(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

I remembered that there's some natural herbal dye for hair, think it would be safer to use those and the colour last longer too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Hahha..so funny le...!how the hair she goona inhale in and affect the bb?

i wanna go perm my hair cos i wan y bb hair to be curly..like goldilocks!LOL


Yeah I 'ren-ing' now.. see white hair flip flip dont see, dont see... =P

Princess Diamond

I used to do my mani and pedi at PINC. They use OPI too. But I only do the single colour else just french/2 tone kind. Prefer to do pedi instead of mani as after I do mani, got to be very gu niang, feel ultra caution and then if got chipped i cannot tahan straight away I will remove!


One of my colleagues tried henna before, and he become 'Jin mao shi wang' for a few weeks! Hahahaha...

Lilbluey, girl girl babydusts for you too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LilBluey: Hahahah the even more exciting part is to burn big holes in pocket!


Im going to ask my stylist if its ok to rebond hair anot hahahaha i dun think i can tahan till nov then rebond leh =x

Princess Diamond

Like that if I colour my hair blond now, my baby mabe come out blond? hahahaha... I must also wear blue contact lens then maybe if boy look like Brad Pitt and if girl look like Paris Hilton!

U are so cute...

princess diamond,

yes i used natural Henna before, the powder kind and its' very cooling to my scalp. it doesn't change my hair color though but it makes your scalp healthier.


what's Jin mao shi wang? sorry blur.


Jin mao shi wang direct translation is golden hair lion! After he use the henna his hair all turn golden brown. Look like Lao beng! hahaha..


U are up so early again!! thanks catch a bagful manz!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh yeah, the bill part!! wahahaha ;p~ but it's nice picking up the things one by one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no mah...teeong said her stylist customer abit kan cheong,wear masks scared can affect bb...

aiyah...think the hair she inhale can make bb more hairy meh?lol

ifts true i also starts perming my hair loooo....lol

babydes..talking about brad pitt...lol

yest when i was at mmy friends house,i mentioned this friends name n he appeared le...then we all goes..wah long live la this n that..then i talked about this friend that recently moved to Newton and din hear from her..she called and asked us out for BBQ..lol...so my gf besides was beggin me..eh..lets talk about brad pitt la..i wanna see him?please...crazy!lol


babydes,,u damn funny ah....Lao Beng?

wah like dat scary le...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

long time no see everyone.

Having my next appointment on the 8 May , thInk should be 15 weeks.

Think Doc will sure arrange me to take Yang Shui soon , makes me scare!!!

Baby boy or girl is okie as long as healthy!! :D

hmmm.. one colleague just asked me if i feel my waist is thicker and i said ya.. even tho bump is small but my upper tummy oso thickened. =(

anyway she said dat cld be a sign of girl.. if boy, tummy is sharper.. =_= now i oso dunno how..dunno if its just cos i put on weight or wat.

hahaha.. sigh.. see if i can catch sight of anything during this sat's scan bah.. altho only just entered 16th week.


how is it possible that a henna dye could act like hydrogen peroxide?? think he kena con liao... UNLESS! he has got lots of white hair before!


i never heard of low blood need to do amniocentesis. anyway, wish you all the best! during the test, just think of a happy, cute baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: henna hair dye

i thought it will make your hair look darker instead of lighter leh. when i read it, i also wonder if he has a head full of white hair or he bleached them blond before. lol!


one of my freind who had 2 gals got round and very small tummy..her last trimester looks like im at my week17 lor..hahah..

i eat like nobody busn now..finish 1 pkt of nasi lemak,then eat i pkt of chilli tapioca and now..eating oranges...hehehe..haven't stop yet![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

wah.. chilli tapioca. i like! haven't had that in more than a year or two already! i remember last time in primary/secondary school i will always buy then eat while studying. still remember they were only $0.30 per small pack. yummy!

i'm wondering what to have for dinner tonight le. hubby will be home late so i'm dining alone. feel like having the toast from coffee bean with just good old butter and jam. and plus a decaf mocha! mmm...

i very bo liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

reading my book half way and thought of counting rice again!

Hmmm.it's even..just as i thought so...ggiiirrrllllll[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hahah..ok i go and finished my book before my dd wakes up!....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HB bought for me when he was in JB playing golf!So shiok and spicy ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tonight me dining out with IL...Sure go for chinese teowchew cuisine![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]No need to guess[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lilac white, i just did my rebonding and dyed my hair black 4 weeks ago when i am nearing 12 weeks!

I think quite safe to do it la....

btw, nice nails you've got princess!

