(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Snoopy, thanks for sharing, I roughly know one friend 2 mths ago aso like ur case n went to seek 2 nd opinion.... For me, i m all alone here. I suspect aso abt thé conception date cos i m quite sûre bb is conceived on thé 16 th but gynae pût 14 th. My blood test not that accurate aso cos i read yesterday a médical condition n medicine i took yest might affect....

In My 1st mth preg Think i Talk to My Hb abt such test before. Becos of active participation in forum i m quite knowlegable abt thé amino test... So when gynae suggest i shld do i mention abt thé risk. Hb on thé other end wasn't. In thé clinic hé already felt that i shld go do thé test as hé agrée with thé gynae in this sentence, a small risk to find out on a bigger prob.

Anyway i told him we Will disuss again back Home, ask him to read up first.... So all thé website say better to do test to find out CAn know what to expect less worry... N me still being apprehensive... I suggest maybe do a second opinion or wat but Hb say thé triple test Think too late to do now cos i m in 15 th week....

I dunno i got this fear abt thé test n Hb wanted me to do becos hé rather i fear 1 mth then thruout thé preg.

Act now i do thé test or not i Think i Will keep thinking. Feeling so terrible on having to make such décision. Or given such test result.

I really scare n keep thinking of thé négative n i already havé 2 mcs i feel so afraid lor. Hb keep saying i m more fortunate then others but i just feel so upset.

I m really scare of thé procedure itself too..... I Heard it might be painful n i worry i Will move. Not sûre Will give anesthetic or not....

Thé thing is if i Dun go do this test i Will still worry. Do this test i aso worry. Dunno anyone Can open My knot in My heart.


For that friend, she seek a 2 nd opinion n i Think base on scan, thé prof assure her the calculation might be wrong, so in thé end she din go for thé test. I Will go pm her in details.

Good Morning all. Showed hubby the posts fr Empress, Snoopy and what I wrote, and took out the 2 books I first bought during my 1st bfp, show him and also read with him more of DS and the triple & aminio tests.

Had a discussion again and he feel that maybe we shld not do the amnio test. since the statistic is 1 out of 220 person, and base on my age and the blood test and such so maybe Baby should be okie.......also low risk does not mean that is 100% ok or wat...Amnio test is invasive, and pick up 1 out of maybe 10 so the 9 healthy pregnancy go thru such tests which might in our opinion maybe it is better not to go thru such invasive test....anyway even thou the risk of this test is small, but still a risk....so he think that we shld not put our baby at risk.

However, Zuen, I do still hope you can share more on the procedure with me and such. Hope to hear from you soon.

I will ask the Doc if I can do the triple test again, hb say the triple test is not invasive, no harm doing it again if possible.

good morning girls! such a blue monday. my colleague-cum-partner-in-crime has left the company and i'm left alone and i realized that the air-con feels cooler without him. he's a big-sized dude. haha. anyway i'm not going to stress myself thinking of the work load. i'm going to be realistic about deadlines and mention it upfront to my director if i cannot deliver something in time. he already knows that i'm pregnant. thank God i have supportive colleagues who's willing to share and distribute the loads.

hi babytiger,

i think ultimately you need to think if you still want to keep a DS baby. if you don't, the answer is clear cut. but if you do, the answer is clear cut too. for me, i'd keep it no matter what, so i find it pointless to go through the tests. my impressions that i get from all these DS testings are there's lots of false positives and i also have a friend who's in her 20s who actually has a DS child. it's really out of the realm of normal-ism. if you're religious, perhaps you could pray for strength to accept things that you could not control. personally i would avoid invasive tests b'cos the risk of miscarriage is higher. but i'm not the one dealing with this issue right now so i'm sorry if i'm being blunt. we can continue to give you moral support and go with whatever you think is best. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies & MTBs,

Can I join the club? Expecting my number 2 on 17th Nov. My first born is now only 7 months so I really feel more fatigued looking after him and expecting another. Will be sticking to my first gynae Prof SK Tay at SGH.

Hi All,

Morning ... Have been very busy last week. Don't really have time to visit the web site.

Lilac White: I also feel so restless this morning when come to work. Hope so much it is a friday today ...

