(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

jap in orchard road area: any rec for nice restaurants? going later n my mum wants jap to celebrate her bday.

pinky: thx. better now. hope stays clear cos going bk n it's cool n dry cos winter is starting. dun want to be itching under all the layers! ur dentist sjd be able to advise if ok to extract. i know during preg is unsafe so i cld not repair or clean my teeth in 3rd trim. i cannot wait to get them cleaned n fixed!!!


jap in orchard:

i like tonkichi @taka.


i have intention to get bb passport ready soon.. but have yet to bring bb to take picture from e professional photoshop. any mummies have their bb passport ready to share about the waiting timing from the ICA???

sun block lotion:

mummies, what brands of sunblock lotion are u using for ur toddlers???

mamy poko pull up pants:

NTUC is having promo for their pull up pants!!

Hey mummies sorr tomorrow cannot join for lunch. Bringing my niece to meet my sis to run some errands instead. should be at city hall area so might run into u all!


^5!!! nex time we can have a lunch date there.. yum yum!!!! no lar e pull up are meant for e toddlers.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherry Neo,

Use digital camera and take bb pic at home. Use a nappy cloth or some white cloth as the background. Bb can lie down on the white cloth while you take a pic. I think they are quite chin chai about the pic if it's bb's. Even if the pic has a shadow due to light reflection, it's ok. Cos at the end of the day when it's printed on the new biometric passport, can't see the shadow also.

With the digital pic, can apply passport and pay online at ICA webite. Put down your email addr in the application. They will email you in 3 working days if the application is successful. After that, you can go to ICA website and make e-appt and select date/time to collect passport. Pls make e-appt cos then you won't need to wait in the queue. If you go there and queue, be prepared to wait about 1.5hr, which was what I did stupidly cos I decided to go a day before my appt since my HB on leave! Bb need to be present for passport collection. Bring birth cert and IC of parent who applied for the passport. If you are bringing bb to collect passport yourself, best to apply under your name instead of HB's.

Passport application and e-appt can be found on main page of ICA website. You won't miss it unless you super kok eye. :p


I need help in reducing my bm supply. Nowadays breast become very engorge by 4 hours. Tried not emptying the breast to tell the brain to produce less but not useful. Was latching full time from fri to sat but din pump out and yet supply increase.

My breast are getting saggy cos of loose skin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh.. A cup goes to D cup when milk builds up. I don't want saggy breasts.


Got ur email, will transfer the $$ to you tonight. Thanks for all the effort. Really appreciate it and saves me a lot of time to source for the songs.

Jap food

Can try ION Orchard basement for a place with katsu curry rice, they sell other fried items with curry too. I think it is cheaper than tonkichi and just as good.

Leo baby

Can't join you in the morning liao.. only free in afternoon on 26th nov.


I will be around city hall area tomorrow. At purvis street eating thai food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just opposite odeon towers.

Water babies photoshoot in dec

Anyone interested? I just realised that bb cannot touch chlorine water till one yr old. So how ar?? Just mummies bikini shoot by poolside? Think babies will catch cold without thermal swimwear if they don't go into water. I saw that Pat is setting up her own photography business. Like her outdoor shoots very much.


I gotten my new parents pack thru ur colleague liao. Like the receiving blanket i got but would have come in useful in the initial stage cos i don't have one but now seem quite useless liao.

Good new ladies,

My part time application is approved. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Stretching from feb till Aug. Meaning more time with my boy till he is almost one yr old. Though i think 1 to 3 yrs is more important hor. I don't think i remember anything further than two to 3 yrs old stuff.

Pinky: I did root canal last yr at nuh dental under prof tseng. He is like the head of the dept there so v reliable n he did a gd job for me. Wat hap to ur tooth? U fell down?

Hanabi buffet: am able to join for hanabi tmr can add my name pls cos using iPhone can't update. Wil meet there direct. Wun bring Bb so can pig out in peace. Any northeast mummies wan a lift fr Punggol?