Ya he has lots of white hair.. so after doing the henna his whole head turn golden brown! Never see him look so 'trendy' before! hahaha..

The henna depends on how long you put it on your hair and also how your hair absorb it. One of my indian frens told me abt that. She said the colour is not dark more golden brown.

hohoho! it's 4.10pm! can go home in 2 hours. can't wait. :p

princess d,

why you don't like teochew food? next time suggest somewhere else? korean food also not bad. even my grandmother likes it!

Personally, i think still safe to do rebonding so long your stylist or the technicain dun color the chemical to the roots of the hair. I even read some magazines saying that safe to do medi and pedi mah. These also got chemicals.. like that princess also cannot do lor. I'm also still doing pedi wor.


I went for the korean food last friday. The restaurant opp beauty world. Food was nice! We ordered kimchi fried rice, kimchi pancake, some stew, bbq beef.. the stew, kimchi fried rice and kimchi pancake were great! Their 'pan can' also nice. Can refill very authentic!


i think you meant "han fung"? i was there 2 weeks ago too! my family and i really love the seafood pancake, grilled mackerel and kimchi soup. give 5-stars! you can try kim's family. also very good and authentic korean food. location also opp beauty world, but need to drive further up the slope.

yeah, their prata is really crispy and i can have 4 pieces at one go!!! Their curry chicken is nice too.....hmmmm , can't wait to finish work. I can't function now at work, all i think about is food!!!

ya lor.. you all talk about food. make me hungry too! jus manage to grab a banana muffin and eat it. Yummy! but am hungry again..

ok.. since i haf been cracking my brains over wat to eat for dinner tonight.. u girls haf brought up an idea.

i think i shall haf prata. =p 2 plain shld be enuf.. or 1 egg 1 plain? =) not sure how long these 2 will last.. but i can't eat more than dat in one go. haf to get another snack.. maybe eat cereal bah

I just ate some four seasons durian puffs...haha.

Lilac white, yeah, i had the rebonding and hair dye done in the same day. You just got to deal with a little discomfort like sitting in the same chair for 3-4 hours but i would say it is worth it because i cannot tahan my messy hair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cynthia I like their egg prata with curry chicken. Then add one teh cino ice... =P~

Have been trying to get my hubby to bring me.. But everytime did not manage to go down..

They also have a branch at Kiliney rd.


Ok next stop will try Kim!

Haiyo was just complaining to my hubby. After pregnant my weight is up up up and away.... No eye see already.


i dun like teochew cuisine le....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just told hb to suggest buffet or i rather not go..now he is calling the hotels to find out!lol

princess d,

haha! so shiok arh? i miss buffet sessions with hubby! one of these days must, must go again. i sooo miss the jap buffet spread at kuishinbo.


thanks for mentioning cereal!! these few months i've been blur blur just drink milk. nv even thought of adding cereal. silly me. i think i have a bag of cereal hidden somewhere at home.

so nice, princess you going out to makan. this wk i have to eat myself, as HB is travelling. Sianz everyday thinking wat to eat..

me too! i miss buffets, The Line @ shangrila! wooo..


The Line! My fav .....lol!Food spread is fantastic! Today left only outdoor ... So fast eh somemore weekday!

Let HB decide la.. Dunno where Liao?

I ve got a suddened backache now! More like a muscle pulled from both shoulder down to my back! Can move now n can't even take a deep breath! PAIN!

Dunno y? It's either I ll end up at the hospital eating medicine or hotel with my buffet !! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

princess d,

that bad? maybe your uterus pressing on some nerves. some more your tummy so big now, must be really heavy for you. try resting on your sides for a while and massage your lower back a bit? or put hot towel? backaches can come and go very fast! like cramps..


dun think there anything doing with the uterus! The moment I breathe in, the pain is unbearable !HB just rub yoko yoko! It's too painful! Lying on my back now n breathing slowly!huhuhu...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

princess d,

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] did you suddenly strain it without knowing just now? you also very steady! pain still can post! but i really hope you get well soon. dinner how?


Hi ladies,

can gimme some hugs pls??

Duno why suddenly feeling v emo aft my kelic said I hv put on weight.

I noe this is inevitable but I cnt help it!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

also, the past wk has been disgusting!

- Met rude & arrogant pple at work

- quarrelled with hubby for no reasons (now ok liao)

- comments tt I put on weight

& most saddening thing…

- my dear fren had to do an op this wk & I think may affect her chance of being a mum. I dun really dare to ask her details [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but I feel so sad for her. When she broke the news to me, I cried loh… [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pek chek!!