Hi babytiger,

ya, like Malissa said, ultimate choice is still urs. Other ppl can only share their experience, but still every case is different, even the gynae is not making the decision for me. So ultimately, is still own choice to make.

lilac white,

the bad side about having a fantastic weekend is, come the new weekday, you'll have such a crappy hangover! hahaha..

had a craving for cavana chicken rice yesterday and it's already 8.30pm! hubby quickly drove us from woodlands all the way to jurong point so that i can have it. it felt so good. it's the only rice meal i could finish for a loooooong time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

has anyone stepped out of the MS zone comfortably already? i can't believe i'm still having it to the point that i'm still losing weight!

harlow mummies.

went for my appt on sat morning. hehehe.. the little one refused to cooperate so cannot really see the gender. initially, she was in a crawling position, then the gynae asked me to fake a cough and she turned around to be lying on the back position, yet she refused to open the legs.. the gynae searched and searched and cannot find the birdie. so she said it's 70% GIRL! hahaha.

well the not so happy part is tat her EDD seemed to be delayed by three days. on sat, is 14w2D and measured 9.7cm.. got pushed back to 14 Oct.

and my next appt is the detailed scan oredi which is SIX weeks away!!!! haizz and they are not scheduling any appt with gynae in between... loooooonggg wait...

Changed my Nick just a little [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but is still me. Share my joy and ask for opinions to my long time other thread.

Melissa, yes, is precisely the v v v v small risk of mc esp I had 2 previous xx that I am super apprehensive. Read on the false positive too. We try v hard to conceive and thus it is really v v difficult decision.

Hb say to keep if. I told him realistically, We cant financially and esp for me emotionally definitely I cannot, I know I cannot but, the risk is really hard for me to bear.

Empress, yar, thanks, most likely we would not go for the test...But this is definitely a major decision, so I wanted to gather more infor, inputs and such cos I dun wan to regret. I told hb I really scare I will regret our decision......So must think really really hard.

Good morning Ladies![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yep.. Today not a good day for me either !my girl down with fever last nite n I gotta stay awake the whole nite to sponged her n feed her medicine n check temperature![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

poor girl... Really hope she ll get well very soon!

How's everyone?

MS!!!! I m still having it every morning!!!! Grrr.......seems like escalating for me! Lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

trying to stay in bed but seems like today is gonna b impossible for me to rest! My girl comes first ....

Is a buig headache when children fell sick... I can hardly open my eyes now... But to come in n keep myself awake..any juicy news today ??? Yawwwnnnn... (oops excuse me)![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess_diamond: Hope that your girl will recover soon ...

my MS think have stop already but now don't know why when ever i finished my meal, i will feel like vomitting.

Morning ladies!!

I had an exciting wkend!

A jerk hit our car bumper & sped off!!

Luckily it's only a minor incident, so I din really feel any sudden strong impact!

Then, finally I gv in to the devil!!

We bot the $640 cot that I hv been eyeing for a month

since it can be replaced with our original intent to buy a playpen & a crib…

I'm feeling the pinch now. Hahahha


dun worrie too much! Jia you!!

Thanks momotan.

Princess Diamond, hope your gal will get well really very soon. She is sleeping now?

See Starrymommy got juicy news or not.......

Yewee: If everyday is a friday, i bet we will all be very energectic! Hahaha

Melissa: hahaha true true!

#Weight loss:

Melissa I oso hvt put on weight. In fact, when I step into 2nd trimester, i here pain there pain. Now always get sudden pulling attacks on my thighs... so painful!

hey ladies, good morning! my weekend was so-so. need to do housework and i had to scrub toilet. hubby helped to vacuum and mop floor. i'll be getting my Oscar results tonight at my gynae's. hopefully the results will be good.


you must think positively from now onwards okay? trust that God will take care of you and baby. I'm sure He knows what you have gone through previously and will make this alright for you. please stay cheerful and strong. jia you!

