(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

To add on my stats:

melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

raindroops 57kg 1.59m

faithnhope 46kg 1.59m

snoopy 67.8kg 1.65m

diveera 62kg 1.61m

etelle 59.5kg, 1.60m

mine was omitted...hee hee


Hi snoopy, welcome to the thread and congrats too! Wow, 6 weeks can see heartbeat already? Thought only 7 weeks onwards! One of my aunts conceived her 4th baby when she was 40. Wasn't easy for her and everyone could see that she loved her little boy (now 2) the most (the other 3 already in their teens). Anyway, jia you and hope u carry to full term! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To add on my stats:

melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

raindroops 57kg 1.59m

faithnhope 46kg 1.59m

snoopy 67.8kg 1.65m

diveera 62kg 1.61m

etelle 59.5kg, 1.60m

cozie 56kg 1.65m

Hi Snoopy, welcome and congrats!!

paws68, I can totally understand how you feel when insensitive people talk without thinking about the feelings of others. But I guess your colleague meant no harm. She is just like all of us here, very excited about her baby and can't wait to share her joy with everyone ard her. Just ignore her and focus on taking care of yourself and your baby. That's more impt than anything else now.

I felt so tired today that I left work and came back home in the afternoon to sleep. I feel like I'm under drugs everyday - sleepy, tasteless taste buds, feverish....

For those of you who are working, has anyone informed your boss about your pregnancy yet? I don't know whether to tell my boss coz it is still very early. But if I continue to feel so sick and tired for the next few weeks and need to stay home to rest, worried that it may cause misunderstandings.


yes 6 weeks can see if heartbeat is present or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think it's necessary to tell your immediate boss early cuz so that ur boss be more empthatic when u take more mcs and leaves and so on...

Hi cozie, it's nice to be able to head home early to rest. I wish I can do that! Haha!

I haven't told any of my colleagues yet, including my boss. I will wait till I've done the scan @ 7 weeks. Have to tell boss soon cos I am supposed to attend a conference in KL in 3rd week of Mar. By then I will be about 9-10 weeks. I know I shouldn't be travelling in the first trimester but conference registration has been done, and hotel accommodation booked... don't know how yet.. I'm thinking perhaps it should be fine to just attend conference (not like I need to run around). I'll be going to KL by coach but flying back. If I'm really not fit to go KL, I'll have to find a replacement but my colleagues' area of work is different from mine leh... sigh...

Has anyone travelled in your first trimester?

Faithhope... I was in Europe when preg before 6wks. Din even know i was preg then. But got spotting there maybe walk too much. Can check with ur gynae 1st.


when iw as chaving my #2, i went melbourne for holiday when i was only about 7 weeks pregnant. But i do seek approval from gynae first before i embark on the holidays. Spent 14 days in Aussie but everything was fine, and i did a fair bit of walking and carrying my #1 who was 14 months then. So shd be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but bottomline is seek the pro's advice. if he give the green light then can go but have to take care.

Thanks Etelle. I will definitely listen to gynae. I'm concern cos two months ago when I was holiday, I found out I was expecting (4 weeks), but lost it 2 weeks after that while still on holiday.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


if that's the case for your previous MC, i think highly gynae will say NONO to travelling le....maybe u have to give it a miss. And yes baby is our priority!!!

faithnhope, me too last yr i lost mine at wk8-9 while having holiday in hong kong. so best to be careful and seek yr gynae's advise.

faithhope, if you have to go to KL, it would be better not to fly. Since you are going by coach, is it possible to ask your boss to let you travel back by coach too??

But do check with the gynae to be sure. If the gynae is against you traveling, they can write you a doctor's letter advising against traveling which you can then show your boss.

Tks everyone for their well-wishes. I am optimistic about this pregnancy, though cautiously.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], that's why I am cautiously optimistic & not cautiously pessimistic. hehe

hello snoopy,

welcome welcome!


