(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


30kg is alot! Have you lose all the weight? I still have 1.5kg from no. 1. No chance liao. Will try to lose weight again after no. 2. Hehe.


I feel warmer at night and early in teh morning. Daytime, I am OK. Strange hor.


your description so gross! Haha.


Sorry... digress, talking about Korean drama.. anyone following the Cruel Temptation or have finished watching on VCD? I have been following, and was waiting for the revenge to kick in.. so now that it has happened, a bit draggy already... I just want to know the ending.. heard it's >100 episodes! Aiyoh!!

Thanks all for reassuring me! Thought I had a fever, was already thinking of visiting GP after work..heh

princess, really I have to endure this heatiness for the next 9 months?? Oh, congrats princess! U must be so relieved & happy to see the fetus! Can't wait for my turn to see my baby's heart beating away..

starry, faith,

I eye big, big, saliva drooling. I have to go home to chase after an active toddler. Hoho. I think I will enjoy my 1st pregnancy better too. I also wrack korea drama then and sleep late during weekends.. missing those days. Hehe.

Evening mummies,

I am on a week's HL to rest due to my spotting and abdominal cramps. Gynae says I am about 7weeks+ but will only comfirm my EDD on my next checkup.


Sorry to hear that. Please take care of yourself and rest more.


Yes it does. MS comes and go. For my #1, I only had it in the mornings when I wake up and some days. For #2 is worst coz it like never goes away. So no worries.

Re: Weight Gain

Some pple gain some pple lose in first tri. Shld be gain actually but coz some throw up too much so lose. If you lose too much or are worried, please see your gynae for a check though.


Bird's nest NOT advisable to be taken when you are in 1st trimester. For me, I get my bird's nest from a seafood and chinese delicacies supplier who supplies to hotels and chinese restaurants. I prefer her as she is a trusted source (relative) and I can be sure there is no bleach or unsuitable chemicals in the bird's nest. This is the greatest worry when consuming commercial bird's nest as I read that there are suppliers who use bleach to make their bird's nest white and look clean. They also use glue and gelatin to create the nest look from small pieces of bird's nest. In fact, if I am not wrong, a pregnant lady in Msia miscarriage coz of the bleach. Hence, I dun anyhow take bird's nest from any other sources. If you are buying, I think the plain ones ie. rock sugar or sugar free should be the safest. Mine is plain with rock sugar. And dun buy the "red" ones hor. Those "blood" bird's nest is actually not so good IMO.

Dun worry so much about MCs. The more you worry, the worst off you will be coz the stress will affect your bb. I have an aunt who MCs countless times... so many till we lost count but she is still a happy mother of 4 now. She close shop liaoz cos 4 enuff le lor.


Yes its possible to have MS early, late or never. So just ignore the nonsense that your GP tells you.

Since you have eaten the eggs, dun think about it anymore. Just try to avoid for the rest of the pregnancy as totally cooked food is safer. I ate sashimi, climbed a volcano and even had a hot spring bath before I found out I was pregnant with #1. But she is doing well and fine too. So what is done is done. Dun think already.


Just to share, when I had my #1, I was also super worried about financial. Both hubs and I started working not that long before. However, friends always tell me that even our less well off parents and grandparents could have many children and afford it, so why can't we. Some expenditure are must haves but others are just extras that you can do without if you cannot afford it. For instance, a $200 stroller can be as good as a $800 stroller. Some early enrichment classes that cost 1K a month can be skipped if parents put in the effort to teach the child in other ways such as by bringing them out and experiencing life and nature. So dun worry too much. And no worries, the non first time mummies will definitely help share money saving tips when the time comes.


I am down with flu and cough. There are some medicines that are safe for pregnant women. Consult your gynae for some if you need. During my #1, I was so afraid to take the medicine from GP that I suffered for abt 3 weeks with flu and cough. Gynae scolded me and said that if turn to bronchitis or pneumonia is worst for bb. So I took her medicine and recovered. Just ensure that the medicine you take is safe for pregnant women.

Re: Weight gain

I gained 20kg during my #1. Lost all of it after delivery. Heehee. Breastfeeding really helps.

