(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 11:01 pm:    Hi-Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ?

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango (ok with both dates)

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop (16th not able to, you guys go ahead ba)

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle (im ok with both dates)

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

19) Mama G (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

20) Shinchan (ok with both dates but prefer Orchard Htl Hi-tea)

21) BabyT (both dates also can)


Gathering @ Compasspoint:

Can I come along? I am free! kekeke.. was suppose to have a shoot but postponed to friday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What time is it suppose to be?

East Gathering:

Another one anytime soon? I can open my place too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Toddlers welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You are very engineer in your invention! I can be your distributor too! Can't buy from you unless I am planning for #3. hahahaha....


So kan chiong to match make the bbs already oh. :p

Swimming for baby,

I used to let cavin swim when his neck is strong.

seeing so many updates on babies in fb, i missed my Christy so much... When can I get to see her? hai...

mummies with kids gotten HFMD before,

Actually HFMD need how long to recover? Thinking to disinfect the whole house I am so tired... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But must do right if not I worry the virus "walking" around in the house. But hor, fridge need to disinfect or not? Cavin always went to open my fridge and touch the things inside, I am worry the coldness inside will "preserve" the virus.

Been v busy to login last few days cos Bb v cranky keeps crying n carry also fuss. V tired. Can't wait to meet up wif northeast mummies tmr. Hope can manage wif Bb out alone. Cya ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica n chewy: me too also struggling wif #1 and Bb. John has been fighting for attention and as he is reaching terrible 2 he is really v whiny and cry for no gd reason everytime such that I gotta scold him so many times a day I feel so drained. And now meimei v cranky only latching can soothe her but I once I stop latch she wil start to scream again. So I end up latching her for v long and gor gor gets bored and frustrated cos he WANs me to play wif him. Everyday just feels like not enuf time somehow.

Jessica: dun do anything foolish ok. U r doing a great job handling 3 kids and can go out wif them alone. It is a feat already. Now things may b difficult and our kids drive us nuts at times but they wil grow up b4 we knw it. Do look on brighter side ya

Hi Sab,

Sorry for the late reply. Only managed to go online cos my mom's plc got no internet connection! It's really a big sacrifice cos I love to buy dresses (I used to buy at least 2 a week) and I know that if I don't work, I wont have that luxury anymore. It's also very tiring to take care of bb, but I can't seem to think of any better alternative solution. And also, I want to be there to witness all her little milestones - her first mouth of cereal, first steps, first word spoken (hopefully is mama, not dada!). I think the memories will last longer than any of my material wants.

1.Helper - Tried and somehow my mom just don't trust her to even wash milk bottle

2. Infantcare - I visited one before and really can't bear to leave her there. My friend put her bb in infantcare at 2+ months and bb fell sick often. My friend is so heart pain she always cries at her work place, i got a feeling I will be like her.

3. Nanny - It's really hard to find a good one. I've tried to ask before and nobody can recommend me a good one.

I worked out the budget with the hubby, stating how much we gng to spend on what each month. Therefore, he knows what he have to pay for, everything is very clear, to avoid problems cause by monetary issues next time. Like Phyphy, I have a lil bit of savings to use if there are some things I like to buy for myself and baby. But neccessities and monthly contribution to my parents will be covered by him.

And I can go to my mom's plc from morning to evening, so it's not so tiring for me. THough mom cannot concentrate on taking care of bb cos I have a nephew, at least can help a lil here and there.

ShinChan & PinkyLuv,

I will be taking my maternity leave until this Sept, after which I will not be renewing my contract liao. Already told my boss my intention to take care of bb for a year and she is very supportive. ;) Anyway I have been in my role for 2 years, and my company advocates role switches every 2 years. Hopefully can go back there again, love the work culture.


Yes,I will b home for a year. it's 95% finalized! Come and find me!!

Compasspoint gathering tomorrow

Ladies, what time would you be staying until? I hope to join, but it pretty much depends on my baby's mood tomorrow. She is having a bad tummy these few days.

Anyway, just to share, I got an sms from Metro saying that tomorrow bet 6pm-10pm is Xmas preview for UOB card holders, got storewide 20% sale!! Maybe can go shopping there after tea! I need to get a cot mobile.

Hi Optimus Prime (optimusprime)

I have pm you my hp. Do u mind to sms me ur hp no, instead of PM?

I have started working and thus will be taking half day leave to attend the gathering.

Look forward to see some of you gals in Compass Point.

Windy & Phy Phy:

SAHM! Nice.. and we are all in tampines [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Pls pls do become regular visitors at my place too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tml's Gathering:

See you guys tml!


