(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


we suffering the same fate from our mother-hen hubby. lol!!

just now i had a sneezing fit. then felt baby giving a very tiny kick. guess i am disturbing his/her afternoon nap. hahaha!!


starrymommy: Yes ... now i feel that i have another mother rather than hubby. Everyday keep nagging. Wahahaaha

So envy you, so fast can feel your bb kicking ...

I still cannot feel anything yet ... Hope can feel it so. Did ask my gynae when will i feel the movement. He told me about 5 to 6 months then can feel.


most people and gynaes say that. i thought so too until i started googling and read up other forums. a lot of 1st timers also feel baby move early, like as early as 12 weeks. i think it is sometimes trial and error. random movements in uterus area may feel like they are just gas. but when you sneeze/cough/press down and feel that same movement everytime, then you can be more certain it is baby and not your imagination or gas. i am still learning to differentiate which is gas and which is baby!

Starrymommy / Yewee,

tell ur hubby ok de la.

Fo ultrasound doc oso poke quite hard wor…

Esp at the Oscar scan.

It's really quite cute/fun to feel bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i thought so too. gynae always press down hard on the tummy and end up the round amniotic sac looked squashed on the screen. even my scan pics come out with amniotic sac looking like a figure-8 shape. i also wish baby will move and kick me more. feel more assured that way. and can bond with baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello ladies...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just woke up from a powerful nap! Napping together with my girl! Wad really tired this morning and I'm still waiting got my darling to recover ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still running alil temperature but it has seen gone down a lil![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


actually having too much durian can give a bad impact to the mother.. I had durians almost every week or twice a week then put on alot of kilosssssss[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but bb was ok! Sensitive skin aRe partly to be blame on the tropic whether n too much soap used on bb! Many other factors too etc: parents with eczema or sinus or sensitive breathing airway actually does link to eczema...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]aircon n humidity in the room also can cause eczema!but seriously, go easy with durian , u ll be surprise to know that the amount of weight that you put on from durians Can be drastic

So I guess I won't give up my durian! But will only limit maybe once a month !heeheehee....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

momotan, yes! i did try to feel bb's movement when lying down. can feel slight movement, like some object in water those type of feeling... so i guess my hb was right when he say he could feel bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes!! That kinda feeling! Quite amazing hor?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if I dun feel bb movement, I will toss & turn back.

Bb may move again…

Starrymum, that a beautiful scan, can see so clearly! I also wan! Haha.

Yewee, I wan to press tummy my hubby also complain, even when I apply the stretchmark oil my hubby says dun rub too hard, aiyo his little precious. Btw jus wonder how do u all sleep? Lie flat or side? Sometimes, I fall asleep on tummyI wonder if baby will be flattened. Does it matter?

ladies, heard on the evening chinese news that cordyceps might have a price increment coz due to the earthquake in china, many places have problems with their harvest! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I felt my baby moved at about 12 weeks too... but not so much as when u feel it at 4 or 5 months like the first child just tiny turning movements... when i first felt it i was amazed too haha like so soon i can feel the baby move!

I'm so upset with TMC! Was told on Saturday morning that my Oscar results will be out today. I called my gynae's clinic and nothing lor!! Really wanna scold them.. Purposely got off from work earlier also. Now have to wait another 24 hrs. SIGH!!!!


thanks for the compliments! It is really very clear. So clear that certain views of baby didn't look too human. Was a bit odd initially. Haha!


can get addicted to the feeling right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am beginning to feel it more and more le.

Although this is my 2nd pregnancy, I haven't felt much from my babies. I remember during my 1st pregnancy I only felt slight flutters around 5 months. Sometimes I think it's them moving but I think it's just gas.

