skin will be more elastic and stronger before the marks even start showing. This will help a great deal in preventing stretch marks all together.

hey Puan Sri, seeing your post reminds me of the same complaint from you about dry itchy skin on the face. i just checked with my pregnant friend, who said she had very dry flaky skin during early 1st tri also. after that it became very oily. it's all the hormones so just have to give your skin some extra TLC now. mine is still flaky, btw. although not itching much anymore. how's yours??

ahh ic.. faithhope.. thanks lot.. appreciate yr help!!

wanna hear a joke of the day??

was telling my husband i need one of this products.. and guess what he said..

How many do u need? 3 or 4.. and i gave him one look.. and he adds on.. why is yr tummy so bloated.. while u're only 5wks? So told him must be the gas or something cuz thats what i felt.. bloated and gassy.. then he said.. i know why.. because u didnt puke.. so all the gas didnt get out.. go and try to puke out.. cuz usually preggy mummies will have MS but u didnt.. i couldnt stop laughing hearing his theory.. his look on his face was like a 5yrs old boy giving his most honest thoughts..

Hi starrymommy..

the itch and the patches is gone.. only slightly flaky once in awhile but with very oily skin.. must be the hormones..

I indulge my skin with Vit E oil every nite.. and i use Hazeline Snow cream in the day as recommended by my mum.. hehehehe

Puan Sri, i love the hazeline snow cream too! very cheap and good. and reminds me of my childhood when i watched my grandma use it morning, afternoon and night. hee hee!

yep agree.. only that before the day is over.. my skin can fried one eye-bull egg with all the oils produced... hahahaha

Tiff: Well guess porridge is the best food you can have when appetite is not so good. :)

Starrymommy: Well, apptm was made but cos Dr has 2 delivery therefore all apptms were pushed back.

Didnt know we can apply AntiSM cream at 1st Tri? Isn't it too early? Well the only thing I have started with is GNC Prenatal Prog which comprises some multi vits, calcium, and DHA.

I was reading article n wished to share that we shld aviod VitA (if not wrong) and some fish oils do have VitA, so do read the labels carefully when purchasing.

Oh no, Palmers is not effective? I just got my hubby to big 2 larger botle from US;-(

Celia, Palmers works for some people and not for others. anyway it is a cheaper, more economical drugstore brand as compared to Clarins. i think we will only find out whether effective or not when our tummies get bigger!


My info for the list:

Nickname: Fifi


Age: 2x

Baby#: 2

Gynae: Dr KT Tan

Hospital: KKH

Location: Redhill

Was too "busy" lazing ard with my #1 and din come in for a while. Saw you all talking about stretch mark creams and some used Palmer. If you do a search, a lot of MTBs have rashes after using this brand. I am 1 of them. The rashes may not come after the first time using but after the 2nd or 3rd time. My colleague also had this problem and after the rashes cleared, she had spots on her tummy as "evidence". So... if you want to use, please try on you leg for a week or so before using.

Nick: Lingo

EDD: 13/10/10

Age: 27

BB#: 1

Gynae: Dr Chandra

Hospital: East Shore


Add: Pasir Ris

Hey fellow mum-to-bes .... I think I've only been away for 3 days ... and this thread is flooded .. hahaha

K... I survived my grandma funeral ... *SUPER HOT WEATHER*.. but returned with a very bad cold .. and slight fever ... so far .. only popped 2 panadols (doc say okay wor) .. and trying to refrain from taking anymore medicine ... hopefully my immune system can heal me quickly enough ...

The hormone pills make me feel really bad *on top of the sickness* ... so I stopped taking for these 2 days ...

Tiffy... add me to the list?

Nick: Vivivan

EDD: ???TBA????

Age: 30

BB#: 1

Gynae: Dr Tham

Hospital: TMC


Add: Bishan

hi starrymommy! you visit Dr John at jurong west 492? same too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Celia, my block is just beside Bendemeer Pri Sch, opp St. Michael. i also waited more than 2 hrs on 17 Feb, was told cld be due to the long break during lunar new year. My next appt with him is 12 Mar at TPS, hope i don't hv to wait so long. Which gynae do u intend to switch to? I contemplate v. long before deciding to stay with SF Loh. My first child was by another gynae at Mt E. She is v. gd but fees getting a little pricey. Furthermore, i like the lactating consultant in KKH. I find Mt E is not v gd in supporting breastefeeding. They do hv classes but i pick up more tips from KKH.

Ladies, i oso use Clarins and it is gd, i started using now similar to my 1st pregnancy. I actually like the smell.

Princess, we can apply that on our breast as well? i'm not sure so only on tummy and a little on buttock. My breast got lots of stretch marks liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Raindrops, don't worry too much, think positive. If u r still in doubt see yr gynae. I too some days r better than others.

faithnhope, hope u hv gd blood test result tomorrow.


Hee..Yes,I applied the oil on my breast as well..During My first pregnancy,my boobies blooms!During the first trimester my hubby also notice the changed!But Not this time..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Will still apply..hee...)

princess diamond

u bikini babe ah...wohooo...me not a bikini and not a babe haha....so hor cannto wear bikini to me no lugi but the thing is now wear tankini also can see the ugly flabby tummy. So sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and i got cellulite thighs...so u @@ gng swimming is so phobia for me.



Hahaha....that was LAST TIME (Gu Bai)!hahhaha..now ?sigh.......but will try hard after birth this time!hee..but ah..my belly button expanded frm prev pregnancy!So big an ugly!maybe a size f a 50cents coin le...VERY UGLY![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can wear tankini or one pc suit la..that's y,till now cannot find nice one..sigh!!!


I did!In fact was quite painful,i remember it was so painful on 2nd day of CNY i was lying on my bed for half a day!I did told my gynae about the cramps and twitches..He explained that during first trimester there are many twitching/cramps going around the abdomen...however,only worried if it comes together with bleeding!So maybe you may also need to bring it up to your gynae tmrw?heee...awaiting your updates..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