I think all of us including our elder ones are adopting to each other. It's not easy but it will be over soon( most likely a few years later) .

My gal have been quite a lovely Sis but when she mid of the night, she will scream n cry. I'm thinking did she subpress her feeling, as she is doing it every night. Hd will get v. Angry n threaten to beat her, this make her cry even louder.


Great, T2 got playmate already.


Thanks for your sharing.

We might try to source for infant care, hope is not too late to start now.

Of cos looking after ourself is the best option. But the hot weather, it can be crazy cos I dont have air con at home. My hubby works and only come back at home at night, he simply cannot understand how it is like in the afternoon. We just had a quarrel over this when I told him I want to install. To be SAHM, I not sure if I do have a supportive and understanding husband. Big risk and very emotional vulnerable. He doesn't bother to understand what I am going through everyday at home with baby. Like yesterday, he looks after baby from 9 pm to 12 am, bb was cranky at 9 plus, I help to put her to sleep, then 12 plus she was cranky again, he just pass her to me cos he has officially "knock off". He thinks is an easy job, cos I could just offer bb my breast. But but, is not just that, after her suckling, I also need to coax her, carry her walk around, cuddle her before she sleeps.

Shinchan: lol! Sickening! U in central ma, north east south west u also ok one.. Hahaha!

Hushlibb: what happened to my dear? Hahaha!! Y nv poo poo? Tell him i still love him as before ok!


Yes do join us! Hv PM u my HP.


Say 3-6pm? Dinner crowd will prolly come in from 6, so we can free up the tables. PM u my HP.

Metro got sale? I want to go!

Anyone else?

Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm


1. OP

2. Pat

3. Phyphy

4. Mama G (currently not feeling well so may/may not come)

5. BabyT

6. Lizzie

7. Elle

8. Shirlyn

9. tigerlily n helper

10. Krishojw n helper (Maybe)

11. Letty

12. Windy?

OP - Lizzie not coming as she's not feeling well... I'm more than 3/4 recovered, still thinking whether to go not.. If any mummies catch the virus I'll feel so bad..


My #2 kanna hfmd juz b4 i gave birth, think it took abt 10days to two weeks to recover ba. Then u need to bring him bk to doc to review.


U r alr v strong n brave ok. n if u r brave to consider doin anything foolish, be brave to go ahead wit life. Soon, u wil find yr life full of excitement soon. Tink positive!


sorry. Cant make it today cos I'm still recovering from my cold. Bad news is, my bb gana from me. Hai. Sick mummy looking aft a sick bb...

U gals enjoy ya!

Hi-Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango (ok with both dates)

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop (16th not able to, you guys go ahead ba)

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~ (both dates also can)

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle (im ok with both dates)

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

19) Mama G (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

20) Shinchan (ok with both dates but prefer Orchard Htl Hi-tea)

21) BabyT (both dates also can)

Hi-Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ?

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango (ok with both dates)

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily (both dates - ok)

9) Jacqueline A(ktop (16th not able to, you guys go ahead ba)

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle (im ok with both dates)

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

19) Mama G (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

20) Shinchan (ok with both dates but prefer Orchard Htl Hi-tea)

21) BabyT (both dates also can)

22) Pat (both dates - ok)


Update for u le.

Hi-Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) pinkyluv (ok with both dates)

2) mango (ok with both dates)

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily (ok with both dates)

9) Jacqueline Aktop (16th not able to, you guys go ahead ba)

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~(im ok with both dates)

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle (im ok with both dates)

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

19) Mama G (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

20) Shinchan (ok with both dates but prefer Orchard Htl Hi-tea)

21) BabyT (both dates also can)

22) Cool ( ok only if on 16 Nov)

23) Pat (ok for both dates)

24) Chewy (ok for 16 Nov)

PS: Shinchan

Regarding y we r meeting @ Novena [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cos dun noe the actual number of people. Orchard Hi Tea promo is 2 for 2, 2 person go, the next 2 foc..so we need multiplies of 4

Difficult to guarantee the turnout is in multiples of 4 ..unless u ladies can tt to one of those with UOB card maybe latest by next sunday 14 Nov ?

so in case the total number is less than that at Novena Station Crtl, we go high tea at Novena Zhou Kitchen. If in multiples of 4 , we just move on to orchard lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I went to tabao salmon belly sashimi ytd after reading all the posting on jap food. My ang ot, told him got sashimi in fridge. I went to sleep after dinner cos' my bb been fussy every nite she only sleep after 1am or 2am. When I woke up at 11pm last nite, went to open the fridge sashimi all gone - my ang finish them while having his beer.


pls organise jap buffet again - i want to eat salmon belly.