I'm a tummy sleeper and nowadays I try hard not to sleep on my tummy, but sometimes it's really the most comfortable way to sleep! If I sleep on my side I feel that my back is aching, and I heard it's not very good to sleep on the back as it might affect circulation. Sigh, what a contradiction!

starrymommy, I think TMC is very very very busy today. My appointment was 9am and there were A LOT of people. There's once my blood test was also delayed and I cannot sleep!

princess diamonds

i also dun dare to eat durians too often one thing is the extra kilos and the other is the high sugar content so better to take once in a while not too often...hee hee


Yah lor... My prev pregnancy gave me a lesson of life ! The amount of weight I ve put on is crazy n I only eat durians fir super! Lol.....

It's not easy to sheds those kilos off, so I have to control myself now ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning everyone, so now the topic is on durian.:p This will be my motivation to travel back to Singapore in June.

I am begining to feel out of breath and a bit of backache nowadays.

My hip bones seem to be expanding, I can feel muscle ache from hip bones all the way down to my calves muscles.

My appetite getting normal now, I don't have to eat a lot or constantly to get over the sick feelings.

bb 14w5d

10 days to appointment

Hihi girls,

Hasnt come in for a long while. I had my oscar test and results are fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have finally crossed into the 2nd trimester on Sunday. Hohoho.

My pants are damn tight and I feel so fat....


I am a tummy sleeper too. I think I am squashing my baby every night. Lol!

bb 13w 3d

Morning ladies!

Wish I can eat durian now... no supply here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my appetite at dinner is still quite bad. Realised I can only eat more if hubby was the cook. On the other hand, it serves as weight control cos I can really eat alot during the day. My friends have been laughing at me for my insistence on eating lunches/breakfasts not too late.

Iron Pills : anyone know if I can take this at night instead of morning? Cos it cannot be taken within an hour of any calcium intake, it can be abit hard to track cos I have been eating cheese/yogurt and drinking milk.

Emmie> Oh no! Seeing your post then I've just realized I always eat my prenatal vitamin that contains iron after eating the calcium tablet in the morning :S.. No wonder the prenatal vitamin got written don't drink with milk or antacid :'(

Luckily I read your post..

Now I'm getting better. Still feel like puking at night before sleeping becoz of the terrible heartburn.. But the last 2 night I didn't puke at all. hehe.. Maybe becoz my husband and I rub my tummy before we go to sleep :p

Good morning!

I'm having macdonald breakfast today.. Hehe.. So happy. Ordered big breakfast.

Still feel liked puking at night. Morning n afternoon not so bad. Haiz.. Hopefully will wear off soon n I can enjoy eating.

Just to update: my pain previously at tummy n waist area much better already. Was worried so went to see gynae on Sunday. He did a scan n bb was moving his hands n ok. Gynae say pain cld be gas n advice me to try drinking Ginger tea. Ask me to eat more crunchy fruits so tat can pass motion too.

Finally told my in laws n parents abt this pregnancy. They are so happy especially in laws. Cos me n hb tried for some time. My sister-in-law just gave birth in Jan so they will hv another grandchild in oct. Haha.. So fun to hv cousins born in the same year.

My parents are also very happy cos 1st grandchild.

Really pray that bb will continue to be healthy n grow well. Can't wait to see bb in oct..

bb: 13w5d

Edd: changed from 24th to 21st October

btw does sleeping position affect bb?

sun nite was sleeping on my side and hugging my bolster tightly, could feel some bb kicks but yest and now not much kicks.. its normal right?

good morning!

