(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Oops..click too fast..My hubby scolded me for spending too much time on fb, i played fb games like RC, PS, FT and so on lor.. so i am definitely immature for my age lor.. =6


Melissa 62kg 1.57m

Tiffy 53kg 1.6m

Paws68 50kg 1.55

hehehe.. i also chase korea dramas on my soju... and i face FB everyday .. hehehehe.. currently am hooked on cafe world!

Hi Ladies, I had another scare this morning. Walked into KKH 24hr clinic AGAIN after discovering a bit of spotting this morning.

But everything turns out fine. The scan managed to detect fetus and heartbeat and from the size of the fetus, doc was spot on... 6+4 weeks today which indeed I am. EDD is 19/10/10. He said he's not too worried about the spotting. Just told me to continue my hormone pills and he prescribed some morning sickness pills and VitB as well. After taking those pills suddenly I'm craving like mad! VitB, increase my appetite!

Hi ladies, I bought few tins of Similac® Mum™ (700g)- (Never open)-

Willing to let go at cheap price of $12. kindly email me at [email protected]

Immunify® Ingredients:

Prebiotic Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) nourish the beneficial bacteria in your gut to support a healthy digestive system

Antioxidant Vitamins C and E help protect cells from free radicals that may have escaped the natural processes of our body system


Folate helps support foetus growth and development

Folate, taken before and during pregnancy, helps in the mental and overall development of the foetus/baby

Iron & Zinc- an increased need for iron and zinc during pregnancy

Iron is important to support formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of the body

Zinc helps in physical development and is essential for growth

Choline is an essential nutrient recognized by US Institute of Medicine (IOM). IOM recommends higher dietary requirements during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Calcium & Vitamin D support development of strong bones and teeth

Low in Fat: Supports appropriate weight gain and provides a host of valuable nutrients with less fat


oh my Oct moms are petite!! hahaha..


wow at least you get to see the heartbeat again!! yeah during my 1st pregnancy i spotted too, but my pregnancy was fine. i was on progesterone pills. what type of VitB? is it Vit B6? or all the B vitamins?

how did u girls find the time and energy to play games? i'm so exhausted i just lost interest.

Melissa, I'm defnitely not petite, i'm big and tall! I'm almost 1.7m

It was VitB6. The spotting has subsided, hope it'll stop soon. I'm still feeling anxious. Melissa, did u spotted thruout yr 1st tri?

Yeah, how did u gals find time to play games. I'm so exhausted by the time i reach home, just wanna sleep.. luckily gynae gave me 3 days bedrest.


i've heard that vitamin B6 can also help to curb nausea so i was wondering if it has any side effects like drowsiness. but shouldn't be right? since it's vitamin? but it's synthetic? did it cause any drowsiness to you? i spot now and then during the first few weeks of the first tri. they're more like discharge tainted with brown blood. somehow, i'm quite experienced already, i understand that it means no danger. just spotting without cramping is normal. spotting AND cramping is not good.


i not very peitite also. I am 59.5kg and 160cm. Last taken at gynae clinic on Monday. Still got left over weight from last pregnancy of 5kg. So sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i also play FB games but currently only playing more of cafe world and pet society. Too many games to play and maintain wait all the impt things cnanot do. Lol...


melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

Thanks Tiffy and princess!

Melissa, vitB6 no drowsiness, to reduce feeling of nauseousness. But they also gave me another kind of pill, only taken if i continuously vomit..that one will cause drowsiness.

And thanks Melissa, I was thinking I can't possibly run to the emergency clinic everytime I discover spotting. But since brown spotting without cramps is considered normal, maybe I shouldn't be so kancheong from now on.

i just woke up and had lunch. feeling a wee bit nauseous again, which is good yah? haha!

i just recall my gynae telling my hubby and i on our first visit that we not supposed to have any intimacy till i'm officially in the 2nd tri. my hubby was of course a tad disappointed, but he has been very cooperative so far. any mummies given such "instructions" too?

Melissa & 2 Girls: Yes, am still feeling anxious though it’s the 2nd one. Can’t help but worry. I also tink that bird nest doesn’t give the little one good skin. I had it every week for my 1st one, but end up his skin is really sensitive. End up have to spend more on better products for his skin.

Etelle: Tell me about it. My tum tum looks like 3mths pregnant. I guess coz I haven’t lose all the excess weight from my 1st pregnancy.

Marrissa: Please take lotsa bed rest. BB is more impt now. Dun move around too much.

starrymommy, i was given the same instructions too tho i didn't ask why =P No complaints from my hubby so far, guess it's because i always seemed to doze off much earlier than he did =9 The only thing i cant stand about him is that the pail of clothes had been there for 2 wks and he is expecting me to wash it.. Any of you gals still doing housework?


melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

Etelle 59.5kg, 1.60cm

yep.. am still doing the housewrk... the laundry and ironing and even cooks after work.

Mr Husband expect hm cook food every day and even tapao to work..