Re: Cruel Temptation

I'm watching too. Can't wait for the ending leh.

hi etelle n Zuen,

yea,i know!Even gynae warned me to stop carbo for 1week,cos i was HUGE!Walking,was hard n heavy,shower,can't wash my legs,going into the car was ok,but getting out i need help!

It took me 18mths to returned to my pre preggy weight!Ate as usual but i direct latch on my child for 22mths then got pregnant again lor...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Breastfeed is good but have to be determined cos is hard work!


the heartbeat was clear on the ultrascan!I saw it immediately n also the 2round thingy which is the head n body..next check up 5weeks later,then will do the oscar /blood test!I know the waiting game is unbearable...me too,last 3 weeks i was waiting anxiously too....gotta wait for another 5weeks!Need to stuff myself with lotsa red meats before the test!WAhahahahhaa...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I was given metoclopramide.I know is difficult.Moreover i need to attend to my child,i'm a SAHM!can't really depend on my helper though...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Must keep myself busy with acitvities with No.1 lor!

Thank you all for the well wishes..muacks muacks!

Take care..hope to hear more exciting news soon from all![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wah, BF for 22 months ah. I BF for 8 months cos it was too troublesome to express in the office, so gave up. My girl is already 21 months old and I still have 1.5kg on me. I lost weight pretty rapidly while BF-ing but the weight jumps back very quickly after I stopped. Scary.

Fifi thanks for ur advise, most likely getting ready bottle bird nest cos inconvenient to buy n cook. Want to ask U gals how to differentiate raw honey n normal honey? Wat is the difference?


i still have 5 kg sturbborn weight left over from last pregnancy....i also want to slim down after this pregnancy. Actually before i conceive i was kinda like controlling my carbo intake but now that i am pregnant i cannot restrict myself too much scared wait bb hungry =p

I brought some bottle bird nest le. Those that you eat a spoon a day and keep the rest in fridge. Think can keep for 1 wk ba. I also got new moon bottle bird nest with rock sugar. When can start eating huh. Bird nest is cool or heaty?

tiger lily

think can start eating about 5-6 months into pregnant which is maybe around 24 weeks onwards. Cuz before that hear say bb doesn't absorb or something. Actually some people advise against eating bird nest cuz scared of allergy...but some swear by it that their kids have got wonderful complexion due to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks. i also heard bird nest can give bb wonderful complexion that's why i brought them the moment i know i was pregnant. Huh! can only start eating ard 24wks onwards. I m only wk10 leh. another 14wks to go before i can taste the yummy bird nest. Actually, eat already I oso scare I will puke cos' MS is still on and off. Pray that MS will leave all MTB sooner - no MS during pregnancy.

Hi all MTBs!

I'm new in this thread and just confirm my 6 weeks pregnancy with the GP this evening. This is my #2. My #1 is a 17 mth old active boy, so hopefully this time round will be a girl.

When i went for the checkup this time round, i couldn't see the bb heartbeat, only the waterbag. was quite worried, coz when i had my boy, can see the heartbeat during the 1st scan already. Anyone had the same experience?


Your GP has the equipment to do the scan for you?

6 weeks could be a little early to see also . Dun worry too much. Will be fine de. Did ur Gynae say when to go back?


Yr GP got the right equipment to do scan tot only the Gynae got the right equipment. I think maybe u ovulate late so can only see scan at the moment. Don't worry.

went to see Gynae for the 1st time earlier..

tot am already 7wks.. but from the scan.. Gynae said its only 5weeks..

So can only see sac at 1.0cm only.. have to come down another 2weeks to rescan for heart beat..

Pray hard everything is well...

ade, puan sri,

is it possible that your ovulation date could be off? mine is awfully off, by LMP alone, i should be easily 10-11 weeks but i am 8 weeks+ now. hoping that your dates are off so all the best. praying for y'all.


happened to pop by and saw ur question on cruel temptation. the last episode, aili attempted suicide in the sea and qiaobin went to save her, in the end both drowned. encai married min's son.


Bb refused bottle feed since 3rd mths old.so direct latch on and feed on demand.Was tiring at first but saw that my weight decreased tremendously,that also gave me some sort of motivation to continue!Moreover Is good for bb and i have alot and not working,that's y i decided to continue.