Re: baby movements

i am feeling mine more and more. maybe now i know how it feels like and can differentiate le. morning usually don't have. afternoon and evening more active.


i think if sleep on sides is okay. not on the tummy and if tummy gets bigger, not on the back also. on tummy and on back will cause uterus/baby to press on some major arteries and may lead to lack of oxygen to baby. go google and check? by the way, i also received the letter from MAH le. wonder what is the difference between deluxe room and single room?

last night i was feeling for the uterus and this time found it easily as it was popping out slightly when i lay on the bed. it's already only about an inch below the belly button. before we give birth will it actually fill up part of the ribcage area?

finally thread is working again.. no wonder just now so quiet...

just now my colleague just told me she is very envious that i am pregnant. she is only in her early 30s and has no fertility problem. so i asked her why she's envious. and she said because she had a miscarriage just yesterday when she was like 6 or 7 weeks. feel so sad for her... i can understand how painful that is. no one in the office knows except me. coincidentally, when she wasn't around yesterday, some of my colleagues were even gossiping about her, that she bought so many food don't know whether she pregnant or not. and if pregnant don't know if it is her boyfriend's etc etc... so nasty.

ladies are yr bellies showing yet? I think mine is! Last week i look just fat. This woman on the train kept staring at my tummy trying to guess if im pregnant or not.. in e end she didnt even give up her seat .. bleargh!


mummies i have a question.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/embarrassed.gif] how to buy maternity bra? do you just walk into the store and select your own or do you tell the sales asst that you want to buy maternity bra? i just realized that i am filling up the most accommodating bra i own. today suddenly feel very tight and "squeezed in". should i buy a size larger, or just make sure my buddies fit comfortably can already?


i have a tummy. but i just look like either (a) i ate too much, or (b) i have serious case of indigestion and bloatedness. no one gave up seats to me on the train also..


no lor. not on leave. i think she wants to keep it a secret and perhaps use work to take her mind off things. i asked her is she is taking any tonics but she said only boiling ginger slices to drink.

Zuen, been looking for u. Wanted to ask u ur risk ratio for ur #1. which component not that idéal? So how is thé procédure for ur amnio test tt Time?

My tummy is already showing because at 10 weeks, my gynae said my womb is the size of 14 weeks. Now I am 12 weeks and I think I look pregnant enough. It's also my 2nd pregnancy so I will show earlier. For my first pregnancy, I was showing only around 5th month onwards.

starrymommy: will getting bra extensions help? because your "twins" will grow bigger and personally I didn't buy any maternity bras. I only invested in nursing bras in my last trimester when their size are more or less there. maternity bras often come without padding, so i feel it's no point. at the beginning I asked the sales assistant for help cause I wasn't sure how I shld choose them.

Emmie: I think iron pills are supplements so you can take them at night if it's more convenient. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My tummy look obvious if i wear certain clothes. 1 friend saw me in black tank top with obvious tum tum asked, a week ago i wore a black shirt with a jacket thus it wasn't obvious.

Starrymommy, buy a bra extension available at dépt store, is cheap n shld tide u over.


all my bras are underwired. yours too? will definitely be more comfy if get the extensions, but wonder if the wire will cause my milk ducts to be under-developed when baby comes? i don't really like the look of maternity bras. look so thin! my nipples will sure show through lor.. and won't want that.

any mummies have suggestions? i also don't want to spend too much money now to buy some branded bras for my growing twins. later 5th or 6th month need to change again, waste money.

Hello ladies....

What a tiring night I have!!!


felt sorry for your colleague..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hope she will get well soon n back to ttc... ( if her partner is ready too)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maternity bra! Well, i would suggest that you buy nursing bra instead cos can use later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yep just walk into the shop n asked for one, most maternity boutiques carry maternity bras, Mothercare does! Other option to use your present bra is to buy extension first then buy maternity/nursing bra at 3rd trimester cos chAnces are your boobies will cont to blooms.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking about boobies .... Hmmmm surprisingly thus pregnancy didn't bloom as much as the prev one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

HB said still pretty ( what a word to describe ) !!!lol

prev one by now already C cup !! Grrrrrr......

Bb movement ,

felt a lil punch fyim inside but nothing vigorous!

