(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

*hugs momo* putting on weight is ok.. this is the best time to put on weight and ppl cannot say bad things abt u..

stay strong for ur baby~


Ya momotan putting on weight is normal...

As I have said on my previous posts, my weight has been going up up and away.. never before so heavy!

Dont be sad, as long as baby is healthy should be happy! Must be a happy mummy so that can have a happy and healthy baby!



*hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

feel better? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hubby said my butt big, tummy big, thighs big, everything big big except boobs! Wahaha! But it's normal.. Gaining weight is good for baby! And not something we have control over. When ppl say in that sarcastic tone (act nice not nice) that I'm putting on weight, I tell them, "of course! I'm having a baby!!" and give them a proud mummy-to-be look to shut them up. :p

momotan *hugs*

I am not in a good mood now too...just received call from Dr Woody's assistant, Dr woody want to see me and hubby this week because of my blood test results.

Can't help feeling worried now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thks ladies!! Wow! Hugs really do wonders!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm so touched that I feel like crying now. Hahaha…

Actually I'm more upset bcos of my fren. She has family

planning this yr de loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


dun worrie too much. It may be nthing serious de.

Dun scare urself ok? Huggggzzzzzz....



DOn't be upset!We are grew big and sexy!Maybe this is your first pregnancy..subsequent prengnancy you will feel much ore sexier.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't care much what some ignorant ppl can comment towards a preggers..I have stupid friends that is just as blunt..after when i give birth..commented that i a huge..and asked e to work harder..

i look at her..wait till you be a mother and tell me about losing weight.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for your friend,don't worry much..she might tell you the results when she is ready n dun be upset over her surgery..im sure the doctors are doing what best for her..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can it be the review of your test results only?

some docs prefer to review face to face..think positive k..hugs*hugs*hugs*


i suspect i accidentally strained myself while carrying my heavy girl!.ouch!Hb gave me a massage just now and its so much better.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dinner was Horrid at the Concorde hotel!CRAP!

my FIl insist that we go there cos his friend the hotel chef said is good.Crap!Loads of crap!I only had salads and fruits!Can't bring myself to eat the food..yucks!thumbs down!


don't think too much about it. Just make an appointment to go down & see what it's about. No point scaring yourself silly! *Hugs*

princess diamond,

better take care! I still have to carry my girl sometimes as she has just started learning how to walk. I try not to strain myself too much and carry her for short while, eg: carry her to her bed, carry her after her bath, etc. Even if she wants me to carry I will sit down and let her hug me or sit on my lap. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seems like I'm the only one awake at this hour hahaha. Good night all!

Morning girls,

Guess I am too early ah.


I am reading this book call Supernatural Birth, recommended by some mummies here. I duno your friend's faith but in the book, it mentioned that God wanted us to have children and unless God says no, otherwise, it is never impossible wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am now praying that my BP doesnt climb. I have history of preggy induced high BP and pre-eclampsia. Yday, BP already seems to be climbing. Aiyo. We all jia you lah.

Re: Gender

Cannot see wor. I am 15weeks 3 days. Yday, the umbilical cord was in between the legs and hide everything. -.o" My next appointment is 4 weeks down the road. Sianz.

Hi Zuen, u mean blood pressure? I noticed mine was a little higher than before but the nurse said normal.

I started to feel something. I wonder is it movement. Feels like something blowing bubbles in my uterus.

bb 16w5d

20 days to my appt

morning ladies

my son seems to be coming down with something. Keeping my fingers crossed that after 1 day of meds and rest he will be ok in school today.

melissa, my gynae is Dr Lisa Chin. Very calm and experienced lady.

princess, not a very good evening for you huh? strained back and not yummy buffet. how's your back now? try to avoid carrying your girl for the moment...

Thank you mummies.....i'm going to see him tomorrow. hopefully all goes well.

Somehow i got a bad feeling about this because the last time i had my oscar test, the assistant just call and tell me the test results are ok and to wait till my next appt to see Dr Woody.