Sweeping, mopping etc is done by mum.. hehehe

paws68, i am still doing housework. but very minimal. everyday do very light chores like wash cups/dishes, clear the tables, bring out the trash etc. vacuuming and mopping is always done by hubby. i wash clothes weekly, which i just dump into the washing machine. hubby will help me bring out the bamboo poles.

melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

raindroops 57kg 1.59m

omg. i just want to go home and crawl into bed. I'm soo sleeppyy.

I'm not doing any housework, just very light ones like washing the dishes, etc. i have a part-time maid who comes in every fri. Am living with my in-laws too, so as and when, they will still help out with the chores when they got the time. My more taxing stuff is chasing after my boy. He tires me out very easily.


i'm expecting that the hormone pills that KKH prescribe to you will help to taper off your spotting or make it disappear completely. so relax. thanks for the vit B info. i'm contemplating on getting vit B6 from pharmacy.


it's business as usual. but hubby try to help wherever he can. though we're used to messy house now since our #2 will just topple everything upside down again.


i'm not restricting and not active in it either. i find my libido dropped a lot this pregnancy. otherwise for my first two, it's business as usual. sorry if tmi but being preggy and warm, hubby finds it more syiok! lol.. but i will try to go to sleep before he drops any hints!! haha so dizzy and nauseous, how to DTD?

Wah! This thread moves really fast!!

BBdust - thanks for telling me the ending! Haha!

To add on stats:

melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

raindroops 57kg 1.59m

faithnhope 46kg 1.59m

Marrissa and Mellissa,

I was prescribed NeurogainS from gynae for prev pregnancy.been taking it until now,contained lotsa of vitamins that a pregnant and nursing mums needs!I have been stocking up since then,So far KKH sells it off counter others have to be prescribed my gynae.

My gynae charged per bottle almost sgd50!KKH pharmacy selling Sgd30++.

You might wanna check it out!

ya, i really super sleepy, keep yawning and headache. hope no one notice how tired and slow i have been lately, didn't tell anyone in office yet.

Been stealing time to drop by here since boss out for some errands, it keeps me awake at least.. i just don't feel like working.

Btw, the one fruit which never fails to help me poo is dragonfruit. I hope it's safe to eat.. anyone heard anything bad about this fruit for preggies?

I have a colleague who keeps talking about her pregnancy aloud even so when i am typing this.

I don't hold anything against her but she knew about my MC just few mths back and i thot she is a bit insensitive, isn't it? I was told she was pregnant when i came back from my HL and that feeling inside me was not good at all. Now i have to get ready to cover her during her maternity. So the more i hope i can keep my bb this time so she get to cover mine when she is back =P

princessdiamond, i am taking Abbott's Similac Mum formula now. it claims to have all the vits and minerals a pregnant or nursing mum would need. do i still need other supplements?


i love dragonfruit but don't know can eat or not lor. think 1-2 times shld be ok. hmm, ur colleague shld be more sensentive if she know abt ur prev MC


I'm really not sure...(",)if you do need extra supplements,however NeurogainS was recommended by my gynae,good for bb growth and mommy!

I have seen many of my friends who visited different gynae /hospitals for their pregnancies are having NeurogainS too.It's Fish oil and contains hi level of DHA n Omega3!Maybe you wanna check with your gynae if formula is sufficient enough?


that's the problem generally. people don't understand miscarriages. they don't understand that people grieve about it. just because they can't see, they don't believe. i have learn to just ignore these people. all i know is that the way we take care of children after experiencing miscarriages is different. we don't take things for granted and we give our extra best. people who have things too easily often take things for granted and will be stuck in a rut once in a while. i just hope that karma will get to that. meanwhile, i DO hope that your pregnancy will stay! i so understand what you went through!

princess diamond,

oh it's fish oil. usually gynae will prescribe at 2nd trimester onwards. i hardly took it. as for prenatal vitamins, i don't take them either. i just couldn't swallow big big pills! i'm horrified! lol. so i make it up by eating a balanced meal. i think that would justify it! besides, those supplements are costly!

Btw mommies and mommies to be

Does anyone know where to get NICE maternity swimwear?been to the one at Taka (besides nursing room)nice but non padded..sigh!boobies and nipples are not like those virgins anymore,can't afford to go non padded ones..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]and belly button is ugly!HUHUHUHUHUHUH........*sob**sob*!

been to Ocean Paradise,but they also dun carry maternity swimwear..any ideas?

prefer tankinis or 1pc(not those speedo type)...heee...sorry a lil troublesome but i really need one!


yea,its a lil big but i managed to do it(Gulp)!

I am a person that hate fish.no choice lor!hee

You are right,gynae will prescribe only on 2nd trimester because fish oil will cause nausea worse!

That's why 1st trimester gynae dun suggest.

