(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


On my way to recovery lor, not fully yet. U so fast fully recover liao huh? Maybe I din eat and burp salmon belly that's y take so long.. LOL

It is like that one, your heart will belong to the area where u grew up at. Like me, although I grew up at the north side, my heart oso with the north side. During that period of time when I stayed with my in-laws (not near north), I jus find it so weird, 不像回家.



personally, i m ok=)

ok , then we meet at orchard hotel directly ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

those with UOB card pls bring along , cos 12 diners per card


Confirmed Hi Tea Gathering at Orchard Cafe at 3pm on Tuesday, 16 nov , to meet there directly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have reserved under Jo, just called them")


poor lucas ! hope never kena bronchiti, early this year, my son kena many x ray due to that.v heartpain

and one occassion, as i was pregnant and hb overseas, i followed him inside and can only watch fr afar in another room with a mirror to view out ..see the poor chap baring his chest..naked

Shinchan - I grew up in the west, but moved to stay with my mum at age 13 to stay in the east... Now stay north east, my heart in north east leh... Normadic lifestyle... Haha...

Tigerlily / BBT, congrats on your bb's winning.

Jessica, all things will have its own solution. Let your negative thoughts go away from you, far far far away.

Jac, need 10-2weeks time? Oh no... Today is only the 6th day, I see his rashes recovering, very mild red unlike few days back is very red spots. If like that, Christy can only come back home 2 weeks later loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I miss my baby. Think tmr bring him back to doc for review. Hopefully doc can give the green light for his recovery.


I not bring my helper.. Cus she hv to help me look after No1. See u later.


I wan to join the Orchard hotel outing.. Still possible?

Shinchan - did u buy manuka honey?? I drink it everyday and up to several cups a day... My throat is sooo much better only slight blink n u will miss the pain... I stopped taking medicine once my flu stopped also... Plus drinking PLENTY of water...

Shinchan - jack's place is just beside Sakae sushi... No fish prawn also can, u go there buy salmon belly then faster eat and burp, maybe u'll really recover... Hahaha....


They don't accept phone reservation so I'll be there a bit earlier to get them to prepare a table for us, and reservation under the name MEGON

Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm


1. OP

2. Pat

3. Phyphy

4. Mama G (currently not feeling well so may/may not come)

5. BabyT

6. Elle

7. Shirlyn

8. tigerlily n helper

9. Krishojw

10. Letty

11. Windy?

12. Jeslyn

OP, u are so cute, reserved under your girl's name. Scarli, like sweetest moments, called me and asked to speak to Denise - my girl. I was stunned.


Seems like the sky oso dun want me to go out leh.. sky dark dark and can hear thunder liao.. y like dat??? really gotta sing 我问天,我问天...


hehe, agree with shinchan..great idea to use our girl's name =)

btw, i read ur email and have replied =p


of cos ! no worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies who are coming for Hi Tea on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 at Orchard Hotel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] to meet there directly at 3pm

those with UOB card pls bring along , cos 12 diners per card


ok, cya all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good noon ladies.. Enjoying my 1st maternity leave today after the 8wks block leave.. Feels v good to wake up anytime i wan! Was feeling super tired since mon.. Everyday slp <5hr go to wrk.. Considering to sllwly utilise the 40days remaining maternity leave by applying 1 day everyweek to rest at home..

Shinchan: 我问天我问天,能不能不作弄。。go la! Dont 三心两意!

Im bck to where my heart belongs! Enjoy yaself ladies......

BabyT: u not loyal la.. Half here half there..

Shinchan - mwahahaah... U slowly ask the sky, the only reply is BOOMZ!!!! haha.... Aiya from now till 3pm still got long way...

OP - next time book under transformer... Then tell the waiter that the code name is optimus prime... Ok... I lame... Hehe...

Adelynn - ya lor... U on leave come join us...

Read the news abt the TMC case..so sad if the article is true, that they r putting the bb up for adoption

somehow make me think of The Score


Wah! Idea lor! I'll tell the waiter it's a gathering of the autobots and he need to do screening to mk sure no decepticon join us. So code word is optimus prime. Then all our bb strollers can transform into robots one! Wahrao ei! Hahaha!

You know how some pple will stick the transformer embalm on their cars? Suddenly feel like sticking one on my Girl's Combi stroller! *looks suspiciously at Combi stroller*


Putting up for adoption? Serious? But half of the bb is still the mother's! Imagine carry the bb to full term, the mother can bear to give up the bb?

Yesday I was really damned bored. So bored until I went to read the threads under Support Group for IVF, miscarriages and stillbirth. It's really v sad.

I read that some hv consecutive multiple miscarriages and multiple stillbirth. Can you imagine? I wonder is it better to hv fertility prob, or to be able to conceive but cannot deliver a live bb.


So I think all of us here are v fortunate. Even those of you with 2-3 kids and they are driving u up the wall. When u read the anguish of these ladies, I think you'll happily let your kids drive u mad, n happily go mad also.


saw adoption in in the chinese papers


somehow, i think it may be the hubby who ask the wife to do so..