Re: juicy news

don't have any. tired the whole weekend, don't even have strength to jump on my hubby. much less kidnap him to lim chu kang. sorry to disappoint all mummies here. haha! actually hubby want to go see gynae with me to collect Oscar results and also hear from the gynae himself if it is really, really safe to ML now. he is still very worried that it will hurt our little one even though i have tried my best to convince him already. so the fate of me having any jelly legs in the near future lies in the hands of my gynae! hee hee!

my mum and i were talking about baby movements last night. i asked her if i am really too early to feel anything. but she said she could feel rather early too. she said it would feel like a bubble suddenly popped that kind of feeling. very light, but distinct. this was exactly what i've been feeling a few times over the weekend! so i am very certain that it must be the baby. my girl friend at 17 weeks can't feel anything at all though. so i guess mine must be particularly active bah.

princess diamond,

i just saw your post.. hope your girl gets well soon! i'm sure it is tiring to keep waking up to check on your #1. i get so tired just doing housework le. but all these are part and parcel of mummyhood.


i lost weight too! on the day of the Oscar test on saturday, my weight was taken and instead of the expected gain, i had dropped almost 2kg. very surprised, but not concerned. my appetite had not been good the past 2 weeks.

oh yes, almost forgot... i was at NTUC on saturday evening to buy grocery and realized that i was almost panting after walking a few minutes carrying a heavy bag and a 1L of milk. felt like such a weakling all of a sudden! if climb stairs then lagi worse. need to climb one flight and stop a 3 seconds then continue with next flight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just snapped some of the ultrasound scans given after Oscar.. love the shot of the hands. we actually saw baby opening and closing the palms and stretching arms above its head in the womb.

this is baby lying facedown, maybe head turned sideways a bit because the chin looks too sharp. when it turned the right-side up, it looked more like a baby to us.


the head and brain.


the arms, hands and fingers.


will have more tonight after gynae passed me more scan shots.

congrats on the twins pinky!

teong, melissa & starymommy, aawww.. very nice scans!!

u all losing weight? me too..around 12-13 weeks, my appetite was good, i gained 3kg. yesterday i checked, lost 1 kg. Havent been eating well these days. Actually damn hungry but indigestion doesn't seem to go away. i feel sick after eating and have to puke out the stomach acid. feel so yucky, dun want to eat.. I hope doesn't affect baby. I think baby can survive on my excess fats alone

starrymommy, me too.. i have to walk very very slowly otherwise panting like mad. i thot it was because i'm fat, but then my tiny preggy friend having same prob also.

Melissa, now at 14 weeks+ my MS still lingering around. Mornings especially nausea then gag until i puke. my mom kept asking me if this is normal, howcome in 4th month i'm still having MS? Apprently she had an uneventful pregnancy with me and all my siblings.


you may have to start having more supplements if you keep puking. did your gynae give any advice on this? now 2nd trimester we will need more protein, calcium and other vitamins. don't think baby can survive just on body fats le. last time my ex-col kept puking and she has to take a lot of supplements to make up for the loss.

so far i am only put on prenatal vits. my girl friend has calcium pills and fish oils. don't know if tonight my gynae will give me anything more.

some updates...

baby: 13wk1d

me: backache, butt-ache, thigh-ache. when i sneeze, all these parts ache together. sian..

starrymommy, i'm taking prenatals, calcium and omega3. i was supposed to take all 3 in the mornings but dunno which one is giving me bad nausea. So since last week gynae told me to spread out. like today afternoon can take omega3, then evening take calcium pill, tmrw take prenatals. so ive been doing that since. altho i cant eat i drink a lot of milk. so if i cant eat, i drink milk

Apple,tiffy,Yewee and starrymommy,[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank you girls....the lil girl is running around...forcing her to gulp in barley drink and lots of fluids!Really hope that she will get well soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wohoo!Well done!hehehhe..im sure the crib goona be a good use...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]heehee...where did you get it from?


yes!i like the arms pics...so cute like the baby about to grap something eh..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have a friend whom both her results is very bad and doc suggest she go for amnio test.

But both her child are very healthy and she did not go for the amnio test since she is worry of MC.

Don't worry so much so that your baby will grow healthy and happily.

Hi All,

I am so happy now ... Just recevied a call from my Gynae. He told me the blood test for the sygar level i did last sat is prefectly fine.