But this time round, my appt is only on 25 May and she refused to share anything else except Dr Woody wants to see me and hubby together... Anyway i suspect that i may have Thalassemia since both my elder sisters has it and i have iron deficiency as well.


yap, blood presure. Based on no1, my bp started climbing in week 16. Yday at week 15+, bp was 123/67. Used to be 110+/60+ de. Haiz. For no 1, when I was at a&e, my bp was 170/110. They had to give me med to bring bp down. N I aS diagnose with pre-eclampsia.

Thanks ladies! Muacksss!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my fren is a Buddhist. I googled her condition.

Looks like it usually happens to women with infertility.

Praying hard for her!!!!!


I'm oso gog to see Dr Woody tml.

I think our hubbies may recognize each other?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun worrie too much. Things may not be as bad as u think.

GOOD MORNING LADIES....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for all the concerned..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]My back is now slightly better but the pain now goes to the side of the ribs and i dun seems to be able to to breathe in hard and turn..so can only lie flat on the bed!

Hb's massaged help i just need some heat rub!It felt so much better..but will see a doc later if the pain escalate![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


how's your son today?

Sigh..lately many kids a re down with sickness..doon't know if its the weather or some sort of germs are spreading around again?

I hope he is fighting against those virus !Hope he is well![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My dinner was HORrid!Unbelieveable!LOL

really!Should have followed my BIL to Pan Pac for dinner...MY FIL and his Friends reccommendations!!Now you guys know....Don't go!His friends must be pulling him in for busn cos last nite only 6 tables of occupancy!The pasta was hard,the fritters are hard,the beef is dry,the veg is tasteless ,the desserts are not fantastic...how come nobody ask for feedback?

Very bad..and i was shocked to go into the hotel!The last time i went was ...i think long long time ago (was formerly Le Meridien)..Lei Garden was there...Duh!Salad for dinner..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]LOL


Hv a positive mindset, dun worry too much, am sure things will turn out fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Miracles do happen, I pray that your fren will be blessed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Dia,

If yr back still gives you problem better seek medical treatment...

If last dinner was horrid, as yr hb to compensate you tdy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi momotan, dunno whether my hubby can recognise ur hubby or not but i did hear from my hubby that you are very petite! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess - hope you are feeling better today! *hugs*

good morning girls!

just wanna share a short story. i have a friend who was also my TTC buddy. we tried for a few years to TTC but to no avail. the common we thing that we have was recurrent miscarriages. till we both get tired about TTC and we lost contact for a while. not long after, i found myself successfully pregnant with #1. and when I got back to her, i found out she got divorced. reason being that her hubby was foolin' around. it makes me think, that sometimes some people were not meant to have a baby because they're not meant to be. in a way, she's glad she failed in all her TTC attempts because a child would've complicate matters. life can be so twisted huh.


good luck on your appointment. i hope it's good news.


once you cross over the realm of motherhood, stuff like what your friends say will be PETTY and you will laugh it off one day. trust me. i rather be fat but loved and adored by all my children than be single but insecure, hence all the harsh words that's completely unnecessary.


that definitely sounds like baby's movement! congrats! it can feel like that earlier on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond,

i try to avoid carrying my DD1, she's like 13kg but still wants to be carried sometimes but i explain to her nicely that she's a big girl now and i can no longer carry her so she will understand. then i'll just sit by bed and let her sit on my lap too! girls always wants to cuddle!!

Princess D,

better see doc, babe. Backache can be really annoying!!


ur hubby couldn't hv seen me wor.

I was slping at home when my hubby when to collect the spoils.


thks!! & I agreed with u!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm sure my kelic dun meant to be blunt.

It was just the emo me, getting all the negative vibes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yep..he is compensating!lol... He just made me a plate of Chilli Indon Mie with TLC b4 i head to school with DD..LOL....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]We are going for steamboat dinner as planned!hehhee..


yea will see a doc if its escalating!