Where is Hanabi? If organise for west mummies only then how I go. Me more to the east or rather northeast side.


hehe, Japan Buffet end nov ok?

Location near Plaza sing


they advertise in newspaper..

1 buffet every fornight is still resonable , one buffet a week may be too much :p

alto as usual i dun practice what I preach

last week at Tarafuku, tmr Neo garden, next week another one at RWS, and after that the Hi Tea with u gals

still have yet to meet up with my own pals for hi tea cos scared i can't fit into my D & D dress..so will meet up with them after my D & D is over


Wont it be too late if we gather at Novena then move to Orchard Htl? Moreover, mummies may not be so mobile with babies tagging along. Can I suggest that we jus settle at Orchard Hotel and all mummies split the cost equally. i.e. if 21 mummies turn up, we will pay for the first 20 mums using the promo and the 21st one separately. Then we total up the bill and divide by 21 mummies.. How? Or anyone has a better suggestion?

Tiger lily - ur ang is sooooo bad!!!! Haha... U know ar I'm super protective of my food especially if it's my favourite food or I buy myself de then difficult to find or expensive... Wah that time I bought the Japanese cheese cake and cheese stick total $50++... my ang ate the last pc of cheese cake... I screamed at him and cried... So angry... Childish I know but it's my favourite cheese cake!!!! Haha... From that day onwards at home nobody dare to eat my food... Even in office... I always say very loud... WAH GOT HUNGRY GHOST, WHO DRANK MY COKE!!!!! And I start banging things... Once nia, the next time I buy coke nobody dare to touch... =)

ya lor this Yvonne also bu hui Xiang Xiang she also half north east mummy lor... Haiz... But only think for west mummy Nia... Haiz...


TigerLily: Hanabi is at bt timah, if im nt wrong got another one at orchard. I never go d orchard one before.. Hehehe.

BabyT: u sickening woman, ok la.. We go orchard one lor.. But i think pinkyluv have another venue in mind right?


Can you advise on the following?

1. Orchard hotel high tea original price before ++ if no promo

2. Zhou Kitchen high tea price before ++?



haha... Ur hb hor.. then did u give him a piece of your mind??


I thgt the town hanabi is near cityhall, beside bras basah? Btw, I think that outlet quite cramp, may not be so baby friendly.


Wah.. ur makan expedition very happening leh..


Ya. I told my ang. Why never keep some for me? He answer me - you can eat meh. You BFing leh. Steady lor. BFing like everything cannot eat liao lor. So when we going to the Internation buffect at ResortWorld? I wanna use the voucher before leh. Wan to use it before I go back to work in mid Dec leh.


About the coke joke. After reading them. I had a can of coke to myself last Sunday at my PIL place after dinner. My ang look at me eyes big big but didn't say anything cos' alot of ppl there. hahaha....


Congrats wor, the judges oso mesmerised by Germaine's sexy lips.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


never leh. i woke up cos' my bb screaming at the top of her voice. so i got to coax her. my ang very clever lor just say she wants to latch then give me. sianz... then from 11pm to 2am, i need to pump, hand express n pat her to sleep. heng, my ang auto help me feed my gal. ah bo i sure kee siao de.


Oh ya. congrats - must be Germaine's sexy lips la. I oso mesmerised by her lor - so nice. Feel like kissing her.

My gal got consolation.


Congrats on Athena's winning too! I din enrol Denise for it leh. I conveniently click no when ordering with sweetest moments, oso dunno y.. maybe I do confinement until qi siao liao.. lol

haiz.. I tell u ah, sometimes men are jus so buay chak lak. I oso have similar incidents with my hb.. can only shake head.


Aiyo, when can my flu fully recover??? I'm very bored at home but I cannot go out... Tempted to go for the Compass Point gathering but scare I spread to others.. haiz..

OP/ shinchan

the price at orchard is like that ard 33 per person b4 promo

if multiply of 4 , half price, cos 2 for 2, so 16.50 nett

if 23, the 1st 20 is still promo, but next three person pay 33 each

zhou is 15 nett


wear a mask la. i went to collect my blood test result at polyclinic ytd. - test whether still got high sugar anot. heng bo liao. now back to normal but was advise to check yearly. i had dry throat and some cough. so consulated the doc la since i already pay for consulation - $9.50 only la. i ask bfing safe med., polyclinic doc v. kiasu lor. no fever oso give panadol - heng only $1.40 for 20x. flu pill - 10x $1.40. losengen - 20x $1.40 cough mixture - 1bottle $1.40 Think all their medicine is price at $1.40 ba.