Wahaha ... I want to eat durian tonight ...


haha i also want to eat durian haha....where do u get your durians from ah?


it happened to me 2 times. When i went to buy things from a nearby mall. I was carrying quite abit of stuff but usually i am alright. But this pregnant i hor cannot le...carry le then almost like drag myself all the way home and then hor was like out of breath and almost fele like dying body weaken all over...i also wonder what's wrong...so now ia void carrying too much things....


we can only offer you support here...ultimate decision still up to you and ya hb my dear.

insomnia and restless legs syndrome

i couldn;t sleep. I have restless legs and thus causing insomnia then early morning have to wake up send #1 to school...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i have problem sleeping...anyone face the same thing...not so much of visitng toilets but just lie down there and cnanot sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

etelle: i got the durian near my place market.

We always buy this couple. So the aunt and uncle know me .. They durian very nice and not very ex.

etelle: i got the durian near my place market.

We always buy this couple. So the aunt and uncle know me .. They durian very nice and not very ex la.

etelle, me too! Im having insomia. I barely sleep on saturday night and had a migraine on Sunday. Sunday nite (last nite) I managed to sleep a bit but still feel very tired now. i wonder if this is normal.

Hi everyone..

my weekend was slightly bad cos was feeling bit lousy due to the queasiness.. felt it for whole day on fri and sat.. luckily it improved yesterday. my appetite has also decreased since a mth ago.. which is kinda reassuring to me cos i scared i put on weight too much too fast.. if gradually i believe its better. =p

on sat, i went to MAH to see the gynae i wanted.. most prob taking Dr HK Ho.. altho his package starts on 18th week.. expensive doc! but i heard he's worth it. found out dat i'm actually not as advanced in pregnancy as i was told. 1st gynae told me EDD is 25th Oct, 2nd gynae told me 19th Oct. Dr Ho's scan shows me to be due ard 24th Oct.

Now i'm abt 13wks6days.. i can also feel slight pain ard tummy, waist occasionally.. but i'll put it down to uterus expanding. hahaha! altho sometimes i worry too.. but i guess if pain doesnt persist, it prob isnt much of a concern.

doing my oscar tmr! scared man... i hate needles.. sigh!!! Oso realised one of my cousin (on my dad's side) has a kind of DS. altho i haf a feeling my bb is ok, its still a worry.. a potential risk. hopefully i get excellent results!

i feel envious dat some of u abt same term as me are oredi experiencing some sort of bb movement.. or am i too oblivious to feel anything? haha! my latest scan shows bb to be active and also bouncing of the walls of my womb.. but i dont haf much sensation ne.. =s


same lor, my queasiness came and went, came on went throughout the weekend. still got appetite to eat, but once full, will feel a bit horrible. oh, don't worry about the blood test. it is over very fast. i pinched myself on the thigh so that i won't feel the needle's prick. haha! i think the pinch i gave myself was more painful than the needle! maybe you can try this method as it always works for me. :p

Re: baby movement

so far i only feel it like once a day or at most twice a day. usually between late morning and before i sleep. don't feel discouraged if cannot feel it because a lot of first time mummies only feel movements from week 16 onwards, some even from week 20. maybe my uterus smaller, able to feel bah... i don't know. when it happens, you'll know. it is similar to gas in the intestines, but not rumbling around type. it is the same spot in the uterus and you won't feel like you want to pass out any gas. not sure if this makes sense, as this is what i've been feeling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i understand coming from multiple miscarriages this is a tough decision for you. but you have gone so far so now all you need is to deal with yourself. you can't make a decision now then regret about your decision later. you have to set a time where you should weigh your risks and see which one is most bearable for you. it's like taking the "lesser of two evils". then DO NOT be regretful about it because you knew that you had made the decision in a sane mind and so whatever is resulted from it, you must accept it. i think it's a matter of principle. most girls are fickle-minded i know but i must remind ourselves to be responsible over our own decisions. discuss it thoughtfully with your partner and be firm on your results. best wishes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond,

i hope your girl will recover quickly. more TLC will make them recover fast! lots of sleep and drink more liquid.