My DD is 24mths..and 13kg!LOL

I actually lift her up to her car seat yest..and there's where i think i felt the strained!She knows i can't carry her..going to bed and cominng down from her own are all by herself now..i only cuddle her when she climbs on to me just to be MANJA at times...LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]that's girl!

Okay girls,keep the thread going...im off to school with my girl!C ya'll later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thank you melissa and tiffy, i sure hope it is good news!

Momotan - my hubby must have seen wrongly then... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies.

u gals are really active to keep the thread moving so fast.

i only MIA a few days and there are so many to catch up.

anw. the past week has been busy for me and my hb. cos our boy got sick and admitted to TMC for high fever. then they did a blood test and say it's mycoplasma infection. haizz. so we only discharged last sunday. and now we are keeping him at home so no choice. hb and i have to take half day half day and take turns to take care of him. sighzz. hope he can remain ok for the rest of the week and go back to school next monday.

and yesterday i went to see gynae.. actually my appt is like 29 May which i canot wait.

but i do feel like having an UTI so i think better to check with her. well my other motive is to scan the baby so tat i can make sure "she" is alrite. cos ever since my boy fell sick he's been extra whiny.. everytime want bao bao despite his big size (2yo at 16+kg) and i scare he might kick the baby accidentally. well, at least the scan shows "she" is alrite. now i can rest my mind and wait for the next appt which is the detailed scan to confirm the gender!

sleeping position;

anyone feel very difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position? me woke up in the middle of nite lying flat on the bed, then i can feel the backache and my last two fingers of the left hand actually numb! think cos the uterus pressed against the blood flow tat's why. iknow it's better to sleep on sides but cannot for long leh. if not the body feels very stiff. sighzz.

oooppss sorry for the long post.

must have been MIA for too logn and too much to say.

anw. a few days ago there is a conversation on birdnest? i am taking the concentrated one from lo hang ka. now they are having promotion of buying 5 and get one bottle free.

well u can keep the stock with them and only get a bottle when u finishing. so i think it's quite a good arrangement

yanling, i also find it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

I like to sleep on my belly and have been continuing doing so...but now that my belly bump is starting to show, its hard to sleep on that position...i have tried sleeping on my sides but still uncomfortable for me

RE: Sleeping position

Do u ladies not sleep on ur sides before pregnancy? I think it'll be harder to get used to sleeping on your sides cause not used to it. I was a tummy sleeper & sometimes side sleeper so I find it extremely awkward not to be able to sleep on my tummy anymore. Having said this, it is very very difficult to even find a comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy. My ideal sleeping method is to have a lot of pillows surrounding me as it helps me feel snuggled up and the pillows provide some support to my back and tummy. But that means poor hubby has to be banished to sleep on the floor on our single sized mattress as there wouldn't be sufficient space for him on our queen-sized bed. Hahaha.

hi mummies, i'm late dropping by the forum today...

last night was a horrible night. hubby had to attend mini company event and i guess it was at a bar. he said he'd be back by 10pm+. but by 11.30pm still not home so i text him, he said he was coming home in a while so asked me to go to bed first, which i did as i was dog tired. i woke up at 2.30am but he was still not home. i got worried and called him many, many times till close to 4.30am. my mind ran wild and thought of all sorts of things that could have happened and even cried myself to sleep! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] finally got a call from him at 5am that he was on the way back and that he was too caught up with drinking with colleagues and didn't hear his phone ringing as he kept it in the bag.

still feel upset at him... just wonder how could he be soooo insensitive as to "disappear" for a few hours in the middle of the night and left me worried and panicking at home. and i don't get why he can spend so much time drinking and talking to colleagues. find that unbelievable somehow. i was so fidgety that i think baby felt it too 'cos it was kicking and moving. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i took leave today just to stay home and rest. didn't catch much sleep at all. just now hubby called from work to tell me that he is taking half day leave to accompany me at home as he saw me really upset and crying when he left home at 9am. guess i should forgive him bah, after all he is trying to make amends by coming home early..


same thing happened to me before when I had #1. He told me he was "on the way" twice when I SMSed to ask him what time he was coming home. End up I went to sleep and he came home only at 4am. He felt very guilty about it cause I ignored him totally the next morning. But when he returned from work he made up to it by bringing me to where I wanted to have dinner.