I did explained to my gynae that i have been taking it since first pregnancy and he advised that i can go on unless my MS is ok and bearable otw stop![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hate popping pills but such supplements are good even if we are not pregnant,Sometimes balanced meals are not sufficient enough as we aged!Just to share my personal view on supplements!I am sure there are cheaper ones!NeurogainS is just a brand that most some gynae recommend...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a great day.....

princess diamond

i got mine online from motherhood maternity or if not gap.com or old navy.com has nice stuff too not just maternity swimwewar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

geezz.. talking about supplments.. am a bit kiasu here..

I've started to take my own supplements.. u see i've frds who's a nutritionist and i do seek advise from them..

I hardly have proper diet meal.. cuz am a chicken addict.. hardly eat Fish and vege..

To balance them up, am taking this Prenatal DHA.. Multi vits.. They're in their natural forms..

Just sharing..



i din eat any supplements le. I only eat those gynae prescribed one from stage to stge. Now only on folic acid...then he will soon give the fish oil think is after 12 weeks when stabilise.

Melissa, thx for your kind words! I am sure your kids have all the best from you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will learn to close my ears around such people. I know they meant no harm but they should really go attend some EQ courses. I am actually quite a bochap person, don't really care what others say about me.. but for this case it's like "hello someone just got a MC and you just keep talking about your pregnancy and that i have to cover while u gone and that's not very nice lor.." This is the 2nd time i am covering her, my company is such a stinge, just push everything to me instead of getting a part timer..

Hi Tiffy, i eat the dragonfruit on alternate days lor. In fact i only hooked on the fruit recently and was quite surprised when i saw the "seedy" poo too =P My hubby dislike it coz he said it's tasteless but i find it sweet leh..


u like dragonfruit ah...i only eat apples le...the rest of the fruit i also dun know too cooling or not dun dare eat wor...haha

Hello all mtbs,

I want to say a big hello to everyone. Have been following this thread but have only decided to post today. This is because I have been to see my gynae today & I have seen the fetus with the heart beat. & gynae says I should be 6 weeks now.

My estimated EDD is 15Oct or later. I have a little girl that is now 4yo going 5 in September. This would be my 3rd pregnancy as my 2nd one ended in a missed mc. That is why I have not posted before this, as I wanted to wait until after seeing the fetus, which gynae says is developing normally & able to see the heartbeat.

So far I would say I have been cautiously optimistic, meaning that I am hoping for the best but am prepared for the worst. Hubby feels that I am being pessimistic but I just want to be prepared.

Like paws68, I will be turning 40 this year too.

To add on my stats:

melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

raindroops 57kg 1.59m

faithnhope 46kg 1.59m

snoopy 67.8kg 1.65m

Hi Etelle, in fact my gynae told me other than pineapples, all other fruits can eat lor..i guess in moderation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I eat dragonfruit because it really helps to ease my bowels.


ooooh okie okie...hee hee then i should eat abit of other fruits too...i ate pineapple tarts le...any reason why pineapple cannot??? too acidic?


hihi welcome welcome my EDD is also 15 october [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] stay positive dun think too much just remain optimistic


it never come across my mind at all!Thanks!loves old navy...will check it out!

puan sri,

lucky you to have friends who are nutritionist!At least you know what's good,but remenber to let your gynae know what are you taking while preggy!


you are right,fish oil usually taken after week12 because might caused nausea worst during the first trimester....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It is sad to know some adults are insensitive!But all these ppl make us a better person!Stay cool,dun let them spoil your mood!Let them be...take care and stay happy!I wished you to have a wonderful pregnancy journey this time round![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Snoopy, glad to see someone my age.. haha.. otherwise not only i the oldest, i am also the shortest leh =6 But i don't have my own child yet, hope i can see a heartbeat this weekend like you.. so gancheong leh..


welcome! i like that attitude, cautiously optimistic. hope you're here to stay.


yay now you have company! :D


Hi All

I started to notice the small bump late last week and pants are all getting too uncomfortable. Thus today, i start to wear my maternity pants. Friends also did comment tt I put on some weight. I think about 2 to 3 kgs! Hv mild ms, problem is i feel hungry often and need to eat something if not will feel nausea. So i try to eat less and stop once i don't feel hungry and not until i'm full. Also feeling v tired but difficult to sleep for long leh. need like short nap in the day but come to night i can't sleep for full 7 hrs sleep. Yet I'm still joyful cos my prayer is answered!

To add on my stats:

melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

raindroops 57kg 1.59m

faithnhope 46kg 1.59m

snoopy 67.8kg 1.65m

diveera 62kg 1.61m

Welcome and congrats snoopy. i think we always hv to be optimistic but prepare for the worst cos nothing is predictable lor

Any reason why, we can't take normal fish oil? I still hv the nature farm fish oil big bottle. Stopped once pregnant cos donno safe to take or not.

Couldn't agree more that some ppl are very insensitive towards others' feeling. We tried for 5 yrs before conceiving our 1st child, so i can sort of understand a little of what you have shared, paws68