nice scans. first time i see fingers in scan! so cute! haha your post about the weekend is also cute. nevermind lah. no juicy story to share it's ok. just enjoy the journey of marriage and pregnancy.


enjoy your durian fest!! just had some that hubby bought. D24.. so nice! i loike!


sama-sama like you. if i don't eat, i will drink milk. else i will just eat small meals frequently. sometimes i will still puke stomach acid too. really hate it when that happens! starrymommy is right, if you don't gain weight and still puking, u must take prenatals seriously. i tried yesterday but cannot swallow! haha. so i think i must just continue to drink more milk!


i get this a lot from my 2nd pregnancy. i can tell that my body is really working hard to grow the baby. now i'm fine. no breathlessness problem. can still sing karaoke for 2-3 hours straight! hahahaa...


nope dont have it but i can sleep for 6 hours straight and then nap for a while in the pm.


is this your first baby or second? at your term, i don't think you can feel it yet. you must wait till you're like 17 weeks along. but if u do start feeling, it may feel like bubbles or flutters and it happens like once in a blue moon but it will make you wonder.. is this baby? it probably is because it's your body and you can guess the best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i nearly fainted after the NTUC shopping. we were at the MRT platform (still breathless then) waiting for train when i suddenly felt hot, queasy and dizzy. i just told hubby i felt like fainting and quickly walked over to the bench and sat down. took some deep breaths then ok le. i really hate that feeling. a few times got up from bed to go pee in the middle of the night also like that! need to hold on to the wall for support otherwise may fall. i don't want to wake hubby up to hold me 'cos once he wake up it'll be hard for him to sleep le.. so hopefully this dizzyness goes away soon.

Hi mummies, I'm home from my NT scan & blood test. NT scan says my risk of chromosomal disorders for both twins are 1 in 5000+ so that's a good number. Think my age helps to lower the risk too.

I'm lost weight despite MS going away & appetite improving. Gynae says possible that the babies are absorbing all the nutrients from me, that's why I'm not gaining weight yet. But she was glad to hear that I am eating well. Finally I can stop on my hormones pills, which were causing my worsened MS.

Couldn't see babies' gender so I have to wait another 4 weeks! Really praying for a boy/girl pair of twins.

I'm having insomnia too. Think I thinking too much, have a lot on my mind. Gynae told me lavender essential oil is okay, as well as cammomile tea without caffeine. I'm thinking of dipping myself into a lavender oil bath one of these days. I have those baby pools we bought for my 1st girl, and those are really useful for soaking. You can soak yourself in oat bath also to moisturize ur skin. Heard it helps with the stretch marks.

By the way, there are also a lot of mummies who have a good DS test, and were surprised with the arrival of their baby. They think, how come the test didn't show it? So it's really hard to tell anything. & I also think that it's more important on whether you will want to keep a baby with a high risk of getting DS. Cause if you want the baby, whatever the test shows is not important, will just help you be mentally prepared.

But I know it's hard to understand the emotions going through your mind now. Really pray everything will be alright for you.

I can't wait for 2nd trimester!

Re: milk

for those who may be lactose-intolerant, there is this brand of UHT milk call Harvest Fresh (i saw at jurong point's fairprice extra, under "international" aisle). this brand is from aussie and their non-lactose version is now on promo at $2.50 per 1L pack. my girl friend introduced me this brand. she said the lactose-free one is good, and doesn't have that too strong taste of milk. she said it tastes sweet too! i bought the normal skim milk (initially i got the full-cream milk but my silly hubby think pregnant drink skim milk better). haven't try yet. maybe tonight..


my first time seeing fingers too. the TMC machine is really very good, super clear. when baby opened and closed the hand, we could see tiny finger joints. so detailed! oh, wanted to ask you.. how often do you feel your baby kicking/moving in a day?

Re: durian

last night my grandma was telling me try not to overeat durians esp in 3rd trimester. my cousin has several skin issues like eczema as a baby because my aunt ate too much durian when she was pregnant with him in the 3rd trimester. she thought durian is very 补, but she overate and my grandma said durian in TCM practice is a bit 毒 if eat too much. so moderation is key.

starrymommy: I think moderation is the most important Key.

just eat what you like but with moderation.