Sometimes they just don't understand why we get upset over something they think is very "small". So it's good to let him know about your feelings and that you were worried cause he didn't even tell you he would be coming home later than expected. It helped for us and nowadays if he has to come home later than the time he promised, he will tell me to go ahead & sleep first cause he will be home late. For me if he tells me this I will not probe further for a time as I know sometimes it is very hard for him to give a time especially when their buddies will keep telling them to stay longer.

If he is making up to you then cheer up and cherish the time together today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: sleeping position

i am a born side-sleeper and always prefer the left over the right side. lately i keep finding myself sleeping on my back though. and i will feel my tummy having a little molehill at the belly button level. don't think it is big enough yet to press on my nerves and cause numbness yet though.


glad I can offer some words of comfort. Go ahead and enjoy the rest of the day with hubby! Maybe can consider having mid-day ML session. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starrymommy *hugs* for you.... i can understand how you feel completely. If my hubby do this now, i will also react the way you did.

Preggers tend to be more sensitive and if he dissapear for a few hours, the mind will sure go haywire and think of what could have happen during this time. But not to worry, i think your hubby cares alot about you.


haha! mid-day ML session. sounds good, but i am still very tired. :p


thanks for the kind words too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i would probably react the same way even if i were not pregnant, although being pregnant kinda magnified the fear even more. hope after telling him how i feel he will not do it again. i also won't probe any further and just let it be. i saw your post that you are having problem sleeping on your sides. maybe you can buy a pregnancy pillow to support the sides of the tummy? that should be more comfortable for you than going without and you may fall asleep easier.


forgive & forget mah. Men are like that de.

My hubby also always forget the time when he hang out with the guys.

At least ur hubby got some heart to take leave to accompany u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya lor. that time my hubby made me so pissed but he didn't take leave to accompany me. plus that time he was his own boss so he could take the day off if he wanted to, but didn't!

I thought of buying a pregnancy pillow too but they really cost a lot and I'm not sure how useful they are. Any mommies who have such a thing can share your experiences with us?

hey mummies, just now when i go out for lunch, took bus... then the seat handle knock against my lower tummy.. it felt pain (like blue black) not sharp pain.. but now its like ok.. so i wonder is bb ok? feeling so sad now i wanna burst into tears liao..

momotan, pinky,

yah, forgive le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and he is already home. think he is also tired, having slept less than 3 hours. anyway, i can't help but wonder how would he have felt if i were the one not home by 5am. but of course i don't think i'd ever do that!


do you have cramps? if no cramp, i very sure baby is ok. it's probably your stomach muscles hurting. the uterus is actually quite hard, and since baby is floating around water, it won't feel the impact. don't worry ok? if tonight still painful then go see dr lim for a quick scan?

starry, no cramping and no bleeding after i back frm lunch... the pain initially i knock was like those blue black pain... hai i so worried now... our uterus really can withstand such a knock? its not THAT hard yet not that small knock either....

Hello ladies.. I'm bk !


feeling better now? Do give him the benefit of doubt n take his word ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when men are caught up in a conversation they really csn forget about many things ...Remind him again that a phone call or SMS won't take too much of his time if he is going to be really late n tell him not to make this pregnant wife worried for nothing ? I'm sure he regret his action n making up for it! Talk it out n enjoy each other company!

It is normal to act n think in such way esp during this time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take a deep deep breath n calm down!

My HB always goes out at night with his friends for coffee ! But because before I knew him.. His parents did said it is part of his routine. But when he is late, he will call n whn there's no answer, he will always leave a sms!