Yes, I also suspect it'd be the HB.

I wonder if the egg is not hers but the sperm is the HB's, wld they still give up for adoption? Cos even if the egg is not the mother's, she'd hv carried the bb for 40wks n feel the bb kicks n all. How not to feel a bond for the bb? Even those surrogate mothers in India feel bond for the bb they carry and feel hard to let go sometimes (I watch fr documentary on tv).

Op - ur hilarious... Haha...

Pinkyluv, OP - no leh.. I read that they decide to keep the baby cos already bond with the mother le... But really lor.. 害死人... Such a mistake to be made at the expense of other people's happiness... Feel sorry for the family...

Tell u all something very funny...

Everyday around 8pm somebody from property firm will look for the previous owner of my TELEPHONE line... We've scolded, informed and went to the extent of saying the person is dead... Ydae the person called again..

Person: hello, can I speak to mr. Tan Yao BEng...

Me: *sigh* he's breastfeeding...

Person: *silence* *in shock* PARDON????

Me: *kap phone* laugh till pengz with my MIL, SIL and maid... Hahaha...


Wah u winner! Hahaha! Next time if the guy calls again, can give him something more crude "Bo eng lah! He is xxxx-ing his zhar bor!"

The guy on the line sure eyes big big. :D


so funny!! lol

I saw mommies loaded bb photos with detail to the Sept mommies FB, I suan ku... how to add photo to the group ah??

Badfifi - I learn from u de... Hehe...

OP - I was telling my SIL and MIL if they call back again I wil say he's having sex, you wait ar... My MIL and SIL laugh till pengz... Here's a list of things I will use:

- he's dead

- he just died cos u called

- he's breastfeeding

- he's having sex

- he don't want to talk to u

- no such person, he just cut off his dick

- I'm his wife, are you that bitch who's going out with him?

BabyT: my line too!! There will b pple calling to speak to mahandran. N ask if i have a condo for sale or bungalow. I've used this line for 5 yrs liao lo! Shall try ur method. Lolol


Hahaha! I like the "are u the bitch who is going out with him?"! Best if comms to her in Chinese! 你这个贱女人! 不要脸的狐狸精! Scold until ping ping piang piang! Fun!

If it's a guy who call, can also scold him homosexual bas****. Etc etc!

Wah I v bad... :p

BabyT> u is 青出于蓝!!!

Sian I have itchy feet but husband working, cannot bring me out...then I dun wanna always trouble my dad...


If the waiter dont show u to the table, just look out for the zhar bor wearing the black Transformers Autobot tee :D

Yvonne - tell the person paper condo and bungalow incense shop alot... Come with free servants and car, the person wanna buy?? Hehe...

OP - mwahahaha... I actually did that to the Chinese national who called and try to phone scam my hubby... I scolded her 祖宗十八代... I said she got nothing better to do must be too ugly cannot become chicken that's why call and scam people... She say 小姐, 为什么你这样没礼貌... I told her off 跟你这种乌鸦讲话要有礼貌吗?? Kap... Mwahaha... Call back again my hubby told her to F off..

Dear Mommies with flu:

I think bb and I r both down with it. I think I caught it from bb. (possible??) So how? still can BF? How to protect bb from more virus from me?

Also: What do u mommies use to clean bb's tongue? I am using Nuk oral wipes but not effective and bb always make the puking sound when I clean her tongue.I suspect the white-milk residue on her tongue is affecting her appetite (that's what CL told me previously).

Anyone good PD to recommend?Central-east?I actually not sure what zone I come under. Old Airport area, haig, Katong, marine parade? My PD from Gleneagles okok oni...

Tongue cleaning

Am actually using the traditional way: hanky to wipe the tongue every morning while taking shower. Zeynep will cry while doing it. Think no bb like it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jacqueline: my j'don loves it leh.. Hahah.. I will do it when hes playing with me n laughing with his mouth oprn big big then i quickly put my finger in.. Then he will frown but when i use my finger to tap on his lips again n i do d "ahhh" mouth movement, he will follow then i put my finger in again. Then he will laugh n be so happy. Lol!

Ebelle: i use sterile gauze. Put water n clean. Puke sound definately have one. So dont put ur finger too deep in.. Best to do it when ur bb is laughing with mouth open, easier to c n clean imo.

Ya, my mum also say d residue will affect appetite..


yvonne - yah gave water to your bf liao leh but still not poop till now - tomorrow is 1 week anniversary liao loh!

op - you funni one! oh signed up for the hospitalization policy but still processing leh... taking quite long loh!

ebelle - yes continue to bf - when i saw the gp, he kept reminding me to bf cos whatever antibodies our body has developed to fight the flu will then be passed to baby thru bm

bbt - you power ah - will use one of your many tai chi to fend against all those stupid property agents who call up to ask me to sell this property which i only rented and have since moved away for least 5 yrs liao... damn stupid!!!