I also heard before that durian is very 补, if the baby i too big is not advisable to eat durian.

Hehe ... I think we still can eat a little as most of us should be still in 2nd T.

HI Mummies

Wow seems like I missed alot over the weekend. I had a good weekend, in fact I didn't puke at all which I was SOOOO happy about! Can go out and eat, even squeeze in some time at the malls. Thought MS over liao but I think I counted my blessings a little too early cos last night, I had to wake up and puke 4x!!! Didn't sleep much at all. Today really like zombie.. worse still, I can't seem to nap well, naps only 30mins.. make me more tired. Sigh.. I think I feel like the insomniacs here too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Plus I think the puking has some effect on my tummy, it feels funny le.. like bloated.. sigh now hungry or full also cannot differentiate.. tummy just feel pain!


I'm glad your blood test went well. I'll only know my results when I see my gynae earlier next mth.

suwaiwai: Why not u try to call them and ask if your test result is out. I actualy called up my gynae but he have not view my test result. Once he finish looking at my test result he gave me a call and ask me not to worry as my test result is all very good.


ya I guess I could. But he is shifting office, so I figured dun disturb him. Plus his 2 nurses are always at loggerheads with each other. Every visit, I have 'show' to watch. Very funny!! They are like old married couple, always bickering! Even in front of patients, then when you are alone with either of them, they will bad mouth the other!! Very funny! So I can imagine, now having the stress of shifting office.. will wreck havoc among these 2, if I call I think I will give them more stress. hehe..

starrymommy: thanks for the tips! i just too excited cos my frens tell me datz the fun part! hahaha.. as in feeling the bb move.. shld be quite amazing! my first preg mah.. hee..

and ur fainting spells sounds serious and dangerous! must be very careful ya.. walk slowly so can feel body changes.. i hate taking the train la..cos jerky and sometimes quite stuffy. wish my hubby can send me to work and pick me up everyday (those who haf hubbies like dat are super lucky) but can't blame my hubby cos of his occupation. =p i still puke in my hubby's car but its less embarrassing than in public. haha!

melissa & 2 girls(vy happy): its my first preg.. just gan cheong cos some other MTB can feel.. bit impatient.. haha! 17 weeks sounds quite far away.. still 3 weeks!

suwaiwai: Wah that is interesting.

when will be your next appointment. You must b quite worry now ... I have been very worry for the past few days and cannot wait to know the result.

Bcos of this high sugar level result u have in my previous test, i have not been eating and sleeping well.

Hi, i'm Rubie. Has not been active in this thread. I'm seeing Dr Christopher Chen, Gleneages.

I'm still 31 on my EDD (21 Oct).

Wanna check if who else did not go thru Oscar test because my Dr will only conduct triple test during 16wk..

--13wk 4d


fainting spells can be dangerous. i am now especially careful when on escalators, on MRT platform, crossing the road etc. have learnt to know what are the tell-tale signs of my body before i faint so that i know to sit down and rest before i black out. it is common and cannot be taken lightly.. apparently, it can hit anytime, not just when you are hot and stuffy. i read on some american forums that some mummies always faint while going toilet due to constipation and had to lay pillows around them in case they really got unconcious! THAT is really serious...

just realized that my most comfy pair of jeans has raised white white flag le. haha! have to leave it unbuttoned and unzipped right now when i sit down 'cos baby bump really expanding below the belly button!

Princess diamond,

i bot the cot from Baby @ Marina.

Re: bb movements

everynite I will press lightly on my tummy.

Most of the time can feel bb moving de.

U gers wanna try??

I realized my belly button not v deep now.

I think it's gonna pop out soon!!


so 神奇, press can feel? my lower tummy is quite firm le. but i don't dare to press down too firmly. later squash the little fella. :p hubby will nag if he sees me pressing there. he is like a 'mother hen' now, except that the 'egg' is in my tummy. anyway, do you press-press and hold your hand there to feel baby moving? i also wanna try tonight!


momotan, starrymommy: I also did try to press my lower tummy but once my press and my hubby saw it, he will beat my hand and ask me not to press.

Someone when i just touch my tummy, he will think i am press and scold me.

so far cannot feel anything.