My pre natAl mutivits n fish oil was advised to be taken in the morning![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah lor.. i asked her why come back to work as she shld be resting, she said no need, she feels fine. then so be it lor. feel so bad for her.. should i get her some chicken essence or what? she's quite a nice girl, but a couple of my more kpo colleagues don't like her much and always bad mouth her in front of the boss.

princess diamond,

your hubby so cute! pretty leh.. my hubby that day only pointed at my chest and said, "wah! so dark now." he meant the areola. like pouring cold water on me lor. as if i wanted them to turn dark.

Re: baby movement

haven't felt anything from baby yet. hopefully can feel something later! i am more assured when it keeps moving. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: bras

i don't like those nursing bras. too thin! anyway buy now later bloomz will have to buy again right? will buy those extension first see how. any other places selling more affordable maternity bras? the prices at mothercare are pretty steep to me.


there are nice nursing bras with paddings ...i bought mine from Spring maternity plus non underwire too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]can check it out!

princess diamond,

ok, i will check out spring. just nice i have a $10 voucher to use there.

i don't know who is holding back my Oscar results. TMC or my gynae's clinic. so frustrating! yesterday i called the clinic and the girl said haven't receive. so i wait... just now called, still nothing. so i called TMC. TMC said the results were faxed over yesterday afternoon! argh! i need to know so that i can make arrangements to leave work earlier as my gynae is in jurong, but my work place is at AMK. i hope they quickly get this sorted out and call me by 3.30pm.

Starrymommy, i Will call thé Lab. If i cant wait to Noé thé result. I Think she Will be touched by ur gesture if u buy chix essences for her, buy those most pple find it edible one? Cos i find some horrible.


i don't have lab number. only given TMC fetal assessment unit's reception number. give them 15 more mins... if they don't call me i will call them. don't know if my colleague drinks chicken essence. will probably buy for her.. 'cos later also going to buy some.

Starrymommy, the nursing bras are thin because you wear it with the nursing pads (I used disposible nursing pads) when you are nursing baby. The nursing pads are there to soak up all the leakage from the breasts when they are too full of milk.


i don't mean nice as in beautiful bras with lace and paddings,..it is just normal but comfy t shirt nursing bra...wear and tear easily..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinky, yr tummy size don't count since u;re carrying twins.. hehe

starrymommy, my tummy was also bloated and big at 12 weeks, strangely it's now smaller at 14 weeks and i look more like a pregnant lady now coz my belly is growing at the right place..lol. With bloating, tummy was big from top (near esophegus area) till my lower abdomen.. like balloon lor.

i just did my oscar today and prelim scan results seems to be good. =) was told bb is growing nicely. i thot my hubby supposed to do blood test today with me.. disappointed when i was told only me (hubby was gleeful tho)..turns out i was stressed over the blood test for almost ntg..the needle prick did not hurt as much as i thot. *phew* i get nervous when i see needles.. but the prev time when i did a blood test it was more painful!

anyway according to TMC, my results would be faxed over to the clinic tmr.. but judging by some comments here, i think i shall not expect to be notified tomorrow.. *fingers and toes crossed* for all clear results!

my tummy is only slightly showing only.. =p sometimes i bit scared to see preg woman on train cos later they think i dont wanna gif up seat for them how? hahaha!

out of curiousity, has anyone of u started buying bb stuff?

Marrissa, Same as mine.

Snoopy, more of My details thanks:

7 Oct Edd

âge: 28 in a few mths

# 1

snoopy, princess diamond,

thanks for the suggestions and tips. i don't think i want to wear nursing bras now and have nipples showing. if need to use nursing pads then i think i will wait till 3rd trimester le. now i just need something large and more comfy. still can wear underwire, as long as not too tight?? by the way, once i reach home, i am bra-less. lots more comfortable that way!


yah, when i am bloated, i am exactly what you just described too. now slowly showing more in the lower tummy. hopefully can look pregnant soon! haha!



i am wearing the triumph non-wired bras. more comfortable. cos the cup size also increase rite? if only use the extension, the cup size is still the old one.

yeah. i agree the nursing bra from spring maternity is good. relatively cheaper and comfortable.

