(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


If change to 16/10, I sure go! :D And I really hope it'd be Orchard Hotel. Sure hv a lot of cake cake pastry pastry stuff - I like! Zhou Kitchen sounds like v Chinese food. But if hv to go there, I oso ok lah.


Wonder if there is a phase when bb drinks less milk? Mine going 10wk.. Drinks abt 600+ daily but since yesterday, drank only abt 520ml.. Zzz a lot though..do

not know bb oso can go on diet...think my gal lost wt... Her double chin not very prominent now....Chaim... PD visit only in another 3 wks now....ask bb drinks more, cannot go

on diet...smile and shows me her finger??!!!

Aries mum, yah mine also drink lesser now compared to when she was 3 weeks old! now she only has 5 feeds a day and each feed average to 120ml - which is abt 600 ml or less per day. I rememeber #1 drank abt 800ml per day during the same time. But she seems to be fine so i will just leave her lo ... hope it does not drop further. I am hoping she increase the volume per feed.

Pinkyluv nice pic! Too bad i couldnt join. So bored at home.

OP: the 1st pic boy is Jaron, Weiting's bb and the 4th boy is Issac, badfifi's bb.

the pics are really lovely! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Idea for new invention

Yesday while latching bb, she on off dozing. Mom ask me to tap her cheek now n then to wake her up n suckle. End up I just put my finger there and keep tapping so that she'll be constantly reminded to keep sucking. And then a bright idea! *ding*

Invent a electronic finger gadget thingy to do the cheek tapping. This gadget can be clipped/attached somewhere (dont ask me where - hvnt think so far). Can hv 3 speed (maciam fan) - slow, medium, fast tapping.

My girl also likes to be pat to z. So maybe I can improve on the electronic finger gadget and invent an electronic palm gadget. Also can be attached somewhere (on the cot?) and hv 3 speed of patting and 3 different strength (pat hard/medium/soft).

My mum say I might as well invent a burping gadget! Braddy good idea! I told her I just need a positioning equipment to clamp bb in place in a sitting position, with some neck support, then use the electronic hand gadget to attach on and pat bb. So for those mommies who spend 15-20min during night feed to burp bb, you can place bb on this gadget and go back to z. Set timer to 15-20min n no of burps. Alarm will ring when gadget detects X burp or when time is up.

Good? :D

(Help! I'm bored!)

OP u are very innovative!! haha i agree with you, hope someone invent the 3 gadgets u have thought of! really need it to let the tired or rather lazy mummy rest... HEHE


Nice pics... So how was ur one for one lunch? Did ur kyra wake up to feed again kekeke ?


Tks for hosting us today..... So tired reach home pump and nap ..


Hahaha! I see!

See the pic of Kyra and Isaac! Isaac beo Kyra while Kyra look down coyly! Pinkyluv, confirm liao! The signs are all there! :D


I'm glad you like my idea! :D

All gadgets will be powered by rechargeable lithium ion batteries and at least 10hr battery life (you won't want bb to be pat halfway thru the night and battery mati and bb wakes). The reason for it being battery operated is si that there will be no unsightly cables which may pose as a hazard to bb.


haha, yupz, we manage to rush there b4 2pm :p

it was a good lunch, alto yes, kyra wakes up to feed after i had my 4th mouthful..sigh*


hahahaha!! great idea!!! I like! remember the patting device must have some cushioning on it hor, else baby will feel it is being beaten instead of being pat or burped. :p

Orchard Hi Tea,

Oh if the high tea is changed to 16th, I can go too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

West Side Mummies,

Pictures are cute! the heart shaped pillows are good decor for pinky's idea.

I have recovered but my girl seems to have caught my flu and was running a slight temperature just now. My #1 fell ill yday also. Hiaz.

Pinkyluv > yup next tues Novena 2pm is in my calendar.. but .. ehhe paiseh.. where we meet ar? won't be brining my little one though haha still not confident yet to bring her out alone.

Orchard HI TEA - 16 Nov - ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Burping machine - i would be your supporter and would buy it once it is produce!! hahaa

Pinkyluv:VV cute pix! Also would like to join you gals for the tea. So 1 more pax to 16? M ok with either days[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle

Tiger Lily: Jus saw PD, he said for abt 5kg, milk range from 600 (or 650) to 700( or 750)ml per day is ok. My bb oso not drinking as much alot lesser than last wk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yes yes, will hv soft cushioning! If popular, I'll release a version 2 which will hv voice recording and playback function so you can record yourself singing your bb's fav nursery rhymes. Can record several tracks dpdg on RAM space. Then as the gadget pats bb, can play the recordings. :D

Hi Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ?