I was once paranoid during my first pregnancy! He left for a 3D2N dive trip with his friends ! I'm all Aline in a house with my dog n maid! There's echo if I speak! I can't sleep n starts thnikjng wild,.. Called him so many times but unfortunately there are still places where there aren't receptions! I couldn't get him! For 3 days I had swollen eyes n Bad MS make things worse! When finally he get bk to mainland , he called n said he is on his way home! I told him, if I don't c you the next 30 mins... I will divorce him! LOL

when he came home... He was laughing but apologized to me.. N I can hear msgs started flooding in his phone! When explained... I told him.. I can't except his reason ! But of course the sight of him being home felt kinda relieved! After that I explained how worried was I n my MS n my wild thoughts... We then left for Philipines for his long waited dive trip ... Since then he had never left for diving anymore .. With assurance .. He sold all his diving equiptments![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I felt bad but he said ... He saw how frightened n worried was I n never wanna see that face again!lol..

His friends think I was the one that pushed him to give up his passion for underwater photography n give him nicks n laughed at him!

I get fed up but we both think family comes first n others come second! We don't owed anybody any explanations n now, his time in Singapore is always me n DD.. Oy when we fall asleep he will tell me he is out at the corner coffeeshop with friends![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

a lesson to learn to learn for my man!lol


our tummy is actually very well padded to protect baby against accidental bumps. I remember once in my 1st trim with #1, I actually bumped my tummy against a corner of a table! It was painful & I was very worried but baby was okay. As long as no intense pain until you cannot even stand up, and no bleeding baby will be fine. If it helps, I actually talk to baby and told her to be strong inside my tummy.


i actually find that my hubby is more concerned about me AFTER I have my girl. If I go out for dinner with my friends he will tell me not to come home so late. Once I came home at 12 midnight, and he "interrogated" me asking me where I went, with who, how come so long, etc. Although he didn't SMS or call me to ask about me, but the way he asks me this type of questions tells me he was worried. I think men just express their love and concern in a very different way. Sometimes we think they are scolding us, but it is their way of showing concern.

princess diamond,

outsiders don't usually understand when married man/woman decides to give up her passion for a sport/hobby. They will blame it on the spouse thinking it is him/her who cause it & trying to tie the person down. but in fact, sometimes we have to give up things that will compromise the time we spend with our children or things that are dangerous. what u say is true, don't owe anybody explanations cause family is more important!

My hubby used to play pool very often & go drinking with colleagues. But now he has stopped, saying it is more important to spend time at home. Only occasionally when somebody's birthday, or a gathering with his old buddies, he will go, but will also not come home late.

pre-nat yoga

Hi mtbs, i have gotten a quote from my prev. yoga instructor. posting here to gather more ppl to meet the minimum no.

Venue: Blk 154, Bishan RC Ctr. St 13.

Day/Time: Sat 12.15pm-1-15pm


Min 8 pax $180/- for 10sess

Min 6 pax $220/- for 10sess

i did pre-nat yoga with this instructor for my #1 and the exercises did wonders for my back pain.

kindly email me at [email protected] if u r interested by this friday. weekday sessions are available at limited timings. if u r keen for week day session, can let me know as well.


thank you starrymommy, i'll go and check out what wonders this pregnancy pillow can bring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just asking, for mtbs with or hoping for boys, wld u circumcise ur boyboy?

I'm catholic but I understd it's actually against Catholic teachings to go for circumcision.

But I read circumcision is better for boys, is tt true??


Can you tell me where you got your book? I am wanting to get that title! My friends previously got it but they have lent it to other mummies...


You can talk to your gynae abt it... it's really a preference cos some docs said that there is no proven medical benefits. however, if your boy grows up and develop a condition that cause them to not able to have sex when they are married one day, i heard to remove it (the foreskin) during dat time will be much much more painful.

i'm expecting a boy too and am still thinking thru this as well, shall consult gynae and discuss with hubby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



i will. my hubby is also circumsized and it doesn't affect his sexual prowess at all. it's also for hygienic reasons. so i would do the same for my son.


agree with the others, no cramps means you're ok. my mom tripped on a wire when she's 9 months pregnant with me and fell belly first. but both she and me were ok! sometimes i think, preggers and babies are both protected by special guardian angels. i don't know. just a feeling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