I traveled during my 9-10weeks to US!Doc approved and said it is absolutely safe (as per my own condition)

Then i traveled to Philipines and M'sia too!hee...

all within first trimester...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

faithnhope, best is to consult gynae. I traveled to KL by flight for 3 days and that is 2 days after tested positive. I was very careful throughout the trip by not straining myself. I asked the gynae last week as I was scheduled to go India next week and he gave me the green light. His concern is H1N1 but it is under control now, so he said no problem unless I don't want to go, he can give me letter of to certify that I shd not travel. So I will be off to India next Mon for 5 days.

princess diamond, did yr gynae did any special check or just standard scan and checks? I was actually in a dilemma abt the travel. Was worried that it may have negative impact on the pregnancy but since gynae give go ahead, i'm gg to trust him and pray for protection/journey mercy.

Abt baby dancing during 1st tri, the last mc happen aft we bd so we were v cautious now. No bd for now till dunno when.

Hi mummies,

just found out fr gynae I'm 4-5wks preg. Can only see the sag now. I think bb shld be due ard oct?? Can I join u all??

Haiz, only 6:23am now. I hv been up since 5am again!! Any mummies experienced insomnia??

Morning! Thanks all for your advise. Will consult doc first then tell boss accordingly.. hehe..

snoopy, I can opt to return by coach but have actually planned to extend a night on my own before flying back. My hubby will be joining me during my conference days (he'll roam around on his own, of course) as well as the extension night. Then we'll fly back together.

Diveera, you going India?? Better be careful of the food and drinks hoh.. make sure you eat only from reputed restaurants and they cook them properly and thoroughly.

Welcome momotan!

faithnhope, i went to japan just over cny, not knowing i was pregnant. I walked from day to nite for 6 days loh..

Gynae said no prob, dun worrie. So i guess travelling is fine, just dun exert urself. "p


Welcome MOMOTAN!!!COngrats!


My gynae didn't do any special checks on me.It was one of the visit i asked him and he give a nod!He said if only the place i'm going have medical assistance!

So,i went ahead...but again,if you are uncomfortable,the decisions are all yours..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

India,wow!I love India!Hee....if you decided to go,packed more bottled distilled water along!


welcome welcome. I am a friend of insomnia...lol..sometimes just tired but up all night...haiz..motherhood sacrifice...there be more to come towards lst trimester...

To add on my stats:

melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

raindroops 57kg 1.59m

faithnhope 46kg 1.59m

snoopy 67.8kg 1.65m

diveera 62kg 1.61m

etelle 59.5kg, 1.60m

cozie 56kg 1.65m

ann 62kg 1.60m

All, i did a travel during CNY (week6) to my hometown, it's abt 2 hr flight, n gynae knew and never say anything, except : "HAVE FUN!" haha..

btw yesterday was the first time i went out after 4 days arriving in spore. walking all over the place.....

and I fell sick! my whole body's aching now. T.T


have to take care and not walk too much. If you have to walk, rest in between...dun tired yourself out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Harloe all

Feeling easily ticked off today. Grr.

Am contemplating not to take my progesterone pill for this morning. Am suffering from severe constipation and the only thing i can stomach is chicken porridge. Sigh.

Will be picking up prune juice later and see if it makes me 'go' easier.

My stomach feels like exploding and I'm only almost in 7 weeks today. U think any drastic side effects if i cut down my progesterone pills?

To add on my stats:

melissa 62kg 1.57m

tiffy 53kg 1.6m

paws68 50kg 1.55m

puan sri 68.7kg 1.57m

princess diamond 54kg 1.64m

starrymommy 52kg 1.58m

raindroops 57kg 1.59m

faithnhope 46kg 1.59m

snoopy 67.8kg 1.65m

diveera 62kg 1.61m

etelle 59.5kg, 1.60m

cozie 56kg 1.65m

ann 62kg 1.60m

momotan 43kg 1.56m

etelle, i can manage to get to slp but wake up every 3-4hrs.. haiz..

tried to drink hot milk, close all the curtains... but still cnt stay asleep!

raindroops, i think can take fibregel for constipation.

Hi Momotan

Nono underweight doesn't matter jsut remember to eat lor now that u r pregnant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] feel like eating what just eat. i am seeing Dr HK Ho, his clinic is at Mt Alvernia.

hey raindroops, my constipation also quite bad. i am going to try some sunsweet prunes and see if that works and let u know. when i was younger, my mother used to give my brother and i some prunes whenever we had constipation. it worked then. but it was years since i last had those prunes.

my nausea got worse today. queasy, but still haven't vomit anything, just the feeling at the pit of my stomach. hubby doesn't believe me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he thinks that i am just thinking too much.

hey etelle,

so far i hv only seen Dr Adrian Woodworth in TMC, nearest to my plc.

i read mixed reviews about him... not sure if want to sign with him or not..

my fren is recommending Dr Lawrence Ang but he's only avail in Sembawang, too far!

my sis worst. recommend me her mt e gynae fr n-years ago. so ex!