Op: I finally submitted my form. Lol, super procrastinator. But stil yet to call my church to fax in extract. So troublesome

sab: thanks so much for the list of nannies - unfortunately none seem to be ard my area in serangoon... yah, hoping to get thru recommendation but if dun have also bo bian... maybe have to rely on agency recommendation already...

while infantcare is also an option, we debated quite a bit before deciding that we prefer babysitter in the case that i proceed to work because

1) 1:1 attention

2) less chances of being infected by other sick children

3) even if fall sick, no need to take leave and bring home like infantcare

4) in case both hb and i need to travel for work, can leave baby with babysitter (of cos this is a last resort)

5) flexible on hours - in case need to work OT or have concall and neither can make it in time to fetch baby, no need to pay fine

of cos infantcare has its pros also in that babies will learn to interact, develop social skills and be exposed to more learning...

does anyone happen to know of any good babysitters in serangoon area? i'm helping my neighbour to look out for one and if i do proceed to work, will also need one...

pomme low (pomelo-heehee): you super lucky to get part time job - best of both worlds!

ms sickening: will update you again about tomorrow - unlikely will make it already cos better be safe in case i also carry his stomach flu virus and infect anyone - choy!!! twirley will also probably not come along in this case...sorry ah - much as i want to come, think better play it safe!

Pomme: thanks, was just trying out the greenery effect [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is great ur co allow part time can spend more time wif Bb. It is def worth it. I also agree wif u fr yr 1 to 3 when they more aware prob can remember better when they grow up. Perhaps infant time still sleeping alot etc. I quit my job when #1 turned 1 yr. Wif tots there r always so many things to do wif them n totally exhaust us. Mayb if ur co is willing u can continue ur part time arrangement for another yr?


I don do pumping already so bb will have to follow every where I go. Can't join u tonight as tod skip her nap....

Bb Einstein, I might have the softcopy. Tonight will go find n c if I can upload to a webby to share .

Huggies contact

I do have , not sure if she is willing to do delivery. My collection point is at 201 tampines .ah yun 98753285 / 62603698

Hi mummies,

I'm back! Sorry for not login in earlier as I hv been busy looking after my 2 darlings myself since HB overseas.


All babes there, it was great to c all and the little ones! So happy to b out to meet the grp and put faces to the nicks :D


Thanks for organising and coordinating this outing! The heavy rain din dampen our spirits and it was a huge outcome! Looking forward to meet more often :p

BrownRice & Pat

Hey babes, it was really great to chat with u both! Heehee 3 of us there hv #2s already, wat coincidence! Pat, ur boy is a great foodie! Wish my son can be like him.. aiyo mine is such a fussy eater. Brownrice, hope to c ur boy next time! Shall PM u my acct for the buffet lunch, no worries k.

Clueless, Ebelle, OP & Jessica

Nice chatting with u all, wish can hv more time to chat longer!

Jessica: thanks so much for ur effort & time! Nice to meet u finally and find u such a bubbly lady [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oops sorry I forgot the lady's nick who was with me at the cashier paying for the buffet. Pardon my scrambled eggs brain, nice meeting u too


RE: x'mas gathering at ur plc

SHall attend and pls add me in the list. SHall Pm u my details, thanks babe! I can get romper myself if it's too much of a hassle for u to get for me. Looking forward to the X'mas party! Woohoo! Oh mummies any x'mas dresscode? sorry the thread moving way too fast, can't remember where's the details for this outing. 3rd Dec, Friday rite? Thx a million!!!


Yo babe, hahaha finally meeting in person! Ur son is really sweet! Love the hair! Take care when u r bk at macau & do load up the local food!!! Prima packs are great! Chat more on msn :p



SUnscreen: I have been using California Baby's Citronella sunscreen for my #1. Great for face & body and citronella helps to keep bugs away too . It's non-chemical & PABA free. great for sensitive skin.

Letty:Babe, nice chatting with u at the buffet outing!Ur gal is such a sweetie.. hahahaha love ur idea of bringing the DVD player to the buffet for her, think I need it too to distract my son next time instead of iphone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Saw ur FB pics, really nice work!

pinkkluv - ya, my dentist name very powerful ;p Easy to remember

Tonkichi - East side mummies, there's a branch in Tampines Mall fyi, level 2.

23rd Nov, Tues lunch buffet 1130am to 230 hanabi @ odeon towers

1. Pinkyluv (cityhall mrt)

2. Shinchan(cityhall mrt)

3. Mango (odeon tower)

4. Yvonne (cityhall mrt)

5. mag

6. Ebelle (Odeon towers)

7. jacelyn

8. Tigerlily (cityhall mrt)

9. PAT (odeon tower)

Pomme, wah increasing bm supply despite mostly pumping! Do you feed your bb with formula or you have enough stored? I'm trying to fill up my freezer while feeding DS. I used to be able to pump more than the 125ml of each Avent bottle on each side but now like only half of it at each afternoon pump. Scared not enough stored up for him when I go back to work...

Benedictine DOM - question ar mommies, how do u drink this? It's to bu3 shen1 ti3 right? Think I need this now, 'cos I keep feeling cold these days =(, need to tonify myself..