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

i saw this in Weiting's Lovenest and think it is really true with a lot of humour, so sharing here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



dun worry , just come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the actual turnout will be those who appear at Novena lah at 2pm on 16 Nov =)

after that, we will decide on the next stop

anyway, i have a backup plan..so not to worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

those with UOB card pls bring along, cos 1 card only can have max 12 diners @ Orchard

pinkyluv: orh okay! i have uob card as well. =PP

rem to organise one jap buffet at Hanabi for west side mummies yea! hehe.

for west side mummies who like sashimi/ jap food, there's this 'fish market sakuraya' at basement of West coast plaza (formerly known as Ginza). Very nice and reasonably priced.

Below is the link for the 1st trial spa and massage.


Anyone interested? I shld be goin on 18-nov.

Sorry ah, the baby spa is $8 off the usual price. Not $8 for the session. The usual price is $30 each session.


Interesting post :D


Thanks for sharing

Baby swimming,

I think i will bring her on her 3rd month or as soon as her head is firmer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz (ok for 9 or 16 nov)

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

In order to curb my cravings for salmon sashimi.. Bo bian i went to epo sushi to buy salmon sushi to eat.. Still not shiok leh!!

Allthanks to the sickening valerie!

hi..i would like to join you all for hi tea...if you are changing the date to 16 Nov.

Hi Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ?

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

Hi Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ?

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop (16th not able to, you guys go ahead ba)

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

Badfifi: no la i saw weiting's post in fbk le n she named the babies ma! Hee

Swimming for babies n kids

I remember reading somewhere tt swiming pool is bad for babies and kids due to the chlorine in the water.. I'm trying to hold back bring bb jayden to swim even thou i v much feel like it! Going to get the big big swim tub frm my fren and let him swim at home hehe


I have still not recovered from my cough. I'd better give the gathering tomorrow at Compasspoint a miss. Don't want to pass the virus to you all. Join you gals another time.

Hi Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ?

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop (16th not able to, you guys go ahead ba)

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

19) Mama G (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

Hi Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ?

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop (16th not able to, you guys go ahead ba)

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle (im ok with both dates)

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

19) Mama G (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

Hi Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

I'm ok with both dates. Can someone help me update?


Y u so unfriendly one? ask pinkyluv to organise hanabi lunch for WEST mummies only.. wat abt us???!!! hahaha...

Btw, u better patch back with your ang mo bf lar.. he is so sad until never poo since fri leh..

Hi-Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

Can i do a poll whether we can change to 16 Nov ?

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango (ok with both dates)

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop (16th not able to, you guys go ahead ba)

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle (im ok with both dates)

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

19) Mama G (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

20) Shinchan (ok with both dates but prefer Orchard Htl Hi-tea)

Pinkyluv, if going to Orhard Htl, y meet at Novena Mrt huh?

Mango, update liao.

Hi mummies, it's been a long time since i login... been struggle with my kids. Wish to join:

Hi-Tea @ Orchard Hotel , to meet at Novena station crtl at 2pm on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 instead

1) pinkyluv ok

2) mango (ok with both dates)

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop (16th not able to, you guys go ahead ba)

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~

13) Optimus Prime ( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

14) Clueless

15) Batgirl( ok only if change to 16 Nov)

16) Ebelle (im ok with both dates)

17) Yvonne (im ok with both dates)

18) chin (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

19) Mama G (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

20) Shinchan (ok with both dates but prefer Orchard Htl Hi-tea)

21) Chewy (ok only if change to 16 Nov)

Hi all,

HOw's everyone doing? I hv been missing out heaps here.. the x'mas KTV sounds so gd!

Been feeling blue since my confinement left as I hv been struggling to look after the 2 kids myself.. arrgh. THinking it's my #2, so thgs shld b easier n juz get my tot involved. But my tot got really violent, he's been pinching, boxing and kicking me, esp when feeding meimei. I feel so upset and keep screaming at him. Aaargh feels I'm a bad mum...I dun wish to scold him but he's been so hyper and jumping all over my furniture and even decorated my white sofa with black ink.. my mum comes over to help but sometimes she makes things worse as she will keep scolding my son and restrict him to play his toys as he loves to make a mess in the living rm but which kid doesn't? IN the end, he hits her too and I feel bad for him as if he's being hated by the 2 care givers now. So tore between 2 kids!!! Wish I hv more time with my baby gal but my son will get less..... sigh.

Mummies with #2, #3 how do u cope? Need some advice, I am going crazy already....


I have the following items for sale:-

1. Similac Stage 2 400g selling at $15 (expiry 15/03/2012)

2. Desitin 40Oz - selling $10

3. Lansinoh breast milk bag 50pcs - 18

Self collect at Bukit Panjang, Clementi, Buona Vista, CCK by appointment.

Kindly pm me if keen.