Hello all new on the block, Welcome! The thread is going so fast. Hard to catch up.

Momotan, i'm also with Dr Adrian Woodworth. I go to his SK clinic though i lived in Eunos. My boy was delivered by him. I'm ok with him so far. He is those kind of doc with a very cool attitude. Doesn't provide u with much info unless you ask. Is this your 1st bb?

sure sure..

Puan Sri

EDD : Mid Oct

Hospital : TMC

Age : 29th in AUg

Address : Dakota (Shifting to Hougang in 3mths time)

Gynae : Dr Adrian Woodworth

BB : Goin to my first


Pls let your gynae know about your hubby having doubt about your MS.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I did when i had my first child,(it is all started when he commented that i behave like those expecting actress in those drama series)..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]i explained to my gynae and doc told him is real and instruct him to do what he as a husband supposed to do!The next Vomiting,i open the toilet door and puke infront of him,i did it once when is shaving..he felt soo bad but after awhile we laughed about it!HEE......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Everything went wrong for me too!So i decided to stay home an be a potato couch!Feeling aboslutely lousy today!


you can always decide later,visit a couple of gynaes before you decide!You must feel comfortable with the gynae,otw no point?

Hi Tiffy

Thanks for the effort

Nick: Etelle

EDD: 15-Oct

Age: 33

BB# 3

Gynae: Dr. HK Ho

Hospital: Mt Alvernia

Address: Jurong West

princess diamond, hahaha! i think i will freak out him out if i dash into the toilet and puke in front of him! but that should really teach him to believe the wife. few nights ago, he was still going on and on about his colleague's wife, who has no MS and even cook for the family to satisfy their food cravings. i was so angry when i hear that lor! hmph!!

Hi Ade,

yes. this is my first bb. thks for ur assurance. i will most likely take Dr Woody since he's the nearest.

i'm gog to see him in just a while to chk my spotting. hope everything is fine!

Hi princess diamond,

yes, i agree! "p i think he's ok lah, just a bit fast.. he's actually quite funny when you ask him more questions. haha..

Hi Tiffy,

thk u so much!

EDD: i duno.. shld i noe?

Age: haiz... my old age.. i'm 30

BB# 1

Gynae: Dr. Adrian Woodworth

Hospital: TMC

Address: Sengkang


u r only 30 wor...where got old...haha i am 33 this year le...scary how fast the Big 3 comes knocking and before i knew it gonna move to the 4 le.*gulps*


i had my 1st gal when i am 31. so u still young okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiffy thanks for the effort, will let you know after 1st tri, with history, I or we super super patang. No harm for us to be patang. Btw, I might be virgin for 1 yr when I ask hb aft 1st tri shld or not.... He so scare baby anything so better dun.... Er, anyone 1 yr like that? Before pregnant I got high sex drive sia.....

Hi all, I just got my 2nd blood test results. While my progesterone level is fine, the Beta HcG didn't reach at least 80% (should double, in fact). My Beta HcG was 770 from 1st test and 1145 for 2nd test.. Doc asked me to go for 3rd blood test this Sat..

How ar.. anyone with similar experience where Beta HcG didn't double? Is there anything I should eat to help?? ;p


Hahha..HMp!!!!The more you should ask your gynae to give him a lesson!Wahhaahaa.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is ok la..30 not old..40,50,60 also not old!We are all young and pretty mama's!Right ladies????hee....

Faithhope eat well done cook beef or durian. But I ate that does not help. I Noe one fren maybe help or just coincidental, no harm trying, but there is nothing u can do actually but ur state of mind is really impt. Stay positive n think positive okie? Erm but with some mental prep erm, cos when hcg does not double, means erm not growing, just to let u Noe first.

hey mummies, do you notice any change in sensitivity of your taste buds? i realize that these few days sweet things taste sweeter, sour things more sour, salty things are saltier. even this afternoon the lunch i had taste so much better!


Princess diamond, yes young n pretty at heart. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