SarahMay / Phyphy - Re the bb einstein, np, at your convenience. One of my friends bought Baby IQ for Daniel and I'm not sure if it's similar. Lots of moving graphics and classical music in the bkgrd. I used it for Daniel's waketime. Guess what, I think over stimulated, he kept screaming in the middle of his naps/sleep, like nightmare like that!

Hihi, wanna check if anyone stopped breastfeeding yet? My boy is 2 months old and i already have very little supply... perhaps also due to less pumping. Or in this case if i continue, are there still ways to rectify this problem?

And also, wanna check if anyone is feeding their babies with chinese herbal medicine, said to have ginseng, pearl powder and stuff to reduce colic and phlegm, also to build immunity.

Leo baby / Sarahmay,

Thanks for your advice on sleeping bags. Will go check them out.


Yeah, I think that's the problem with pumping more than latching, cos their intake increase but supply is not increasing, which is wat i'm experiencing now. And I also nvr pump for 5-6 hrs sometimes, I think it also contributed to the decrease. Regret not being more consistent with pumping. I'm trying to total breastfeed to increase the supply again, dunno if it will work.

Jessica: Wat's the Pearl Powder for? Congrats on the success of ur training. Yo can u recap how u do it? I think it's time for my bb to zz tru. And how to pronouce ur bb's name? Chased? or Chess-ed? Cos my gf wans a nice boy's name starting with C. U not coming to Hanabi tmr?

Diminishing SS:

Up pumping to maintain SS...just saw gynae she said something about ss fall. menses will return, so if menses ret means ss will fall soon???

any tbfing mummies have trained bb sleep through the night? please teach me how. My baby is coming to 2 month old. Last night wanted to try feeding water but bb was screaming. drank less than a sip. he was struggling then i gave up. feed him milk. I am returnng work end of next month, hope to train him before then.


Yup, every time menses come, ss will drop. Sad, but it true lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Enjoy your Hanabi lunch gathering mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, i m a sept mummy too... Can i chk if there is anyone here who is self employed n is applying for the govt paid maternity leave? I m not sure if i can apply nw or oni after 4 mths, can anybody share with me? Thks alot in advance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunshine: i not self employed but doing HR for my co, my understanding is that you can only apply after u finish 4mths maternity. as there is a requirement for you to put the date of maternity leave in the claim. so e.g. give birth in sept, 4mth shd end Dec 2010.. u can claim after that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


fever's gone already, thank goodness! She got it after her jab, not high fever, just feverish all over. She took the 6 in 1 on the 8th week, next 2 jabs will be on 4th month n 6th mmonth. Aye, how come diff? i just follow the dates pedi ask us to go. Wat abt Charlotte's jab?

hi jessica, i hv send msg to you already...

hi all mummy, i hvn been logining here for very very long and miss out the outing... hope i cn join all of you the nx time round...

Hi Jessica,

For the morning feed,will u increase the intake?is it u put 4.5oz of water but 5 spoons of powder?y dun put 4.5 spoon?more full?will it be heath?


Same, me also follow pedi. I don't know what is the jab, cos I don't have the health book with me now. I will message you.


Seem like there issnt any gathering before you are leaving us. But do keep in touch and will catch up again when you return. Hope you have recover from your rash.

Talking abt milk bags...

When I walked into a Hello Kitty shop yday and saw that they sold Hello Kitty breastmilk storage bags, I thought to myself, haha maybe I should buy for my little Dear Daniel..

But this evening, I just want to highlight to us mommies to be extra careful with how we handle the bags. Tonight, Daniel was fussing a lot, and hb told me not to give breast ('cos DS seem to want only breast at night - trying to teach DS adaptability).

Hb scrambled to get the EBM ready. First bag we tried to thaw leaked. Then, second bag also leak, so we also threw away, so gek! Pigeon brand ones actually, but could be because we tried to stuff the bags into our (first) freezer that was running out of space... =(

Blood in newborn stool?

Was shocked to see streaks of fresh blood in DS' stool tonight. It's not a lot, so could have almost missed it. Chked his anus and didn't see any obvious cut leh, so called PD and he guess it cud be cow's milk allergy.

Googled more abt this and was sad to read that it takes so long for mooooooooo proteins to be eliminated from my own body--10 days to 3 wks! I just drank lots of milk this morning and tonight, pasta with cream. Thought this will give DS more protein...

Sigh, supposed to monitor over the next 2 weeks. I feel so limited now that I am breastfeeding, dun really know for sure what I can eat and what I can't. Grrr!