Orchard Hi Tea

so is it confirm on the 16 Nov?

shinchan > you must be in finance/accounting line.. hahaha i am fine with that suggestion of yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw is it a special UOB card promo? or there is other card promo with other terms and codition?

Xmas Gathering

are we having group pictures taken by photographers ar?


yes, confirmed 16 nov since the majority ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes to xmas gathering photography..mag is liasing with photographer.

Tigerlily/ BabyT

congrats ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


anyway, next time when the babies r older, we can go attend babies' show together =)

Tiger lily - gong xi gong xi... Actually I bf I eat everything... I only never drink alcohol Nia except for a few sips...

Yvonne - hehe... U half west half north east but ur heart in west... so sad...

Shinchan - I should be going for the tea at compasspoint... U haven't recover ar?? My doc gave me kids medicine, NON DROWSY, end up 30 mins later my eyes close... Duh...

jessica, phyphy & Pat: thx babes, it's really tough hving more children. Guess juz hv to hang in there... I feel relieved I am not alone on this rocking boat, as sometimes I really wonder if my son has some serious issues to be looked at by professionals. My Hb will always say it's a passing phrase but he only handles the kids fully on weekends but I am staring at them 24/7... sigh. Getting a maid may b a gd idea for me, but having a helper has its own problems, plus with our privacy sacrificed... headache. Guess I just hv to b more positive like some of u here :D

Jessica: You are doing so fine! U inspired me to think more positive, thx babe! You are superb taking all 3 out and yes, I think all of us need some fresh air. Hope Christophe enjoys his birthday!

Pat: Thx babe, TOtally understandable abt John now... he might start to put things in his mouth too so be careful of little thgs like coins, even meimei's pacifiers!!! My Elliot nvr takes pacifers before until now when he sees meimei has one, he wants one too. Aiya, joining the TTClub makes Elliot very sensitive to comments too so we always hv to praise him. He jumps around the house like a monkey on martin. Last time I din understand my neighbour;s kid of tt age and thot wat a notti boy.. now it's my turn.. oops.

PHyphy: thx babe. Yeah, we r all learning to adapt, guess I am too impatient,eg many times he wants me to carry him like I carry meimei, but I hd c-sec so I refrain fr carrying him long. My fren warned me not to carry heavy thgs and the heavier kids esp too often, for first 6 weeks as she had hernia for experience and had to go for op. Pretty frustrating at times as I wished I had natural delivery, hence physically I can look after the kids better.

Thx all, feel much better airing here.

Anyone wanna meet during wkdays in CCK, Bt Panjang or bt timah, drop me a mail and let's meet for lunch or tea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah, that's wat I meant. We then totalled up the bill for the 20 pax(under promo) + the 3 persons (pd @ $33) and divide equally among 23 persons lor. How?

Aiyo.. the thgt of the hi-tea pastries, cakes and desserts are making drool alrdy.. cham ah.. how to lose weight?


Been wearing mask at hm lor, very hot lor, so uncomfortable. THink our society still not used to see pple wearing mask. That day i wore mask on my way to see a doc, the pple looked at me as if I'm a weirdo. :s


Yupz yupz.. me in accounting line.


Yes, agreed that in SG pple r not so used to wearing masks which is a very gd practice. U r so considerate as to wear mask and it's a gd gesture, thx so much babe. Wish the govt has some campaign to educate the public to be more considerate and wearing masks to prevent more germs being spread in the air. There are just too many pple falling sick, esp kids in SG.


hello mummies,

thanks for all the advice on baby's bowel movements - lucas still have yet to poo even though i tried most of what you mummies have recommended already - must be cos i scolded him for pooing so jia lat last fri, he now take revenge on me!!!

like shinchan, super bored at home - will only get worse cos hb away for 2 weeks, that's why dun dare to join in any gatherings - scared wait too tired at night no energy to do night duty...

was saying to shinchan how come so coincidental so many mummies down with flu - BBT, Lizzie, Jacelyn, Shinchan, me, now tiger lily - scully there was virus lurking around last fri...

lucas also down with cough and blocked nose... really scared he kena RSV since it's going around. previously when we went to dr tan with the same problems + phelgmy throat, he mentioned that other than these symptoms, the minute lucas has any of these other symptoms must go a&e immediately (cos scared he kena bronchitis) so rather stressed monitoring him now...

1) significant decline in feeding - like almost totally dun want to drink at

2) looking listless

3) cough until face red

4) heavy deep breathing like can't breath properly

so super sian now...

jia you to all mummies, no matter what, the stupid hb all cannot come close to us in terms of what we have to sacrifice for our little ones... the men just dun get it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