I thought the weaning process is going to take long like weeks..?we go through it in 3days and i i got pregnant the following week...huhuhu...NO OFF DAYS![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But i should say that carbo really a killer!Go w/o it for 1 week,you can see a change.Eat lotsa meet and veg..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought fresh birdnest and double broiled (HUbby do it).I had 1tablespoon(those porcelein soup spoon)a day and 1 bowl every 2 weeks.Maybe it helps for me but bb have eczema!Skin is not as clear as what other's described to be....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

In fact my gf that din't have birdnest for her 2 pregnancies but only low fat milk,her babies skin is clear and pink!So cute!!!!

The thought of having milk makes me puke....So,i will still stick to birdnest..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Puan sri,

Maybe you calculate wrongly?Not all will ovulate during the 10-14days..some later like 18-19days...

Do you take note on you cycle?

I always ovulate during the 18-19days.

Yesterday my gyane also confirmed that.....Everything will be fine![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

puan sri,

yes princess diamond describe it correctly. during my first scan, i self-calculated to be over 7 weeks but bub only measured 7 weeks exactly. i must've ovulated on Day 20+ because as it turns out, my cycle was over 40 days. long long cycle. a fluke. but as it turns out, there was light at the end of the tunnel. however, if i were you, i wouldn't wait two weeks for another scan. i'd probably show up suddenly one week later, just to see progress. at 6 weeks scan, you should at least be able to see a sac and a yolk sac and probably a fetal pole. your sac should be measuring bigger, consistent to week 6. but if you can wait 2 weeks, then i admire your courage to wait. hehehe..

clear skin,

i thought it's a genetic thing? if you have clear skin, your kids will have clear skin. i don't take bird nests at all and both of my girls have clear skin.

Good morning all. And I mean seriously good morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I woke up today and didn't feel quite as bad as the past few days. Just queasy during train ride cuz I was hungry but i didn't feel like vomiting at all.

I even had better appetite today and managed to finish laksa goreng without wanting to throw up and it's still sitting quite comfortably.

Been sipping cranberry and apple juice which is settling quite nicely too. WOW. I seriously feel tonnes better! (excuse my enthusiasm cuz i felt really horrible for past few days like no one's business)

Speaking of Korea, actually before preggie, Hubs and I took a vacation to Korea but i had one cycle after that, so don't think we got preggie there BUT guess what. I used to love Korean food which was the reason why we wanted to go holiday there but now I hate anything absolutely Korean, as in food, i mean. I can't even think about it before it starts to make me feel such bitterness in my mouth until i can feel it at the back of my teeth.

I think some of you also have problems with constipation right? Me too. Sigh. I tried but really difficult so I gave up. Today i'm planning to take in more fruit juice and yoghurt drink to keep my digestion clear. Quite worried if all those dirty stuff still in system with baby inside.

Oh yah, i read that some people, at 6 weeks plus already had hard abdomens to show they're pregnant. Is this true? Mine still quite normal leh, not hard but can press on kind. If not cuz I saw little one last week, i don't think i can still accept the fact that i'm pregnant.

Wahsey Fifi, you actually took the time to like reply to several posts. :p I'm touched.

Speaking of which, before i realised i was pregnant, hubs and i actually went cycling, climbed high slopes and like even happily screaming down slope and went off-terrain. Now that we think about it, we freak ourselves out. Seriously, we didn't even expect this little one. I was all set to join a cycling competition next month, even thinking of applying for a degree as well as backpacking during the holidays.

And then voila! It happened and we feel so blessed. Not even a complain when we had to shift our plans. Heh.

Etelle, Tiger_lily: I meant to write gynae instead of GP. Haiz. What am I thinking? My gynae asked me to go back 2 weeks later. He said should be able to see the heartbeat by then.

Melissa & 2 Girls: what is LMP?


hey i LOVE cranberry and apple juice. i bought one from Cheers and drank it. feels so syiok!! no sugar added so it's god-sent!


LMP = Last Menstrual Period. it's a standard medical term. how are you feeling now? a little anxious i think?

i am still so blur.. I still dunno when I ovulate..

Let's say .. if my last 1st day period is 01st Jan 2010 and it last a 6-7 days.. so how to calculate that?

Sorry hor.. can someone help?

hi mummies, i took a day off to rest today. yesterday kept having dizzy spells and in the evening nearly fainted at the MRT station after work. walk walk halfway then felt like i was walking on air and going sideways instead of straight. scared me. lucky nothing happened.


cranberry juice nice ah? which brand u drink ah? safe for us?

puan sri

i also dun know how to calculate but hor online got web calculators to help de. Try this.



oh yeah then ya...gynae usually if cnanot see heart beat or too early in weeks will ask u to go down 2 weeks later de...dun worrie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sounds like you have low blood pressure, which is very common in pregnancy. i have one too. last i measured was only 90/60 so GP said i will feel dizzy and have headaches. remember to walk slowly and do not get up or sit down suddenly.

Puan Sri, my LMP also 1st Jan! but my cycle usually lasts 35 days. using the ovulation calculator on babycenter.com.sg, i ovulated between 19-24Jan. think that's quite accurate for me.


i can't remember what brand. i think it's the only brand with cranberry + apple juice with no sugar added. can't remember if it's Peel Fresh or Fruit Tree. cranberry juice is good to prevent infections, especially urinary tract infections. don't ask me if it's cooling or heaty because i really have no idea. i drink anything in moderation.

puan sri,

when doing the online calculation, remember to use your longest normal period cycle. i don't think an average person has a 28-days cycle. i normally have a 37-days cycle.

Hi Melissa

haha yeah lor i also dun know what's cooling and what's not i also try to eat stuff in moderation. Something weather super duber hot hard to abstain from cooling stuff completely also.


has to be careful if keep feeling dizzy better rest home..i also got low blood pressure and was given iron pills much later on...


usually if u had given birth previously, the bulge gets more obvious with each birth. When i ahd my #1, no bulge until about 12 weeks or so. Then with #2 the bulge comes obvious at about 8-10 weeks. Then now with #3 once conceive the bulge like i already 3 months pregnant. LOL

Hi Etelle,

That explained y am i looking like 3-4mths now!.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


What you said about clear skin is true,The birdnest is an excused!I simply loves it!heee

wah think my MS reaching it's peak already. i am 8w5d today. i used to feel bad like after 4pm and throughout the night, now it has slowly crept up to brunch time!! haizz.. still have a couple of weeks to endure..

eh this is my #3 but my tummy hasn't bulged yet.. too much puking i guess. lost 1kg already.


maybe u are slim to start with? I abit fat...haha so the bulge comes out le...already have tummy one + bulge worse...


this is my 2nd bb...first one think over stretch,that's y 2nd one shown early...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


how long does your MS usually last for your 1st 2?

mine last for 5mths...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


maybe u r slim that why tumy still haven't bulge out. i lost weight too but think can see little tummy bulging out liao


i just wake up fr my little nap n finished up my 2nd half of my mcdonald bf.kekeke

wah.. looks like i am the oldest here leh.. i am hitting the big 40s very soon =6 I was with my hubby for 10 yrs but I was one of those who didn't want to get married and no children. Anyway i got married couple of yrs back as my hubby was stressed by his parents and peers.

When i had MC few mths back, i decide to try again and now i regret that i didn't settle down earlier.

I changed my gynae appt to this weekend instead as i had spotting and not much preggy symptoms except that i am always super tired.

Hope all goes well for me, i should be around 7wks.

no lah i'm not slim. i am already 62kg at 1.57m to start with. i have a bit of tummy but it's due to poor appetite, i think it slims down. otherwise, towards night, due to bloating, it swelled up again.

princess diamond,

my MS only ends at around 15 weeks for first two. then my appetite slowly picks up.

post your stats girls, i am curious to know how fat/tall you are. hehehe..


Hi Tiffy, u r right.. as long as heart is young =D In fact i think i am bit immature for my age lor.. coz i still like cute stuff.. hello kitty stuff and so on..

Forgot to add, i also chase the korean show cruel temptation. I chase it on the website.. free mah.. but i always fell zzzz halfway.. =9

